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Meeting Agenda
I. Roll Call
II. Approve Agenda
III. Superintendent's Report
IV. President's Report
V. Principals/Directors' Updates
VI. Communications and Public Comment
VII. Consent Agenda
A. May 12, 2024 Minutes
B. June 10, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
C. June 10, 2024 Closed Session Minutes
D. FS Bills Payable
E. SA Bills Payable
F. GF Bills Payable
VIII. Old Business
Approve 2023-2024 Amended Budgets and 2024-2025 Proposed Original Budgets

VIII. A. Food Service Budgets
     1) 2023-2024 Amended Food Service Budget
     2) 2024-2025 Proposed Food Service Budget

VIII. B Original Budgets
     1) 2023-2024 Amended Original Budget
     2) 2024-2025 Proposed Original Budget
        2A) Budget Reduction Plan

VIII.  C. School Activity Fund Budgets
     1) 2023-2024 Amended School Activity Fund Budget
     2) 2024-2025 Proposed School Activity Fund Budget

VIII.  D. Approve Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notes in Anticipation of State School Aid
IX. New Business
  1. Personnel Report with J. Murray Contract
  2. Benchmark Information
  3. Internet Safety Policy
  4. MHSAA Resolution
  5. NWEA Growth Information
X. Closed Session - Negotiations
XI. Open Session - Continuation of Meeting
XII. Other
XIII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: June 17, 2024 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting
I. Roll Call
II. Approve Agenda
III. Superintendent's Report
IV. President's Report
V. Principals/Directors' Updates
VI. Communications and Public Comment
VII. Consent Agenda
A. May 12, 2024 Minutes
B. June 10, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
C. June 10, 2024 Closed Session Minutes
D. FS Bills Payable
E. SA Bills Payable
F. GF Bills Payable
VIII. Old Business
Approve 2023-2024 Amended Budgets and 2024-2025 Proposed Original Budgets

VIII. A. Food Service Budgets
     1) 2023-2024 Amended Food Service Budget
     2) 2024-2025 Proposed Food Service Budget

VIII. B Original Budgets
     1) 2023-2024 Amended Original Budget
     2) 2024-2025 Proposed Original Budget
        2A) Budget Reduction Plan

VIII.  C. School Activity Fund Budgets
     1) 2023-2024 Amended School Activity Fund Budget
     2) 2024-2025 Proposed School Activity Fund Budget

VIII.  D. Approve Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notes in Anticipation of State School Aid
IX. New Business
  1. Personnel Report with J. Murray Contract
  2. Benchmark Information
  3. Internet Safety Policy
  4. MHSAA Resolution
  5. NWEA Growth Information
X. Closed Session - Negotiations
XI. Open Session - Continuation of Meeting
XII. Other
XIII. Adjourn

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