Meeting Agenda
I. Call To Order, Roll Call & Establish Quorum
II. Moment of Silence
III. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Flag Pledge
IV. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL)
V. Superintendent's Celebration(s)
V.A. Principals' Month in Texas
V.B. Human Resources Month
VI. Informational Item(s):
VI.A. Presentation of Robstown ISD Education Foundation Recipients
VI.B. American Education Week - November 16-20, 2020
VI.C. List of Bills
VI.D. Financial Statement Report
VI.E. Superintendent Updates
VII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
VII.A. Action: Approval of Minutes
VII.B. Action: Approval of Budget Amendments
VIII. Governance
VIII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval to Waive the President's Report of Board Member's Continuing Education Hours as Allowed by the Texas Commissioner of Education
IX. Business and Support:
IX.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval Authorizing the filing of the CRF Application, Including all Under-Standings and Assurances Contained Therein, and Directing and Authorizing, Dr. Jose Moreno as the Person Identified as the Official Representative
IX.B. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Robstown Independent School District Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2020, and Authorizing the Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, an Investment Letter and Other Instruments and Procedures Related Thereto; and Providing an Effective Date
IX.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of an Order Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse with Tax-Exempt Obligation Proceeds Costs Incurred to Acquire and Install Artificial Turf at the School District's Football, Baseball and Softball Fields
IX.D. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval to Authorize Superintendent/Legal Counsel to Negotiate and Execute Contract with FieldTurf Company to Install Artificial Turf at Robstown ISD Athletic Fields and Matters Related Thereto
X. Instruction
X.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Early College Program Memorandum of Understanding with Del Mar College for 2020-2021 School Year
X.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Action on Cooperative Agreement and Data Sharing Agreement with University of Texas at Austin - On-Ramp Program
X.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Texas State University
X.D. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Maximum Class Size Waiver
XI. Closed Session - Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
XI.A. Discussion of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
XII. Open Session:
XII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
XIII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 14, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call To Order, Roll Call & Establish Quorum
Subject: |
II. Moment of Silence
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Flag Pledge
Subject: |
IV. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL)
Subject: |
V. Superintendent's Celebration(s)
Subject: |
V.A. Principals' Month in Texas
Subject: |
V.B. Human Resources Month
Subject: |
VI. Informational Item(s):
Subject: |
VI.A. Presentation of Robstown ISD Education Foundation Recipients
Subject: |
VI.B. American Education Week - November 16-20, 2020
Subject: |
VI.C. List of Bills
Subject: |
VI.D. Financial Statement Report
Subject: |
VI.E. Superintendent Updates
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
Subject: |
VII.A. Action: Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
VII.B. Action: Approval of Budget Amendments
Subject: |
VIII. Governance
Subject: |
VIII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval to Waive the President's Report of Board Member's Continuing Education Hours as Allowed by the Texas Commissioner of Education
Subject: |
IX. Business and Support:
Subject: |
IX.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval Authorizing the filing of the CRF Application, Including all Under-Standings and Assurances Contained Therein, and Directing and Authorizing, Dr. Jose Moreno as the Person Identified as the Official Representative
Subject: |
IX.B. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Robstown Independent School District Maintenance Tax Notes, Series 2020, and Authorizing the Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, an Investment Letter and Other Instruments and Procedures Related Thereto; and Providing an Effective Date
Subject: |
IX.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of an Order Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse with Tax-Exempt Obligation Proceeds Costs Incurred to Acquire and Install Artificial Turf at the School District's Football, Baseball and Softball Fields
Subject: |
IX.D. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval to Authorize Superintendent/Legal Counsel to Negotiate and Execute Contract with FieldTurf Company to Install Artificial Turf at Robstown ISD Athletic Fields and Matters Related Thereto
Subject: |
X. Instruction
Subject: |
X.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Early College Program Memorandum of Understanding with Del Mar College for 2020-2021 School Year
Subject: |
X.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Action on Cooperative Agreement and Data Sharing Agreement with University of Texas at Austin - On-Ramp Program
Subject: |
X.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Texas State University
Subject: |
X.D. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Maximum Class Size Waiver
Subject: |
XI. Closed Session - Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
Subject: |
XI.A. Discussion of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
Subject: |
XII. Open Session:
Subject: |
XII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
Subject: |
XIII. Adjournment