Meeting Agenda
I. Minutes from previous meeting
II. Presentation from Ag Issues Team |
III.A. Enrollment
III.B. Substitute Report
III.C. 2012- 2013 School Calendar Draft
III.D. Annual Report of Immunization Status 2011-2012 |
III.E. TEA Letter regarding Compliance Report - 100% Compliant |
III.F. Food Service |
III.F.1. Region 9 Audit Closed
III.F.2. Summer Feeding Program
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.A.1. Maintenance Issues
IV.A.1.a. Light Pole Inspections
IV.A.1.b. Ag Science Front Door Replaced
IV.A.2. Facilities Update
IV.B. Campus Principals', Athletic and Band Director's Reports
IV.C. Student Drug Testing
IV.D. Career and Technology Expenditures
IV.E. Security Cameras
V.A. Approve HVAC Bid from Garlington Brown pending receiving Texas Cool Schools Grant. |
V.B. Approve TASB Update 91.
V.C. Approve modifications to EIA Local policy. |
V.D. Approve Adjunct Faculty Agreement with Garrett Gilliam - CEA - Ag County Coordinator
V.E. Approve 4-H Organization to be sanctioned as an extra-curricular activity. |
V.F. Approve Meats Judging Trip to Denver, Colorado, January 5 to January 8, 2012.
V.G. Declare surplus property to be disposed of by the Superintendent in the best interest of the district
V.H. Consider bids on delinquent properties.
V.I. Financial Reports
V.I.1. Tax Report
V.I.2. Accounting Reports
V.I.3. Bills
V.I.4. Budget Amendments
V.J. Personnel
V.J.1. Approve new Substitute Teacher applicants
V.J.2. Campus Staffing Patterns
V.K. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 17, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
I. Minutes from previous meeting
Subject: |
II. Presentation from Ag Issues Team |
Subject: |
Subject: |
III.A. Enrollment
Subject: |
III.B. Substitute Report
Subject: |
III.C. 2012- 2013 School Calendar Draft
Subject: |
III.D. Annual Report of Immunization Status 2011-2012 |
Subject: |
III.E. TEA Letter regarding Compliance Report - 100% Compliant |
Subject: |
III.F. Food Service |
Subject: |
III.F.1. Region 9 Audit Closed
Subject: |
III.F.2. Summer Feeding Program
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
IV.A.1. Maintenance Issues
Subject: |
IV.A.1.a. Light Pole Inspections
Subject: |
IV.A.1.b. Ag Science Front Door Replaced
Subject: |
IV.A.2. Facilities Update
Subject: |
IV.B. Campus Principals', Athletic and Band Director's Reports
Subject: |
IV.C. Student Drug Testing
Subject: |
IV.D. Career and Technology Expenditures
Subject: |
IV.E. Security Cameras
Subject: |
Subject: |
V.A. Approve HVAC Bid from Garlington Brown pending receiving Texas Cool Schools Grant. |
Subject: |
V.B. Approve TASB Update 91.
Subject: |
V.C. Approve modifications to EIA Local policy. |
Subject: |
V.D. Approve Adjunct Faculty Agreement with Garrett Gilliam - CEA - Ag County Coordinator
Subject: |
V.E. Approve 4-H Organization to be sanctioned as an extra-curricular activity. |
Subject: |
V.F. Approve Meats Judging Trip to Denver, Colorado, January 5 to January 8, 2012.
Subject: |
V.G. Declare surplus property to be disposed of by the Superintendent in the best interest of the district
Subject: |
V.H. Consider bids on delinquent properties.
Subject: |
V.I. Financial Reports
Subject: |
V.I.1. Tax Report
Subject: |
V.I.2. Accounting Reports
Subject: |
V.I.3. Bills
Subject: |
V.I.4. Budget Amendments
Subject: |
V.J. Personnel
Subject: |
V.J.1. Approve new Substitute Teacher applicants
Subject: |
V.J.2. Campus Staffing Patterns
Subject: |
V.K. Adjourn