Meeting Agenda
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.1.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - December 9, 2021.
4.1.2. Closed Session Meeting - December 9, 2021.
4.2. New Hire
4.2.1. Elizabeth Barron, Westdale School, Lunch Monitor, replacing Lizet Bonilla, effective November 29, 2021.
4.2.2. Ashley Molina, Westdale School, Lunch Monitor, effective December 2, 2021.
4.2.3. Carmen Tretto, Transportation, Bus Driver, effective December 8, 2021.
4.2.4. Adina Pieranunzi, Administration Center, HR Secretary, replacing Marlene Hernandez, effective January 3, 2022.
4.2.5. Alexis Palella, Scott School, Lunch Monitor, effective January 5, 2022.
4.2.6. Anna Dogie, Scott School, Lunch Monitor, effective December 16, 2021.
4.2.7. Lorena Loera Velazquez, MECC, Classroom Aide, replacing Yadiza Martinez, effective January 5, 2022.
4.3. Resignation
4.3.1. Justin Garupera, Westdale School, Custodian, effective December 10, 2021.
4.3.2. Vicki Britton, Transportation, Bus Driver, Effective December 10, 2021.
4.3.3. Marissa Justinano Pascoe, Enger School, Teacher, Effective December 21, 2021.
4.3.4. Mark Jeske, Enger School, Custodian, effective January 7, 2022.
4.4. Position Changes
4.4.1. Emilio Miranda, District Substitute Custodian to Fulltime Custodian Roy/Scott Schools, effective November 9, 2021.
4.4.2. Jessica Nevarez, Lunch Monitor to District Substitute, effective November 29, 2021.
4.4.3. Jannely Herrera, Lunch Monitor to Mannheim Middle School Secretary, replacing Kathy Bratta, effective January 5, 2022.
4.4.4. Louis Christakos, Ad Center, Substitute Custodian, moving to Westdale School, Custodian, replacing Joe Wirth, effective December 15, 2021.
4.4.5. Joseph Wirth, Westdale School, Custodian moving to Central Supply, replacing Anthony Caponi, effective December 16, 2021.
4.5. Family Medical Leave
4.5.1. Ana Orozco, Transportation, Bus Driver, requesting FMLA commencing December 9, 2021 and concluding December 21, 2021.
4.6. First Reading of Board Policy
4.6.1. 4:60-AP1, Purchases - The procedure is updated in response to the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act, 410 ILCS 170/, added by P.A. 102-242, eff. 1-1-23. Footnote 2 is added for continuous improvement related to the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, 30 ILCS 708/.
4.6.2. 4:60-AP4, Federal and State Award Procurement Procedures - The procedure is updated in response to 2 C.F.R. Part 200, amended by 85 Fed.Reg. 49543, and for continuous improvement.
4.6.3. 4:80, Accounting and Audits - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, 815 ILCS 333/, added by P.A. 102-38.
4.6.4. 4:110, Transportation - The policy, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-20.59, amended by P.A. 102-199, requiring boards to appoint a liaison to facilitate the enrollment of students in the legal custody of the Ill. Dept. of Children and Family Services, and for continuous improvement.
4.6.5. 4:120, Food Services - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.6.6. 4:150, Facility Management and Building Programs - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-20.63, added by P.As. 100-163 and 102-340, requiring school districts to make menstrual
4.6.7. 4:160, Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds - The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to:
4.6.8. 4:165, Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors - NEW. This policy is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-23.13 (E_r_i_n_’s_ _L_a_w_), amended by P.A. 102-610, requiring districts to adopt and implement a policy addressing sexual abuse of children that includes an age-appropriate and evidence-informed curriculum for pre-K-12 students, evidence-informed training for school personnel on child sexual abuse, and evidence-informed educational information for parents/guardians in school handbooks.
4.6.9. 4:170, Safety - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 128/20(c), amended by P.A. 102-395, requiring schools to notify and allow parents/guardians to opt their children out of lockdown drills involving student participation. Continuous improvement updates are also made to the policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes.
4.6.10. 4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 4:170, Safety, above.
4.6.11. 4:170-AP2, Routine Communications Concerning Safety and Security - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 4:170, Safety, above.
4.6.12. 4:170-AP2, E5, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Lockdown Drill; Opt-out - NEW. This exhibit is created in response to 105 ILCS 128/20(c), amended by P.A. 102-395.
4.6.13. 4:175, Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated. The footnotes are updated in response to:
4.6.14. 4:175-AP1, Criminal Offender Notification Laws; Screening - The procedure is updated in response to:
4.6.15. 5:10, Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to:
4.6.16. 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited - The policy, footnotes, and Legal References are updated. The policy is updated in response to IHRA, 775 ILCS 5/2-101, 5/2-102, and 5/2-104, amended by P.A. 102-33, adding discrimination (including harassment) on the basis of work authorization status as a civil rights violation. The footnotes are updated for the same reason as the policy and in response to:
The Legal References are updated with additional case citations for continuous improvement. |
4.6.17. 5:20-AP, Sample Questions and Considerations for Conducting the Internal Harassment in the Workplace Investigation - The procedure is updated in response to the IHRA amendment stated in 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited, above (work authorization status), and for continuous improvement.
4.7. Second Reading and Adoption of Board Policy
4.7.1. 2:20, Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification
The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated. Policy text is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/21B-85(b), amended by P.A. 102-552, which was part of the General Assembly’s focus on resolving Educator Misconduct. The amendment shifts responsibility from the State Superintendent to local boards of education to notify the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) when it learns that a teacher was convicted of a felony. Major notifications required of the board to ISBE and TRS were inserted to clarify board duties related to educator misconduct. The Legal References reflect the reporting section of the School Code, Cross References are updated to align with other policies related to managing educator misconduct, and the footnotes are updated to align with these changes. |
4.7.2. 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers
The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to:
4.7.3. 2:120, Board Member Development
The policy and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-16a, amended by P.A. 102-638 (requiring, beginning in the fall of 2023, professional development leadership training to also include trauma-informed practices for students and staff), and continuous improvement. |
4.7.4. 2:150, Committees
The policy is unchanged. The Legal References are updated with a minor style change. The footnotes are updated in response to OMA, 5 ILCS 120/2.06(d), amended by P.A. 102-653, and for continuous improvement. |
4.7.5. 2:150-AP, Superintendent Committees
The procedure is updated in response to:
4.7.6. 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure
The policy and footnotes are updated in response to OMA, 5 ILCS 120/2.06(d), amended by P.A. 102-653, clarifying when boards and their committees must conduct reviews of their closed session minutes, and for continuous improvement. |
4.7.7. 2:220-E1, Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Recordings and Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
4.7.8. 2:220-E3, Closed Meeting Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
4.7.9. 2:220-E5, Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
4.7.10. 2:220-E6, Log of Closed Meeting Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
4.7.11. 2:220-E8, School Board Records Maintenance Requirements and FAQs
The exhibit is updated in response to:
4.7.12. 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure
The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated for continuous improvement. Footnote 4 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-20.75 (final citation pending), added by P.A. 102-238, requiring districts to ensure their Internet websites or web services comply with Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 or any revised version of the guidelines. |
4.7.13. 3:40, Superintendent
The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to the General Assembly’s focus on resolving Educator Misconduct. The policy text is updated to clarify a superintendent’s special reporting responsibilities in policy 5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting, pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(e-5), amended by P.A.102-552. The Legal References, Cross References and footnotes are updated to align with this change. |
4.7.14. 3:50, Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent
The Cross References and footnotes are updated. The Cross References reflect the General Assembly’s focus on resolving Educator Misconduct. The footnotes include a reference to 105 ILCS 5/24-2, amended by P.As. 101-642 (2020 Election Day), 102-14, eff. 1-1-22, and 102-334 (both Juneteenth National Freedom Day). |
4.7.15. 3:60, Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal
The Legal References, Cross References and footnotes are updated. The Cross References are updated for the reasons stated in 3:50, Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent, above, along with training for principals. The footnotes include reference to principal mentoring services subject to appropriation in 105 ILCS 5/2-3.53a, amended by P.A. 102-521. |
4.7.16. 4:60, Purchases and Contracts
The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act, 410 ILCS 170/, added by P.A. 102-242, eff. 1-1-23, and for continuous improvement related to federal awards and the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, 30 ILCS 708/. |
4.7.17. 2:250-E2, Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records The exhibit is updated in response to: Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/18-50.2, added by P.A. 102-265, requiring good faith efforts to electronically publish certain vendor and subcontractor data in years a district has an aggregate tax levy greater than $5M; 105 ILCS 5/10-20.73 (final citation pending), added by P.A. 102-134, requiring web-posting contact information of specific crisis hotlines if a district does not issue student ID cards to all students; Ill. Pension Code, 40 ILCS 5/16-150.1, amended by P.A. 102-440, mandating web-posting of vacancies for teaching positions in subject shorting areas before hiring retired teachers to those positions; 105 ILCS 5/10-20.75 (final citation pending), added by P. A. 102-302, eff. 1-1-22, requiring webhosting of certain information about school support personnel and student enrollment; 105 ILCS 5/27-9.1a, added by P.A. 102-522, requiring districts that offer comprehensive personal health and safety and comprehensive sexual health education (NSES) to identify the curriculum they use to provide it, along with contact information of a school staff member who can respond to inquiries about the curriculum; 23 Ill.Admin.Code. Code §227.60(a), implementing 105 ILS 5/14A-32 (accelerated placement); and Continuous improvement. |
4.8. Bills
4.8.1. January Bills.
5.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
5.1.1. Bids Results - Scott School Asbestos
5.1.2. Bid Schedule - Scott School Trade Bid Schedules.
5.2. Business Department - Alicia Cieszykowski, Business Manager/CSBO
5.2.1. Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Financial Report.
5.2.2. Additional Support Staff Request.
8.1. Board & Administrator - December 2021 Edition.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 13, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
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Subject: |
4.1. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
4.1.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - December 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.1.2. Closed Session Meeting - December 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2. New Hire
Subject: |
4.2.1. Elizabeth Barron, Westdale School, Lunch Monitor, replacing Lizet Bonilla, effective November 29, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.2. Ashley Molina, Westdale School, Lunch Monitor, effective December 2, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.3. Carmen Tretto, Transportation, Bus Driver, effective December 8, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.4. Adina Pieranunzi, Administration Center, HR Secretary, replacing Marlene Hernandez, effective January 3, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.5. Alexis Palella, Scott School, Lunch Monitor, effective January 5, 2022.
Subject: |
4.2.6. Anna Dogie, Scott School, Lunch Monitor, effective December 16, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.7. Lorena Loera Velazquez, MECC, Classroom Aide, replacing Yadiza Martinez, effective January 5, 2022.
Subject: |
4.3. Resignation
Subject: |
4.3.1. Justin Garupera, Westdale School, Custodian, effective December 10, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.2. Vicki Britton, Transportation, Bus Driver, Effective December 10, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.3. Marissa Justinano Pascoe, Enger School, Teacher, Effective December 21, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.4. Mark Jeske, Enger School, Custodian, effective January 7, 2022.
Subject: |
4.4. Position Changes
Subject: |
4.4.1. Emilio Miranda, District Substitute Custodian to Fulltime Custodian Roy/Scott Schools, effective November 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4.2. Jessica Nevarez, Lunch Monitor to District Substitute, effective November 29, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4.3. Jannely Herrera, Lunch Monitor to Mannheim Middle School Secretary, replacing Kathy Bratta, effective January 5, 2022.
Subject: |
4.4.4. Louis Christakos, Ad Center, Substitute Custodian, moving to Westdale School, Custodian, replacing Joe Wirth, effective December 15, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4.5. Joseph Wirth, Westdale School, Custodian moving to Central Supply, replacing Anthony Caponi, effective December 16, 2021.
Subject: |
4.5. Family Medical Leave
Subject: |
4.5.1. Ana Orozco, Transportation, Bus Driver, requesting FMLA commencing December 9, 2021 and concluding December 21, 2021.
Subject: |
4.6. First Reading of Board Policy
Subject: |
4.6.1. 4:60-AP1, Purchases - The procedure is updated in response to the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act, 410 ILCS 170/, added by P.A. 102-242, eff. 1-1-23. Footnote 2 is added for continuous improvement related to the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, 30 ILCS 708/.
Subject: |
4.6.2. 4:60-AP4, Federal and State Award Procurement Procedures - The procedure is updated in response to 2 C.F.R. Part 200, amended by 85 Fed.Reg. 49543, and for continuous improvement.
Subject: |
4.6.3. 4:80, Accounting and Audits - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, 815 ILCS 333/, added by P.A. 102-38.
Subject: |
4.6.4. 4:110, Transportation - The policy, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-20.59, amended by P.A. 102-199, requiring boards to appoint a liaison to facilitate the enrollment of students in the legal custody of the Ill. Dept. of Children and Family Services, and for continuous improvement.
Subject: |
4.6.5. 4:120, Food Services - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.6.6. 4:150, Facility Management and Building Programs - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-20.63, added by P.As. 100-163 and 102-340, requiring school districts to make menstrual
Subject: |
4.6.7. 4:160, Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds - The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.6.8. 4:165, Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors - NEW. This policy is created in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-23.13 (E_r_i_n_’s_ _L_a_w_), amended by P.A. 102-610, requiring districts to adopt and implement a policy addressing sexual abuse of children that includes an age-appropriate and evidence-informed curriculum for pre-K-12 students, evidence-informed training for school personnel on child sexual abuse, and evidence-informed educational information for parents/guardians in school handbooks.
Subject: |
4.6.9. 4:170, Safety - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 128/20(c), amended by P.A. 102-395, requiring schools to notify and allow parents/guardians to opt their children out of lockdown drills involving student participation. Continuous improvement updates are also made to the policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes.
Subject: |
4.6.10. 4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 4:170, Safety, above.
Subject: |
4.6.11. 4:170-AP2, Routine Communications Concerning Safety and Security - The procedure is updated for the reasons stated in 4:170, Safety, above.
Subject: |
4.6.12. 4:170-AP2, E5, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Lockdown Drill; Opt-out - NEW. This exhibit is created in response to 105 ILCS 128/20(c), amended by P.A. 102-395.
Subject: |
4.6.13. 4:175, Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications - The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated. The footnotes are updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.6.14. 4:175-AP1, Criminal Offender Notification Laws; Screening - The procedure is updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.6.15. 5:10, Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.6.16. 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited - The policy, footnotes, and Legal References are updated. The policy is updated in response to IHRA, 775 ILCS 5/2-101, 5/2-102, and 5/2-104, amended by P.A. 102-33, adding discrimination (including harassment) on the basis of work authorization status as a civil rights violation. The footnotes are updated for the same reason as the policy and in response to:
The Legal References are updated with additional case citations for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
4.6.17. 5:20-AP, Sample Questions and Considerations for Conducting the Internal Harassment in the Workplace Investigation - The procedure is updated in response to the IHRA amendment stated in 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited, above (work authorization status), and for continuous improvement.
Subject: |
4.7. Second Reading and Adoption of Board Policy
Subject: |
4.7.1. 2:20, Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification
The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated. Policy text is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/21B-85(b), amended by P.A. 102-552, which was part of the General Assembly’s focus on resolving Educator Misconduct. The amendment shifts responsibility from the State Superintendent to local boards of education to notify the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) when it learns that a teacher was convicted of a felony. Major notifications required of the board to ISBE and TRS were inserted to clarify board duties related to educator misconduct. The Legal References reflect the reporting section of the School Code, Cross References are updated to align with other policies related to managing educator misconduct, and the footnotes are updated to align with these changes. |
Subject: |
4.7.2. 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers
The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.7.3. 2:120, Board Member Development
The policy and footnotes are updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-16a, amended by P.A. 102-638 (requiring, beginning in the fall of 2023, professional development leadership training to also include trauma-informed practices for students and staff), and continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
4.7.4. 2:150, Committees
The policy is unchanged. The Legal References are updated with a minor style change. The footnotes are updated in response to OMA, 5 ILCS 120/2.06(d), amended by P.A. 102-653, and for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
4.7.5. 2:150-AP, Superintendent Committees
The procedure is updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.7.6. 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure
The policy and footnotes are updated in response to OMA, 5 ILCS 120/2.06(d), amended by P.A. 102-653, clarifying when boards and their committees must conduct reviews of their closed session minutes, and for continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
4.7.7. 2:220-E1, Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Recordings and Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
Subject: |
4.7.8. 2:220-E3, Closed Meeting Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
Subject: |
4.7.9. 2:220-E5, Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
Subject: |
4.7.10. 2:220-E6, Log of Closed Meeting Minutes
The exhibit is updated for the reason stated in 2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure, above. |
Subject: |
4.7.11. 2:220-E8, School Board Records Maintenance Requirements and FAQs
The exhibit is updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.7.12. 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure
The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated for continuous improvement. Footnote 4 is updated in response to 105 ILCS 5/10-20.75 (final citation pending), added by P.A. 102-238, requiring districts to ensure their Internet websites or web services comply with Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 or any revised version of the guidelines. |
Subject: |
4.7.13. 3:40, Superintendent
The policy, Legal References, Cross References, and footnotes are updated in response to the General Assembly’s focus on resolving Educator Misconduct. The policy text is updated to clarify a superintendent’s special reporting responsibilities in policy 5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting, pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/10-21.9(e-5), amended by P.A.102-552. The Legal References, Cross References and footnotes are updated to align with this change. |
Subject: |
4.7.14. 3:50, Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent
The Cross References and footnotes are updated. The Cross References reflect the General Assembly’s focus on resolving Educator Misconduct. The footnotes include a reference to 105 ILCS 5/24-2, amended by P.As. 101-642 (2020 Election Day), 102-14, eff. 1-1-22, and 102-334 (both Juneteenth National Freedom Day). |
Subject: |
4.7.15. 3:60, Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal
The Legal References, Cross References and footnotes are updated. The Cross References are updated for the reasons stated in 3:50, Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent, above, along with training for principals. The footnotes include reference to principal mentoring services subject to appropriation in 105 ILCS 5/2-3.53a, amended by P.A. 102-521. |
Subject: |
4.7.16. 4:60, Purchases and Contracts
The policy, Legal References, and footnotes are updated in response to the Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act, 410 ILCS 170/, added by P.A. 102-242, eff. 1-1-23, and for continuous improvement related to federal awards and the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, 30 ILCS 708/. |
Subject: |
4.7.17. 2:250-E2, Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records The exhibit is updated in response to: Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/18-50.2, added by P.A. 102-265, requiring good faith efforts to electronically publish certain vendor and subcontractor data in years a district has an aggregate tax levy greater than $5M; 105 ILCS 5/10-20.73 (final citation pending), added by P.A. 102-134, requiring web-posting contact information of specific crisis hotlines if a district does not issue student ID cards to all students; Ill. Pension Code, 40 ILCS 5/16-150.1, amended by P.A. 102-440, mandating web-posting of vacancies for teaching positions in subject shorting areas before hiring retired teachers to those positions; 105 ILCS 5/10-20.75 (final citation pending), added by P. A. 102-302, eff. 1-1-22, requiring webhosting of certain information about school support personnel and student enrollment; 105 ILCS 5/27-9.1a, added by P.A. 102-522, requiring districts that offer comprehensive personal health and safety and comprehensive sexual health education (NSES) to identify the curriculum they use to provide it, along with contact information of a school staff member who can respond to inquiries about the curriculum; 23 Ill.Admin.Code. Code §227.60(a), implementing 105 ILS 5/14A-32 (accelerated placement); and Continuous improvement. |
Subject: |
4.8. Bills
Subject: |
4.8.1. January Bills.
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
Subject: |
5.1.1. Bids Results - Scott School Asbestos
Subject: |
5.1.2. Bid Schedule - Scott School Trade Bid Schedules.
Subject: |
5.2. Business Department - Alicia Cieszykowski, Business Manager/CSBO
Subject: |
5.2.1. Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Financial Report.
Subject: |
5.2.2. Additional Support Staff Request.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.1. Board & Administrator - December 2021 Edition.
Subject: |