Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion Items
II.A. Discussion of Summer 2024 Work - Last Windows & Final Punch List
II.B. Plant Your Roots in D23 Campaign
II.C. Discussion of PHYBS Contract and Proposal for Additional Work at Phantoms Field.
II.D. Update on LED Lighting Replacements
II.E. Landscaping Proposals
II.F. TreeKeepers Planting at MacArthur - October 24, 2024, 9:00 AM
III. Old Business
IV. New Business
V. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 1, 2024 at 8:00 AM - District 23 Buildings & Sites Committee Meeting | |
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I. Call to Order
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II. Discussion Items
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II.A. Discussion of Summer 2024 Work - Last Windows & Final Punch List
Raf will provide an update on the remaining punch list items from this summer's window, siding, and door replacement work.
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II.B. Plant Your Roots in D23 Campaign
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II.C. Discussion of PHYBS Contract and Proposal for Additional Work at Phantoms Field.
Amy & Raf will share an update on discussions with the Prospect Heights Youth Baseball & Softball Organization. As we are in the process of updating the usage agreement with them, there are some improvements they are hoping to make to the field.
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II.D. Update on LED Lighting Replacements
The District continues to explore the ComEd Program for LED retrofit work. ComEd Assessment Reports have been attached for each location showing a total anticipated cost savings of approximately $21,000/year. This work would begin in November and be at no cost to the school district.
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II.E. Landscaping Proposals
Proposals have been provided for the purchase of plants/trees and installation services for the front of Ross/Sullivan and Grodsky. Following Committee approval, they will be brought to the Board for action at the October meeting. Planting has been tentatively scheduled to start on the 14th.
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II.F. TreeKeepers Planting at MacArthur - October 24, 2024, 9:00 AM
The MacArthur team has been working with the Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission, OpenLands and the TreeKeepers organization to identify sites to plan new trees at MacArthur. These twelve trees are being provided at no cost to the district and will be planted and dedicated to the District at a brief ceremony at 9:00 AM on October 24, 2024.
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III. Old Business
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IV. New Business
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V. Adjournment