Meeting Agenda
1) Governance and Operations
1) State Assessments Annually Administered
1) District Informs Students of the Timelines/Procedures for State Assessments
2) Board Compliance with Procedures for Student Records
2) Student Records
2)1) Scores at Secondary Level Part of Permanent Record Card - NA
2)2) Scores for State Assessment Part of Elementary Temporary Record
2)3) Permanent and Temporary Records Are Maintained in Compliance with Laws/Regulations
2)4) Unique Student Identifier Used with SIS on Each Transcript for All Grade Levels
2) Written Notification of Rights Under Student Records Act given to Parents/Students
2) Proper Notification of Destroying Records Provided to Students/Parents when Leaving
2) Statute Observed Allowing Student to Enroll Even if No Permanent Record
2) 10 Day Rule for Transferring All Student Records
2) Student Transfer Form Provided (Good Standing)
2) Statue Requiring Proof of Birth Certificate/Affidavit
3) BOE Adopted Policy Regarding Courses/Credits Toward Graduation
4) Bullying Policy
4) Engagement Range of Stakeholders (students, parents/guardians)
4) Policy Posted on Website, Handbook, including Policy Evaluation
4) Distributed Annually to Parents/Guardians/Students/Staff
5) Student Discipline
5) Policy Adopted for Searches, Student Discipline, and Aggressive Behavior
5) Policy for Isolated Timeout
5) Parent/Teacher Advisory Committee for Guidelines on Student Discipline/Temporary Classroom Exclusion
5) Discipline Policy Provided within 15 Days of Enrollment
5) District Provides Notification of Due Process for All Suspensions/Expulsions
5) District Provides Notification to Request Passwords on Social Media for Disciplinary Reasons
6) Board Adopts Policies for Support Services for Truants & Chronic Truants
7) District Permits Dropouts at 17 to Apply for Status of Truant - NA
8) Sexual Abuse Courses/Class
8) District Provides 5 Day Notice to Parents of Such Class for K-8
8) District Provides Out for Students of Such Class if Parent Submits Written Objection
9) In Instances of Divided Service, the Number of Professional Capacities for Administrators are Not Exceeded
10) Residency/Enrollment
10) Non-residents Admitted Tuition Charged not to Exceed 110&% Per Pupil Cost
10) Policy Maintaining Residency Military Service
10) Standard Enrollment Form Provided Armed Forces US Active Duty/Deployment
11) Discrimination/Segregation
11) No Pupil Excluded from or within any School for Ethnicity, Sex, Nationality, Etc.
11) District does not discriminate on the basis of sex for any extra-curricular programs, services, etc..
11)1) The Board has adopted policies for:
11)1)a) Sex Equity
11)1)b) Sex Discrimination Grievance Procedure
11)1)c) Notification to Students/Parents/Staff/Community of Sex Equity & Discrimination Policies
11)1)d) Completion of System-Wide Sex Equity Evaluation Every 4 Years For Courses/Enrollment
11)1)e) Developed and Implemented a Sex Equity Plan
11)1)f) Conducted a Sports Interest Survey Used Results for Planning Future Programs for Both Sexes
11)2) The district has taken steps to:
11)2)a) All students between the ages of 5 and 21 are accorded the right to a free and equal education.
11)2)b) Eliminate barriers (adm & program) to attendance and school completion for pregnant and parenting students.
11)2)c) Protect students from sexual intimidation/harassment by any employee, other students, or the effect of any policy or practice.
12) The BOE has designated an appropriate person as the LEA liaison for homeless children/youth.
13) The School has a visible public notice regarding the education rights of the homeless.
14) Homeless Children
14) Enrollment is ongoing and not delayed.
14) Enrollment is not delayed due to residency documents.
14) Enrollment is not delayed due to lack of legal guardianship.
14) The district does not charge tuition for homeless students.
15) Principals
15) Have administrative and instructional leadership responsibilities under supervision of the Supt.
15) Job description established stating their primary responsibility is in improving instruction and that the majority of their time be on curriculum and staff development.
16) Promotion & Retention
16) Policy prohibiting promotion/passing of a student for any reason not related to academic performance.
16) Policy ensuring students meet local goals/objectives and can perform at grade level expectation before being promoted.
16) Decisions to promote students are based on successful completion of curriculum, attendance, performance, testing, etc.
16) Students who do not qualify for promotion are provided remedial assistance (summer bridge program, tutoring, etc.
17) Grades 9-12 No Pass/No Play Policy - NA
18) Concussions Head Injury Policy
18) Adopted policy in Compliance with IHSA
18) Concussion/Head Policy Shared with Parents/Health Related Info Part of Temporary Student Record
19) Administration of Medication
19) District has Adopted Policy for Administration of Medication
19) Medication Policy distributed to Parents with 15 Days of Enrollment
19) Self-Administration of Medication Asthma/EpiPen Portion of Policy
20) Written Policies for Administration of the Waiver of School Fees
21) AED Plan Both Indoor & Outdoor
22) Psychotropic/Psychostimulant Medication/Disciplinary Action
22) Policy Adopted Prohibiting Disciplinary Action based Totally or In Part of Parent Refusal to Administer Medication
22) Policy requires that every 2 Years In-Service Training for Best Practices for Identification/Treatment of ADD/ADHD
23) Student Incident Reporting System (SIRS)
23) All Incidents of Battery to Staff Reported in Accordance with Crime Reporting Act no Later than 3 Days After Attack
23) All School Personnel Immediately Notify Principal's Office if They Observe any Person In Possession of a Firearm
23) Procedure In Place to Report All Drug Related Incidents and to Report to State Police
24) Balanced Budget
24) BOE has Balanced Budget as Required by Law
24) District Submits Budget to ISBE in Approved Format at Required by Statutory Deadline
25) Website/Financial Information
25) Annual Budget Posted
25) All Contracts Over $25,000 Posted & Collective Bargaining Agreements
25) School Report Cards Posted
25) Administrative Staff & Teacher Salary Info Posted
26) Audit is Conducted & Shared
27) Vendor Contracts Filed as Attachment to Budget - NA
28) Board Member Training
28) BOE Members Complete 4 Hours of Training in First Year
28) District Maintains List of School Board Members on Website Who Have Completed Training
29) Teen Dating Violence Policy
29) Statement to Include Teen Dating Violence Unacceptable & Students Have Right to Safe Environment
29) Age Appropriate Education for Students in Grades 7-12 & Employees
29) Teen Dating Violence Procedures In Place for Employees to Respond
29) Identifies by Job Title School Officials who are to receive Reports
29) Students/Parents Notified About Teen Dating Violence Policy
30) 5Essentials Survey Administered Bi-Annually to All Teachers, Parents and Students in Grades 6-12
31) Health/Life Safety
31) District Complies with 23 Ill Admin Code Part 180
31) Buildings Maintained & In Compliance with all Life Safety Standards
32) Student Records
32) Maintains Records in Compliance with Examinations/Immunizations
32) The district excludes students for lack of health requirements after October 15
32) Dental Notification 60 Days Prior to May 15 for Students in K and 6
32) Before December 1 Districts Make Immunization Data Public in Same Format as November 15 Deadlne to the State
32) Immunization Survey submitted to ISBE by November 15
32) Policy for Eye Exam for All Children Enrolling for the First Time by October 15
32) Students Entering 6th Grade Proof of Tdap Immunization
33) Safety Procedures
33) Minimum Evacuation Drills Conducted
33) District holds Annual Review Meeting of Safety Procedures
33) Emergency Procedure Established In Case of Injury or Sudden Illness to Students/Staff
33) Protective Eye Devices Worn by All When Conducting Science Labs
33) Precautions taken to not order art/craft materials which are toxic
33) District Provides Training for Safe Handling of Hazardous/Toxic Materials
33) District has developed and implemented local pupil transportation policies/regulations including Special Education students.
33) School Bus Drivers have Valid Permits
33) Cellular Radio or Two-Way Radios Used While Bus Driver is in Possession of School Bus
33) Bus Driver Polices
33)1) Policies to Include Procedures when Bus Driver is Last Person on Bus
33)2) Polices require drivers to:
33)2)a) Test Two-Way Device Before Operating Bus
33)2)b) Before leaving bus, walk to rear of bus to check for children/passengers
33) Buses equipped with auto traffic law enforcement have signs posted that the bus is being monitored by auto traffic control system - NA
33) If district has more than one auto traffic control system buses then notice is provided to drivers by posting info on district website - NA
33) District Maintains Registry of Parents Who Want Written or Telephone Notification of Application of Pesticides
33) Pest Management Program
33)1) Developed & Implemented and Department of Health Notified
33)2) Designated Person Assigned to Oversee Pest Managment
33)3) Requirements of Pest Management Program is Not Economically Feasible - NA
33) Safety & Policy Requirements if District Owns/Controls Movable Soccer Goal - NA
33) District Notifies Parents in Newsletters, Etc., about the Video on Hands-Only Cardio & AED's as posted by IHSA and encourages staff to view it
34) School Breakfast & National School Lunch Program
34) Only on exempted fundraising days it is not required to meet the normal competitive food standards as set by SBP and NSLP - NA
34) If the district allows for exempted fundraising days, it: - NA
34)1) Has a policy stating procedures to be used to request an exempted fundraising day
34)2) Includes fundraising policy in the participating school's local wellness policy
34)3) Maintains for no less than 3 years a listing of exempted fundraising days held
34) Rules for revenue of from the sale of any food/beverage meeting competitive food standards accrue to the non-profit account & foods/beverages not meeting the competitive standards not sold in the food service area are sold per federal regulation
34) Every school in the district provides a free lunch to students eligible
34) Every school in the district that offers a breakfast program shall provide a free breakfast to students eligible
34) If claiming only state reimbursement, the district maintains an accurate record of the number of free breakfasts and lunches served to children each day
35) Summer Breakfast/Lunch Program
35) If a summer program exists, by Feb 15 the district has promulgated a plan to have a summer breakfast/lunch
35)1) The school district meeting the above criteria has implemented a summer food program
35) If opting out of the summer food service program, the district petitions the ROE by January 15 and includes: - NA
35)1) All legitimate costs
35)2) Any unique circumstances
36) Low Income Students Definition SBP & NSLP
36) 40% or more of the students eligible for Free Reduced Classified as Low Income on Housing Report
36) Schools that meet the above criteria but do not participate in SBP must receive an exemption from ROE - NA
37) District has policy based on Guidelines for Managing Life-Threatening Food Allergies in Illinois Schools
38) Training on Management of Life-Threatening Food Allergies
38) Every 2 Years
38) For All School Personnel
38) Training conducted by persons of expertise
39) If HS District - Catastrophic Accident Insurance - NA
40) All employees are properly licensed and qualified for their assignments
41) Equity Plan
41) An equity plan is on file in the district office
41) The equity plan has strategies the district will use
41) There is evidence the district has implemented the equity plan
42) Not Highly Qualified Teachers - NA
42) The most recent annual report for not highly qualified on file with ROE
42) The school district has a list of all their not highly qualified
43) Title 1 & Not Highly Qualified
43) The district maintains a list of teachers that receive any part of Title 1 funds - NA
43) All teachers on the district's Title 1 listing are highly qualified
43) The district has a plan to correct or reassign not highly qualified teachers - NA
44) Title 1
44) Letters sent to parents of Title 1 students informing of teachers who are not highly qualified - NA
44) Letters were forwarded in a timely manner
44) The school has informed parents of children of title 1 they have a right to know about qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals
44) The school district has reported assignments of all licensed employees accurately on EIS
45) School Board
45) There is evidence that new school board members take an oath of office
45) The school board makes employment decisions pertaining to the superintendent and directs through the policy of the district the administration of district matters
45) The school board evaluations the superintendent in his her administration of school board policies/stewardship of the assets
46) All staff have their licenses properly registered with ROE having supervision/control over the school where the teaching is done
47) Personnel Files
47) District maintains records of all staff
47) Records include individual name
47) Records include copy of official transcripts
47) Records include proof of physical exam
47) Verification of teaching experience, salary schedule placement, sick leave, etc.
47) Evidence of Criminal Background Checks
47) Background checks on firms contracting with the school including bus drivers
47) Evidence the school district/ROE has cross checked all employees against the statewide Sex Offender Database
47) Evidence the school district has performed a check for all applicants against the Child Murderer and Violent Offender against Youth Database
47) Evaluations for all Professional Staff
48) Staff evaluation plans meet the following requirements:
48) Each tenure teacher evaluated a least once in the course of every two years
48) Each non-tenure teacher evaluated at least once every year
48) A four category rating system is used (excellent, proficient, needs improvement, unsatisfactory)
48) Evaluations of principals/assistant principals are weighted with student growth of 30% or more
48) Meet the PERA implementation guidelines for teacher evaluations for student growth (25% then 30%)
49) Evaluators have met pre-qualification required training by law
50) The district and the teachers have formed a joint committee on or before November 1 in the year prior to it's PERA implementation date for teacher evaluation.
51) The district adheres to the following reduction in force (RIF) procedures:
51) The district groups all teachers into one of four appropriate reduction in force categories each year.
51) The district's RIF Joint Committee meets on or before December 1, annually.
52) Abused/Neglected Child Reporting Act
52) New employees sign statements of their knowledge and understanding of the reporting Act
52) Local BOE members are made aware they are mandated reporters
53) The school district submits a list of all paraprofessionals it employs to the State Supt with the Application for Recognition of Schools
54) Paraprofessionals/Volunteer Personnel
54) No individual is employed as a paraprofessional without proper license and are only assigned to tasks for which their approval is valid
54) Parapros, volunteers, and other non-licensed personnel are utilized within compliance and regulations with the School Code
54) Volunteer personnel are utilized in compliance with the School Code
55) Professional Development
55) School district provides supervisory and inservice programs for the professional staff
55) The staff is involved in the planning, conducting, and evaluating of inservice programs
55)1) Mental illness and suicide behavior training for teachers in grades 7-12
55)2) Mental illness training/suicide training is provided within the framework of PD or as a part of licensure renewel
55) Diabetes training provided
55) Training for a delegated care aide for students with diabetes in accordance with the US Dept of Health
56) Pre-approved inservice progams encompass:
56) Are coupled with a 3 hour school day or a full day parent teacher inservice program
56) the evaluation of the inservice programs is on file in the district office
57) Complete class schedules are maintained in each building
58) Grades
58) There is an organized plan for recording pupil progress
58) Policy exists for changing a grade and informing teacher of such a change
58) High school students informed of graduation requirements - NA
59) Calendar
59) School board prepares a calendar ensuring 185 days to get 176 of student attendance
59) Schools operate on a full school calendar of 180 days of attendance not more than 4 institute days and calendar approved by state board
60) School day gives children 5 clock hours of work under direct instruction
61) 4 clock hours full day for grades K, 1 and half day 2 or more hours for K
62) Library Media Services
62) Each school in the district provides Library Media Services
62)1) The program includes an organized collection of resources that circulate to support instruction, etc.
62)2) Annual budget devotes resources for supplies of library media program
62)3) If no place for a media center... - NA
63) District provides a needs assessment to determine PPS services needs in the area of:
63) Guidance & Counseling
63) Psychological
63) Social Work
63) Health
64) A plan is developed for how children respond to scientific, research-based interventions as a part of the evaluation process
65) Home Language Survey Administered
65) Includes a question whether a language other than English is spoken and if so which language
65) Whether a student speaks a language other than English and if so which language
66) The district screens the English language proficiency of each student identified through the home language survey within 30 days after enrollment
67) TBE Programs
67) TBE program is established when attendance center has more than 20 English learners of the same language
67) Native language instruction provided in full time TBE as stated by law
67) Teachers are properly licensed who teach English learners
67) English learners in TBE also provided instruction in English as a 2nd Language by teachers holding the ESL/ENL endorsement
67) The district has a parent BPAC committee which meets four times a year
67) English learners placed on a part time TBE program meet the criteria for part time placement
68) Notification to parents by mail occurs no later than 30 days after the beginning of school or 14 days after enrollment of any student in a TBE or TPI program
69) If a district has 19 or fewer students of limited English proficiency from any single non-English language and does not provide TBE, then a TPI is provided for those students by a qualified ESL teacher
70) English language proficiency
70) The district annually assesses the English language proficiency of English Learners
70) Students not enrolled in TBE or TPI but who have been identified as having limited English proficiency are required to participate in the assessment each year until they achieve a proficient score
71) A district must provide the following areas of study appropriately coordinated and supervised:
71) Kindergarten
71) Language Arts, Reading, and Other Communication Skills
71) Math
71) Science
71) Conservation of Natural Resources
71) Social Studies
71)1) History of US, Ethnic Groups & Labor Unions
71)2) Black History & Salvery
71)3) Constitution of US, Illinois, Flag, Etc & Assessment
71)4) Holocaust
71)5) Genocide
71)6) History of Women in America
71)7) Disability History
71)8) Role of Hispanics
71) Career Education - Awareness & Exploration
71) Character Education
71) Music
71) Art
71) Physical Education
71)1) Appropriate activity related to PE everyday
71)2) Curriculum related to movement skills, health & fitness, healthy lifestyle, etc.
71)3) If daily PE not offered then waiver on file
71) Health Education
71)1) A part of formal regular instructional program at each grade level, 1 semester at middle school
71)2) Curriculum to include ecology and health, human growth & development, drug abuse, etc..
71)3) Sex Education & Family Life Course Grades 6-12
71) Prevention of Anabolic Steroids in Grades 7 and 8
71) Safety Education
71) Internet Safety Education
71) Promotes minimum 60 minutes of reading opportunities daily for students K-3 who are below grade level
71) The district offers age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education
72) Exempt from Item 72 for High School Only (pages 36-40)
73) Exempt from Item 73 for High School Only (pages 40-41)
74) Necessary Non-Licensed Personnel Under Direct Supervision of Qualified Specialist and Receive Training - N/A
75) Age range of students in SPED or Instructional Grouping does not exceed:
75) Four year limit for K-8
75) Four to Six Year for Secondary
76) All special education programs within prescribed enrollment limitations
77) Transportation is provided as each special education eligible child's IEP or program requires
78) Special education student's arrival and departure times ensures a full day of instruction
79) Life Safety Requirements met for special education programs/services
80) All special education students provided services through age 21
81) Within 14 days, each district determines whether an evaluation is warranted after receiving a request for an evaluation
82) A plan is developed specifying limits on the work load of its special educators
83) Other
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Compliance Visit February 18-19, 2016 | |
Subject: |
1) Governance and Operations
Subject: |
1) State Assessments Annually Administered
Subject: |
1) District Informs Students of the Timelines/Procedures for State Assessments
Subject: |
2) Board Compliance with Procedures for Student Records
Subject: |
2) Student Records
Subject: |
2)1) Scores at Secondary Level Part of Permanent Record Card - NA
Subject: |
2)2) Scores for State Assessment Part of Elementary Temporary Record
Subject: |
2)3) Permanent and Temporary Records Are Maintained in Compliance with Laws/Regulations
Subject: |
2)4) Unique Student Identifier Used with SIS on Each Transcript for All Grade Levels
Subject: |
2) Written Notification of Rights Under Student Records Act given to Parents/Students
Subject: |
2) Proper Notification of Destroying Records Provided to Students/Parents when Leaving
Subject: |
2) Statute Observed Allowing Student to Enroll Even if No Permanent Record
Subject: |
2) 10 Day Rule for Transferring All Student Records
Subject: |
2) Student Transfer Form Provided (Good Standing)
Subject: |
2) Statue Requiring Proof of Birth Certificate/Affidavit
Subject: |
3) BOE Adopted Policy Regarding Courses/Credits Toward Graduation
Subject: |
4) Bullying Policy
Subject: |
4) Engagement Range of Stakeholders (students, parents/guardians)
Subject: |
4) Policy Posted on Website, Handbook, including Policy Evaluation
Subject: |
4) Distributed Annually to Parents/Guardians/Students/Staff
Subject: |
5) Student Discipline
Subject: |
5) Policy Adopted for Searches, Student Discipline, and Aggressive Behavior
Subject: |
5) Policy for Isolated Timeout
Subject: |
5) Parent/Teacher Advisory Committee for Guidelines on Student Discipline/Temporary Classroom Exclusion
Subject: |
5) Discipline Policy Provided within 15 Days of Enrollment
Subject: |
5) District Provides Notification of Due Process for All Suspensions/Expulsions
Subject: |
5) District Provides Notification to Request Passwords on Social Media for Disciplinary Reasons
Subject: |
6) Board Adopts Policies for Support Services for Truants & Chronic Truants
Subject: |
7) District Permits Dropouts at 17 to Apply for Status of Truant - NA
Subject: |
8) Sexual Abuse Courses/Class
Subject: |
8) District Provides 5 Day Notice to Parents of Such Class for K-8
Subject: |
8) District Provides Out for Students of Such Class if Parent Submits Written Objection
Subject: |
9) In Instances of Divided Service, the Number of Professional Capacities for Administrators are Not Exceeded
Subject: |
10) Residency/Enrollment
Subject: |
10) Non-residents Admitted Tuition Charged not to Exceed 110&% Per Pupil Cost
Subject: |
10) Policy Maintaining Residency Military Service
Subject: |
10) Standard Enrollment Form Provided Armed Forces US Active Duty/Deployment
Subject: |
11) Discrimination/Segregation
Subject: |
11) No Pupil Excluded from or within any School for Ethnicity, Sex, Nationality, Etc.
Subject: |
11) District does not discriminate on the basis of sex for any extra-curricular programs, services, etc..
Subject: |
11)1) The Board has adopted policies for:
Subject: |
11)1)a) Sex Equity
Subject: |
11)1)b) Sex Discrimination Grievance Procedure
Subject: |
11)1)c) Notification to Students/Parents/Staff/Community of Sex Equity & Discrimination Policies
Subject: |
11)1)d) Completion of System-Wide Sex Equity Evaluation Every 4 Years For Courses/Enrollment
Subject: |
11)1)e) Developed and Implemented a Sex Equity Plan
Subject: |
11)1)f) Conducted a Sports Interest Survey Used Results for Planning Future Programs for Both Sexes
Subject: |
11)2) The district has taken steps to:
Subject: |
11)2)a) All students between the ages of 5 and 21 are accorded the right to a free and equal education.
Subject: |
11)2)b) Eliminate barriers (adm & program) to attendance and school completion for pregnant and parenting students.
Subject: |
11)2)c) Protect students from sexual intimidation/harassment by any employee, other students, or the effect of any policy or practice.
Subject: |
12) The BOE has designated an appropriate person as the LEA liaison for homeless children/youth.
Subject: |
13) The School has a visible public notice regarding the education rights of the homeless.
Subject: |
14) Homeless Children
Subject: |
14) Enrollment is ongoing and not delayed.
Subject: |
14) Enrollment is not delayed due to residency documents.
Subject: |
14) Enrollment is not delayed due to lack of legal guardianship.
Subject: |
14) The district does not charge tuition for homeless students.
Subject: |
15) Principals
Subject: |
15) Have administrative and instructional leadership responsibilities under supervision of the Supt.
Subject: |
15) Job description established stating their primary responsibility is in improving instruction and that the majority of their time be on curriculum and staff development.
Subject: |
16) Promotion & Retention
Subject: |
16) Policy prohibiting promotion/passing of a student for any reason not related to academic performance.
Subject: |
16) Policy ensuring students meet local goals/objectives and can perform at grade level expectation before being promoted.
Subject: |
16) Decisions to promote students are based on successful completion of curriculum, attendance, performance, testing, etc.
Subject: |
16) Students who do not qualify for promotion are provided remedial assistance (summer bridge program, tutoring, etc.
Subject: |
17) Grades 9-12 No Pass/No Play Policy - NA
Subject: |
18) Concussions Head Injury Policy
Subject: |
18) Adopted policy in Compliance with IHSA
Subject: |
18) Concussion/Head Policy Shared with Parents/Health Related Info Part of Temporary Student Record
Subject: |
19) Administration of Medication
Subject: |
19) District has Adopted Policy for Administration of Medication
Subject: |
19) Medication Policy distributed to Parents with 15 Days of Enrollment
Subject: |
19) Self-Administration of Medication Asthma/EpiPen Portion of Policy
Subject: |
20) Written Policies for Administration of the Waiver of School Fees
Subject: |
21) AED Plan Both Indoor & Outdoor
Subject: |
22) Psychotropic/Psychostimulant Medication/Disciplinary Action
Subject: |
22) Policy Adopted Prohibiting Disciplinary Action based Totally or In Part of Parent Refusal to Administer Medication
Subject: |
22) Policy requires that every 2 Years In-Service Training for Best Practices for Identification/Treatment of ADD/ADHD
Subject: |
23) Student Incident Reporting System (SIRS)
Subject: |
23) All Incidents of Battery to Staff Reported in Accordance with Crime Reporting Act no Later than 3 Days After Attack
Subject: |
23) All School Personnel Immediately Notify Principal's Office if They Observe any Person In Possession of a Firearm
Subject: |
23) Procedure In Place to Report All Drug Related Incidents and to Report to State Police
Subject: |
24) Balanced Budget
Subject: |
24) BOE has Balanced Budget as Required by Law
Subject: |
24) District Submits Budget to ISBE in Approved Format at Required by Statutory Deadline
Subject: |
25) Website/Financial Information
Subject: |
25) Annual Budget Posted
Subject: |
25) All Contracts Over $25,000 Posted & Collective Bargaining Agreements
Subject: |
25) School Report Cards Posted
Subject: |
25) Administrative Staff & Teacher Salary Info Posted
Subject: |
26) Audit is Conducted & Shared
Subject: |
27) Vendor Contracts Filed as Attachment to Budget - NA
Subject: |
28) Board Member Training
Subject: |
28) BOE Members Complete 4 Hours of Training in First Year
Subject: |
28) District Maintains List of School Board Members on Website Who Have Completed Training
Subject: |
29) Teen Dating Violence Policy
Subject: |
29) Statement to Include Teen Dating Violence Unacceptable & Students Have Right to Safe Environment
Subject: |
29) Age Appropriate Education for Students in Grades 7-12 & Employees
Subject: |
29) Teen Dating Violence Procedures In Place for Employees to Respond
Subject: |
29) Identifies by Job Title School Officials who are to receive Reports
Subject: |
29) Students/Parents Notified About Teen Dating Violence Policy
Subject: |
30) 5Essentials Survey Administered Bi-Annually to All Teachers, Parents and Students in Grades 6-12
Subject: |
31) Health/Life Safety
Subject: |
31) District Complies with 23 Ill Admin Code Part 180
Subject: |
31) Buildings Maintained & In Compliance with all Life Safety Standards
Subject: |
32) Student Records
Subject: |
32) Maintains Records in Compliance with Examinations/Immunizations
Subject: |
32) The district excludes students for lack of health requirements after October 15
Subject: |
32) Dental Notification 60 Days Prior to May 15 for Students in K and 6
Subject: |
32) Before December 1 Districts Make Immunization Data Public in Same Format as November 15 Deadlne to the State
Subject: |
32) Immunization Survey submitted to ISBE by November 15
Subject: |
32) Policy for Eye Exam for All Children Enrolling for the First Time by October 15
Subject: |
32) Students Entering 6th Grade Proof of Tdap Immunization
Subject: |
33) Safety Procedures
Subject: |
33) Minimum Evacuation Drills Conducted
Subject: |
33) District holds Annual Review Meeting of Safety Procedures
Subject: |
33) Emergency Procedure Established In Case of Injury or Sudden Illness to Students/Staff
Subject: |
33) Protective Eye Devices Worn by All When Conducting Science Labs
Subject: |
33) Precautions taken to not order art/craft materials which are toxic
Subject: |
33) District Provides Training for Safe Handling of Hazardous/Toxic Materials
Subject: |
33) District has developed and implemented local pupil transportation policies/regulations including Special Education students.
Subject: |
33) School Bus Drivers have Valid Permits
Subject: |
33) Cellular Radio or Two-Way Radios Used While Bus Driver is in Possession of School Bus
Subject: |
33) Bus Driver Polices
Subject: |
33)1) Policies to Include Procedures when Bus Driver is Last Person on Bus
Subject: |
33)2) Polices require drivers to:
Subject: |
33)2)a) Test Two-Way Device Before Operating Bus
Subject: |
33)2)b) Before leaving bus, walk to rear of bus to check for children/passengers
Subject: |
33) Buses equipped with auto traffic law enforcement have signs posted that the bus is being monitored by auto traffic control system - NA
Subject: |
33) If district has more than one auto traffic control system buses then notice is provided to drivers by posting info on district website - NA
Subject: |
33) District Maintains Registry of Parents Who Want Written or Telephone Notification of Application of Pesticides
Subject: |
33) Pest Management Program
Subject: |
33)1) Developed & Implemented and Department of Health Notified
Subject: |
33)2) Designated Person Assigned to Oversee Pest Managment
Subject: |
33)3) Requirements of Pest Management Program is Not Economically Feasible - NA
Subject: |
33) Safety & Policy Requirements if District Owns/Controls Movable Soccer Goal - NA
Subject: |
33) District Notifies Parents in Newsletters, Etc., about the Video on Hands-Only Cardio & AED's as posted by IHSA and encourages staff to view it
Subject: |
34) School Breakfast & National School Lunch Program
Subject: |
34) Only on exempted fundraising days it is not required to meet the normal competitive food standards as set by SBP and NSLP - NA
Subject: |
34) If the district allows for exempted fundraising days, it: - NA
Subject: |
34)1) Has a policy stating procedures to be used to request an exempted fundraising day
Subject: |
34)2) Includes fundraising policy in the participating school's local wellness policy
Subject: |
34)3) Maintains for no less than 3 years a listing of exempted fundraising days held
Subject: |
34) Rules for revenue of from the sale of any food/beverage meeting competitive food standards accrue to the non-profit account & foods/beverages not meeting the competitive standards not sold in the food service area are sold per federal regulation
Subject: |
34) Every school in the district provides a free lunch to students eligible
Subject: |
34) Every school in the district that offers a breakfast program shall provide a free breakfast to students eligible
Subject: |
34) If claiming only state reimbursement, the district maintains an accurate record of the number of free breakfasts and lunches served to children each day
Subject: |
35) Summer Breakfast/Lunch Program
Subject: |
35) If a summer program exists, by Feb 15 the district has promulgated a plan to have a summer breakfast/lunch
Subject: |
35)1) The school district meeting the above criteria has implemented a summer food program
Subject: |
35) If opting out of the summer food service program, the district petitions the ROE by January 15 and includes: - NA
Subject: |
35)1) All legitimate costs
Subject: |
35)2) Any unique circumstances
Subject: |
36) Low Income Students Definition SBP & NSLP
Subject: |
36) 40% or more of the students eligible for Free Reduced Classified as Low Income on Housing Report
Subject: |
36) Schools that meet the above criteria but do not participate in SBP must receive an exemption from ROE - NA
Subject: |
37) District has policy based on Guidelines for Managing Life-Threatening Food Allergies in Illinois Schools
Subject: |
38) Training on Management of Life-Threatening Food Allergies
Subject: |
38) Every 2 Years
Subject: |
38) For All School Personnel
Subject: |
38) Training conducted by persons of expertise
Subject: |
39) If HS District - Catastrophic Accident Insurance - NA
Subject: |
40) All employees are properly licensed and qualified for their assignments
Subject: |
41) Equity Plan
Subject: |
41) An equity plan is on file in the district office
Subject: |
41) The equity plan has strategies the district will use
Subject: |
41) There is evidence the district has implemented the equity plan
Subject: |
42) Not Highly Qualified Teachers - NA
Subject: |
42) The most recent annual report for not highly qualified on file with ROE
Subject: |
42) The school district has a list of all their not highly qualified
Subject: |
43) Title 1 & Not Highly Qualified
Subject: |
43) The district maintains a list of teachers that receive any part of Title 1 funds - NA
Subject: |
43) All teachers on the district's Title 1 listing are highly qualified
Subject: |
43) The district has a plan to correct or reassign not highly qualified teachers - NA
Subject: |
44) Title 1
Subject: |
44) Letters sent to parents of Title 1 students informing of teachers who are not highly qualified - NA
Subject: |
44) Letters were forwarded in a timely manner
Subject: |
44) The school has informed parents of children of title 1 they have a right to know about qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals
Subject: |
44) The school district has reported assignments of all licensed employees accurately on EIS
Subject: |
45) School Board
Subject: |
45) There is evidence that new school board members take an oath of office
Subject: |
45) The school board makes employment decisions pertaining to the superintendent and directs through the policy of the district the administration of district matters
Subject: |
45) The school board evaluations the superintendent in his her administration of school board policies/stewardship of the assets
Subject: |
46) All staff have their licenses properly registered with ROE having supervision/control over the school where the teaching is done
Subject: |
47) Personnel Files
Subject: |
47) District maintains records of all staff
Subject: |
47) Records include individual name
Subject: |
47) Records include copy of official transcripts
Subject: |
47) Records include proof of physical exam
Subject: |
47) Verification of teaching experience, salary schedule placement, sick leave, etc.
Subject: |
47) Evidence of Criminal Background Checks
Subject: |
47) Background checks on firms contracting with the school including bus drivers
Subject: |
47) Evidence the school district/ROE has cross checked all employees against the statewide Sex Offender Database
Subject: |
47) Evidence the school district has performed a check for all applicants against the Child Murderer and Violent Offender against Youth Database
Subject: |
47) Evaluations for all Professional Staff
Subject: |
48) Staff evaluation plans meet the following requirements:
Subject: |
48) Each tenure teacher evaluated a least once in the course of every two years
Subject: |
48) Each non-tenure teacher evaluated at least once every year
Subject: |
48) A four category rating system is used (excellent, proficient, needs improvement, unsatisfactory)
Subject: |
48) Evaluations of principals/assistant principals are weighted with student growth of 30% or more
Subject: |
48) Meet the PERA implementation guidelines for teacher evaluations for student growth (25% then 30%)
Subject: |
49) Evaluators have met pre-qualification required training by law
Subject: |
50) The district and the teachers have formed a joint committee on or before November 1 in the year prior to it's PERA implementation date for teacher evaluation.
Subject: |
51) The district adheres to the following reduction in force (RIF) procedures:
Subject: |
51) The district groups all teachers into one of four appropriate reduction in force categories each year.
Subject: |
51) The district's RIF Joint Committee meets on or before December 1, annually.
Subject: |
52) Abused/Neglected Child Reporting Act
Subject: |
52) New employees sign statements of their knowledge and understanding of the reporting Act
Subject: |
52) Local BOE members are made aware they are mandated reporters
Subject: |
53) The school district submits a list of all paraprofessionals it employs to the State Supt with the Application for Recognition of Schools
Subject: |
54) Paraprofessionals/Volunteer Personnel
Subject: |
54) No individual is employed as a paraprofessional without proper license and are only assigned to tasks for which their approval is valid
Subject: |
54) Parapros, volunteers, and other non-licensed personnel are utilized within compliance and regulations with the School Code
Subject: |
54) Volunteer personnel are utilized in compliance with the School Code
Subject: |
55) Professional Development
Subject: |
55) School district provides supervisory and inservice programs for the professional staff
Subject: |
55) The staff is involved in the planning, conducting, and evaluating of inservice programs
Subject: |
55)1) Mental illness and suicide behavior training for teachers in grades 7-12
Subject: |
55)2) Mental illness training/suicide training is provided within the framework of PD or as a part of licensure renewel
Subject: |
55) Diabetes training provided
Subject: |
55) Training for a delegated care aide for students with diabetes in accordance with the US Dept of Health
Subject: |
56) Pre-approved inservice progams encompass:
Subject: |
56) Are coupled with a 3 hour school day or a full day parent teacher inservice program
Subject: |
56) the evaluation of the inservice programs is on file in the district office
Subject: |
57) Complete class schedules are maintained in each building
Subject: |
58) Grades
Subject: |
58) There is an organized plan for recording pupil progress
Subject: |
58) Policy exists for changing a grade and informing teacher of such a change
Subject: |
58) High school students informed of graduation requirements - NA
Subject: |
59) Calendar
Subject: |
59) School board prepares a calendar ensuring 185 days to get 176 of student attendance
Subject: |
59) Schools operate on a full school calendar of 180 days of attendance not more than 4 institute days and calendar approved by state board
Subject: |
60) School day gives children 5 clock hours of work under direct instruction
Subject: |
61) 4 clock hours full day for grades K, 1 and half day 2 or more hours for K
Subject: |
62) Library Media Services
Subject: |
62) Each school in the district provides Library Media Services
Subject: |
62)1) The program includes an organized collection of resources that circulate to support instruction, etc.
Subject: |
62)2) Annual budget devotes resources for supplies of library media program
Subject: |
62)3) If no place for a media center... - NA
Subject: |
63) District provides a needs assessment to determine PPS services needs in the area of:
Subject: |
63) Guidance & Counseling
Subject: |
63) Psychological
Subject: |
63) Social Work
Subject: |
63) Health
Subject: |
64) A plan is developed for how children respond to scientific, research-based interventions as a part of the evaluation process
Subject: |
65) Home Language Survey Administered
Subject: |
65) Includes a question whether a language other than English is spoken and if so which language
Subject: |
65) Whether a student speaks a language other than English and if so which language
Subject: |
66) The district screens the English language proficiency of each student identified through the home language survey within 30 days after enrollment
Subject: |
67) TBE Programs
Subject: |
67) TBE program is established when attendance center has more than 20 English learners of the same language
Subject: |
67) Native language instruction provided in full time TBE as stated by law
Subject: |
67) Teachers are properly licensed who teach English learners
Subject: |
67) English learners in TBE also provided instruction in English as a 2nd Language by teachers holding the ESL/ENL endorsement
Subject: |
67) The district has a parent BPAC committee which meets four times a year
Subject: |
67) English learners placed on a part time TBE program meet the criteria for part time placement
Subject: |
68) Notification to parents by mail occurs no later than 30 days after the beginning of school or 14 days after enrollment of any student in a TBE or TPI program
Subject: |
69) If a district has 19 or fewer students of limited English proficiency from any single non-English language and does not provide TBE, then a TPI is provided for those students by a qualified ESL teacher
Subject: |
70) English language proficiency
Subject: |
70) The district annually assesses the English language proficiency of English Learners
Subject: |
70) Students not enrolled in TBE or TPI but who have been identified as having limited English proficiency are required to participate in the assessment each year until they achieve a proficient score
Subject: |
71) A district must provide the following areas of study appropriately coordinated and supervised:
Subject: |
71) Kindergarten
Subject: |
71) Language Arts, Reading, and Other Communication Skills
Subject: |
71) Math
Subject: |
71) Science
Subject: |
71) Conservation of Natural Resources
Subject: |
71) Social Studies
Subject: |
71)1) History of US, Ethnic Groups & Labor Unions
Subject: |
71)2) Black History & Salvery
Subject: |
71)3) Constitution of US, Illinois, Flag, Etc & Assessment
Subject: |
71)4) Holocaust
Subject: |
71)5) Genocide
Subject: |
71)6) History of Women in America
Subject: |
71)7) Disability History
Subject: |
71)8) Role of Hispanics
Subject: |
71) Career Education - Awareness & Exploration
Subject: |
71) Character Education
Subject: |
71) Music
Subject: |
71) Art
Subject: |
71) Physical Education
Subject: |
71)1) Appropriate activity related to PE everyday
Subject: |
71)2) Curriculum related to movement skills, health & fitness, healthy lifestyle, etc.
Subject: |
71)3) If daily PE not offered then waiver on file
Subject: |
71) Health Education
Subject: |
71)1) A part of formal regular instructional program at each grade level, 1 semester at middle school
Subject: |
71)2) Curriculum to include ecology and health, human growth & development, drug abuse, etc..
Subject: |
71)3) Sex Education & Family Life Course Grades 6-12
Subject: |
71) Prevention of Anabolic Steroids in Grades 7 and 8
Subject: |
71) Safety Education
Subject: |
71) Internet Safety Education
Subject: |
71) Promotes minimum 60 minutes of reading opportunities daily for students K-3 who are below grade level
Subject: |
71) The district offers age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education
Subject: |
72) Exempt from Item 72 for High School Only (pages 36-40)
Subject: |
73) Exempt from Item 73 for High School Only (pages 40-41)
Subject: |
74) Necessary Non-Licensed Personnel Under Direct Supervision of Qualified Specialist and Receive Training - N/A
Subject: |
75) Age range of students in SPED or Instructional Grouping does not exceed:
Subject: |
75) Four year limit for K-8
Subject: |
75) Four to Six Year for Secondary
Subject: |
76) All special education programs within prescribed enrollment limitations
Subject: |
77) Transportation is provided as each special education eligible child's IEP or program requires
Subject: |
78) Special education student's arrival and departure times ensures a full day of instruction
Subject: |
79) Life Safety Requirements met for special education programs/services
Subject: |
80) All special education students provided services through age 21
Subject: |
81) Within 14 days, each district determines whether an evaluation is warranted after receiving a request for an evaluation
Subject: |
82) A plan is developed specifying limits on the work load of its special educators
Subject: |
83) Other