Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Establishment of a Quorum
C. Executive Session
C.1. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignments, Duties,
Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
D. Invocation
E. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Flag
F. Recognition
F.1. National Principal Appreciation Month
G. Community Input
H. Information Items
H.1. District's Program for Students with Limited English Proficiency
H.2. BISD Emergency Management Plan
I. Action Items
I.1. Consent Agenda
I.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of prior Meetings, Not Yet Approved
I.1.b. Consider Approval of Accounts Payable
I.1.c. Consider Approval of Monthly Report on Tax Collections
I.1.d. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report
I.1.e. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Student Assistance Program (SAP) with Henderson County HELP Center
I.1.f. Consider Approval of Adjustment in Teacher Steps to Meet State Requirement
I.2. Consider Approval of Bid for Brownsboro Intermediate Gym Floor Repair
I.3. Consider Board Member Vacancy
I.4. Consider Approval of District and Campus Improvement Plans
J. Superintendent's Report
J.1. FAST Report
J.2. Update on School Finance Lawsuit
J.3. Legal Updates after the Legislative Session
J.4. Update on Changes in Truancy Law
K. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 5, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order
Subject: |
B. Establishment of a Quorum
Subject: |
C. Executive Session
Subject: |
C.1. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignments, Duties,
Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
Subject: |
D. Invocation
Subject: |
E. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Flag
Subject: |
F. Recognition
Subject: |
F.1. National Principal Appreciation Month
Subject: |
G. Community Input
Subject: |
H. Information Items
Subject: |
H.1. District's Program for Students with Limited English Proficiency
Subject: |
H.2. BISD Emergency Management Plan
Subject: |
I. Action Items
Subject: |
I.1. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
I.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of prior Meetings, Not Yet Approved
Subject: |
I.1.b. Consider Approval of Accounts Payable
Subject: |
I.1.c. Consider Approval of Monthly Report on Tax Collections
Subject: |
I.1.d. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report
Subject: |
I.1.e. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Student Assistance Program (SAP) with Henderson County HELP Center
Subject: |
I.1.f. Consider Approval of Adjustment in Teacher Steps to Meet State Requirement
Subject: |
I.2. Consider Approval of Bid for Brownsboro Intermediate Gym Floor Repair
Subject: |
I.3. Consider Board Member Vacancy
Subject: |
I.4. Consider Approval of District and Campus Improvement Plans
Subject: |
J. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
J.1. FAST Report
Subject: |
J.2. Update on School Finance Lawsuit
Subject: |
J.3. Legal Updates after the Legislative Session
Subject: |
J.4. Update on Changes in Truancy Law
Subject: |
K. Adjourn