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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order/Announce Quorum
2. Invocation/Pledges to Flags
3. Vision Statement
3.A. Honoring Traditions, Elevating Expectations, Cultivation Leaders
4. Public Participation
5. Presentation/Recognition:  
5.A. Esports Team-Logan Luster, Logan Wehrwein
UIL Speech and Academics- Zachary Sanchez (State Qualifier)
Logan Wehrwein
Logan Luster
A.J. Ragland
Garrett Munson
Kenneth Cordero
6. Non Action Items (Discussion Items/Reports)
6.A. Board Member comments/announcements/calendar time
6.B. Curriculum and instruction report
6.C. Campus reports
6.D. Discussion on Rooms Report-Chantilly Sweet
6.E. Discuss Report on the 4th Grade swimming program-Doug & Kelly Patterson
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider and approve the consent agenda
7.A.1. Minutes
7.A.2. Financial report
7.A.3. Consider and approve Vernon ISD School Library Collection Development Policy
7.A.4. Consider and approve Policy and Procedures for the Academically Gifted and Talented.
7.A.5. Consider and approve the MOU for Teachworthy and Vernon ISD
7.A.6. Consider and approve a contract with Lynn Ramsey as the Owner Representative for the Vernon ISD roofing projects.
7.A.7. Consider and approve the MOU with Indiana Wesleyan University and Vernon ISD
7.B. Canvass Election results to Declare the December 14, 2024, Board of Trustees Election results.
7.C. Order General Election for Board of Trustee Place 3,4,5
8. Lone Star Governance
8.A. GPM 4.1, GPM 4.2
8.B. Superintendent Constraints-1. The superintendent shall not allow any VISD campus to have an accountability rating below a 70.
1.2 - The number of Vernon ISD goal review meetings attended by the superintendent will increase from 0 in June 2023 to 1 each semester on each campus by June 2028.
8.C. Board Self-Constraints-2. The board members as individuals will review the board book in its entirety prior to coming to the board meeting to be adequately prepared.
9. Adjournment to Closed Session
9.A. Discussion of Superintendent Evaluation
9.B. Discussion of Superintendent Contract
9.C. Personnel
9.C.1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 a governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, including a discussion concerning the appointment of a Trustee. 

9.C.1.a. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically regarding a recommendation to send notice of proposed mid-year termination of Zoe Johnston probationary contract for good cause.

9.C.1.a.1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically regarding a recommendation to send notice of proposed mid-year termination of  Zoe Johnston probationary contract for good cause.

9.D. Discuss the deployment of specific occasions for, or implementation of security personnel or devices, or security audit 551.076 
Safety and Security
Intruder Detection Audit Findings
TxSSC Intrusion Detection Assessment
Vernon ISD Emergency Operation Plan
Vernon ISD Threat Annex
Vernon ISD Weekly Door Sweeps
Vernon ISD SRO Program
10. Reconvene to Open Session

10.A. Consideration and possible action to approve the recommendation of the Superintendent, as presented, to send notice of proposed mid-year termination for good cause to  Zoe Johnston.

11. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: December 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/Announce Quorum
2. Invocation/Pledges to Flags
3. Vision Statement
3.A. Honoring Traditions, Elevating Expectations, Cultivation Leaders
4. Public Participation
5. Presentation/Recognition:  
5.A. Esports Team-Logan Luster, Logan Wehrwein
UIL Speech and Academics- Zachary Sanchez (State Qualifier)
Logan Wehrwein
Logan Luster
A.J. Ragland
Garrett Munson
Kenneth Cordero
6. Non Action Items (Discussion Items/Reports)
6.A. Board Member comments/announcements/calendar time
6.B. Curriculum and instruction report
6.C. Campus reports
6.D. Discussion on Rooms Report-Chantilly Sweet
6.E. Discuss Report on the 4th Grade swimming program-Doug & Kelly Patterson
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider and approve the consent agenda
7.A.1. Minutes
7.A.2. Financial report
7.A.3. Consider and approve Vernon ISD School Library Collection Development Policy
7.A.4. Consider and approve Policy and Procedures for the Academically Gifted and Talented.
7.A.5. Consider and approve the MOU for Teachworthy and Vernon ISD
7.A.6. Consider and approve a contract with Lynn Ramsey as the Owner Representative for the Vernon ISD roofing projects.
7.A.7. Consider and approve the MOU with Indiana Wesleyan University and Vernon ISD
7.B. Canvass Election results to Declare the December 14, 2024, Board of Trustees Election results.
7.C. Order General Election for Board of Trustee Place 3,4,5
8. Lone Star Governance
8.A. GPM 4.1, GPM 4.2
8.B. Superintendent Constraints-1. The superintendent shall not allow any VISD campus to have an accountability rating below a 70.
1.2 - The number of Vernon ISD goal review meetings attended by the superintendent will increase from 0 in June 2023 to 1 each semester on each campus by June 2028.
8.C. Board Self-Constraints-2. The board members as individuals will review the board book in its entirety prior to coming to the board meeting to be adequately prepared.
Board Self-Constraints-2. The board members as individuals will review the board book in its entirety prior to coming to the board meeting to be adequately prepared.
9. Adjournment to Closed Session
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice the Board should determine that a closed meeting or session should be held or is required in relation to any item presented to the Board in this agenda, then such Closed Meeting or Session as authorized by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board at that date, hour, and place given in this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such Closed Meeting or Session concerning any and all subjects and all purposes permitted by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code of said Open Meetings Act including the following sections and purposes:

Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee;  or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.  
9.A. Discussion of Superintendent Evaluation
9.B. Discussion of Superintendent Contract
9.C. Personnel
9.C.1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 a governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, including a discussion concerning the appointment of a Trustee. 

9.C.1.a. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically regarding a recommendation to send notice of proposed mid-year termination of Zoe Johnston probationary contract for good cause.


9.C.1.a.1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically regarding a recommendation to send notice of proposed mid-year termination of  Zoe Johnston probationary contract for good cause.

9.D. Discuss the deployment of specific occasions for, or implementation of security personnel or devices, or security audit 551.076 
Safety and Security
Intruder Detection Audit Findings
TxSSC Intrusion Detection Assessment
Vernon ISD Emergency Operation Plan
Vernon ISD Threat Annex
Vernon ISD Weekly Door Sweeps
Vernon ISD SRO Program
10. Reconvene to Open Session

10.A. Consideration and possible action to approve the recommendation of the Superintendent, as presented, to send notice of proposed mid-year termination for good cause to  Zoe Johnston.

11. Adjournment

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