Meeting Agenda
3.1. FOIA Request:
3.1.1. Cannon Solutions of America - Requesting copies of current copier lease agreements.
3.1.2. Iron Workers Local 63 - Requesting information regarding the temporary fence at Enger School contract, bid.
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.1.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - June 9, 2022
4.1.2. Closed Session Board Minutes - June 9, 2022
4.1.3. Special Board Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2022
4.2. New Hire
4.2.1. Jose Juan Rivera - Mannheim Middle School - Spanish Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.2. Mayra Moya - Westdale School - Teacher 2nd Gr. Bilingual - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.3. Malgorzata Miara - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.4. Laura Zeno - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - English Language Arts - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.5. Leilani Rebolledo - Roy School - SpEd Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.6. Rebecca Temple - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.7. Melissa Taguchi - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher English Language Arts - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.8. Susan Mitra - Roy School - 5th Grade Teacher - Replacing Kimberly Patterson - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.9. Juan Bernal - Administration Center - District Network Technician - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.10. Nereida Escamilla - Transportation - Bus Driver - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.11. Rachel Feldkamp - Westdale - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.12. Ana Garcia - Scott School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022
4.2.13. Daniela Gonzalez - Transportation - Bus Driver - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.14. Richard Kupfer - Technology Department - Repair Technician - Effective July 5, 2022.
4.2.15. Victor Peralta - Scott School - Custodian - Effective August 3, 2022.
4.2.16. Kelly Schroeder - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.17. Andrew Sullivan - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.18. Jessy Thomas - Scott School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.19. Carmen Tratto - Transportation - Sub Bus Driver - Effective August 17, 2022.
4.2.20. Laura Zeno - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.2.21. Catherine Gatti - MECC - Teacher - Effective September 9, 2022.
4.3. Resignation
4.3.1. Natalie Viveros - Westdale School - Teacher Gr. 5 - Effective June 3, 2022.
4.3.2. Kristen Biehl - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 5 - Effective June10, 2022.
4.3.3. Angelica Degante - Scott School - ESL Teacher - Effective June 14, 2022.
4.3.4. Angela Gietz - Mannheim Middle School - Secretary - Effective June 30, 2022.
4.3.5. Natalie Shamie - Enger School - Teacher- Effective June 16, 2022.
4.3.6. Kimberly Patterson - Roy School - Teacher - Effective June 18, 2022.
4.3.7. Laura Dunne - MECC - Teacher - Effective June 24, 2022.
4.3.8. Karina Ayala Vizcarra - Scott School - Secretary - Effective June 24, 2022.
4.3.9. Meg Espinoza - Roy School - Teacher - LSD - Effective June 27, 2022.
4.3.10. Shannon Justice - Scott School - Assistant Prinicpal - Effective June 6, 2022.
4.3.11. Danielle Welch - LASEC - Director - Effective - Juky 1, 2022.
4.3.12. Emma Corum - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.3.13. Jackie Juliano - Scott School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.3.14. Melanie Miller - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.3.15. Karina Saucedo - Roy School - Teacher - Effective - August 15, 2022.
4.3.16. Vianney Ayala - Roy School - Crossing Guard - Effective August 17, 2022.
4.3.17. Elizabeth Herrera - Mannheim Early Childhood Center - Classroom Aide - Effective July 26, 2022.
4.3.18. Maria Soulias - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective July 16, 2022
4.3.19. Karina Corral - Transportation - Bus Driver - Effective August 3, 2022.
4.3.20. Amber Morgan - Roy School - Assistant Principal - Effective August 19, 2022.
4.3.21. Erin Ward - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective August 9, 2022.
4.3.22. Jessica Martinez - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 8, 2022.
4.4. Position Change
4.4.1. Lorena Leon - Scott School - Lunchroom Monitor to Library Clerk - Replacing Laura Mata - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.4.2. Jocelyn Vazquez - Roy School - Teacher - Gr. 3 Bilingual to LSD at Roy School.
4.4.3. Susan Delia - Roy School Tutor to Mannheim Middle School SpEd Aide.
4.4.4. Jorge Hervas - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher to Scott School Assistant Principal.
4.4.5. Abigail de Jesus Ortiz Valles - Mannheim Early Childhood Teacher to Mannheim Middle School Clasrrom Aide - Effective August 15, 2022.
4.5. Anita Slayton - Westdale School Reading Tutor to Mannheim Middle School Secretary.
4.6. Jamie Niewinski - Mannheim Middle School Lunch Monitor to Mannheim Middle School Custodian.
4.7. Dominique Garcia - Enger - Lunch monitor to Classroom Aide.
4.8. Corina Centeno-Flores - Roy School - Teacher - Grade 5 Bilingual to Roy School Bilingual Grade 3 Bilingual.
4.9. First Reading of Board Policy
4.9.1. 6:290, Homework -The policy and footnotes are updated, and a Cross Reference is added, in response to a five-year review.
4.9.2. 6:330, Achievement and Awards - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.9.3. 7:10-AP1, Accommodating Transgender, Nonbinary,
4.9.4. 7:10-AP2, Accommodating Breastfeeding Students - The Legal References and footnote 1 are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.9.5. 7:15, Student and Family Privacy Rights - The policy, Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review. Footnote 13 now includes a discussion of the interplay between the Protection of Pupil Rights Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, the Children’s Privacy Protection and Parental Empowerment Act, 325 ILCS 17/, and the Student Online Personal Protection Act, 105 ILCS 85/.
4.9.6. 7:60-AP2, Establishing Student Residency – The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review and 105 ILCS 5/10-22.5a, amended by P.A. 102-126, giving military personnel up to
4.9.7. 7:140-AP, Use of Metal Detectors and Searches for Student Safety - RENAMED. The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.9.8. 7:270, Administering Medicines to Students - The Legal References are updated in response to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, 410 ILCS 130/, amended by P.A. 101-363. The footnotes and Cross References are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.182, added by P.A. 102-413, requiring districts to adopt or update by 8-17-22 an anaphylaxis policy addressing prevention of and response to anaphylaxis in accordance with ISBE’s model policy, titled Anaphylaxis Response Policy for Illinois Schools. Other continuous improvement updates are also made to the footnotes.
4.9.9. 7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication - The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.182, added by P.A. 102-413, requiring districts to adopt or update by 8-17-22 an anaphylaxis policy addressing prevention of and response to anaphylaxis in accordance with ISBE’s model policy, titled, Anaphylaxis Response Policy for Illinois Schools, and for continuous improvement.
4.9.10. 7:270-AP2, Checklist for District Supply of Undesignated Asthma Medication, Epinephrine Injectors, Opioid Antagonists, and/or Glucagon - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication, above.
4.9.11. 7:270-E1, School Medication Authorization Form - The exhibit is updated for the reasons stated in 7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication, above.
4.9.12. 7:285, Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and
4.9.13. 7:300-E1, Agreement to Participate - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. The hold harmless language in the agreement is now limited to students 18 years or older and their parents/guardians.
4.9.14. 7:300-E3, Authorization for Medical Treatment - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.9.15. 7:340-AP1, E2, Using a Photograph or Video Recording of a Student - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.9.16. 7:340-AP1, E5, Biometric Information Collection Authorization - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.9.17. 8:20-E, Application and Procedures for Use of School Facilities - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.9.18. 7:285-AP,
4.10. Second Reading and Adoption of Board Policy
4.10.1. 2:150-AP, Superintendent Committees
The procedure is updated in response to:
4.10.2. 2:230, Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
The policy and footnotes are updated in response to subscriber feedback regarding time minimums and maximums for public participation during school board meetings and for continuous improvement. Minimum time periods are deleted in the policy. Footnote 1 is updated in response to the Empowering Public Participation Act, 5 ILCS 850/, added by P.A. 102-348, and a new option to insert a time limit for public participation is added to footnote 2. Footnote 4 is updated in response to recent legal updates concerning public comment periods. A style change is made to the Legal References. |
4.10.3. 4:10, Fiscal and Business Management
The policy is updated in response to continuous improvement changes. A style update is made to the Legal References. The footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/17-2A, amended by P.A. 102-671, extending the time period during which a district may transfer money from specified funds for any purpose through 6-30-24, and for continuous improvement. The Cross References are updated to add policy 4:20, Fund Balances, and policy 4:60, Purchases and Contracts. The Administrative Procedure Cross References are updated to reflect a title change. |
4.10.4. 4:60-AP4, E1, Internal Procedures for Procurement Transactions
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.5. 4:70, Resource Conservation
The Legal References and footnote 5 are updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.6. 4:110-AP2, Bus Driver Communication Devices; Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection; and Bus Driving Comments
The Legal References and footnote 5 are updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.7. 4:170-AP1, E1, Accident or Injury Form
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.8. 4:170-AP1, E2, Memo to Staff Members Regarding Contacts by Media About a Crisis
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.9. 4:170-AP4, National Terrorism Advisory System
The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.10. 4:180, Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery
The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act, 745 ILCS 70/13.5, added by P.A. 102-667, and continuous improvement updates. |
4.10.11. 4:180-AP1, School Action Steps for Pandemic Influenza or Other Virus/Disease
The procedure and footnotes are updated for continuous improvement. |
4.10.12. 5:40, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
The policy is unchanged. Style updates are made to the Legal References. The footnotes are updated in response to continuous improvement changes. Footnote 2 is updated in response to EEOC Guidance, What You Should Know about COVID-19 and the ADA, Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws (updated 12-14-21). The Cross References are updated to add policy 4:180, Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery. |
4.10.13. 5:40-AP, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
The procedure is updated in response to EEOC Guidance, What You Should Know about COVID-19 and the ADA, Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws (updated 12-14-21) and continuous improvement changes. |
4.10.14. 5:70, Religious Holidays
The policy is unchanged. Style updates are made to the Legal References. |
4.10.15. 5:80, Court Duty
The policy, footnotes, and Legal References are updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.16. 5:110, Recognition for Service
The policy is unchanged. Footnote 1 is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.17. 5:130-AP, Email Retention
The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.18. 5:220-E, Unsatisfactory Performance Report for Substitute Teachers
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.19. 5:240, Suspension
The policy is unchanged. Style updates are made to the Legal References. The footnotes and Cross References are updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.20. 5:270-E, Notice of Employment
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.21. 6:70, Teaching About Religions
The policy is unchanged. Footnote 2 is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.22. 6:70-AP, Teaching About Religions
The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.23. 6:80, Teaching About Controversial Issues
Legal References are added and footnote 2 is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.24. 6:120-AP3, Service Animals
The procedure and Legal References are updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.25. 6:120-AP3, E1, Guidelines for Service Animals in School Facilities
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.10.26. 6:140, Education of Homeless Children
The policy, footnotes, and Cross References are updated in response to a five-year review. Style updates are made to the Legal References. |
4.10.27. 6:140 AP Education of Homeless Children.
The procedure is updated in response to the five-year review. |
4.10.28. 6:250-E, Resource Person and Volunteer Information Form and Waiver of Liability
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
4.11. Bills
4.11.1. June Bills 2022
4.11.2. July Bills 2022
4.12. NOTICES:
4.12.1. Integrated Pest Management Notice
4.12.2. Pesticide Notice
4.12.3. 2022 - 2023 Annual Safety Plan Update
4.13. Computer Buy 2022 - 2023
4.14.1. TY2022-2023 Tentative LASEC Budget Report
4.14.2. Certification of Budget & Appropriation Ordiance for Leyden Area Special Education Cooperative.
5.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
5.1.1. Buidlings, Grounds, Transportation and Safey Monthly Report.
5.2. Business Department - Alicia Cieszykowski, Business Manager, CBO
5.2.1. FY 2022-2023 Tentative Budget Report
5.2.2. Resolution for the Appointment of IMRF Agent.
8.1. Board and Administrator July 2022 Edition.
8.2. Board & Administrator - August 2022 Edition
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
3.1. FOIA Request:
Subject: |
3.1.1. Cannon Solutions of America - Requesting copies of current copier lease agreements.
Subject: |
3.1.2. Iron Workers Local 63 - Requesting information regarding the temporary fence at Enger School contract, bid.
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.1. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
4.1.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - June 9, 2022
Subject: |
4.1.2. Closed Session Board Minutes - June 9, 2022
Subject: |
4.1.3. Special Board Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2022
Subject: |
4.2. New Hire
Subject: |
4.2.1. Jose Juan Rivera - Mannheim Middle School - Spanish Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.2. Mayra Moya - Westdale School - Teacher 2nd Gr. Bilingual - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.3. Malgorzata Miara - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.4. Laura Zeno - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - English Language Arts - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.5. Leilani Rebolledo - Roy School - SpEd Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.6. Rebecca Temple - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.7. Melissa Taguchi - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher English Language Arts - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.8. Susan Mitra - Roy School - 5th Grade Teacher - Replacing Kimberly Patterson - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.9. Juan Bernal - Administration Center - District Network Technician - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.10. Nereida Escamilla - Transportation - Bus Driver - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.11. Rachel Feldkamp - Westdale - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.12. Ana Garcia - Scott School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022
Subject: |
4.2.13. Daniela Gonzalez - Transportation - Bus Driver - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.14. Richard Kupfer - Technology Department - Repair Technician - Effective July 5, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.15. Victor Peralta - Scott School - Custodian - Effective August 3, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.16. Kelly Schroeder - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.17. Andrew Sullivan - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.18. Jessy Thomas - Scott School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.19. Carmen Tratto - Transportation - Sub Bus Driver - Effective August 17, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.20. Laura Zeno - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.21. Catherine Gatti - MECC - Teacher - Effective September 9, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3. Resignation
Subject: |
4.3.1. Natalie Viveros - Westdale School - Teacher Gr. 5 - Effective June 3, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.2. Kristen Biehl - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 5 - Effective June10, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.3. Angelica Degante - Scott School - ESL Teacher - Effective June 14, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.4. Angela Gietz - Mannheim Middle School - Secretary - Effective June 30, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.5. Natalie Shamie - Enger School - Teacher- Effective June 16, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.6. Kimberly Patterson - Roy School - Teacher - Effective June 18, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.7. Laura Dunne - MECC - Teacher - Effective June 24, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.8. Karina Ayala Vizcarra - Scott School - Secretary - Effective June 24, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.9. Meg Espinoza - Roy School - Teacher - LSD - Effective June 27, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.10. Shannon Justice - Scott School - Assistant Prinicpal - Effective June 6, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.11. Danielle Welch - LASEC - Director - Effective - Juky 1, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.12. Emma Corum - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.13. Jackie Juliano - Scott School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.14. Melanie Miller - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.15. Karina Saucedo - Roy School - Teacher - Effective - August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.16. Vianney Ayala - Roy School - Crossing Guard - Effective August 17, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.17. Elizabeth Herrera - Mannheim Early Childhood Center - Classroom Aide - Effective July 26, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.18. Maria Soulias - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective July 16, 2022
Subject: |
4.3.19. Karina Corral - Transportation - Bus Driver - Effective August 3, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.20. Amber Morgan - Roy School - Assistant Principal - Effective August 19, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.21. Erin Ward - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective August 9, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3.22. Jessica Martinez - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 8, 2022.
Subject: |
4.4. Position Change
Subject: |
4.4.1. Lorena Leon - Scott School - Lunchroom Monitor to Library Clerk - Replacing Laura Mata - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.4.2. Jocelyn Vazquez - Roy School - Teacher - Gr. 3 Bilingual to LSD at Roy School.
Subject: |
4.4.3. Susan Delia - Roy School Tutor to Mannheim Middle School SpEd Aide.
Subject: |
4.4.4. Jorge Hervas - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher to Scott School Assistant Principal.
Subject: |
4.4.5. Abigail de Jesus Ortiz Valles - Mannheim Early Childhood Teacher to Mannheim Middle School Clasrrom Aide - Effective August 15, 2022.
Subject: |
4.5. Anita Slayton - Westdale School Reading Tutor to Mannheim Middle School Secretary.
Subject: |
4.6. Jamie Niewinski - Mannheim Middle School Lunch Monitor to Mannheim Middle School Custodian.
Subject: |
4.7. Dominique Garcia - Enger - Lunch monitor to Classroom Aide.
Subject: |
4.8. Corina Centeno-Flores - Roy School - Teacher - Grade 5 Bilingual to Roy School Bilingual Grade 3 Bilingual.
Subject: |
4.9. First Reading of Board Policy
Subject: |
4.9.1. 6:290, Homework -The policy and footnotes are updated, and a Cross Reference is added, in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.2. 6:330, Achievement and Awards - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.3. 7:10-AP1, Accommodating Transgender, Nonbinary,
Subject: |
4.9.4. 7:10-AP2, Accommodating Breastfeeding Students - The Legal References and footnote 1 are updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.5. 7:15, Student and Family Privacy Rights - The policy, Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review. Footnote 13 now includes a discussion of the interplay between the Protection of Pupil Rights Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, the Children’s Privacy Protection and Parental Empowerment Act, 325 ILCS 17/, and the Student Online Personal Protection Act, 105 ILCS 85/.
Subject: |
4.9.6. 7:60-AP2, Establishing Student Residency – The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review and 105 ILCS 5/10-22.5a, amended by P.A. 102-126, giving military personnel up to
Subject: |
4.9.7. 7:140-AP, Use of Metal Detectors and Searches for Student Safety - RENAMED. The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.8. 7:270, Administering Medicines to Students - The Legal References are updated in response to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act, 410 ILCS 130/, amended by P.A. 101-363. The footnotes and Cross References are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.182, added by P.A. 102-413, requiring districts to adopt or update by 8-17-22 an anaphylaxis policy addressing prevention of and response to anaphylaxis in accordance with ISBE’s model policy, titled Anaphylaxis Response Policy for Illinois Schools. Other continuous improvement updates are also made to the footnotes.
Subject: |
4.9.9. 7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication - The procedure is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.182, added by P.A. 102-413, requiring districts to adopt or update by 8-17-22 an anaphylaxis policy addressing prevention of and response to anaphylaxis in accordance with ISBE’s model policy, titled, Anaphylaxis Response Policy for Illinois Schools, and for continuous improvement.
Subject: |
4.9.10. 7:270-AP2, Checklist for District Supply of Undesignated Asthma Medication, Epinephrine Injectors, Opioid Antagonists, and/or Glucagon - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication, above.
Subject: |
4.9.11. 7:270-E1, School Medication Authorization Form - The exhibit is updated for the reasons stated in 7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication, above.
Subject: |
4.9.12. 7:285, Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and
Subject: |
4.9.13. 7:300-E1, Agreement to Participate - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. The hold harmless language in the agreement is now limited to students 18 years or older and their parents/guardians.
Subject: |
4.9.14. 7:300-E3, Authorization for Medical Treatment - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.15. 7:340-AP1, E2, Using a Photograph or Video Recording of a Student - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.16. 7:340-AP1, E5, Biometric Information Collection Authorization - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.17. 8:20-E, Application and Procedures for Use of School Facilities - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.9.18. 7:285-AP,
Subject: |
4.10. Second Reading and Adoption of Board Policy
Subject: |
4.10.1. 2:150-AP, Superintendent Committees
The procedure is updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.10.2. 2:230, Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
The policy and footnotes are updated in response to subscriber feedback regarding time minimums and maximums for public participation during school board meetings and for continuous improvement. Minimum time periods are deleted in the policy. Footnote 1 is updated in response to the Empowering Public Participation Act, 5 ILCS 850/, added by P.A. 102-348, and a new option to insert a time limit for public participation is added to footnote 2. Footnote 4 is updated in response to recent legal updates concerning public comment periods. A style change is made to the Legal References. |
Subject: |
4.10.3. 4:10, Fiscal and Business Management
The policy is updated in response to continuous improvement changes. A style update is made to the Legal References. The footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/17-2A, amended by P.A. 102-671, extending the time period during which a district may transfer money from specified funds for any purpose through 6-30-24, and for continuous improvement. The Cross References are updated to add policy 4:20, Fund Balances, and policy 4:60, Purchases and Contracts. The Administrative Procedure Cross References are updated to reflect a title change. |
Subject: |
4.10.4. 4:60-AP4, E1, Internal Procedures for Procurement Transactions
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.5. 4:70, Resource Conservation
The Legal References and footnote 5 are updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.6. 4:110-AP2, Bus Driver Communication Devices; Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection; and Bus Driving Comments
The Legal References and footnote 5 are updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.7. 4:170-AP1, E1, Accident or Injury Form
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.8. 4:170-AP1, E2, Memo to Staff Members Regarding Contacts by Media About a Crisis
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.9. 4:170-AP4, National Terrorism Advisory System
The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.10. 4:180, Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery
The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act, 745 ILCS 70/13.5, added by P.A. 102-667, and continuous improvement updates. |
Subject: |
4.10.11. 4:180-AP1, School Action Steps for Pandemic Influenza or Other Virus/Disease
The procedure and footnotes are updated for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
4.10.12. 5:40, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
The policy is unchanged. Style updates are made to the Legal References. The footnotes are updated in response to continuous improvement changes. Footnote 2 is updated in response to EEOC Guidance, What You Should Know about COVID-19 and the ADA, Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws (updated 12-14-21). The Cross References are updated to add policy 4:180, Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery. |
Subject: |
4.10.13. 5:40-AP, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
The procedure is updated in response to EEOC Guidance, What You Should Know about COVID-19 and the ADA, Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws (updated 12-14-21) and continuous improvement changes. |
Subject: |
4.10.14. 5:70, Religious Holidays
The policy is unchanged. Style updates are made to the Legal References. |
Subject: |
4.10.15. 5:80, Court Duty
The policy, footnotes, and Legal References are updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.16. 5:110, Recognition for Service
The policy is unchanged. Footnote 1 is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.17. 5:130-AP, Email Retention
The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.18. 5:220-E, Unsatisfactory Performance Report for Substitute Teachers
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.19. 5:240, Suspension
The policy is unchanged. Style updates are made to the Legal References. The footnotes and Cross References are updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.20. 5:270-E, Notice of Employment
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.21. 6:70, Teaching About Religions
The policy is unchanged. Footnote 2 is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.22. 6:70-AP, Teaching About Religions
The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.23. 6:80, Teaching About Controversial Issues
Legal References are added and footnote 2 is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.24. 6:120-AP3, Service Animals
The procedure and Legal References are updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.25. 6:120-AP3, E1, Guidelines for Service Animals in School Facilities
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.26. 6:140, Education of Homeless Children
The policy, footnotes, and Cross References are updated in response to a five-year review. Style updates are made to the Legal References. |
Subject: |
4.10.27. 6:140 AP Education of Homeless Children.
The procedure is updated in response to the five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.10.28. 6:250-E, Resource Person and Volunteer Information Form and Waiver of Liability
The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review. |
Subject: |
4.11. Bills
Subject: |
4.11.1. June Bills 2022
Subject: |
4.11.2. July Bills 2022
Subject: |
4.12. NOTICES:
Subject: |
4.12.1. Integrated Pest Management Notice
Subject: |
4.12.2. Pesticide Notice
Subject: |
4.12.3. 2022 - 2023 Annual Safety Plan Update
Subject: |
4.13. Computer Buy 2022 - 2023
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.14.1. TY2022-2023 Tentative LASEC Budget Report
Subject: |
4.14.2. Certification of Budget & Appropriation Ordiance for Leyden Area Special Education Cooperative.
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
Subject: |
5.1.1. Buidlings, Grounds, Transportation and Safey Monthly Report.
Subject: |
5.2. Business Department - Alicia Cieszykowski, Business Manager, CBO
Subject: |
5.2.1. FY 2022-2023 Tentative Budget Report
Subject: |
5.2.2. Resolution for the Appointment of IMRF Agent.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.1. Board and Administrator July 2022 Edition.
Subject: |
8.2. Board & Administrator - August 2022 Edition
Subject: |