Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call, Establish a Quorum, Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. Read and Approve Minutes of August 31, 2010
5. Open Forum
6. Financial Report
6.G. Discuss Investment Report
6.I. Board Report
6.K. Discuss Newly Established Comptrollers Financial Solvency Review
6.M. Qualified School Construction Bond Extended to April 4, 2011 for $1,100,000.
15. Discuss Site-Based Decision Making Committee
15.P. Elementary - Shirley Duran
15.Q. Middle School - Mikayle Moreland
15.R. High School - Carol Brown
15.S. District Wide
15.S.20. Enrollment
15.S.22. Recognition of Principls from Rick Perry
24. Superintendent's Report and Action Items
24.Y. Vote to Certify Unopposed Candidates - Vicky Wetteland, Micheal Melton, Alan Fox as "Elected" for 4-year terms and Gary Pitts as "Elected" for a 2-year unexpired term.
24.Z. Discuss and Approve Policy Update 88
24.AB. Discuss and Approve Resignation of Board Member David Milner
24.AD. Discuss and Approve Board Member to fill resigned position of David Milner
24.AE. Discuss and Approve PBMAS Release (Special Education)
24.AG. Discuss and Consider Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization with the Hunt County Extension Office.
24.AI. Discuss and Approve disposal of very old computers and monitors, printers, and overhead projectors through Erecycler Company.
24.AK. Discuss and Approve hiring Construction Management through Trane Industries with guaranteed maximum price to build and complete the Science Lab Building. This is all done through State Approved Contract.
24.AM. Discuss Baseball Program
24.AN. Information on Success of Star-Texas in overcoming C.A. 5281 Student Transfers
24.AP. Discuss Hail Damage to Campuses and Vehicles
24.AQ. Discuss Replacement of HVAC Units on Sowders Building.
44. New Business
44.AS. Personnel
44.AS.46. Resignations -
44.AS.47. Hire -
44.AS.48. Sign Contracts -
49. Executive Session
49.AX. Consultation with Attorney Concerning Pending or Possible Litigation, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Texas Open Meetings Act.
49.AY. Discussion of Personnel Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Texas Open Meetings Act.
52. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 9, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Roll Call, Establish a Quorum, Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Opening Prayer
Subject: |
3. Read and Approve Minutes of August 31, 2010
Subject: |
5. Open Forum
Subject: |
6. Financial Report
Subject: |
6.G. Discuss Investment Report
Subject: |
6.I. Board Report
Subject: |
6.K. Discuss Newly Established Comptrollers Financial Solvency Review
Subject: |
6.M. Qualified School Construction Bond Extended to April 4, 2011 for $1,100,000.
Subject: |
15. Discuss Site-Based Decision Making Committee
Subject: |
15.P. Elementary - Shirley Duran
Subject: |
15.Q. Middle School - Mikayle Moreland
Subject: |
15.R. High School - Carol Brown
Subject: |
15.S. District Wide
Subject: |
15.S.20. Enrollment
Subject: |
15.S.22. Recognition of Principls from Rick Perry
Subject: |
24. Superintendent's Report and Action Items
Subject: |
24.Y. Vote to Certify Unopposed Candidates - Vicky Wetteland, Micheal Melton, Alan Fox as "Elected" for 4-year terms and Gary Pitts as "Elected" for a 2-year unexpired term.
Subject: |
24.Z. Discuss and Approve Policy Update 88
Subject: |
24.AB. Discuss and Approve Resignation of Board Member David Milner
Subject: |
24.AD. Discuss and Approve Board Member to fill resigned position of David Milner
Subject: |
24.AE. Discuss and Approve PBMAS Release (Special Education)
Subject: |
24.AG. Discuss and Consider Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization with the Hunt County Extension Office.
Subject: |
24.AI. Discuss and Approve disposal of very old computers and monitors, printers, and overhead projectors through Erecycler Company.
Subject: |
24.AK. Discuss and Approve hiring Construction Management through Trane Industries with guaranteed maximum price to build and complete the Science Lab Building. This is all done through State Approved Contract.
Subject: |
24.AM. Discuss Baseball Program
Subject: |
24.AN. Information on Success of Star-Texas in overcoming C.A. 5281 Student Transfers
Subject: |
24.AP. Discuss Hail Damage to Campuses and Vehicles
Subject: |
24.AQ. Discuss Replacement of HVAC Units on Sowders Building.
Subject: |
44. New Business
Subject: |
44.AS. Personnel
Subject: |
44.AS.46. Resignations -
Subject: |
44.AS.47. Hire -
Subject: |
44.AS.48. Sign Contracts -
Subject: |
49. Executive Session
Subject: |
49.AX. Consultation with Attorney Concerning Pending or Possible Litigation, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Texas Open Meetings Act.
Subject: |
49.AY. Discussion of Personnel Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Texas Open Meetings Act.
Subject: |
52. Adjourn