Meeting Agenda
I. Call to order
II. Discussion item(s)
II.A. Recommendation for adoption of P-Card Resolution
II.B. Recommendation for approval of lease for new orchestra instruments
II.C. Recommendation for approval of telephone and intercom maintenance services contract
II.D. FY2018 Budget Presentation
II.E. Recommendation for Approval of Fund Transfer to Pay Copier and Printer Lease
III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Finance committee meeting(s)
IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at futureFinance committee meeting(s)
V. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 5, 2017 at 10:00 AM - Finance Committee Meeting | |
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I. Call to order
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II. Discussion item(s)
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II.A. Recommendation for adoption of P-Card Resolution
The administration has reviewed the credit card agreement with its current provider as well as the pros/cons of switching to a purchase card system. P-Cards provide the District with 2 main benefits -- (1) the District receives cash back on all of its purchases AND (2) the District can hold individuals accountable for purchases that are made if such charges are not appropriate or did not receive the necessary approvals.
As such, the Administration recommends that the BOE adopt the attached resolution approving the use of P-Cards by the District. |
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II.B. Recommendation for approval of lease for new orchestra instruments
The primary instruments utilized by the orchestra that are District-owned are over 25 years old in most cases. Due to the rising costs for repairing and maintaining these instruments, as well as the overall quality of instruments previously purchased causing the instruments to approach the end of their life cycle, the orchestra program analyzed its options for possessing high quality instruments at affordable prices. In addition to the generous financing terms on the lease, PHIL has provided a written commitment to contribute $2,000 each year towards the cost of this lease. At the end of the lease, the District will own the instruments. The instruments being procured have a life expectancy of 25 years or more.
As an added bonus, Quinlan & Fabish, the company providing the instruments, has agreed to store them in a controlled environment over the summer and long breaks. This should extend the life of the instruments and reduce the required repairs and maintenance -- a key factor once the lease agreement runs out and the District is responsible for such costs. As such, the District recommends approval of the attached 5 year lease for $4,333.75 per year. |
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II.C. Recommendation for approval of telephone and intercom maintenance services contract
In previous years, the District has contracted with Sound, Inc. for a fixed dollar amount regarding services to the phone system, intercom, etc. Upon reviewing the contract, the Tech Department realized that (1) the total services was not commensurate with the price paid (District paid more per hour than services received would have required) and (2) more flexibility in services and scheduling was need than offered under the fixed amount contract previously agreed to between the District and Sound, Inc.
After meeting with Sound, Inc. representatives, the Tech Department negotiated (a) credit for services paid for under the previous agreement but not received AND (b) a fixed amount of hours the District can be serviced that do not expire (unlike the previous year-to-year contract). Overall, this represents a savings to the District and will make the relationship with Sound, Inc. more effective, efficient and cost beneficial. As such, the Administration recommends approval of the Sound, Inc. contract for 25 hours at $3400. |
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II.D. FY2018 Budget Presentation
The FY2018 Budget will be presented to the BOE at the August 2017 BOE meeting. The budget will be presented in accordance with the law and be posted for 30 days after the BOE meeting prior to adoption in September 2017. The FY2018 Budget will be presented by function code in the same fashion as the FY2017 Budget. Any deviation of more than 10% or $5000, whichever is greater, will be discussed with the BOE. A presentation of the FY2018 Budget will be made at the August 2017 meeting of the BOE.
The Finance Committee will receive the budget one week prior to the August 2017 Finance Committee meeting as has been the practice in the past. |
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II.E. Recommendation for Approval of Fund Transfer to Pay Copier and Printer Lease
The BOE will approve the annual transfer to pay the portion of the copier and printer payment dedicated to the lease of the equipment. The resolution will be attached to the BOE agenda.
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III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Finance committee meeting(s)
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IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at futureFinance committee meeting(s)
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V. Adjournment