Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Recognitions
IV.A. 226 Award
IV.B. Campus Communication
V. Citizens to be Heard
VI. Business Items
VI.A. Reports
VI.A.1. Maintenance Report
VI.A.2. Safety/Security Report
VI.A.3. Instructional Report
VI.A.4. Financial Report
VI.A.5. Bond '22 Report
VI.B. Action Items
VI.B.1. Consider Approval and Addition of Roofing Upgrades at West Columbia Elementary and West Brazos Junior High to the Columbia High School Bond Project.
VI.B.2. Consider Approval and Addition of District and Campus Safety and Security Upgrades to the Columbia High School Bond Project
VI.B.3. Approve Instructional Materials Allotment Certification Survey Including the Purchase of Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Materials for 2025-2026.
VI.C. Action Items (consent agenda)
VI.C.1. Approval of Minutes - February 18, 2025 Regular Meeting
VI.C.2. Approve Budget Amendments and Donations
VI.C.3. Approve Certification of Unopposed Candidates and Approve Order of Cancellation of May 3, 2025, Election
VI.C.4. Approve Out of State Trip for Columbia High School Student and Staff
VI.C.5. Approve Workday 2025-2026 Calendar for 240-day Personnel, September 1st - August 31st
VI.C.6. Approve Board Resolution Supporting the Juvenile Justice Grant for CIS
VI.D. Adjournment to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Governmental Code, the Open Meetings Act
VI.D.1. Section 551.074
VI.D.1.a. Consider the Employment of Professional Personnel
VI.D.1.b. Discuss the Resignation/Retirement of Professional Personnel
VI.D.1.c. Discuss the Performance of Personnel
VI.D.2. Section 551.074 For the Purpose of Considering Discipline of a Public School Child, or Complaint or Charge Against Personnel
VI.D.2.a. Board Policy FNG Grievance
VI.D.2.b. DAEP Placement Appeal
VI.E. Reconvene in Open Meeting and Consider Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
VII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 18, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Invocation
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
IV. Recognitions
Subject: |
IV.A. 226 Award
Subject: |
IV.B. Campus Communication
Subject: |
V. Citizens to be Heard
Subject: |
VI. Business Items
Subject: |
VI.A. Reports
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Maintenance Report
Subject: |
VI.A.2. Safety/Security Report
Subject: |
VI.A.3. Instructional Report
Subject: |
VI.A.4. Financial Report
Subject: |
VI.A.5. Bond '22 Report
Subject: |
VI.B. Action Items
Subject: |
VI.B.1. Consider Approval and Addition of Roofing Upgrades at West Columbia Elementary and West Brazos Junior High to the Columbia High School Bond Project.
Subject: |
VI.B.2. Consider Approval and Addition of District and Campus Safety and Security Upgrades to the Columbia High School Bond Project
Subject: |
VI.B.3. Approve Instructional Materials Allotment Certification Survey Including the Purchase of Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Materials for 2025-2026.
Subject: |
VI.C. Action Items (consent agenda)
Subject: |
VI.C.1. Approval of Minutes - February 18, 2025 Regular Meeting
Subject: |
VI.C.2. Approve Budget Amendments and Donations
Subject: |
VI.C.3. Approve Certification of Unopposed Candidates and Approve Order of Cancellation of May 3, 2025, Election
Subject: |
VI.C.4. Approve Out of State Trip for Columbia High School Student and Staff
Subject: |
VI.C.5. Approve Workday 2025-2026 Calendar for 240-day Personnel, September 1st - August 31st
Subject: |
VI.C.6. Approve Board Resolution Supporting the Juvenile Justice Grant for CIS
Subject: |
VI.D. Adjournment to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Governmental Code, the Open Meetings Act
Subject: |
VI.D.1. Section 551.074
Subject: |
VI.D.1.a. Consider the Employment of Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VI.D.1.b. Discuss the Resignation/Retirement of Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VI.D.1.c. Discuss the Performance of Personnel
Subject: |
VI.D.2. Section 551.074 For the Purpose of Considering Discipline of a Public School Child, or Complaint or Charge Against Personnel
Subject: |
VI.D.2.a. Board Policy FNG Grievance
Subject: |
VI.D.2.b. DAEP Placement Appeal
Subject: |
VI.E. Reconvene in Open Meeting and Consider Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
Subject: |
VII. Adjournment