Meeting Agenda
The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the agenda. |
The motion was offered by ________, seconded by _______, and carried ( ) to approve the following consent items: |
V.A. Minutes from the March 16, 2015, March 25, 2015, and March 30, 2015 School Board Meetings
V.B. Current Bills and Special Checks Totaling: $3,479,341.92
V.C. Noncertified Staff Resignations
V.D. Confirmation of Resignations
V.E. Certified Staff Appointments
V.F. Request for Extended Leave: Wendy Boyer
V.G. Request to Submit Grant Application - Minnesota Youth at Work Competitive Grant
V.H. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Breakfast
V.I. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Garden
V.J. Request to Submit Grant Application - Bemidji High School Theatre
V.K. Request to Accept Grant - Bemidji High School Theatre
V.L. Request to Accept Grant - School Breakfast
V.M. Request to Accept Grant - STRIDER Bike Vouchers
X.A. The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to accept the donation of $500.00 from the Bemidji Trap Club.
XI.A. Resolution for the Transfer of Funds
Member ____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws 2001, First Special Session, Chapter 11, Article 5, Section 11 as amended by Laws 2013, Chapter 116, Article 7, Section 19 defines a process for Minnesota school districts to apply for and initiate a funds transfer pending approval of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 has determined that a transfer of funds is necessary for the continued operation of the school district and such transfer will not diminish the instructional opportunities for the students of Independent School District No. 31; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that an application to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education be made to transfer $8,407.00 from the ECFE fund to the School Readiness fund and that such transfer be made immediately upon receiving approval from the Commissioner. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member ____, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
XI.B. Potential Reductions and Additions in Programs and Positions
____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DISCONTINUING AND REDUCING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution on December 15, 2014, directing the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions; and WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following positions be discontinued: 1. .33 FTE Family and Consumer Sciences 2. 1.0 FTE Ojibwe Language & Culture 3. .75 FTE Social Worker 4. .16 FTE World Language 5. .57 FTE Mathematics 6. .77 FTE English 7. 13.0 FTE Elementary Education 8. .40 FTE Music 9. .60 FTE Physical Education 10. .20 FTE Technology 11. 2.0 FTE Special Education 12. .50 FTE College/Career Interventionist 13. .25 FTE Teacher on Special Assignment 14. .40 FTE Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____ and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION INCREASING POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution discontinuing positions, and WHEREAS, recommendations for a staffing addition has been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following position be added: 1. .13 FTE Art 2. .50 FTE Science The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____, and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
XI.C. Resolutions Relating to Termination and Nonrenewal of Contracts and Unrequested Leaves
____________ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE TERMINATION AND NONRENEWAL OF THE TEACHING CONTRACTS OF Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany Mcdermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall WHEREAS, Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are probationary teachers in Independent School District #31, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5, the teaching contracts of Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are hereby terminated at the close of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teachers regarding termination and nonrenewal of their contracts as provided by law, and that said notice be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND NONRENWAL Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, a resolution was adopted by majority roll call vote to terminate your contract at the end of the current school year on June 5, 2015, and not to renew your contract for the 2015-2016 school year. Said action of the Board was taken pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5. You may officially request that the School Board give its reasons for the nonrenewal of your teaching contract. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO PLACE BILLY COPENACE, RENEE LEINDECKER, AND AMANDA MANTEUFEL-UNDERWOOD ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 as follows: 1. It is proposed that Billy Copenace, Renee Leindecker, and Amanda Manteufel-Underwood be placed on unrequested leave of absence without pay and fringe benefits effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, pursuant to M.S. 122A.40 as listed: Billy Copenance 1.0 FTE Renee Leindecker .40 FTE Amanda Manteufel-Underwood .75 FTE 2. Written notice shall be sent to said teacher regarding the proposed placement on unrequested leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits as provided by law and that the notice be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PROPOSED PLACEMENT ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, consideration was given to your placement on unrequested leave of absence without salary and fringe benefits as a teacher in the employ of Independent School District No. 31, and a resolution was adopted by a majority vote of the Board, proposing your placement on unrequested leave of absence effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, for “XX” FTE pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, upon the grounds described in said statute and which are specifically as follows: DISCONTINUANCE OF POSITION, LACK OF PUPILS, AND FINANCIAL LIMITATION Under the provisions of the law, you are entitled to a hearing before the School Board provided you make a request in writing within fourteen days after receipt of this notice. If no hearing is requested within such period, it shall be deemed acquiescence by you to the School Board’s proposed action. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board 3. That each and all of the foregoing grounds of said notice are within the grounds for unrequested leave placement as set forth in M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, and are hereby adopted as though separately set forth and resolved herein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION TO OFFER CONTRACT TO BRIAN MURPHY BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 3, to offer a contract to Brian Murphy for .56 FTE for the 2015-16 school year. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
XI.D. BMS HVAC Professional Services
The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the professional services proposal of EAPC for the BMS HVAC project. |
XI.E. Memorandum of Agreement for Student Training/Internship Experience
____ introduced the following resolution and urged its adoption: RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR STUDENT TRAINING/INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE WITH MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY BE IT RESOLVED, that Bemidji Area Schools enter into an agreement with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities-Bemidji State University for the purpose of providing student training/internship experiences for students from Bemidji State University for the period July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019. BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairperson hereby is authorized to execute such agreement. The above resolution was seconded by ________, and a tabulation of votes is as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: WHEREUPON, the above resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
XII.A. Bemidji High School State Competition Participant Recognition - Winter 2014-2015
XIV.A. BHS Hall of Fame Banquet, Monday, May 4, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
XIV.B. BHS Work Experience Program Recognition, Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 1:45 p.m.
XIV.C. American Indian Honors Banquet, Thursday, May 14, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
XIV.D. May School Board Meeting, Monday, May 18, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
XV.A. Once Around the Table
XV.B. New School Planning
The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the agenda. |
The motion was offered by ________, seconded by _______, and carried ( ) to approve the following consent items: |
XXI.A. Minutes from the March 16, 2015, March 25, 2015, and March 30, 2015 School Board Meetings
XXI.B. Current Bills and Special Checks Totaling: $3,479,341.92
XXI.C. Noncertified Staff Resignations
XXI.D. Confirmation of Resignations
XXI.E. Certified Staff Appointments
XXI.F. Request for Extended Leave: Wendy Boyer
XXI.G. Request to Submit Grant Application - Minnesota Youth at Work Competitive Grant
XXI.H. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Breakfast
XXI.I. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Garden
XXI.J. Request to Submit Grant Application - Bemidji High School Theatre
XXI.K. Request to Accept Grant - Bemidji High School Theatre
XXI.L. Request to Accept Grant - School Breakfast
XXI.M. Request to Accept Grant - STRIDER Bike Vouchers
XXVI.A. The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to accept the donation of $500.00 from the Bemidji Trap Club.
XXVII.A. Resolution for the Transfer of Funds
Member ____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws 2001, First Special Session, Chapter 11, Article 5, Section 11 as amended by Laws 2013, Chapter 116, Article 7, Section 19 defines a process for Minnesota school districts to apply for and initiate a funds transfer pending approval of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 has determined that a transfer of funds is necessary for the continued operation of the school district and such transfer will not diminish the instructional opportunities for the students of Independent School District No. 31; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that an application to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education be made to transfer $8,407.00 from the ECFE fund to the School Readiness fund and that such transfer be made immediately upon receiving approval from the Commissioner. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member ____, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
XXVII.B. Potential Reductions and Additions in Programs and Positions
____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DISCONTINUING AND REDUCING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution on December 15, 2014, directing the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions; and WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following positions be discontinued: 1. .33 FTE Family and Consumer Sciences 2. 1.0 FTE Ojibwe Language & Culture 3. .75 FTE Social Worker 4. .16 FTE World Language 5. .57 FTE Mathematics 6. .77 FTE English 7. 13.0 FTE Elementary Education 8. .40 FTE Music 9. .60 FTE Physical Education 10. .20 FTE Technology 11. 2.0 FTE Special Education 12. .50 FTE College/Career Interventionist 13. .25 FTE Teacher on Special Assignment 14. .40 FTE Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____ and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION INCREASING POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution discontinuing positions, and WHEREAS, recommendations for a staffing addition has been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following position be added: 1. .13 FTE Art 2. .50 FTE Science The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____, and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
XXVII.C. Resolutions Relating to Termination and Nonrenewal of Contracts and Unrequested Leaves
____________ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE TERMINATION AND NONRENEWAL OF THE TEACHING CONTRACTS OF Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany Mcdermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall WHEREAS, Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are probationary teachers in Independent School District #31, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5, the teaching contracts of Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are hereby terminated at the close of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teachers regarding termination and nonrenewal of their contracts as provided by law, and that said notice be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND NONRENWAL Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, a resolution was adopted by majority roll call vote to terminate your contract at the end of the current school year on June 5, 2015, and not to renew your contract for the 2015-2016 school year. Said action of the Board was taken pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5. You may officially request that the School Board give its reasons for the nonrenewal of your teaching contract. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO PLACE BILLY COPENACE, RENEE LEINDECKER, AND AMANDA MANTEUFEL-UNDERWOOD ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 as follows: 1. It is proposed that Billy Copenace, Renee Leindecker, and Amanda Manteufel-Underwood be placed on unrequested leave of absence without pay and fringe benefits effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, pursuant to M.S. 122A.40 as listed: Billy Copenance 1.0 FTE Renee Leindecker .40 FTE Amanda Manteufel-Underwood .75 FTE 2. Written notice shall be sent to said teacher regarding the proposed placement on unrequested leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits as provided by law and that the notice be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PROPOSED PLACEMENT ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, consideration was given to your placement on unrequested leave of absence without salary and fringe benefits as a teacher in the employ of Independent School District No. 31, and a resolution was adopted by a majority vote of the Board, proposing your placement on unrequested leave of absence effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, for “XX” FTE pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, upon the grounds described in said statute and which are specifically as follows: DISCONTINUANCE OF POSITION, LACK OF PUPILS, AND FINANCIAL LIMITATION Under the provisions of the law, you are entitled to a hearing before the School Board provided you make a request in writing within fourteen days after receipt of this notice. If no hearing is requested within such period, it shall be deemed acquiescence by you to the School Board’s proposed action. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board 3. That each and all of the foregoing grounds of said notice are within the grounds for unrequested leave placement as set forth in M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, and are hereby adopted as though separately set forth and resolved herein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION TO OFFER CONTRACT TO BRIAN MURPHY BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 3, to offer a contract to Brian Murphy for .56 FTE for the 2015-16 school year. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
XXVII.D. BMS HVAC Professional Services
The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the professional services proposal of EAPC for the BMS HVAC project. |
XXVII.E. Memorandum of Agreement for Student Training/Internship Experience
____ introduced the following resolution and urged its adoption: RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR STUDENT TRAINING/INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE WITH MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY BE IT RESOLVED, that Bemidji Area Schools enter into an agreement with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities-Bemidji State University for the purpose of providing student training/internship experiences for students from Bemidji State University for the period July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019. BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairperson hereby is authorized to execute such agreement. The above resolution was seconded by ________, and a tabulation of votes is as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: WHEREUPON, the above resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
XXVIII.A. Bemidji High School State Competition Participant Recognition - Winter 2014-2015
XXX.A. BHS Hall of Fame Banquet, Monday, May 4, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
XXX.B. BHS Work Experience Program Recognition, Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 1:45 p.m.
XXX.C. American Indian Honors Banquet, Thursday, May 14, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
XXX.D. May School Board Meeting, Monday, May 18, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
XXXI.A. Once Around the Table
XXXI.B. New School Planning
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 20, 2015 at 6:30 PM - School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the agenda. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
The motion was offered by ________, seconded by _______, and carried ( ) to approve the following consent items: |
Subject: |
V.A. Minutes from the March 16, 2015, March 25, 2015, and March 30, 2015 School Board Meetings
Subject: |
V.B. Current Bills and Special Checks Totaling: $3,479,341.92
Subject: |
V.C. Noncertified Staff Resignations
Subject: |
V.D. Confirmation of Resignations
Subject: |
V.E. Certified Staff Appointments
Subject: |
V.F. Request for Extended Leave: Wendy Boyer
Subject: |
V.G. Request to Submit Grant Application - Minnesota Youth at Work Competitive Grant
Subject: |
V.H. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Breakfast
Subject: |
V.I. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Garden
Subject: |
V.J. Request to Submit Grant Application - Bemidji High School Theatre
Subject: |
V.K. Request to Accept Grant - Bemidji High School Theatre
Subject: |
V.L. Request to Accept Grant - School Breakfast
Subject: |
V.M. Request to Accept Grant - STRIDER Bike Vouchers
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
X.A. The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to accept the donation of $500.00 from the Bemidji Trap Club.
Subject: |
Subject: |
XI.A. Resolution for the Transfer of Funds
Member ____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws 2001, First Special Session, Chapter 11, Article 5, Section 11 as amended by Laws 2013, Chapter 116, Article 7, Section 19 defines a process for Minnesota school districts to apply for and initiate a funds transfer pending approval of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 has determined that a transfer of funds is necessary for the continued operation of the school district and such transfer will not diminish the instructional opportunities for the students of Independent School District No. 31; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that an application to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education be made to transfer $8,407.00 from the ECFE fund to the School Readiness fund and that such transfer be made immediately upon receiving approval from the Commissioner. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member ____, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
Subject: |
XI.B. Potential Reductions and Additions in Programs and Positions
____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DISCONTINUING AND REDUCING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution on December 15, 2014, directing the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions; and WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following positions be discontinued: 1. .33 FTE Family and Consumer Sciences 2. 1.0 FTE Ojibwe Language & Culture 3. .75 FTE Social Worker 4. .16 FTE World Language 5. .57 FTE Mathematics 6. .77 FTE English 7. 13.0 FTE Elementary Education 8. .40 FTE Music 9. .60 FTE Physical Education 10. .20 FTE Technology 11. 2.0 FTE Special Education 12. .50 FTE College/Career Interventionist 13. .25 FTE Teacher on Special Assignment 14. .40 FTE Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____ and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION INCREASING POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution discontinuing positions, and WHEREAS, recommendations for a staffing addition has been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following position be added: 1. .13 FTE Art 2. .50 FTE Science The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____, and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
Subject: |
XI.C. Resolutions Relating to Termination and Nonrenewal of Contracts and Unrequested Leaves
____________ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE TERMINATION AND NONRENEWAL OF THE TEACHING CONTRACTS OF Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany Mcdermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall WHEREAS, Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are probationary teachers in Independent School District #31, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5, the teaching contracts of Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are hereby terminated at the close of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teachers regarding termination and nonrenewal of their contracts as provided by law, and that said notice be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND NONRENWAL Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, a resolution was adopted by majority roll call vote to terminate your contract at the end of the current school year on June 5, 2015, and not to renew your contract for the 2015-2016 school year. Said action of the Board was taken pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5. You may officially request that the School Board give its reasons for the nonrenewal of your teaching contract. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO PLACE BILLY COPENACE, RENEE LEINDECKER, AND AMANDA MANTEUFEL-UNDERWOOD ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 as follows: 1. It is proposed that Billy Copenace, Renee Leindecker, and Amanda Manteufel-Underwood be placed on unrequested leave of absence without pay and fringe benefits effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, pursuant to M.S. 122A.40 as listed: Billy Copenance 1.0 FTE Renee Leindecker .40 FTE Amanda Manteufel-Underwood .75 FTE 2. Written notice shall be sent to said teacher regarding the proposed placement on unrequested leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits as provided by law and that the notice be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PROPOSED PLACEMENT ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, consideration was given to your placement on unrequested leave of absence without salary and fringe benefits as a teacher in the employ of Independent School District No. 31, and a resolution was adopted by a majority vote of the Board, proposing your placement on unrequested leave of absence effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, for “XX” FTE pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, upon the grounds described in said statute and which are specifically as follows: DISCONTINUANCE OF POSITION, LACK OF PUPILS, AND FINANCIAL LIMITATION Under the provisions of the law, you are entitled to a hearing before the School Board provided you make a request in writing within fourteen days after receipt of this notice. If no hearing is requested within such period, it shall be deemed acquiescence by you to the School Board’s proposed action. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board 3. That each and all of the foregoing grounds of said notice are within the grounds for unrequested leave placement as set forth in M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, and are hereby adopted as though separately set forth and resolved herein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION TO OFFER CONTRACT TO BRIAN MURPHY BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 3, to offer a contract to Brian Murphy for .56 FTE for the 2015-16 school year. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
Subject: |
XI.D. BMS HVAC Professional Services
The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the professional services proposal of EAPC for the BMS HVAC project. |
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XI.E. Memorandum of Agreement for Student Training/Internship Experience
____ introduced the following resolution and urged its adoption: RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR STUDENT TRAINING/INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE WITH MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY BE IT RESOLVED, that Bemidji Area Schools enter into an agreement with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities-Bemidji State University for the purpose of providing student training/internship experiences for students from Bemidji State University for the period July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019. BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairperson hereby is authorized to execute such agreement. The above resolution was seconded by ________, and a tabulation of votes is as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: WHEREUPON, the above resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
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XII.A. Bemidji High School State Competition Participant Recognition - Winter 2014-2015
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XIV.A. BHS Hall of Fame Banquet, Monday, May 4, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
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XIV.B. BHS Work Experience Program Recognition, Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 1:45 p.m.
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XIV.C. American Indian Honors Banquet, Thursday, May 14, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
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XIV.D. May School Board Meeting, Monday, May 18, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
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XV.A. Once Around the Table
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XV.B. New School Planning
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The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the agenda. |
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The motion was offered by ________, seconded by _______, and carried ( ) to approve the following consent items: |
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XXI.A. Minutes from the March 16, 2015, March 25, 2015, and March 30, 2015 School Board Meetings
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XXI.B. Current Bills and Special Checks Totaling: $3,479,341.92
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XXI.C. Noncertified Staff Resignations
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XXI.D. Confirmation of Resignations
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XXI.E. Certified Staff Appointments
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XXI.F. Request for Extended Leave: Wendy Boyer
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XXI.G. Request to Submit Grant Application - Minnesota Youth at Work Competitive Grant
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XXI.H. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Breakfast
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XXI.I. Request to Submit Grant Application - School Garden
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XXI.J. Request to Submit Grant Application - Bemidji High School Theatre
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XXI.K. Request to Accept Grant - Bemidji High School Theatre
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XXI.L. Request to Accept Grant - School Breakfast
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XXI.M. Request to Accept Grant - STRIDER Bike Vouchers
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XXVI.A. The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to accept the donation of $500.00 from the Bemidji Trap Club.
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XXVII.A. Resolution for the Transfer of Funds
Member ____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws 2001, First Special Session, Chapter 11, Article 5, Section 11 as amended by Laws 2013, Chapter 116, Article 7, Section 19 defines a process for Minnesota school districts to apply for and initiate a funds transfer pending approval of the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 has determined that a transfer of funds is necessary for the continued operation of the school district and such transfer will not diminish the instructional opportunities for the students of Independent School District No. 31; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that an application to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education be made to transfer $8,407.00 from the ECFE fund to the School Readiness fund and that such transfer be made immediately upon receiving approval from the Commissioner. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member ____, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
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XXVII.B. Potential Reductions and Additions in Programs and Positions
____ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DISCONTINUING AND REDUCING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution on December 15, 2014, directing the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions; and WHEREAS, said recommendations have been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following positions be discontinued: 1. .33 FTE Family and Consumer Sciences 2. 1.0 FTE Ojibwe Language & Culture 3. .75 FTE Social Worker 4. .16 FTE World Language 5. .57 FTE Mathematics 6. .77 FTE English 7. 13.0 FTE Elementary Education 8. .40 FTE Music 9. .60 FTE Physical Education 10. .20 FTE Technology 11. 2.0 FTE Special Education 12. .50 FTE College/Career Interventionist 13. .25 FTE Teacher on Special Assignment 14. .40 FTE Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____ and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION INCREASING POSITIONS WHEREAS, the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 adopted a resolution discontinuing positions, and WHEREAS, recommendations for a staffing addition has been received and considered by the School Board; BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, that the following position be added: 1. .13 FTE Art 2. .50 FTE Science The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____ and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor____, and the following voted against____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. |
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XXVII.C. Resolutions Relating to Termination and Nonrenewal of Contracts and Unrequested Leaves
____________ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE TERMINATION AND NONRENEWAL OF THE TEACHING CONTRACTS OF Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany Mcdermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall WHEREAS, Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are probationary teachers in Independent School District #31, BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 that pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5, the teaching contracts of Meghan Anderson, Walter Dodds, Candace Fisher, Lisa Graefe, Lia Henningsgaard, Benjamin Hughes, Becky Johnson, Romann Lyons, Stephany McDermott, Brittany Miller, Brian Murphy, Brianna Nohre, Jennifer Parks, Michelle Ruport, Charles Smith, Travis Whittington, and Doris Hall are hereby terminated at the close of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that written notice be sent to said teachers regarding termination and nonrenewal of their contracts as provided by law, and that said notice be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND NONRENWAL Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, a resolution was adopted by majority roll call vote to terminate your contract at the end of the current school year on June 5, 2015, and not to renew your contract for the 2015-2016 school year. Said action of the Board was taken pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5. You may officially request that the School Board give its reasons for the nonrenewal of your teaching contract. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO PLACE BILLY COPENACE, RENEE LEINDECKER, AND AMANDA MANTEUFEL-UNDERWOOD ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 31 as follows: 1. It is proposed that Billy Copenace, Renee Leindecker, and Amanda Manteufel-Underwood be placed on unrequested leave of absence without pay and fringe benefits effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, pursuant to M.S. 122A.40 as listed: Billy Copenance 1.0 FTE Renee Leindecker .40 FTE Amanda Manteufel-Underwood .75 FTE 2. Written notice shall be sent to said teacher regarding the proposed placement on unrequested leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits as provided by law and that the notice be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PROPOSED PLACEMENT ON UNREQUESTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Dear: You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 31, held April 20, 2015, consideration was given to your placement on unrequested leave of absence without salary and fringe benefits as a teacher in the employ of Independent School District No. 31, and a resolution was adopted by a majority vote of the Board, proposing your placement on unrequested leave of absence effective at the end of the 2014-2015 school year on June 5, 2015, for “XX” FTE pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, upon the grounds described in said statute and which are specifically as follows: DISCONTINUANCE OF POSITION, LACK OF PUPILS, AND FINANCIAL LIMITATION Under the provisions of the law, you are entitled to a hearing before the School Board provided you make a request in writing within fourteen days after receipt of this notice. If no hearing is requested within such period, it shall be deemed acquiescence by you to the School Board’s proposed action. Sincerely, SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 31 ______________________________________ Clerk of the School Board 3. That each and all of the foregoing grounds of said notice are within the grounds for unrequested leave placement as set forth in M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 11, and are hereby adopted as though separately set forth and resolved herein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. ____ introduced the following resolution and moved is adoption: RESOLUTION TO OFFER CONTRACT TO BRIAN MURPHY BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District No. 3, to offer a contract to Brian Murphy for .56 FTE for the 2015-16 school year. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor: ____, and the following voted against: ____. WHEREUPON, said resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
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XXVII.D. BMS HVAC Professional Services
The motion was offered by ____, seconded by ____, and carried ( ) to approve the professional services proposal of EAPC for the BMS HVAC project. |
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XXVII.E. Memorandum of Agreement for Student Training/Internship Experience
____ introduced the following resolution and urged its adoption: RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR STUDENT TRAINING/INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE WITH MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY BE IT RESOLVED, that Bemidji Area Schools enter into an agreement with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities-Bemidji State University for the purpose of providing student training/internship experiences for students from Bemidji State University for the period July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019. BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairperson hereby is authorized to execute such agreement. The above resolution was seconded by ________, and a tabulation of votes is as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: WHEREUPON, the above resolution was declared passed and adopted. |
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XXVIII.A. Bemidji High School State Competition Participant Recognition - Winter 2014-2015
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XXX.A. BHS Hall of Fame Banquet, Monday, May 4, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
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XXX.B. BHS Work Experience Program Recognition, Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 1:45 p.m.
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XXX.C. American Indian Honors Banquet, Thursday, May 14, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
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XXX.D. May School Board Meeting, Monday, May 18, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
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XXXI.A. Once Around the Table
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XXXI.B. New School Planning
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