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Meeting Agenda
1. Meeting Called to Order
1.A. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
2. Acknowledgement of Visitors/Citizens to be Heard
3. 2011-2012 Proposed Budget Update
4. Discussion Items/Reports
4.A. Reinstate Elementary Art Teachers
4.B. Reinstate the AVID Program
4.C. Compensation Plan
5. Discussion/Consideration of Action Items
5.A. Consider and take possible action(s) regarding approval of the School Start and End Times for the 2011-2012 School Year
5.B. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of Request for Proposals 11-31 Salinas ES Drainage & Playground Improvements, Authority for Contract Negotiation and Contract Execution.
5.C. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of Expenditures Equal to or Greater than $50,000
5.C.1. College Board
5.D. Consider and take possible action to approve each Line Item involving stipends, reduction of extra duty days, bus routes, and non-contractual at will employees in the JISD Budget Reduction Recommendations
5.E. Consider and take possible action to approve each line item involving the Reinstatement or the Creation of Professional Position or Program Costs for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year
6. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 27, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Special Meeting
1. Meeting Called to Order
1.A. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
2. Acknowledgement of Visitors/Citizens to be Heard
3. 2011-2012 Proposed Budget Update
4. Discussion Items/Reports
4.A. Reinstate Elementary Art Teachers
4.B. Reinstate the AVID Program
4.C. Compensation Plan
5. Discussion/Consideration of Action Items
5.A. Consider and take possible action(s) regarding approval of the School Start and End Times for the 2011-2012 School Year
5.B. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of Request for Proposals 11-31 Salinas ES Drainage & Playground Improvements, Authority for Contract Negotiation and Contract Execution.
5.C. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of Expenditures Equal to or Greater than $50,000
5.C.1. College Board
5.D. Consider and take possible action to approve each Line Item involving stipends, reduction of extra duty days, bus routes, and non-contractual at will employees in the JISD Budget Reduction Recommendations
5.E. Consider and take possible action to approve each line item involving the Reinstatement or the Creation of Professional Position or Program Costs for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year
6. Adjournment

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