Meeting Agenda
1. "This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda."
2. Call Meeting to Order
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve the Agenda
5. Proper Notice Verification
6. Approval of Minutes
6.A. December 16, 2019 - Regular
6.B. December 16, 2019 - Closed
7. Review Bills
8. Treasurer's Report
9. Action Items
9.A. Approve OLA Restoration
9.B. Approve Resolution Authorizing The School District Budget To Exceed The Revenue Limit
9.C. Approve Initial Resolution Authorizing General Obligation Bonds
9.D. Approve Resolution Calling A Referendum Election
9.E. Approve Number of Open Enrollments for the 2020-21 School Year
9.F. Approve Spring Coaches
9.G. Accept Retirements and Resignation
9.H. Approve New Hires
9.I. Approve FLMA Leave
9.J. Approve New Mascot
9.K. Approve Jr. ROTC
9.L. Approve the Audited Financials
9.M. Approve Summer School
9.N. Approve Summer Food Service Program
9.O. Approve 2020-21 School Year Calendar
9.P. Approve New Bell Schedule for 2020-21
9.Q. Approve Course Handbook
9.R. Approve Administrative Contacts
10. Discussion Items
10.A. Dean of Students Report
10.A.1. Attendance
10.A.2. Discipline
10.A.3. Behavioral Health Resource from Gundersen
10.B. Director of Special Education/Title 1 Coordinator Report
10.B.1. Title
10.B.2. Testing
10.B.3. New Hires
10.B.4. IEP Meetings
10.C. District Bookkeeper's Report
10.C.1. Federal and State Reporting
10.D. Principal Report
10.D.1. Evaluations
10.D.2. Rubrics
10.D.3. Grading
10.D.4. Up Coming Events
10.E. Administrator's Report
10.E.1. Student Attendance
10.E.2. Updating Website
10.E.3. Superintendent Meeting
10.E.4. Open Enrollment Violation
10.E.5. School Events
10.E.6. Publicity
11. Public Forum
12. Closed Session
12.A. The Board of Education will entertain a motion to convene in closed session, pursuant to §19.85(1)(f) and §118.125(1)(a)(c), Wis. Stats. The Board may take action in closed session.
12.A.1. Review of Pre-expulsion Agreement with Student
12.B. WI Statutes 19.85 1(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data.
12.B.1. Administrative Evaluations
13. Reconvene in Open Session
14. Adjourn Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 20, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. "This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda."
Subject: |
2. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
4. Approve the Agenda
Subject: |
5. Proper Notice Verification
Subject: |
6. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
6.A. December 16, 2019 - Regular
Subject: |
6.B. December 16, 2019 - Closed
Subject: |
7. Review Bills
Subject: |
8. Treasurer's Report
Subject: |
9. Action Items
Subject: |
9.A. Approve OLA Restoration
Subject: |
9.B. Approve Resolution Authorizing The School District Budget To Exceed The Revenue Limit
Subject: |
9.C. Approve Initial Resolution Authorizing General Obligation Bonds
Subject: |
9.D. Approve Resolution Calling A Referendum Election
Subject: |
9.E. Approve Number of Open Enrollments for the 2020-21 School Year
Subject: |
9.F. Approve Spring Coaches
Subject: |
9.G. Accept Retirements and Resignation
Subject: |
9.H. Approve New Hires
Subject: |
9.I. Approve FLMA Leave
Subject: |
9.J. Approve New Mascot
Subject: |
9.K. Approve Jr. ROTC
Subject: |
9.L. Approve the Audited Financials
Subject: |
9.M. Approve Summer School
Subject: |
9.N. Approve Summer Food Service Program
Subject: |
9.O. Approve 2020-21 School Year Calendar
Subject: |
9.P. Approve New Bell Schedule for 2020-21
Subject: |
9.Q. Approve Course Handbook
Subject: |
9.R. Approve Administrative Contacts
Subject: |
10. Discussion Items
Subject: |
10.A. Dean of Students Report
Subject: |
10.A.1. Attendance
Subject: |
10.A.2. Discipline
Subject: |
10.A.3. Behavioral Health Resource from Gundersen
Subject: |
10.B. Director of Special Education/Title 1 Coordinator Report
Subject: |
10.B.1. Title
Subject: |
10.B.2. Testing
Subject: |
10.B.3. New Hires
Subject: |
10.B.4. IEP Meetings
Subject: |
10.C. District Bookkeeper's Report
Subject: |
10.C.1. Federal and State Reporting
Subject: |
10.D. Principal Report
Subject: |
10.D.1. Evaluations
Subject: |
10.D.2. Rubrics
Subject: |
10.D.3. Grading
Subject: |
10.D.4. Up Coming Events
Subject: |
10.E. Administrator's Report
Subject: |
10.E.1. Student Attendance
Subject: |
10.E.2. Updating Website
Subject: |
10.E.3. Superintendent Meeting
Subject: |
10.E.4. Open Enrollment Violation
Subject: |
10.E.5. School Events
Subject: |
10.E.6. Publicity
Subject: |
11. Public Forum
Subject: |
12. Closed Session
Subject: |
12.A. The Board of Education will entertain a motion to convene in closed session, pursuant to §19.85(1)(f) and §118.125(1)(a)(c), Wis. Stats. The Board may take action in closed session.
Subject: |
12.A.1. Review of Pre-expulsion Agreement with Student
Subject: |
12.B. WI Statutes 19.85 1(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data.
Subject: |
12.B.1. Administrative Evaluations
Subject: |
13. Reconvene in Open Session
Subject: |
14. Adjourn Meeting