Meeting Agenda
I.B. Board Recognition
I.B.c. 1. Pledge of Allegiance - Aliya Campa - 1st Grade - Ochoa Elementary
I.B.e. 2. Pledge to the Texas Flag - Aliyah Cantu - 5th Grade - Price Elementary
I.B.g. 3. Invocation - Juan Garza - 7th Grade Teacher - Sauceda Middle School
I.B.i. 4. 5th Six Weeks Attendance Recognition
1. Elementary Campus with Attendance of 97% or Better - Garza Elementary |
I.B.k. 5. Recognition of Boys Varsity Soccer, Girls Varsity Track Regional Finalists, and Boys Varsity Track Regional Finalists
I.B.m. 6. Recognition of Science Fair State Qualifiers: Franco Guerra - Donna High School, Gilbert Saenz - WA Todd, Marco Piña - Veterans Middle School
I.B.o. 7. Recognition of Donna ISD Fine Arts Department (Band Department, Donna HS, Sauceda, Solis, Veterans MS Band for Receiving Sweepstakes Awards) DHS Choir (Junior Varsity Sweepstakes) DHS
Dance Team (Crowd Pleasers Champions) DHS Drama (State Qualifiers-Andrew Valdez, and Hiram Orozco) |
I.B.q. 8. Recognition of Donna High School Senior Dalinda Partida as Winner of Frank Smith Toyota’s "Be a Star, Win a Car" Contest
XIX.T. 1. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Rescheduling June 14, 2012 Regular Board Meeting
XIX.V. 2. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students
XIX.X. 3. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Donna Police Department and Donna Independent School District Police Department
XIX.Z. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Out of State Travel to Washington, D.C. on July 22-25 to the NCCEP/Gear Up Annual Conference for Presentation "Alternative Academy Making a Difference: Gear Up Students Getting a Second Chance"
XIX.AB. 5. 2012-2013 Budget Update Report
In order to promote efficient meetings, the Board may act upon more than one item by a single vote through the use of consent agenda. Consent items will be items placed directly under this heading for which no Board discussion is anticipated and for which the Superintendent Recommends approval. Prior to the meeting, at the request of any member of the Board of Trustees, any item on the consent agenda shall be removed and given individual consideration. Requests for individual consideration are made at least half-hour prior to Board meetings and requests must be directed to either the President of the Board or the Superintendent of Schools |
XXX.AE. 1. Accounts Payable
XXX.AG. 2. Budget Amendments for General Operating and Special Revenue Funds
XXX.AI. 3. Financial Reports for All Funds for (February 2012/Litigation Fund March 2012)
XXX.AK. 4. Financial Statements: Cash Flow Bonds, Science Lab Addition, New Donna High School, Technology Center and Child Nutrition Program (March 2012)
XXX.AM. 5. Investment Activity Report for March 2012
XXX.AO. 6. Report on Monthly Tax Collection for the Month of March 2012
XXX.AQ. 7. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting, April 12, 2012 and Special Board Meeting, April 5, 2012
XLVI.AU. SS.1 Architect's (PBK)/Construction Manager at Risk (SKANSKA) Monthly Report:
* Status Report on Donna North High School |
XLVI.AW. SS.2 Architect’s Monthly Report (ERO):
* Status Report on All of Donna ISD’s Current Facility Projects |
XLVI.AY. SS.3 Engineer’s Monthly Report (J. F. Fontaine & Associates, Inc.)
XLVI.BA. SS.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Authorize Administration to Solicit Bids (RFPs) to Relocate and Purchase Fuel Tanks for the Transportation Department
XLVI.BC. SS.5 Report on DISD Child Nutrition Program Summer Feeding Schedule and Proposed Sites
LVII.BF. CI.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the 2012-2013 3-D Academy School Year Calendar
LVII.BI. CI.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Learning.Com Technology Applications Online Instructional Adoption for K-8
LXIV.BM. BF.1 Status Report on Districtwide Overtime Expenses as of April 2012
LXIV.BO. BF.2 Status Report on Districtwide Personnel
LXIV.BQ. BF.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Texas Descon, L.P. for the Donna 3D Academy Project No. 11-040
LXIV.BS. BF.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Texas Descon, L.P. for Donna ISD CMAR Project
LXIV.BU. BF.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Two (2) for Texas Descon, L.P. for CMAR Construction Projects
LXIV.BW. BF.6 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Skanska USA Building, Inc. for the New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
LXIV.BY. BF.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. One (1) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
LXIV.CA. BF.8 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Two (2) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
LXIV.CC. BF.9 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Three (3) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
LXIV.CE. BF.10 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Four (4) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
LXIV.CG. BF.11 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Paragon Sports Constructors, LLC for the Bennie La Prade Stadium Project No. 1143
LXIV.CI. BF.12 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Award Vendor for Installation of Surveillance Camera at Maintenance Building
LXIV.CK. BF.13 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Central Air and Heating Services, Inc. for the HVAC Replacement Project Application No. 3 and No. 4
LXIV.CM. BF.14 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Final Payment for J.F. Fontaine & Associates, Inc. for the HVAC Replacement Project
LXIV.CO. BF.15 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Torres Espino The Craftsman, LLC Certificate of Substantial Completion for Donna ISD Multipurpose, Softball/Baseball Field Improvements Project
No. 11-225 |
LXIV.CQ. Consent Items (BF.16 through BF.22)
BF.16 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of Five (5) Buses for School Year 2012-2013 |
LXIV.CS. BF.17 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of Two (2) Police Units for School Year 2012-2013
LXIV.CU. BF.18 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of an Expedition SUV for Migrant Department
LXIV.CW. BF.19 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of Floor Sealer, Floor Finish, and Floor Stripper for Summer 2012 Projects
LXIV.CY. BF.20 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Solicit Request for Proposals for Fine Arts Consultants Services and Performing Arts Supplies /Uniforms/Costumes for School Year 2012-2013
LXIV.DA. BF.21 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Solicit Request for Proposals for Employee Uniforms Rental for School Year 2012-2013
LXIV.DC. BF.22 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Solicit Request for Proposals for Special Education Services: Speech Services, Occupational Services, and Physical Therapy Services, Psychological Services, Interpreting Services, Audiological Services and Applied Behavior Analysis for School Year 2012-2013
End of Consent Items |
CIX.DF. HR.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Renewal of the Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance for Plan Year 2012-2013 and/or Approval of Request for Proposals
(RFPs) for Health Insurance |
CIX.DH. HR.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Pharmacy Benefit Managers
CIX.DJ. HR.3 Discussion and Possible Action on the Renewal of the Employer Sponsored Group Life Insurance Through Met Life and/or Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs)
CIX.DL. HR.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval on the Renewal of the Employee Paid Vision Insurance Through Block Vision and/or Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs)
CIX.DN. HR.5 Discussion and Possible Action on the Renewal of the Employee Paid Dental Insurance Through Met Life and/or Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs)
CIX.DP. HR.6 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Student Accident Insurance
CIX.DR. HR.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Agreement with Red Cross
CIX.DT. HR.8 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Renewal of Consulting Agreement with Valley Risk Consulting
CIX.DV. HR.9 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Appointments of 3 Board Members to the Workers Compensation Medical Network
CIX.DX. HR.10 Report on District In-House Medical Clinic
CXXX. IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084.
CXXX.EA. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
CXXX.EB. B. Consider and Discuss Rescinding of Termination of Term Contract Employee
CXXX.EC. C. Consider and Discuss Proposed Termination of Term Contract Employee
CXXX.ED. D. Consider and Discuss Recommendation of Attorney Designated by the Board for Proposed Nonrenewal
of Term Contract Employee |
CXXX.EE. E. Consider and Discuss Proposed Termination of Probationary Contract Teacher
* Middle School Teacher |
CXXXVI. V. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session.
CXXXVI.EG. A. Approval of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
CXXXVI.EH. B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Rescinding Termination of Term Contract Employee
CXXXVI.EI. C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Proposed Termination of Term Contract Employee
CXXXVI.EJ. D. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Recommendation of Attorney Designated by
the Board for Proposed Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employee |
CXXXVI.EK. E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Termination of Probationary Contract Teacher
* Middle School Teacher |
The open forum part of the meeting is provided by local board policy, BED (LOCAL) the open forum is provided by the Board of Trustees as an opportunity for citizens to comment on any matters relating to the Donna ISD. The board can only listen to the matters addressed and cannot deliberate or decide on any matter presented. However, any comments directed at any specific employees of the District or any specific personnel matter must be made in executive session. a person seeking to comment on any matter must sign-up with the Board before the meeting begins and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to speak. Delegations of more than five (5) persons shall appoint one person to present their views. Public comment on any matter will be limited to three (3) to five (5) minutes per item. |
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 8, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
I.B. Board Recognition
Subject: |
I.B.c. 1. Pledge of Allegiance - Aliya Campa - 1st Grade - Ochoa Elementary
Subject: |
I.B.e. 2. Pledge to the Texas Flag - Aliyah Cantu - 5th Grade - Price Elementary
Subject: |
I.B.g. 3. Invocation - Juan Garza - 7th Grade Teacher - Sauceda Middle School
Subject: |
I.B.i. 4. 5th Six Weeks Attendance Recognition
1. Elementary Campus with Attendance of 97% or Better - Garza Elementary |
Subject: |
I.B.k. 5. Recognition of Boys Varsity Soccer, Girls Varsity Track Regional Finalists, and Boys Varsity Track Regional Finalists
Subject: |
I.B.m. 6. Recognition of Science Fair State Qualifiers: Franco Guerra - Donna High School, Gilbert Saenz - WA Todd, Marco Piña - Veterans Middle School
Subject: |
I.B.o. 7. Recognition of Donna ISD Fine Arts Department (Band Department, Donna HS, Sauceda, Solis, Veterans MS Band for Receiving Sweepstakes Awards) DHS Choir (Junior Varsity Sweepstakes) DHS
Dance Team (Crowd Pleasers Champions) DHS Drama (State Qualifiers-Andrew Valdez, and Hiram Orozco) |
Subject: |
I.B.q. 8. Recognition of Donna High School Senior Dalinda Partida as Winner of Frank Smith Toyota’s "Be a Star, Win a Car" Contest
Subject: |
Subject: |
XIX.T. 1. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Rescheduling June 14, 2012 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
XIX.V. 2. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students
Subject: |
XIX.X. 3. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Donna Police Department and Donna Independent School District Police Department
Subject: |
XIX.Z. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Out of State Travel to Washington, D.C. on July 22-25 to the NCCEP/Gear Up Annual Conference for Presentation "Alternative Academy Making a Difference: Gear Up Students Getting a Second Chance"
Subject: |
XIX.AB. 5. 2012-2013 Budget Update Report
Subject: |
In order to promote efficient meetings, the Board may act upon more than one item by a single vote through the use of consent agenda. Consent items will be items placed directly under this heading for which no Board discussion is anticipated and for which the Superintendent Recommends approval. Prior to the meeting, at the request of any member of the Board of Trustees, any item on the consent agenda shall be removed and given individual consideration. Requests for individual consideration are made at least half-hour prior to Board meetings and requests must be directed to either the President of the Board or the Superintendent of Schools |
Subject: |
XXX.AE. 1. Accounts Payable
Subject: |
XXX.AG. 2. Budget Amendments for General Operating and Special Revenue Funds
Subject: |
XXX.AI. 3. Financial Reports for All Funds for (February 2012/Litigation Fund March 2012)
Subject: |
XXX.AK. 4. Financial Statements: Cash Flow Bonds, Science Lab Addition, New Donna High School, Technology Center and Child Nutrition Program (March 2012)
Subject: |
XXX.AM. 5. Investment Activity Report for March 2012
Subject: |
XXX.AO. 6. Report on Monthly Tax Collection for the Month of March 2012
Subject: |
XXX.AQ. 7. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting, April 12, 2012 and Special Board Meeting, April 5, 2012
Subject: |
Subject: |
XLVI.AU. SS.1 Architect's (PBK)/Construction Manager at Risk (SKANSKA) Monthly Report:
* Status Report on Donna North High School |
Subject: |
XLVI.AW. SS.2 Architect’s Monthly Report (ERO):
* Status Report on All of Donna ISD’s Current Facility Projects |
Subject: |
XLVI.AY. SS.3 Engineer’s Monthly Report (J. F. Fontaine & Associates, Inc.)
Subject: |
XLVI.BA. SS.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Authorize Administration to Solicit Bids (RFPs) to Relocate and Purchase Fuel Tanks for the Transportation Department
Subject: |
XLVI.BC. SS.5 Report on DISD Child Nutrition Program Summer Feeding Schedule and Proposed Sites
Subject: |
Subject: |
LVII.BF. CI.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the 2012-2013 3-D Academy School Year Calendar
Subject: |
LVII.BI. CI.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Learning.Com Technology Applications Online Instructional Adoption for K-8
Subject: |
Subject: |
LXIV.BM. BF.1 Status Report on Districtwide Overtime Expenses as of April 2012
Subject: |
LXIV.BO. BF.2 Status Report on Districtwide Personnel
Subject: |
LXIV.BQ. BF.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Texas Descon, L.P. for the Donna 3D Academy Project No. 11-040
Subject: |
LXIV.BS. BF.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Texas Descon, L.P. for Donna ISD CMAR Project
Subject: |
LXIV.BU. BF.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Two (2) for Texas Descon, L.P. for CMAR Construction Projects
Subject: |
LXIV.BW. BF.6 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Skanska USA Building, Inc. for the New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
Subject: |
LXIV.BY. BF.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. One (1) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
Subject: |
LXIV.CA. BF.8 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Two (2) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
Subject: |
LXIV.CC. BF.9 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Three (3) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
Subject: |
LXIV.CE. BF.10 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. Four (4) for Skanska USA Building Inc. for New Donna High School Project No. 2010-19
Subject: |
LXIV.CG. BF.11 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Paragon Sports Constructors, LLC for the Bennie La Prade Stadium Project No. 1143
Subject: |
LXIV.CI. BF.12 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Award Vendor for Installation of Surveillance Camera at Maintenance Building
Subject: |
LXIV.CK. BF.13 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Central Air and Heating Services, Inc. for the HVAC Replacement Project Application No. 3 and No. 4
Subject: |
LXIV.CM. BF.14 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Final Payment for J.F. Fontaine & Associates, Inc. for the HVAC Replacement Project
Subject: |
LXIV.CO. BF.15 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Torres Espino The Craftsman, LLC Certificate of Substantial Completion for Donna ISD Multipurpose, Softball/Baseball Field Improvements Project
No. 11-225 |
Subject: |
LXIV.CQ. Consent Items (BF.16 through BF.22)
BF.16 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of Five (5) Buses for School Year 2012-2013 |
Subject: |
LXIV.CS. BF.17 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of Two (2) Police Units for School Year 2012-2013
Subject: |
LXIV.CU. BF.18 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of an Expedition SUV for Migrant Department
Subject: |
LXIV.CW. BF.19 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the State of Texas Buyboard as the Procurement Method to Advertise for the Purchase of Floor Sealer, Floor Finish, and Floor Stripper for Summer 2012 Projects
Subject: |
LXIV.CY. BF.20 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Solicit Request for Proposals for Fine Arts Consultants Services and Performing Arts Supplies /Uniforms/Costumes for School Year 2012-2013
Subject: |
LXIV.DA. BF.21 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Solicit Request for Proposals for Employee Uniforms Rental for School Year 2012-2013
Subject: |
LXIV.DC. BF.22 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Solicit Request for Proposals for Special Education Services: Speech Services, Occupational Services, and Physical Therapy Services, Psychological Services, Interpreting Services, Audiological Services and Applied Behavior Analysis for School Year 2012-2013
End of Consent Items |
Subject: |
Subject: |
CIX.DF. HR.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Renewal of the Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance for Plan Year 2012-2013 and/or Approval of Request for Proposals
(RFPs) for Health Insurance |
Subject: |
CIX.DH. HR.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Pharmacy Benefit Managers
Subject: |
CIX.DJ. HR.3 Discussion and Possible Action on the Renewal of the Employer Sponsored Group Life Insurance Through Met Life and/or Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Subject: |
CIX.DL. HR.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval on the Renewal of the Employee Paid Vision Insurance Through Block Vision and/or Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Subject: |
CIX.DN. HR.5 Discussion and Possible Action on the Renewal of the Employee Paid Dental Insurance Through Met Life and/or Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Subject: |
CIX.DP. HR.6 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Student Accident Insurance
Subject: |
CIX.DR. HR.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Agreement with Red Cross
Subject: |
CIX.DT. HR.8 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Renewal of Consulting Agreement with Valley Risk Consulting
Subject: |
CIX.DV. HR.9 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Appointments of 3 Board Members to the Workers Compensation Medical Network
Subject: |
CIX.DX. HR.10 Report on District In-House Medical Clinic
Subject: |
CXXX. IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084.
Subject: |
CXXX.EA. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
Subject: |
CXXX.EB. B. Consider and Discuss Rescinding of Termination of Term Contract Employee
Subject: |
CXXX.EC. C. Consider and Discuss Proposed Termination of Term Contract Employee
Subject: |
CXXX.ED. D. Consider and Discuss Recommendation of Attorney Designated by the Board for Proposed Nonrenewal
of Term Contract Employee |
Subject: |
CXXX.EE. E. Consider and Discuss Proposed Termination of Probationary Contract Teacher
* Middle School Teacher |
Subject: |
CXXXVI. V. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session.
Subject: |
CXXXVI.EG. A. Approval of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel
Subject: |
CXXXVI.EH. B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Rescinding Termination of Term Contract Employee
Subject: |
CXXXVI.EI. C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Proposed Termination of Term Contract Employee
Subject: |
CXXXVI.EJ. D. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Recommendation of Attorney Designated by
the Board for Proposed Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employee |
Subject: |
CXXXVI.EK. E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Termination of Probationary Contract Teacher
* Middle School Teacher |
Subject: |
The open forum part of the meeting is provided by local board policy, BED (LOCAL) the open forum is provided by the Board of Trustees as an opportunity for citizens to comment on any matters relating to the Donna ISD. The board can only listen to the matters addressed and cannot deliberate or decide on any matter presented. However, any comments directed at any specific employees of the District or any specific personnel matter must be made in executive session. a person seeking to comment on any matter must sign-up with the Board before the meeting begins and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to speak. Delegations of more than five (5) persons shall appoint one person to present their views. Public comment on any matter will be limited to three (3) to five (5) minutes per item. |
Subject: |