Meeting Agenda
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Approve the Agenda
3. Proper Notice Verification
4. Approval of Minutes
4.A. March 17, 2014 Regular Meeting
4.B. March 17, 2014 Closed session
5. Review Bills
6. Treasurer's Report
7. Public Forum
8. Discussion Items
8.A. Hillsboro Bank Report
8.B. Information Technology Director's Report
8.C. Curriculum Director's Report
8.D. Principal's Report
8.E. Business Manager's Report
8.F. Administrator's Report
8.G. 2014-15 Preliminary Budget
8.H. RtI Review and Update
8.I. Review Scheduling and staffing for 2014-2015
8.J. Press box project update and thanks to Al Keller
9. Action Items
9.A. Approval of 2013-2014 Student Last Day
9.B. Approve 2014-2015 Calendar Proposal
9.C. Approve storage building project
9.D. Approval of Attendance at National MAPS Conference
9.E. Approve Policies Series 300 changes.
9.F. Accept Retirements and Resignations
10. Closed Session
10.A. WI Statutes 19.85 1(c) considering employment. promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data.
10.A.1. Staffing & Personnel Reviews
10.A.2. Administrator contract
10.B. The Board of Education will reconvene in open session to take such action as appropriate regarding closed session on matters, and/or adjourn the meeting.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
2. Approve the Agenda
Subject: |
3. Proper Notice Verification
Subject: |
4. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
4.A. March 17, 2014 Regular Meeting
Subject: |
4.B. March 17, 2014 Closed session
Subject: |
5. Review Bills
Subject: |
6. Treasurer's Report
Subject: |
7. Public Forum
Subject: |
8. Discussion Items
Subject: |
8.A. Hillsboro Bank Report
Subject: |
8.B. Information Technology Director's Report
Subject: |
8.C. Curriculum Director's Report
Subject: |
8.D. Principal's Report
Subject: |
8.E. Business Manager's Report
Subject: |
8.F. Administrator's Report
Subject: |
8.G. 2014-15 Preliminary Budget
Subject: |
8.H. RtI Review and Update
Subject: |
8.I. Review Scheduling and staffing for 2014-2015
Subject: |
8.J. Press box project update and thanks to Al Keller
Subject: |
9. Action Items
Subject: |
9.A. Approval of 2013-2014 Student Last Day
Subject: |
9.B. Approve 2014-2015 Calendar Proposal
Subject: |
9.C. Approve storage building project
Subject: |
9.D. Approval of Attendance at National MAPS Conference
Subject: |
9.E. Approve Policies Series 300 changes.
Subject: |
9.F. Accept Retirements and Resignations
Subject: |
10. Closed Session
Subject: |
10.A. WI Statutes 19.85 1(c) considering employment. promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data.
Subject: |
10.A.1. Staffing & Personnel Reviews
Subject: |
10.A.2. Administrator contract
Review current plans & progress.
Subject: |
10.B. The Board of Education will reconvene in open session to take such action as appropriate regarding closed session on matters, and/or adjourn the meeting.