Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Establishment of a Quorum
C. Executive Session
C.1. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignments, Duties,
Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
C.1.a. Chandler Intermediate School Assistant Principal Position
D. Invocation
E. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Flag
F. Community Input
G. Information
G.1. Affordable Care Act Update
G.2. Health Insurance Update
G.3. Texas Retirement System Update
G.4. Employee Salaries
G.5. Proposed Budget Presentation
G.6. Education Department of General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)
G.7. Optional Homestead Exemption Legislative Action
H. Action Items
H.1. Consent Agenda
H.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of prior Meetings, Not Yet Approved
H.1.b. Consider Approval of Accounts Payable
H.1.c. Consider Approval of Monthly Report on Tax Collections
H.1.d. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report
H.1.e. Consider Approval of August 17, 2015 for a Public Budget Hearing
H.1.f. Consider Accepting Donation from Athletic Boosters
H.1.g. Consider Accepting Donation from Little Dribblers
H.1.h. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Non-Credit Training-TVCC
H.2. Consider Employing an Assistant Principal for Chandler Intermediate School
H.3. Consider Approval of Employee Pay Increase
H.4. Consider Approval of 2015-16 Proposed Stipend Schedule
H.5. Consider Approval of Head Start Program
H.6. Consider Approval of Full Day Pre-K Program
H.7. Consider Approval of the Proposed Maintenance and Operating (M & O) Tax Rate
H.8. Consider Approval of the Proposed Interest and Sinking (I & S) Tax Rate
H.9. Consider Approval of Corrective Action Plan
H.10. Consider Repealing of all Previously Adopted Policies and Adoption of (LOCAL) Policies as Prepared by TASB Policy Service (See Attached List)
H.11. Consider Approval of Agreement between Brownsboro ISD and the City of Brownsboro for High School Lift Station
I. Superintendent's Report
I.1. Annual Review of FFG (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) and EXHIBIT
I.2. High School Drainage Update
I.3. Quarterly Financial Update
I.4. Board Pictures - Monday August 10, 2015, 5:40 p.m.
J. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 13, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
A. Call to Order
Subject: |
B. Establishment of a Quorum
Subject: |
C. Executive Session
Subject: |
C.1. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation,
Reassignments, Duties,
Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
Subject: |
C.1.a. Chandler Intermediate School Assistant Principal Position
Subject: |
D. Invocation
Subject: |
E. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Flag
Subject: |
F. Community Input
Subject: |
G. Information
Subject: |
G.1. Affordable Care Act Update
Subject: |
G.2. Health Insurance Update
Subject: |
G.3. Texas Retirement System Update
Subject: |
G.4. Employee Salaries
Subject: |
G.5. Proposed Budget Presentation
Subject: |
G.6. Education Department of General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)
Subject: |
G.7. Optional Homestead Exemption Legislative Action
Subject: |
H. Action Items
Subject: |
H.1. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
H.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of prior Meetings, Not Yet Approved
Subject: |
H.1.b. Consider Approval of Accounts Payable
Subject: |
H.1.c. Consider Approval of Monthly Report on Tax Collections
Subject: |
H.1.d. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report
Subject: |
H.1.e. Consider Approval of August 17, 2015 for a Public Budget Hearing
Subject: |
H.1.f. Consider Accepting Donation from Athletic Boosters
Subject: |
H.1.g. Consider Accepting Donation from Little Dribblers
Subject: |
H.1.h. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Non-Credit Training-TVCC
Subject: |
H.2. Consider Employing an Assistant Principal for Chandler Intermediate School
Subject: |
H.3. Consider Approval of Employee Pay Increase
Subject: |
H.4. Consider Approval of 2015-16 Proposed Stipend Schedule
Subject: |
H.5. Consider Approval of Head Start Program
Subject: |
H.6. Consider Approval of Full Day Pre-K Program
Subject: |
H.7. Consider Approval of the Proposed Maintenance and Operating (M & O) Tax Rate
Subject: |
H.8. Consider Approval of the Proposed Interest and Sinking (I & S) Tax Rate
Subject: |
H.9. Consider Approval of Corrective Action Plan
Subject: |
H.10. Consider Repealing of all Previously Adopted Policies and Adoption of (LOCAL) Policies as Prepared by TASB Policy Service (See Attached List)
Subject: |
H.11. Consider Approval of Agreement between Brownsboro ISD and the City of Brownsboro for High School Lift Station
Subject: |
I. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
I.1. Annual Review of FFG (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) and EXHIBIT
Subject: |
I.2. High School Drainage Update
Subject: |
I.3. Quarterly Financial Update
Subject: |
I.4. Board Pictures - Monday August 10, 2015, 5:40 p.m.
Subject: |
J. Adjourn