Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment
Under Government Code 551.072, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.089 we will now go into Executive Session |
3.a. Personnel
3.b. Safety and Security
3.c. Real Property
4.a. Personnel
4.b. Action on Real Property
4.c. Consider and take possible action regarding the authorization of the sale of all that certain tract of land out of the Wm. Johnson 1/3 League situated in Lee County, Texas and owned by Knobbs Cemetery Association; including possible delegation of authority
4.d. Consideration and possible action to authorize the sale of the property described below and authorizing the Superintendent to post notice of the District’s intent to sell its fifty percent (50%) undivided interest in such property in accordance with §272.001(a) of the Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, to receive and open sealed proposals, and to present said proposals to the Board of Trustees for acceptance or rejection.
Property Description: Tract 1 – 75 acres of land out of the Joseph F. Johnson Survey, A-174, located along the west side of CR 401, ± 6.7 miles southeast of Lexington in Lee County, Texas Tract 2 – 445.9 acres of land out of the Joseph F. Johnson Survey, A-174 and the J. Easley Survey, A-9, located along the south side of FM 696 and the east side of CR 406, ± 6 miles east of Lexington in Lee County, Texas |
4.e. Consideration and possible adoption of a Resolution authorizing the conveyance of a proposed Drainage Easement to the City of Lexington across Lots 1 & 2 in Block 53 in the New Town of Lexington (Slides 8-A & 8-B - Lee County Plat Records) as described in a deed from Rodney Meyer, to Lexington I.S.D. dated August 11, 1987 and recorded in Volume 589, Page 940 of the Lee County Real Property Records.
4.f. Consideration and possible adoption of a Resolution authorizing the conveyance of a proposed Drainage Easement to the City of Lexington across the following tracts:
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 17, 2025 at 3:00 PM - Special Called Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Public Comment
Any interested citizen may use not more than three minutes to present any subject that may affect the school district.
Subject: |
Under Government Code 551.072, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.089 we will now go into Executive Session |
Subject: |
3.a. Personnel
Subject: |
3.b. Safety and Security
Subject: |
3.c. Real Property
Subject: |
Subject: |
4.a. Personnel
Subject: |
4.b. Action on Real Property
Subject: |
4.c. Consider and take possible action regarding the authorization of the sale of all that certain tract of land out of the Wm. Johnson 1/3 League situated in Lee County, Texas and owned by Knobbs Cemetery Association; including possible delegation of authority
Subject: |
4.d. Consideration and possible action to authorize the sale of the property described below and authorizing the Superintendent to post notice of the District’s intent to sell its fifty percent (50%) undivided interest in such property in accordance with §272.001(a) of the Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, to receive and open sealed proposals, and to present said proposals to the Board of Trustees for acceptance or rejection.
Property Description: Tract 1 – 75 acres of land out of the Joseph F. Johnson Survey, A-174, located along the west side of CR 401, ± 6.7 miles southeast of Lexington in Lee County, Texas Tract 2 – 445.9 acres of land out of the Joseph F. Johnson Survey, A-174 and the J. Easley Survey, A-9, located along the south side of FM 696 and the east side of CR 406, ± 6 miles east of Lexington in Lee County, Texas |
Subject: |
4.e. Consideration and possible adoption of a Resolution authorizing the conveyance of a proposed Drainage Easement to the City of Lexington across Lots 1 & 2 in Block 53 in the New Town of Lexington (Slides 8-A & 8-B - Lee County Plat Records) as described in a deed from Rodney Meyer, to Lexington I.S.D. dated August 11, 1987 and recorded in Volume 589, Page 940 of the Lee County Real Property Records.
Subject: |
4.f. Consideration and possible adoption of a Resolution authorizing the conveyance of a proposed Drainage Easement to the City of Lexington across the following tracts: