Meeting Agenda
I. Call To Order and Roll Call
II. Prayer
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL)
V. Superintendent's Celebration(s):
V.A. RECHS Cheerleaders
V.B. RECHS Girl's Basketball Team
V.C. Ortiz Intermediate P.E. Coach - Amanda Guerra
V.D. Seale Jr. High School - Vicente Ybarra
VI. Informational Item(s):
VI.A. Drainage District #2 Presentation
VI.B. Presentation of Check to the RISD Cotton Closet by the Robstown Fire Department and Robstown Volunteer Fire Department
VI.C. List of Bills
VI.D. Financial Statement Report
VI.F. Superintendent Updates
VII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
VII.A. Action: Approval of Minutes
VII.B. Approval of Budget Amendments
VIII. Governance:
VIII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resolution for Place 7, Board of Directors, Nueces County Appraisal District
IX. Business and Support:
IX.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Stipend for Inclusion Teachers
IX.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Compensation Plan Amendment
IX.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Purchase Order Exceeding $50,000 for Professional Development
IX.D. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Purchase Order Exceeding $50,000 for Autism Grant Sensory Room
IX.E. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Purchase Order Exceeding $50,000 for the Chiller at Seale Jr. High School
X. Instruction
X.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Class Size Waiver
X.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Revisions to the 2019-2020 School Calendar
XI. Closed Session - Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
XI.A. Discussion of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
XII. Open Session:
XII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
XIII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 16, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call To Order and Roll Call
Subject: |
II. Prayer
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
IV. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL)
Subject: |
V. Superintendent's Celebration(s):
Subject: |
V.A. RECHS Cheerleaders
Subject: |
V.B. RECHS Girl's Basketball Team
Subject: |
V.C. Ortiz Intermediate P.E. Coach - Amanda Guerra
Subject: |
V.D. Seale Jr. High School - Vicente Ybarra
Subject: |
VI. Informational Item(s):
Subject: |
VI.A. Drainage District #2 Presentation
Subject: |
VI.B. Presentation of Check to the RISD Cotton Closet by the Robstown Fire Department and Robstown Volunteer Fire Department
Subject: |
VI.C. List of Bills
Subject: |
VI.D. Financial Statement Report
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI.F. Superintendent Updates
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
Subject: |
VII.A. Action: Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
VII.B. Approval of Budget Amendments
Subject: |
VIII. Governance:
Subject: |
VIII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resolution for Place 7, Board of Directors, Nueces County Appraisal District
Subject: |
IX. Business and Support:
Subject: |
IX.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Stipend for Inclusion Teachers
Subject: |
IX.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Compensation Plan Amendment
Subject: |
IX.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Purchase Order Exceeding $50,000 for Professional Development
Subject: |
IX.D. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Purchase Order Exceeding $50,000 for Autism Grant Sensory Room
Subject: |
IX.E. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Purchase Order Exceeding $50,000 for the Chiller at Seale Jr. High School
Subject: |
X. Instruction
Subject: |
X.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of a Class Size Waiver
Subject: |
X.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Revisions to the 2019-2020 School Calendar
Subject: |
XI. Closed Session - Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
Subject: |
XI.A. Discussion of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
Subject: |
XII. Open Session:
Subject: |
XII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resignations, Appointments, and Terminations
Subject: |
XIII. Adjournment