Meeting Agenda
I. Call To Order and Roll Call
II. Prayer
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Superintendent's Celebration(s):
IV.A. RECHS Cross Country Winners
IV.B. RECHS Band Recognition
IV.C. Recognition of Seale Jr. High School Choir Students
IV.D. Proud You're a Picker Award
V. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL)
VI. Informational Item(s):
VI.A. RISD Facilities Update
VI.B. American Education Week - November 13-17, 2017
VI.C. Thanksgiving Break - November 20-24, 2017
VI.D. Christmas Break - December 18, 2017, through January 3, 2018 (Payroll Periods: December 8, 2017, and December 15, 2017)
VI.E. Distribution of Update 109
VI.F. Winter Governance and Legal Seminar on March 1-3, 2018, in Galveston, Texas
VI.G. 85th Texas Legislative Update to the Education Code for Board of Trustees - Monday, December 4, 2017, Robstown ISD
VII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
VII.A. Action: Approval of Minutes
VII.B. Action: Approval of List of Bills
VII.C. Action: Approval of Budget Amendment(s)
VIII. Governance
VIII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Continuation of Live Streaming RISD Board Meetings
VIII.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Superintendent 2017-2018 Performance Goals
VIII.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Board of Directors - Place 7 Nueces County Appraisal District for 2018-2019 Term Resolution
IX. Business and Support:
IX.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of the Robstown ISD Financial Accountability Rating (FIRST)
IX.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Awarding Competitive Sealed Proposals for RECHS Additions and Renovations Phase 2
IX.C. Action: Discuss and Consider a Winter Incentive
X. Personnel:
X.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resignations, Appointments and Terminations
X.B. Action: Discuss and Consider the Creation of Position for a Social Worker
XI. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 14, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call To Order and Roll Call
Subject: |
II. Prayer
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
IV. Superintendent's Celebration(s):
Subject: |
IV.A. RECHS Cross Country Winners
Subject: |
IV.B. RECHS Band Recognition
Subject: |
IV.C. Recognition of Seale Jr. High School Choir Students
Subject: |
IV.D. Proud You're a Picker Award
Subject: |
V. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL)
Subject: |
VI. Informational Item(s):
Subject: |
VI.A. RISD Facilities Update
Subject: |
VI.B. American Education Week - November 13-17, 2017
Subject: |
VI.C. Thanksgiving Break - November 20-24, 2017
Subject: |
VI.D. Christmas Break - December 18, 2017, through January 3, 2018 (Payroll Periods: December 8, 2017, and December 15, 2017)
Subject: |
VI.E. Distribution of Update 109
Subject: |
VI.F. Winter Governance and Legal Seminar on March 1-3, 2018, in Galveston, Texas
Subject: |
VI.G. 85th Texas Legislative Update to the Education Code for Board of Trustees - Monday, December 4, 2017, Robstown ISD
Subject: |
VII. Consent Agenda Item(s):
Subject: |
VII.A. Action: Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
VII.B. Action: Approval of List of Bills
Subject: |
VII.C. Action: Approval of Budget Amendment(s)
Subject: |
VIII. Governance
Subject: |
VIII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Continuation of Live Streaming RISD Board Meetings
Subject: |
VIII.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Superintendent 2017-2018 Performance Goals
Subject: |
VIII.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Board of Directors - Place 7 Nueces County Appraisal District for 2018-2019 Term Resolution
Subject: |
IX. Business and Support:
Subject: |
IX.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of the Robstown ISD Financial Accountability Rating (FIRST)
Subject: |
IX.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Awarding Competitive Sealed Proposals for RECHS Additions and Renovations Phase 2
Subject: |
IX.C. Action: Discuss and Consider a Winter Incentive
Subject: |
X. Personnel:
Subject: |
X.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resignations, Appointments and Terminations
Subject: |
X.B. Action: Discuss and Consider the Creation of Position for a Social Worker
Subject: |
XI. Adjournment