Meeting Agenda
I. Call to order
II. Discussion item(s)
II.A. School Improvement Grant
II.B. Evidence Based Funding Plan
II.C. Issuance of Working Cash Bonds for Capital Projects
II.D. Audit Update and Timeline for Completion
II.E. Registration Collection Efforts
II.F. Designation of Former PHIL Donated Funds as BOE Funds for Specific Use
II.G. Humidity/HVAC Update
II.H. Final FY19 Budget
III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Finance committee meeting(s)
III.A. Approval of Minutes - July 11, 2018 Finance Committee Meeting
IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at future Finance committee meeting(s)
V. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 11, 2018 at 10:00 AM - Finance Committee Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to order
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II. Discussion item(s)
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II.A. School Improvement Grant
Discussion regarding the DIstrict's award of the School Improvement Grant and plan for spending the allocated monies.
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II.B. Evidence Based Funding Plan
Discuss the District's submitted Evidence Based Finding Plan required as part of the new Evidence Based Funding formula. The plan requires answers and substantiation of the manner in which dollars allocated under the Evidence Based Funding formula are spent to ensure that the dollars are still being spent and maintained for programs that are part of the expanded General State Aid formula.
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II.C. Issuance of Working Cash Bonds for Capital Projects
Discuss timeline and steps for issuance of working cash bonds for commencement on work of long range capital plan items.
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II.D. Audit Update and Timeline for Completion
The auditors were out for the final review of District financial documents and information during the week of August 20th. The auditors wrapped up their review on Friday, August 24th. Aside from some supplemental documentation that has been provided, the District's part of the audit is complete except for the Management Discussion & Analysis being drafted.
The draft audit is expected for issuance to the Finance Committee the last week of September for comment and questions. Jeff Rollefson will be present at the October BOE meeting for presentation of the audit and discussion of questions. |
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II.E. Registration Collection Efforts
Discuss status of 2018-19 school year registration payment numbers.
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II.F. Designation of Former PHIL Donated Funds as BOE Funds for Specific Use
Discuss the process for designating funds for specific use in BOE account for purpose of spending in a sustainable manner based upon donation of PHIL upon its dissolution.
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II.G. Humidity/HVAC Update
Discuss details of the DIstrict's attempt to determine the issues and fixes for the humidity issues experienced in all 4 buildings. The discussion will include the data loggers installed in each building (28 total), the meeting scheduled for Monday, September 10th with the parties to walk the buildings and review conditions and other efforts being made to remedy the situation.
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II.H. Final FY19 Budget
Discuss the process for approving the final budget and any issues which are different from previous BOE meeting presentation of tentative budget.
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III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Finance committee meeting(s)
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III.A. Approval of Minutes - July 11, 2018 Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee recommends approval of the minutes from the July 11,, 2018 as written.
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IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at future Finance committee meeting(s)
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V. Adjournment