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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion of Preliminary 2014 Pay 2015 District Levy:
3. Review of District MCA Test Scores from 2014:
4. Legislative Resolutions for MSBA Delegate Assembly:
5. Superintendent Evaluation Process:
6. Policy Review:
7. Other:
8. Adjourn:
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: September 8, 2014 at 6:00 PM - School Board Work Session
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion of Preliminary 2014 Pay 2015 District Levy:
Dr. Smith/Mr. Keller
Chuck has submitted all necessary information for the levy system and we are waiting for the preliminary levy results at this time.  We are hopeful that the information will be available for our meeting on Monday night, but are not certain that it will be.  If the information is not available, we will cover the preliminary levy in detail at our finance meeting on 9/22 as we will need to approve the preliminary levy at that night's meeting.
We will send out information as it becomes available regarding the levy.
3. Review of District MCA Test Scores from 2014:
Ms. Hansen
Margot Hansen, Curriculum & Assessment Director for the district, will be present to review our current test scores, changes from last year's results and comparison to state averages.  Overall we were once again fairly flat in terms of our test results.
4. Legislative Resolutions for MSBA Delegate Assembly:
Dr. Smith
Each year, MSBA asks local school districts to submit legislative resolutions to their Delegate Assembly to be considered as part of their current year legislative platform.  We have not submitted resolutions to many years in the past, but I would like to recommend approval of two resolutions that I feel would be beneficial to our district and many others.
The first resolution is to reform the deferred maintenance formula to better allow smaller school districts the ability to properly maintain their facilities.
The second resolution seeks to increase the amount of equalization revenue that is available for operating referendum and for debt service funding.  For a property poor district such as ours, improved equalization formulas in both of these areas would be a benefit to all.
5. Superintendent Evaluation Process:
Dr. Smith
MSBA and MASA (MN Association of School Administrators) has recently developed a new superintendent evaluation model that I would like to share and review with the board.  I have attached a copy of the model for your review along with a copy of the previous document that has been used by the board for the evaluation of the superintendent.
I would like to have a conversation to determine what model you would prefer to use to do my evaluation and then put the process in place as quickly as possible. 
6. Policy Review:
Dr. Smith
We will be reviewing policy once again starting with policies that have had revisions after they were last approved by the school board.  Up for review this time are:  506 - Student Discipline; 509 - ; 515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records; 516 - Student Medication; and 521 - Student Disability Nondiscrimination.  There are minor changes to each of these policies.  Upon review, they will be recommended for revision at our August 25th meeting.
7. Other:
8. Adjourn:

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