Meeting Agenda
I. Call to order
II. Discussion item(s)
II.A. Discussion to update on HVAC system retrofit status
II.B. Presentation of dates and information regarding water testing
II.C. Presentation of Honeywell contract for outcome based services
II.D. Discussion of meeting with Arlington Heights Park District
III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
III.A. Approval of Minutes - 10/4/17 Meeting
IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at future Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
V. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 31, 2017 at 7:00 AM - Building & Sites Committee Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to order
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II. Discussion item(s)
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II.A. Discussion to update on HVAC system retrofit status
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II.B. Presentation of dates and information regarding water testing
District 23 has scheduled testing for November 2nd and 3rd.
Water samples will be collected from drinking fountains and sinks located in classrooms, offices, kitchens, and lounges. Samples will not be collected from washrooms and custodial rooms, as these are not recognized drinking water sources. All samples will be collected by United Analytical Services, Inc., and laboratory analysis will be conducted by an IEPA accredited laboratory. |
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II.C. Presentation of Honeywell contract for outcome based services
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II.D. Discussion of meeting with Arlington Heights Park District
The committee will discuss issues that arose from the October 30th meeting between the Arlington Heights Park District and District 23 Administration regarding future planning and facilities uses.
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III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
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III.A. Approval of Minutes - 10/4/17 Meeting
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IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at future Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
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V. Adjournment