Meeting Agenda
4.1. Thank You Note recieved from MECC.
4.2. Thank You Note received from Reading Tutors.
5.1. Approval of Minutes
5.1.1. Special Board Meeting Minutes - May 10, 2023
5.1.2. Board Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2023
5.1.3. Closed Session Board Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2023
5.2. New Hire
5.2.1. Regina Rotermund - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.2.2. Kaylee Joyce - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.2.3. Celia Davenport - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.2.4. Colleen Grady - Scott School - Teacher - Replacing Jennifer Quinlan - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.2.5. Melissa Salgado - Scott School- Teacher - Replacing Olivia Brooks - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.2.6. Ana Trujillo - District Wide - Sub Custodian - Effective May 5, 2023.
5.2.7. Olivia Estela - MECC, Westdale School, & Roy School - Crossing Guard, Breakfast & Lunch Monitor - Effective May 5, 2023.
5.3. Resignation
5.3.1. Jennifer Museinga - Scott School - Teacher - Effective May 26, 2023.
5.3.2. Kevin Paulus - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective May 26. 2023.
5.3.3. Katarzyna Wojtasik - Mannheim Middle School - Assistant Swim Coach - Effective May 26, 2023.
5.3.4. Jamie Niewinski - Mannheim Middle School - Custodian - Effective May 24, 2023.
5.3.5. Esmeralda Torres-Jaquez - Westdale School - Lunchroom Supervisor - Effective May 25, 2023.
5.4. Bills
5.5. Intent to Retire
5.5.1. Joseph Palmer - Roy School - Cusotdian - Effective June 30, 2023.
5.5.2. Neal Haze - Westdale School - Teacher - Intends to retire at the end of the 2025 -2026 school year.
5.6. Position Changes
5.6.1. Jennifer Quinlan - Scott School - Grade 2 to Reading/Math Intervention at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.2. Sarah McCune - Westdale School - Teacher - From Grade K to Grade 4 at Westdale School.
5.6.3. Maggie Meyer - Westdale School - Teacher - from Grade 3 to Grade 2 - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.4. Sophie Alarcon - Westdale School - Teacher - From Grade 3 to ESL at Westdale School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.5. Kristin Kolodziej - Scott School - Teacher - from Literacy Coach to Grade 1 at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.6. Dana Bowman - Scott School - Teacher - from Grade 2 to ESL at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.7. Therese DeMauro - Scott School - Teacher - from Gr. K at Scott School to SPED at Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.8. Shannon Stephenson - Scott School - Teacher - from Grade 4 to Grade 2 at Scott School - Effective August 25, 2023.
5.6.9. Patricia Diamantopoulous - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - from ESL to Foriegn Language at Mannheim Middle School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.10. Ana Garcia - Scott School - Teacher - from ESL to Grade 1 Bilingual at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.11. Susan Mitra - Roy School - Teacher - from Grade 5 to Grade 4 at Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.12. Marci Rossi - Enger School - Teacher - Classroom teacher to Instructional Coach - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.13. Lauren Chemello - Enger School - Board Certified Behavior Analyst - Moving Office from Enger School to Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.14. Jacqueline Gaffney - Enger School - District Nurse - Moving office from Enger School to Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.15. Estela Rivera - Scott School - Teacher - Grade 3 Bilingual to Grade 5 Bilingual - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.16. Raquel Martinez - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Grade 6 Bilingual to Grade 6 ELA at Mannheim Middle School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.17. Kellie Fazio - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Grade 6 ELA to Physical Education at Mannheim Middle School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.18. Crystal Cardenas - MECC - Teacher - from MECC to Scott School Grade 1 - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.19. Belem Bolanos - Westdale/Transportation - from Lunch Monitor/Bus Driver to Bus Driver only position - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.20. Zoraida Herrera - Roy School/Transportation - Lunch Monitor/Bus Driver to solo position of Bus Driver -Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.21. Cheryl Howe - Scott School - Teacher - Scott School to Enger School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.22. Elizabeth Gatti - MECC - Teacher - new position MECC and Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.23. Jackie Marino - MECC/Roy - Teacher - to MECC only position - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.24. Elizabeth Robbin - MECC - Teacher - MECC and Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.25. Gabriela Escobedo - Roy School - Teacher - Grade K Bilingual at Roy School to Literacy Coach at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.26. Alisa Deutschmann - Leave of Absence from Scott School - Returning to Scott School Grade K - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.27. Martha Arce - District Substitute to Scott School Tutor - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.28. Mary Martinez - District Substitute to Lunch Monitor Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.6.29. Kevin Andy Petroline - Westdale School - Assistant Principal to Scott School Prinicpal - Effective July 1, 2023.
5.6.30. Maria Ficarella - Roy School - Teacher - Grade 2 to Grade 3 at Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
5.7. Second Reading and adoption of Board Policy
5.7.1. 5:170, Copyright - The policy is unchanged. A minor style change is made to Legal References. |
5.7.2. 5:260, Student Teachers - The policy, Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to continuous improvement updates. Additionally, footnote 2 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22- 94, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring district employees and contractors to undergo an EHR when they will have direct contact with children or students. |
5.7.3. 6:135, Accelerated Placement Program - The policy and footnote 10 are updated in response to ISBE’s Accelerated Placement Act FAQ (September 2022). |
5.7.4. 6:135-AP, Accelerated Placement Program Procedures - The procedure is updated for continuous improvement. |
5.7.5. 6:230, Library Media Program - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to subscriber and Ill. Council of School Attorneys member feedback regarding management of library book challenges. |
5.7.6. 6:230-AP, E, Library Media Resource Objection Form - NEW. The exhibit is created for the reason stated in 6:230, Library Media Program, above. |
5.7.7. 7:180-AP1, E1, Resource Guide for Bullying Prevention - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
5.7.8. 7:180-AP1, E2, Be a Hero by Reporting Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
5.7.9. 7:180-AP1, E3, Memo to Staff Regarding Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
5.7.10. 7:180-AP1, E4, Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
5.7.11. 7:180-AP1, E5, Report Form for Bullying - The exhibit is unchanged. |
5.7.12. 7:180-AP1, E6, Interview Form for Bullying Investigation - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
5.7.13. 7:180-AP1, E7, Response to Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
5.7.14. 7:185-E, Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Teen Dating Violence - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
5.7.15. 7:190-AP1, Student Handbook - Hazing Prohibited - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
5.7.16. 7:190-AP6, Guidelines for Investigating Sexting Allegations - REFORMATTED. The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/21B-75, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, allowing the State Superintendent of Education to suspend or revoke a license, endorsement, or approval for sexual misconduct; and for continuous improvement. |
5.7.17. 8:20, Community Use of School Facilities - Updated in response to a five year review. |
5.7.18. 4:60-AP2, Third Party Non-Instructional Contracts - The procedure is unchanged. |
5.7.19. 4:60-AP1, Purchases - The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring contractors to perform EHRs of contractor employees who will have direct contact with children or students, and for continuous improvement. |
5.7.20. 4:60-AP4, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) of Contractor Employees - NEW. The procedure is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring contractors to perform EHRs of contractor employees who will have direct contact with children or students. |
5.7.21. 3:40, Superintendent - The policy is updated with a minor style change. Footnote 3 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(e-5), amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, mandating a superintendent to notify the State Superintendent of Education and applicable regional superintendent of schools of any license holder believed to have committed sexual misconduct.
5.7.22. 4:60, Purchases and Contracts - The Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring contractors to perform EHRs of contractor employees who will have direct contact with children or students. |
5.7.23. 3:40-E, Checklist for Superintendent Employment Contract Negotiation Process - The exhibit is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a board to conduct an EHR when they hire an employee who will have direct contact with children or students, including a superintendent, and for continuous improvement. |
5.7.24. 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnote 10 are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a sexual misconduct related employment history review (EHR) to be initiated prior to hiring an applicant that will have direct contact with children or students. Other continuous improvement updates are made to the Legal References and footnotes. |
5.7.25. 2:250-E2, Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records. - The exhibit is updated in response to 23 Ill.Admin.Code 207.20(b), requiring districts to post their attendance and truancy policies on their websites (if any), and for continuous improvement. |
5.7.26. 4:60-AP45, Federal and State Award Procurement Procedures - RENUMBERED. The procedure is renumbered in response to the creation of NEW 4:60-AP4, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) of Contractor Employees. The procedure is also updated in response to Ill. Criminal Code of 2012, 720 ILCS 5/33E-9, amended by P.A 102-1119, raising the threshold for when a board or designee must approve change orders at or above $1025,000, and for continuous improvement. |
5.7.27. 4:60-AP3, Criminal History Records Check of Contractor Employees - The procedure is updated in response to: 2. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(c), amended by P.A. 102-552, adding homicide offenses to the list of offenses barring individuals from school district employment; and 3. Continuous improvement. |
5.7.28. 5:30, Hiring Process and Criteria - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to initiate an EHR prior to hiring an applicant who will have direct contact with children or students. |
5.7.29. 5:30-AP2, Investigations - The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring the superintendent to notify the State Superintendent of Education and applicable regional superintendent of schools of any license holder believed to have committed sexual misconduct; and for continuous improvement. |
5.7.30. 5:30-AP3, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) - NEW. The procedure is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to initiate an EHR prior to hiring an applicant who will have direct contact with children or students. |
5.7.31. 4:60-AP45, E1, Internal Procedures for Procurement Transactions - RENUMBERED. The procedure is renumbered in response to the creation of NEW 4:60-AP4, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) of Contractor Employees. Minor style changes are also made to the procedure. |
5.7.32. 5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to: 1. 105 ILCS 5/22-85.10, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to develop procedures to notify the parents/guardians of a student with whom a district employee, agent, or contractor is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct; 2. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(e-5), amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring superintendents to notify the State Superintendent of Education and applicable regional superintendent when there is reasonable cause to believe a license holder committed sexual misconduct as defined in 105 ILCS 5/22-85.5(c); and 3. Continuous improvement. New footnote 2 explains distinctions between conduct prohibited by the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, the Ill. Criminal Code of 2012, and the School Code. A Cross Reference to 4:60, Purchases and Contracts, is added. |
5.7.33. 5:90-AP1, Coordination with Children’s Advocacy Center - RENUMBERED. The procedure is updated for continuous improvement and renumbered in response to the creation of NEW 5:90-AP2, Parent/Guardian Notification of Sexual Misconduct. |
5.7.34. 5:90-AP2, Parent/Guardian Notification of Sexual Misconduct - NEW. The procedure is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-85.10, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to develop procedures to notify the parents/guardians of a student with whom a district employee, agent, or contractor is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct. |
5.7.35. 5:125, Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct - The policy and footnotes are updated for continuous improvement. Footnote 1 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/21B-75, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, permitting the State Superintendent of Education to suspend or revoke any license, endorsement, or approval for sexual misconduct. |
5.7.36. 5:150, Personnel Records - The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22- 94(e), added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a district to maintain as part of an employee’s personnel file a form including EHR information. The footnotes are also updated in response to: 1. Personnel Record Review Act (PRRA), 820 ILCS 40/8, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a district to share information related to an incident of sexual misconduct with a third party, even if the record is more than four years old; and 2. Continuous improvement. |
5.7.37. 5:150-AP, Personnel Records - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 5:150, Personnel Records, above. |
5.7.38. 5:30-AP3, E, EHR Letter to Applicant’s Current/Former Employer - NEW. This exhibit is created for the reason stated in 5:30-AP3, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR), above. |
5.8.1. Independent Contractor/Company Agreement - Joan Kadow-Levar, Physical Therapist.
5.8.2. Independent Contractor/Company Agreement - Debbie Lumsden, Occupational Therapist.
6.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
6.2. Business Department - Alicia Cieszykowski, CSBO/Director of Fiscal Services
6.2.2. Annual renewal with Arbor Food Service Management Company for the 2023 - 2024 School Year.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 8, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.1. Thank You Note recieved from MECC.
Subject: |
4.2. Thank You Note received from Reading Tutors.
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.1. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
5.1.1. Special Board Meeting Minutes - May 10, 2023
Subject: |
5.1.2. Board Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2023
Subject: |
5.1.3. Closed Session Board Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2023
Subject: |
5.2. New Hire
Subject: |
5.2.1. Regina Rotermund - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.2.2. Kaylee Joyce - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.2.3. Celia Davenport - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.2.4. Colleen Grady - Scott School - Teacher - Replacing Jennifer Quinlan - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.2.5. Melissa Salgado - Scott School- Teacher - Replacing Olivia Brooks - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.2.6. Ana Trujillo - District Wide - Sub Custodian - Effective May 5, 2023.
Subject: |
5.2.7. Olivia Estela - MECC, Westdale School, & Roy School - Crossing Guard, Breakfast & Lunch Monitor - Effective May 5, 2023.
Subject: |
5.3. Resignation
Subject: |
5.3.1. Jennifer Museinga - Scott School - Teacher - Effective May 26, 2023.
Subject: |
5.3.2. Kevin Paulus - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective May 26. 2023.
Subject: |
5.3.3. Katarzyna Wojtasik - Mannheim Middle School - Assistant Swim Coach - Effective May 26, 2023.
Subject: |
5.3.4. Jamie Niewinski - Mannheim Middle School - Custodian - Effective May 24, 2023.
Subject: |
5.3.5. Esmeralda Torres-Jaquez - Westdale School - Lunchroom Supervisor - Effective May 25, 2023.
Subject: |
5.4. Bills
Subject: |
5.5. Intent to Retire
Subject: |
5.5.1. Joseph Palmer - Roy School - Cusotdian - Effective June 30, 2023.
Subject: |
5.5.2. Neal Haze - Westdale School - Teacher - Intends to retire at the end of the 2025 -2026 school year.
Subject: |
5.6. Position Changes
Subject: |
5.6.1. Jennifer Quinlan - Scott School - Grade 2 to Reading/Math Intervention at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.2. Sarah McCune - Westdale School - Teacher - From Grade K to Grade 4 at Westdale School.
Subject: |
5.6.3. Maggie Meyer - Westdale School - Teacher - from Grade 3 to Grade 2 - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.4. Sophie Alarcon - Westdale School - Teacher - From Grade 3 to ESL at Westdale School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.5. Kristin Kolodziej - Scott School - Teacher - from Literacy Coach to Grade 1 at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.6. Dana Bowman - Scott School - Teacher - from Grade 2 to ESL at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.7. Therese DeMauro - Scott School - Teacher - from Gr. K at Scott School to SPED at Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.8. Shannon Stephenson - Scott School - Teacher - from Grade 4 to Grade 2 at Scott School - Effective August 25, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.9. Patricia Diamantopoulous - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - from ESL to Foriegn Language at Mannheim Middle School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.10. Ana Garcia - Scott School - Teacher - from ESL to Grade 1 Bilingual at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.11. Susan Mitra - Roy School - Teacher - from Grade 5 to Grade 4 at Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.12. Marci Rossi - Enger School - Teacher - Classroom teacher to Instructional Coach - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.13. Lauren Chemello - Enger School - Board Certified Behavior Analyst - Moving Office from Enger School to Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.14. Jacqueline Gaffney - Enger School - District Nurse - Moving office from Enger School to Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.15. Estela Rivera - Scott School - Teacher - Grade 3 Bilingual to Grade 5 Bilingual - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.16. Raquel Martinez - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Grade 6 Bilingual to Grade 6 ELA at Mannheim Middle School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.17. Kellie Fazio - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Grade 6 ELA to Physical Education at Mannheim Middle School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.18. Crystal Cardenas - MECC - Teacher - from MECC to Scott School Grade 1 - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.19. Belem Bolanos - Westdale/Transportation - from Lunch Monitor/Bus Driver to Bus Driver only position - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.20. Zoraida Herrera - Roy School/Transportation - Lunch Monitor/Bus Driver to solo position of Bus Driver -Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.21. Cheryl Howe - Scott School - Teacher - Scott School to Enger School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.22. Elizabeth Gatti - MECC - Teacher - new position MECC and Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.23. Jackie Marino - MECC/Roy - Teacher - to MECC only position - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.24. Elizabeth Robbin - MECC - Teacher - MECC and Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.25. Gabriela Escobedo - Roy School - Teacher - Grade K Bilingual at Roy School to Literacy Coach at Scott School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.26. Alisa Deutschmann - Leave of Absence from Scott School - Returning to Scott School Grade K - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.27. Martha Arce - District Substitute to Scott School Tutor - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.28. Mary Martinez - District Substitute to Lunch Monitor Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.29. Kevin Andy Petroline - Westdale School - Assistant Principal to Scott School Prinicpal - Effective July 1, 2023.
Subject: |
5.6.30. Maria Ficarella - Roy School - Teacher - Grade 2 to Grade 3 at Roy School - Effective August 15, 2023.
Subject: |
5.7. Second Reading and adoption of Board Policy
Subject: |
5.7.1. 5:170, Copyright - The policy is unchanged. A minor style change is made to Legal References. |
Subject: |
5.7.2. 5:260, Student Teachers - The policy, Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to continuous improvement updates. Additionally, footnote 2 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22- 94, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring district employees and contractors to undergo an EHR when they will have direct contact with children or students. |
Subject: |
5.7.3. 6:135, Accelerated Placement Program - The policy and footnote 10 are updated in response to ISBE’s Accelerated Placement Act FAQ (September 2022). |
Subject: |
5.7.4. 6:135-AP, Accelerated Placement Program Procedures - The procedure is updated for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
5.7.5. 6:230, Library Media Program - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to subscriber and Ill. Council of School Attorneys member feedback regarding management of library book challenges. |
Subject: |
5.7.6. 6:230-AP, E, Library Media Resource Objection Form - NEW. The exhibit is created for the reason stated in 6:230, Library Media Program, above. |
Subject: |
5.7.7. 7:180-AP1, E1, Resource Guide for Bullying Prevention - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.8. 7:180-AP1, E2, Be a Hero by Reporting Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.9. 7:180-AP1, E3, Memo to Staff Regarding Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
5.7.10. 7:180-AP1, E4, Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.11. 7:180-AP1, E5, Report Form for Bullying - The exhibit is unchanged. |
Subject: |
5.7.12. 7:180-AP1, E6, Interview Form for Bullying Investigation - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.13. 7:180-AP1, E7, Response to Bullying - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.14. 7:185-E, Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Teen Dating Violence - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.15. 7:190-AP1, Student Handbook - Hazing Prohibited - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.16. 7:190-AP6, Guidelines for Investigating Sexting Allegations - REFORMATTED. The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/21B-75, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, allowing the State Superintendent of Education to suspend or revoke a license, endorsement, or approval for sexual misconduct; and for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
5.7.17. 8:20, Community Use of School Facilities - Updated in response to a five year review. |
Subject: |
5.7.18. 4:60-AP2, Third Party Non-Instructional Contracts - The procedure is unchanged. |
Subject: |
5.7.19. 4:60-AP1, Purchases - The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring contractors to perform EHRs of contractor employees who will have direct contact with children or students, and for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
5.7.20. 4:60-AP4, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) of Contractor Employees - NEW. The procedure is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring contractors to perform EHRs of contractor employees who will have direct contact with children or students. |
Subject: |
5.7.21. 3:40, Superintendent - The policy is updated with a minor style change. Footnote 3 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(e-5), amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, mandating a superintendent to notify the State Superintendent of Education and applicable regional superintendent of schools of any license holder believed to have committed sexual misconduct.
Subject: |
5.7.22. 4:60, Purchases and Contracts - The Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring contractors to perform EHRs of contractor employees who will have direct contact with children or students. |
Subject: |
5.7.23. 3:40-E, Checklist for Superintendent Employment Contract Negotiation Process - The exhibit is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a board to conduct an EHR when they hire an employee who will have direct contact with children or students, including a superintendent, and for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
5.7.24. 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnote 10 are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a sexual misconduct related employment history review (EHR) to be initiated prior to hiring an applicant that will have direct contact with children or students. Other continuous improvement updates are made to the Legal References and footnotes. |
Subject: |
5.7.25. 2:250-E2, Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records. - The exhibit is updated in response to 23 Ill.Admin.Code 207.20(b), requiring districts to post their attendance and truancy policies on their websites (if any), and for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
5.7.26. 4:60-AP45, Federal and State Award Procurement Procedures - RENUMBERED. The procedure is renumbered in response to the creation of NEW 4:60-AP4, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) of Contractor Employees. The procedure is also updated in response to Ill. Criminal Code of 2012, 720 ILCS 5/33E-9, amended by P.A 102-1119, raising the threshold for when a board or designee must approve change orders at or above $1025,000, and for continuous improvement. |
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5.7.27. 4:60-AP3, Criminal History Records Check of Contractor Employees - The procedure is updated in response to: 2. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(c), amended by P.A. 102-552, adding homicide offenses to the list of offenses barring individuals from school district employment; and 3. Continuous improvement. |
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5.7.28. 5:30, Hiring Process and Criteria - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to initiate an EHR prior to hiring an applicant who will have direct contact with children or students. |
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5.7.29. 5:30-AP2, Investigations - The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring the superintendent to notify the State Superintendent of Education and applicable regional superintendent of schools of any license holder believed to have committed sexual misconduct; and for continuous improvement. |
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5.7.30. 5:30-AP3, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) - NEW. The procedure is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-94, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to initiate an EHR prior to hiring an applicant who will have direct contact with children or students. |
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5.7.31. 4:60-AP45, E1, Internal Procedures for Procurement Transactions - RENUMBERED. The procedure is renumbered in response to the creation of NEW 4:60-AP4, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR) of Contractor Employees. Minor style changes are also made to the procedure. |
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5.7.32. 5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to: 1. 105 ILCS 5/22-85.10, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to develop procedures to notify the parents/guardians of a student with whom a district employee, agent, or contractor is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct; 2. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(e-5), amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring superintendents to notify the State Superintendent of Education and applicable regional superintendent when there is reasonable cause to believe a license holder committed sexual misconduct as defined in 105 ILCS 5/22-85.5(c); and 3. Continuous improvement. New footnote 2 explains distinctions between conduct prohibited by the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, the Ill. Criminal Code of 2012, and the School Code. A Cross Reference to 4:60, Purchases and Contracts, is added. |
5:30-AP3, E, EHR Letter to Applicant’s Current/Former Employer - NEW. This exhibit is created for the reason stated in 5:30-AP3, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR), above. |
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5.7.33. 5:90-AP1, Coordination with Children’s Advocacy Center - RENUMBERED. The procedure is updated for continuous improvement and renumbered in response to the creation of NEW 5:90-AP2, Parent/Guardian Notification of Sexual Misconduct. |
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5.7.34. 5:90-AP2, Parent/Guardian Notification of Sexual Misconduct - NEW. The procedure is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/22-85.10, added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring districts to develop procedures to notify the parents/guardians of a student with whom a district employee, agent, or contractor is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct. |
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5.7.35. 5:125, Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct - The policy and footnotes are updated for continuous improvement. Footnote 1 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/21B-75, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, permitting the State Superintendent of Education to suspend or revoke any license, endorsement, or approval for sexual misconduct. |
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5.7.36. 5:150, Personnel Records - The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/22- 94(e), added by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a district to maintain as part of an employee’s personnel file a form including EHR information. The footnotes are also updated in response to: 1. Personnel Record Review Act (PRRA), 820 ILCS 40/8, amended by P.A. 102-702, eff. 7-1-23, requiring a district to share information related to an incident of sexual misconduct with a third party, even if the record is more than four years old; and 2. Continuous improvement. |
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5.7.37. 5:150-AP, Personnel Records - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 5:150, Personnel Records, above. |
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5.7.38. 5:30-AP3, E, EHR Letter to Applicant’s Current/Former Employer - NEW. This exhibit is created for the reason stated in 5:30-AP3, Sexual Misconduct Related Employment History Review (EHR), above. |
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5.8.1. Independent Contractor/Company Agreement - Joan Kadow-Levar, Physical Therapist.
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5.8.2. Independent Contractor/Company Agreement - Debbie Lumsden, Occupational Therapist.
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6.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
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6.2. Business Department - Alicia Cieszykowski, CSBO/Director of Fiscal Services
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6.2.2. Annual renewal with Arbor Food Service Management Company for the 2023 - 2024 School Year.
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