Meeting Agenda
3.1. FOIA
3.1.1. Genesis Technology - Requesting most resent copier/MFP copier contracts.
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.1.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - June 10, 2021.
4.1.2. Closed Session Minutes - June 10, 2021.
4.2. New Hire
4.2.1. Megan Walsh - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher Gr. 7 ELA - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.2. Bailey Nunley - Roy School - Teacher Kindergarten- Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.3. Shannon Stephensen - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 1 - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.4. Estele Rivera - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 3 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.5. Emma Corum - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 2 - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.6. Malik Temple - Scott School - Teacher Music - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.7. Christa Malandan - Roy/Scott Schools - Art Teacher - August 9, 2021.
4.2.8. Benjamin Rosales - Mannheim Middle School - Custodian - Effective July 8, 2021.
4.2.9. Gloria Fulat - Mannheim Middle School - Secretary - Effective July 26, 2021.
4.2.10. Fabiola Corral - Roy School - Bilingual Tutor - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.11. Teura Verria - Enger School - Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.12. Jannely Herrera - Mannheim Middle School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.13. Alex Chaney- Borst - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.14. Natalie Viveros - Westdale School - Teacher Gr. 5 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.15. Ruby Cano - Administration Center - Secretary Tech Department - Effective July 26.2021.
4.2.16. Jaylin Lee - Enger School - Teacher Speech and Language - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.17. Anthony Hampton-Arnold - Roy School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.18. Julia Ramierez - MECC - Classroom Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.19. Martha Arce - Scott School - Tutor Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.20. Maglgorzata Malkowski - Enger School - Teacher Primary - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.21. Eileen Clarke - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher Gr. 7 ELA - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.22. Zipacoret Johnson - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 5 Blingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.23. Kyle Schwaba - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 5 5pEd. - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.24. Yesenia Zurita - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 1 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.25. Kyle Knutt - Westdale School - Teacher Physical Education - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.26. Magdalyn Los - Roy School - Teacheer Gr. 1 - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.27. Maureen Cushing - Enger School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 20221.
4.2.28. Linda Oliniski - Mannheim Middle School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.29. Yeski Carrera - Roy School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.30. Angela Carli - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher Interventionist - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.31. Natalie Viveros - Westdale School - Teacher Gr. 5 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.2.32. Olivia Brooks - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 3 - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.3. Resignation
4.3.1. Lesly Amor - Roy School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
4.3.2. Brian Erlich - Roy School - Teacher - July 23, 2021.
4.3.3. Monica Loveshe - Westdale Teacher - Effective June 10, 2021.
4.3.4. Paola Diaz - Administration Center - Technology Secretary - Effective June 25, 2021.
4.3.5. Cindy Kowal - Roy School - Tutor - Effective June 16, 2021.
4.3.6. Karina Bolivar - Teacher - Scott School - Effective June 11, 2021
4.3.7. Kevin McCane - Westdale - Teacher - Effective July 18, 2021.
4.3.8. Jamie Dahl - Roy School - Teacher - Effective June 22, 2021
4.3.9. Amanda Bratton - Enger School - Teacher - Effective July 7, 2021.
4.3.10. Michelle Roybal - Westdale School - Classroom Aide - Effective July 9, 2021.
4.3.11. Sandra Concialdi - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective July 15, 2021.
4.3.12. Sandra Luna - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
4.3.13. Gabriela Munoz de Tavares - Roy School - Teacher - Effective Juky 16, 2021.
4.3.14. Jennifer Schuster - Roy School - Teacher - Effective August 2, 2021.
4.3.15. Maria Rosas - Mannheim Middle School - Classroom Aide - Effective July 26, 2021.
4.3.16. Deandra Verest - Enger School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
4.3.17. Clayton French - Scott School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
4.3.18. Gina Cholewa - Enger School Teacher - Effective August 3, 2021
4.3.19. Katie Roe - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 4, 2021.
4.4. Position Changes
4.4.1. Laura Mata - Moving from Mannheim Middle School Library Clerk to Scott School Library Clerk - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.4.2. Araceli Rivera - Moving from Scott School Library Clerk to Mannheim Middle School Library Clerk Effective August 9, 2021.
4.4.3. Martha Cardenas - Scott School Lunch Monitor to Roy School Tutor - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.4.4. Brenda Morales Galvan - Westdale Lunch Monitor to Transportation - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.4.5. Ashley Rubio - Scott School Teacher to Roy School Teacher - Effective August 9, 2021.
4.5. 1st Reading of Board Policy
4.5.1. 1:20, District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements - The Legal References are updated in response to a five-year review with minor style changes that do not require board action. The footnotes are also updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.2. 1:20-AP, Checklist for Handling Intergovernmental Agreement Requests - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.3. 1:30, School District Philosophy -The policy is updated in response to a five-year review. Districts that use this policy’s text in posters and other printed district publications should note that adopting these changes would require them to reprint those items.
4.5.4. 2:10, School District Governance - The policy, Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review. The policy and footnote 4 are updated to reflect changes to 5 ILCS 120/7(e), amended by P.A. 101-640, permitting public bodies to meet without a quorum physi- cally present during a public health emergency.
4.5.5. 2:20, Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated for continuous improvement.
4.5.6. 2:30, School District Elections - The Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.7. 2:120-E1, Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.8. 2:120-E1, Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.9. 2:120-E2, Website Listing of Development and Training Completed by Board Members - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.10. 2:125-E3, Resolution to Regu- late Expense Reimbursements - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.11. 2:130, Board-Superintendent Relationship - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review. Statutory text from the footnotes was placed into the policy.
4.5.12. 2:150-AP, Superintendent Committees - The procedure is updated in response to continuous improvement to reflect 105 ILCS 5/14C-10. A subhead entitled Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Programs Parent Advisory Committee has been added. Other continuous improvement changes are also made.
4.5.13. 2:200-AP, Types of School Board Meetings - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.14. 2:220-E4, Open Meeting Minutes - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.15. 2:220-E7, Access to Closed Meeting Minutes and Verba- tim Recordings - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
4.5.16. 2:240, Board Policy Development - The policy and footnotes are updated with an optional subhead entitled Words Im- porting Gender. These updates are in response to subscriber feedback and evolving diversity, equity, and inclusion work at the IASB.
4.5.17. 2:250-E2, Immediately Avail- able District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records - The exhibit is updated in response to:
4.5.18. 3:30, Chain of Command - The policy is unchanged. Footnote 1 is added in response to a five-year review.
4.6. Bills
4.6.1. June Bills 2021
4.6.2. July Bills 2021
4.7. LASEC. - Action Items
4.7.1. LASEC - Tentataive Budget FY 21-22
4.8. Asbestos Hazrd Emergency Response Notice.
4.9. Pestiside, Insecticide, and Herbicide Notice
4.10. 2021 - 2022 Annual Safety Plan Update
4.11. Computer Buy 2021 - 2022
5.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
5.1.1. Resolution of the Board of Education of Mannheim School District 83, Cook County, Illinois, providing for the acquisition of real property located at 200 E. Palmer Avenue, Northlake, IL and approving a real estate contract relative to the same.
5.2. FY 2021 - 2022 Tentative Budget Report - Alicia Cieszykowski, CSBO
5.3. District 83 Plan for Full-Day In-Person Learning.
8.1. Board & Administrator - August 2021 Edition
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 12, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
3.1. FOIA
Subject: |
3.1.1. Genesis Technology - Requesting most resent copier/MFP copier contracts.
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.1. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
4.1.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - June 10, 2021.
Subject: |
4.1.2. Closed Session Minutes - June 10, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2. New Hire
Subject: |
4.2.1. Megan Walsh - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher Gr. 7 ELA - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.2. Bailey Nunley - Roy School - Teacher Kindergarten- Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.3. Shannon Stephensen - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 1 - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.4. Estele Rivera - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 3 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.5. Emma Corum - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 2 - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.6. Malik Temple - Scott School - Teacher Music - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.7. Christa Malandan - Roy/Scott Schools - Art Teacher - August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.8. Benjamin Rosales - Mannheim Middle School - Custodian - Effective July 8, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.9. Gloria Fulat - Mannheim Middle School - Secretary - Effective July 26, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.10. Fabiola Corral - Roy School - Bilingual Tutor - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.11. Teura Verria - Enger School - Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.12. Jannely Herrera - Mannheim Middle School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.13. Alex Chaney- Borst - Enger School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.14. Natalie Viveros - Westdale School - Teacher Gr. 5 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.15. Ruby Cano - Administration Center - Secretary Tech Department - Effective July 26.2021.
Subject: |
4.2.16. Jaylin Lee - Enger School - Teacher Speech and Language - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.17. Anthony Hampton-Arnold - Roy School - Classroom Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.18. Julia Ramierez - MECC - Classroom Aide - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.19. Martha Arce - Scott School - Tutor Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.20. Maglgorzata Malkowski - Enger School - Teacher Primary - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.21. Eileen Clarke - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher Gr. 7 ELA - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.22. Zipacoret Johnson - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 5 Blingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.23. Kyle Schwaba - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 5 5pEd. - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.24. Yesenia Zurita - Roy School - Teacher Gr. 1 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.25. Kyle Knutt - Westdale School - Teacher Physical Education - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.26. Magdalyn Los - Roy School - Teacheer Gr. 1 - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.27. Maureen Cushing - Enger School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 20221.
Subject: |
4.2.28. Linda Oliniski - Mannheim Middle School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.29. Yeski Carrera - Roy School - Lunch Monitor - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.30. Angela Carli - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher Interventionist - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.31. Natalie Viveros - Westdale School - Teacher Gr. 5 Bilingual - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.2.32. Olivia Brooks - Scott School - Teacher Gr. 3 - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3. Resignation
Subject: |
4.3.1. Lesly Amor - Roy School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.2. Brian Erlich - Roy School - Teacher - July 23, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.3. Monica Loveshe - Westdale Teacher - Effective June 10, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.4. Paola Diaz - Administration Center - Technology Secretary - Effective June 25, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.5. Cindy Kowal - Roy School - Tutor - Effective June 16, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.6. Karina Bolivar - Teacher - Scott School - Effective June 11, 2021
Subject: |
4.3.7. Kevin McCane - Westdale - Teacher - Effective July 18, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.8. Jamie Dahl - Roy School - Teacher - Effective June 22, 2021
Subject: |
4.3.9. Amanda Bratton - Enger School - Teacher - Effective July 7, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.10. Michelle Roybal - Westdale School - Classroom Aide - Effective July 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.11. Sandra Concialdi - Mannheim Middle School - Teacher - Effective July 15, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.12. Sandra Luna - Westdale School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.13. Gabriela Munoz de Tavares - Roy School - Teacher - Effective Juky 16, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.14. Jennifer Schuster - Roy School - Teacher - Effective August 2, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.15. Maria Rosas - Mannheim Middle School - Classroom Aide - Effective July 26, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.16. Deandra Verest - Enger School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.17. Clayton French - Scott School - Teacher - Effective July 21, 2021.
Subject: |
4.3.18. Gina Cholewa - Enger School Teacher - Effective August 3, 2021
Subject: |
4.3.19. Katie Roe - Enger School - Teacher - Effective August 4, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4. Position Changes
Subject: |
4.4.1. Laura Mata - Moving from Mannheim Middle School Library Clerk to Scott School Library Clerk - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4.2. Araceli Rivera - Moving from Scott School Library Clerk to Mannheim Middle School Library Clerk Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4.3. Martha Cardenas - Scott School Lunch Monitor to Roy School Tutor - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4.4. Brenda Morales Galvan - Westdale Lunch Monitor to Transportation - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.4.5. Ashley Rubio - Scott School Teacher to Roy School Teacher - Effective August 9, 2021.
Subject: |
4.5. 1st Reading of Board Policy
Subject: |
4.5.1. 1:20, District Organization, Operations, and Cooperative Agreements - The Legal References are updated in response to a five-year review with minor style changes that do not require board action. The footnotes are also updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.2. 1:20-AP, Checklist for Handling Intergovernmental Agreement Requests - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.3. 1:30, School District Philosophy -The policy is updated in response to a five-year review. Districts that use this policy’s text in posters and other printed district publications should note that adopting these changes would require them to reprint those items.
Subject: |
4.5.4. 2:10, School District Governance - The policy, Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review. The policy and footnote 4 are updated to reflect changes to 5 ILCS 120/7(e), amended by P.A. 101-640, permitting public bodies to meet without a quorum physi- cally present during a public health emergency.
Subject: |
4.5.5. 2:20, Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification - The policy is unchanged. The footnotes are updated for continuous improvement.
Subject: |
4.5.6. 2:30, School District Elections - The Legal References and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.7. 2:120-E1, Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.8. 2:120-E1, Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.9. 2:120-E2, Website Listing of Development and Training Completed by Board Members - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.10. 2:125-E3, Resolution to Regu- late Expense Reimbursements - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.11. 2:130, Board-Superintendent Relationship - The policy and footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review. Statutory text from the footnotes was placed into the policy.
Subject: |
4.5.12. 2:150-AP, Superintendent Committees - The procedure is updated in response to continuous improvement to reflect 105 ILCS 5/14C-10. A subhead entitled Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Programs Parent Advisory Committee has been added. Other continuous improvement changes are also made.
Subject: |
4.5.13. 2:200-AP, Types of School Board Meetings - The procedure is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.14. 2:220-E4, Open Meeting Minutes - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.15. 2:220-E7, Access to Closed Meeting Minutes and Verba- tim Recordings - The exhibit is updated in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.5.16. 2:240, Board Policy Development - The policy and footnotes are updated with an optional subhead entitled Words Im- porting Gender. These updates are in response to subscriber feedback and evolving diversity, equity, and inclusion work at the IASB.
Subject: |
4.5.17. 2:250-E2, Immediately Avail- able District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records - The exhibit is updated in response to:
Subject: |
4.5.18. 3:30, Chain of Command - The policy is unchanged. Footnote 1 is added in response to a five-year review.
Subject: |
4.6. Bills
Subject: |
4.6.1. June Bills 2021
Subject: |
4.6.2. July Bills 2021
Subject: |
4.7. LASEC. - Action Items
Subject: |
4.7.1. LASEC - Tentataive Budget FY 21-22
Subject: |
4.8. Asbestos Hazrd Emergency Response Notice.
Subject: |
4.9. Pestiside, Insecticide, and Herbicide Notice
Subject: |
4.10. 2021 - 2022 Annual Safety Plan Update
Subject: |
4.11. Computer Buy 2021 - 2022
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.1. Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Ron Carleton
Subject: |
5.1.1. Resolution of the Board of Education of Mannheim School District 83, Cook County, Illinois, providing for the acquisition of real property located at 200 E. Palmer Avenue, Northlake, IL and approving a real estate contract relative to the same.
Subject: |
5.2. FY 2021 - 2022 Tentative Budget Report - Alicia Cieszykowski, CSBO
Subject: |
5.3. District 83 Plan for Full-Day In-Person Learning.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.1. Board & Administrator - August 2021 Edition
Subject: |