Meeting Agenda
I. Regular Business
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Approval of Agenda
I.D. Expressions/Comments from the Audience
II. Action Items
II.A. Consent Agenda (enclosures for each item listed):
II.A.1. Regular Meeting Minutes - November 19, 2024
II.A.2. Human Resources Report
II.A.3. Calendar of Events
II.A.4. Gifts
II.A.5. Payment Summary Report
II.A.6. Investment Report
II.B. Heartwood Playground Resurfacing
II.C. Beekman Courtyard Improvements
II.D. Beekman Center Washers & Dryers
II.E. New Position and Increase in FTE
II.F. Director, Family and Community Engagement
II.G. Beekman Paraprofessional - Increase in FTE
II.H. Board Policies - Second Reading and Adoption
III. Discussion
III.A. Revisions to the Plan for the Delivery of SE Programs and Services - Distribution of Funds Section (Phase II)
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. AESA Conference Update
V. Board Reports
VI. Closed Session
VI.A. Superintendent's Mid-Year Evaluation
VII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Regular Business
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.B. Roll Call
Subject: |
I.C. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
I.D. Expressions/Comments from the Audience
Public opportunity to comment on agenda items.
Subject: |
II. Action Items
Subject: |
II.A. Consent Agenda (enclosures for each item listed):
Items listed below may be approved with one motion unless a board member requests that an item or items be removed for separate action. Any of the items may be questioned at any time.
Subject: |
II.A.1. Regular Meeting Minutes - November 19, 2024
Subject: |
II.A.2. Human Resources Report
Subject: |
II.A.3. Calendar of Events
Subject: |
II.A.4. Gifts
Subject: |
II.A.5. Payment Summary Report
Subject: |
II.A.6. Investment Report
Subject: |
II.B. Heartwood Playground Resurfacing
Presenter: |
Becky Hills
Replacing the deteriorated pour-in-place rubber playground surface at Heartwood School.
Subject: |
II.C. Beekman Courtyard Improvements
Presenter: |
Becky Hills
Safety and functional improvements to the Beekman Center courtyard.
Subject: |
II.D. Beekman Center Washers & Dryers
Presenter: |
Becky Hills
Request for replacement of the Beekman Center washers and dryers.
Subject: |
II.E. New Position and Increase in FTE
Presenter: |
Susan Tinney
Creation of a Pilot AI Team that will be a part of Data, Systems and Analysis (DSA).
Subject: |
II.F. Director, Family and Community Engagement
Presenter: |
Susan Tinney
A new position of Director, Family and Community Engagement is being proposed due to additional grant funded regional work.
Subject: |
II.G. Beekman Paraprofessional - Increase in FTE
Presenter: |
Susan Tinney
Due to increased student needs, there is a request for a 1.0 FTE for a Beekman paraprofessional.
Subject: |
II.H. Board Policies - Second Reading and Adoption
Presenter: |
Jason Mellema
Presented for a second reading and adoption:
Subject: |
III. Discussion
Subject: |
III.A. Revisions to the Plan for the Delivery of SE Programs and Services - Distribution of Funds Section (Phase II)
Presenter: |
Jason Mellema
Discussion on Phase II revisions to the funding system included within the Plan for the Delivery of Special Education Programs and Services.
Subject: |
IV. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
IV.A. AESA Conference Update
Subject: |
V. Board Reports
Subject: |
VI. Closed Session
Subject: |
VI.A. Superintendent's Mid-Year Evaluation
The Board will move into Closed Session for the purpose of the Superintendents' mid-year evaluation.
Subject: |
VII. Adjournment