Meeting Agenda
1. "This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda."
2. Call Meeting to Order
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve the Agenda
5. Proper Notice Verification
6. Approval of Minutes
6.A. March 18, 2019 - Regular
6.B. March 18, 2019 - Closed
6.C. March 20, 2019 - Building and Ground Committee
6.D. March 21, 2019 - Policy Committee
6.E. April 1, 2019 - Policy Committee
7. Review Bills
8. Treasurer's Report
9. Action Items
9.A. Approve FEH Design & Kraemer Brothers to Lead us in the Referendum Process
9.B. Accept Donation from Joel & Andrea Jacobson
9.C. Approve the Golf Co-op with Hillsboro for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 seasons
9.D. Approve Fall Coaching Contracts
9.E. Approve Gundersen Health System Athletic Trainer Contract
9.F. Accept Resignation
9.G. Approve Custodian Summer Help
9.H. Approve Building and Grounds Summer Projects
9.H.1. Moving Library to Downstairs to Current Study Hall Rooms
9.H.2. Moving Band Room to the Current Library
9.H.3. Making Current Band Room into a Commons Area
9.I. Appoint Board Member(s) to Handout Diplomas at Graduation
9.J. Approve CESA 4 Contract
9.K. Appoint CESA 4 Representative
9.L. Approve 2019-20 Schedule
9.M. Approve Graduation Day for 2020
9.N. Seconding read of the Bylaws
9.O. First reading of the 1000 Policies, Administrative Guidelines and Forms
9.P. Approve Teacher Make-up Days
9.Q. Approve to Pursuit Changes in the Post Retirement Benefits
9.R. Approve Salaries for Support Staff
9.S. Approve Salaries for Teaching Contracts
9.T. Approve Contracts and Salaries for Administration and Directors
9.U. Approve Washington, DC trip for 2020
9.V. Approve Hawaii Trip for 2021
9.W. Approve Use of Building
10. Discussion Items
10.A. Director of Maintenance Report
10.A.1. DSPS Compliance Report
10.B. Guidance Counselor Report
10.B.1. Training Attended
10.B.2. WEF/Career Expo
10.B.3. College/Military Representative Visits
10.B.4. Class of 2019
10.B.5. Scholarships
10.B.6. Conferencing
10.B.7. Scheduling/Course Selections
10.B.8. Transition
10.C. Dean of Student Report
10.C.1. Discipline
10.C.2. Attendance
10.D. Director of Special Education/Title 1 Coordinator Report
10.D.1. ACT Scores
10.D.2. Testing
10.D.3. Caseloads
10.D.4. In-house Counselor
10.D.5. Summer School
10.E. District Bookkeeper's Report
10.E.1. Budget
10.E.2. Notary
10.E.3. Accounting Conference
10.E.4. Insurance
10.F. Principal Report
10.F.1. Closed Campus
10.F.2. Attendance
10.F.3. Discipline
10.G. Administrator's Report
10.G.1. Post Retirement
10.G.2. Upcoming Events
10.G.3. Mental Health
10.G.4. Student Awards
10.G.5. Phone-Technology
10.G.6. Student Testing
11. Public Forum
12. Closed Session
12.A. WI Statutes 19.85 1(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data.
12.A.1. Teacher Contracts/Salaries
12.B. WI Statutes 19.85 1(f) Considering disciplinary data of specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person.
12.B.1. Board Attendance
12.B.2. Student Behavior - Ms. Thompson
13. Reconvene in Open Session
14. Adjourn Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 15, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. "This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda."
Subject: |
2. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
4. Approve the Agenda
Subject: |
5. Proper Notice Verification
Subject: |
6. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
6.A. March 18, 2019 - Regular
Subject: |
6.B. March 18, 2019 - Closed
Subject: |
6.C. March 20, 2019 - Building and Ground Committee
Subject: |
6.D. March 21, 2019 - Policy Committee
Subject: |
6.E. April 1, 2019 - Policy Committee
Subject: |
7. Review Bills
Subject: |
8. Treasurer's Report
Subject: |
9. Action Items
Subject: |
9.A. Approve FEH Design & Kraemer Brothers to Lead us in the Referendum Process
Subject: |
9.B. Accept Donation from Joel & Andrea Jacobson
Subject: |
9.C. Approve the Golf Co-op with Hillsboro for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 seasons
Subject: |
9.D. Approve Fall Coaching Contracts
Subject: |
9.E. Approve Gundersen Health System Athletic Trainer Contract
Subject: |
9.F. Accept Resignation
Subject: |
9.G. Approve Custodian Summer Help
Subject: |
9.H. Approve Building and Grounds Summer Projects
Subject: |
9.H.1. Moving Library to Downstairs to Current Study Hall Rooms
Subject: |
9.H.2. Moving Band Room to the Current Library
Subject: |
9.H.3. Making Current Band Room into a Commons Area
Subject: |
9.I. Appoint Board Member(s) to Handout Diplomas at Graduation
Subject: |
9.J. Approve CESA 4 Contract
Subject: |
9.K. Appoint CESA 4 Representative
Subject: |
9.L. Approve 2019-20 Schedule
Subject: |
9.M. Approve Graduation Day for 2020
Subject: |
9.N. Seconding read of the Bylaws
Subject: |
9.O. First reading of the 1000 Policies, Administrative Guidelines and Forms
Subject: |
9.P. Approve Teacher Make-up Days
Subject: |
9.Q. Approve to Pursuit Changes in the Post Retirement Benefits
Subject: |
9.R. Approve Salaries for Support Staff
Subject: |
9.S. Approve Salaries for Teaching Contracts
Subject: |
9.T. Approve Contracts and Salaries for Administration and Directors
Subject: |
9.U. Approve Washington, DC trip for 2020
Subject: |
9.V. Approve Hawaii Trip for 2021
Subject: |
9.W. Approve Use of Building
Subject: |
10. Discussion Items
Subject: |
10.A. Director of Maintenance Report
Subject: |
10.A.1. DSPS Compliance Report
Subject: |
10.B. Guidance Counselor Report
Subject: |
10.B.1. Training Attended
Subject: |
10.B.2. WEF/Career Expo
Subject: |
10.B.3. College/Military Representative Visits
Subject: |
10.B.4. Class of 2019
Subject: |
10.B.5. Scholarships
Subject: |
10.B.6. Conferencing
Subject: |
10.B.7. Scheduling/Course Selections
Subject: |
10.B.8. Transition
Subject: |
10.C. Dean of Student Report
Subject: |
10.C.1. Discipline
Subject: |
10.C.2. Attendance
Subject: |
10.D. Director of Special Education/Title 1 Coordinator Report
Subject: |
10.D.1. ACT Scores
Subject: |
10.D.2. Testing
Subject: |
10.D.3. Caseloads
Subject: |
10.D.4. In-house Counselor
Subject: |
10.D.5. Summer School
Subject: |
10.E. District Bookkeeper's Report
Subject: |
10.E.1. Budget
Subject: |
10.E.2. Notary
Subject: |
10.E.3. Accounting Conference
Subject: |
10.E.4. Insurance
Subject: |
10.F. Principal Report
Subject: |
10.F.1. Closed Campus
Subject: |
10.F.2. Attendance
Subject: |
10.F.3. Discipline
Subject: |
10.G. Administrator's Report
Subject: |
10.G.1. Post Retirement
Subject: |
10.G.2. Upcoming Events
Subject: |
10.G.3. Mental Health
Subject: |
10.G.4. Student Awards
Subject: |
10.G.5. Phone-Technology
Subject: |
10.G.6. Student Testing
Subject: |
11. Public Forum
Subject: |
12. Closed Session
Subject: |
12.A. WI Statutes 19.85 1(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data.
Subject: |
12.A.1. Teacher Contracts/Salaries
Subject: |
12.B. WI Statutes 19.85 1(f) Considering disciplinary data of specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person.
Subject: |
12.B.1. Board Attendance
Subject: |
12.B.2. Student Behavior - Ms. Thompson
Subject: |
13. Reconvene in Open Session
Subject: |
14. Adjourn Meeting