Meeting Agenda
I. Roll Call
II. Approve Agenda
III. Election of Temporary Chairperson
IV. Election of Board of Education Officers
V. Establish Dates, Times and Places for 2018 Regular Meetings
VI. Depository of Funds
VII. Authorization to Sign Checks
VIII. Authorization to Use Safe Deposit Box
IX. Electronic Funds Transfer Officers
X. Treasurer and Secretary Responsibilities
XI. Auditors
XII. Board Attorneys
XIII. Publishing of Legal Notices and Advertising
XIV. Designation of Person for Posting Public Notices of Meetings
XV. Delegation of Election Duties
XVI. Approval of Organizational Membership
XVII. Approval of Board Members to Attend Classes and Conferences
XVIII. Superintendent's Report
XIX. President's Report
XX. Principal's/Director's/Student Representative's Updates
XXI. Communications and Public Comment
XXII. Consent Agenda
XXII.A. Approve minutes of November 13, 2017 Regular Meeting and December 11, 2017 Regular Meeting
XXII.B. Approve General Fund Invoices
XXII.C. Approve Bond Fund Expenditures
XXIII. Old Business
XXIV. New Business
XXIV.A. Hiring of New Personnel
XXIV.B. High School Student Handbook Changes - Second Reading and Adoption
XXIV.C. NEOLA Policy 5600 Update - First Reading
XXIV.D. NEOLA Policies 5421.01 and 5200 Update - Second Reading and Adoption
XXIV.E. Closed Session - Student Discipline
XXV. Other
XXVI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 8, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Roll Call
Subject: |
II. Approve Agenda
Subject: |
III. Election of Temporary Chairperson
Subject: |
IV. Election of Board of Education Officers
Subject: |
V. Establish Dates, Times and Places for 2018 Regular Meetings
Subject: |
VI. Depository of Funds
Subject: |
VII. Authorization to Sign Checks
Subject: |
VIII. Authorization to Use Safe Deposit Box
Subject: |
IX. Electronic Funds Transfer Officers
Subject: |
X. Treasurer and Secretary Responsibilities
Subject: |
XI. Auditors
Subject: |
XII. Board Attorneys
Subject: |
XIII. Publishing of Legal Notices and Advertising
Subject: |
XIV. Designation of Person for Posting Public Notices of Meetings
Subject: |
XV. Delegation of Election Duties
Subject: |
XVI. Approval of Organizational Membership
Subject: |
XVII. Approval of Board Members to Attend Classes and Conferences
Subject: |
XVIII. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
XIX. President's Report
Subject: |
XX. Principal's/Director's/Student Representative's Updates
Subject: |
XXI. Communications and Public Comment
Subject: |
XXII. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
XXII.A. Approve minutes of November 13, 2017 Regular Meeting and December 11, 2017 Regular Meeting
Subject: |
XXII.B. Approve General Fund Invoices
Subject: |
XXII.C. Approve Bond Fund Expenditures
Subject: |
XXIII. Old Business
Subject: |
XXIV. New Business
Subject: |
XXIV.A. Hiring of New Personnel
Subject: |
XXIV.B. High School Student Handbook Changes - Second Reading and Adoption
Subject: |
XXIV.C. NEOLA Policy 5600 Update - First Reading
Subject: |
XXIV.D. NEOLA Policies 5421.01 and 5200 Update - Second Reading and Adoption
Subject: |
XXIV.E. Closed Session - Student Discipline
Subject: |
XXV. Other
Subject: |
XXVI. Adjourn