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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order:
2. "Begindergarten" Proposal:
3. Tentative Audit Results for FY13:
4. Discussion on Remaining Unsettled Employment Contracts:
5. Policy Review:
6. Other:
7. Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: November 11, 2013 at 6:00 PM - School Board Work Session
1. Call to Order:
2. "Begindergarten" Proposal:
Principal DeWitte
Principal DeWitte will present information on a proposal to offer a "Begindergarten" section for next school year.  Ms. DeWitte and I have been discussing our concerns about our kindergarten age eligible students who may not be socially, behaviorally, or academically ready for Kindergarten.  The proposal for Begindergarten will provide these students an option to have more time to grow in these areas.
3. Tentative Audit Results for FY13:
Dr. Smith
I will give a brief overview of our end of year fund balances as confirmed by our audit.  Overall we had a solid year and maintained our balances in all funds.    Final full audit information will be presented by Eide Bailly at our December 9th work session or at the 23rd regular meeting.
4. Discussion on Remaining Unsettled Employment Contracts:
Dr. Smith
Following the approval of the support staff contract and the teacher's contract, we have four individual contracts that remain unsettled at this time.  The contracts are for Business Manager (C Keller), Technology Coordinator (K Wick), Payroll (A Franck) and Admin Asst/Accounts Payable (K Davis).  All of these contracts expired on June 30, 2013.
On Monday evening, I would like to share a proposal for 13-14 and 14-15 for these contracts that would fall within the parameters established by the settlement on our union contracts and hopefully receive approval to the contract proposals at our November meeting.
In addition, I would like to add one more year to the current contract for Technology Information Specialist (L Sawatzky) in order to have her contract line up with this set of two year contracts.
5. Policy Review:
Dr. Smith

We will review the following policy revisions that have been recommended by MSBA.  The five policies to be reviewed are:  526 - Hazing Prohibition; 530 - Immunization Requirements;  532 - Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs From School Grounds;  601 - School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals;  602 - Organization of School Calendar and School Day.  I have attached copies of the current district policy and the revised version recommended by MSBA.  Let me know if you have any questions regarding these changes.
6. Other:
7. Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Monday, Nov. 25 -   5:30 Finance Committee Mtg.
                                6:00 Regular Board Mtg.
Monday, Dec. 9 -     6:00 p.m.  Truth in Taxation Hearing & School Board Work Session

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