Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Special Recognition
3.A. Jorgi Dupureur - Honor Delegate & Presenter at the Illinois Association of Student Councils State Convention
3.B. OMS Track State Participants
3.C. OHS Track State Participants
3.D. OHS Bass Fishing Team
3.E. OHS FFA Envirothon Team
4. Opportunity for Public Input
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
5.A. Approve Agenda
5.B. Approve Minutes from the May 8, 2023 Regular Scheduled Board of Education Meeting (Attachment)
5.C. Approve Minutes from the May 8, 2023 scheduled Re-Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education (Attachment)
5.D. Approve Bills & Financial Reports (Attachment)
5.E. Approve the following resignations:
5.E.1. Ashley Sholl - 2023-2024 Kindergarten Teacher at Olympia North Elementary, effective May 17, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.2. Shyann Etnier - 5th Grade Teacher at Olympia West Elementary, effective June 6, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.3. Jessica Castillo - Pre-K / ECE Special Education Teacher at Olympia South Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.4. Natalie Springer - OMS 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.5. Melissa Brander - OMS Special Education Teacher, PBIS Tier 1 Coach, & OMS Girls' Head Track Coach (split stipend), effective June 6, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.6. Kris Ketelsen - OHS Special Education Life Skills Teacher, effective June 1, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.7. Sara Stickling - PBIS Tier 1 Coach at Olympia North Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.8. Alex Castillo - OHS Problem Solving Team Case Manager, effective May 26, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.9. Anisa Vishkurti - Paraprofessional at Olympia High School, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.10. Cynthia Scott - Special Education Aide at Olympia North Elementary, effective May 30, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.11. Megan Lowman - Student Supervisor at Olympia South Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.12. Meagan Lindsey - Student Supervisor at Olympia West Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.13. Katie Gordon - Bus Aide for Olympia West Elementary Midday Route, effective June 5, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.14. Trevor Oldham - OHS Chess Team Coach, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.15. Erin Young - OHS Blue Crew Sponsor, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.16. Beatrice Harbaugh - OHS Musical Tech Director, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
5.E.17. Laura Johnson - OHS Contest Play Assistant Director, effective May 26, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.18. Aubrey Zega - OHS Contest Play Director, effective May 26, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.19. Brendan Hoskins - OMS Cross Country Head Coach, effective May 23, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.20. Cade Fulling - OHS JV Baseball Coach, effective May 24, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.21. Kyle Ruppert - OMS Assistant Track Coach, effective May 24, 2023 (Attachment)
5.E.22. Chelsea Williams - OHS Girls' Head Track Coach, effective June 12, 2023 (Attachment)
5.F. Approve the following Intents to Retire:
5.F.1. Jane Slifer - Speech Teacher at Olympia North Elementary, effective at the end of the 2026-2027 school year (Attachment)
5.F.2. Loretta Bachman - Paraprofessional at Olympia West Elementary, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
5.F.3. Connie Keim - OHMS Cafeteria Personnel, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
5.G. Approve the employment of the following certified Teachers, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
5.G.1. Ashley Sholl - ECE / Pre-K Teacher at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
5.G.2. Stevie Thede - Kindergarten (1-year leave position) Teacher at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
5.G.3. Todd Kielion - Physical Education Teacher at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
5.G.4. Natalie Springer - OMS 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher (Attachment)
5.G.5. Melissa Swanson - OMS 6th Grade Language Arts Teacher (Attachment)
5.G.6. Cory Burnett - OMS 6th Grade Science Teacher (Attachment)
5.G.7. Caitlin Smith - OMS 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher (Attachment)
5.G.8. Haley Boswell - OHS Life Skills LBS1 Teacher (Attachment)
5.H. Approve the following New Teacher Mentors, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
5.H.1. Courtney Canzolino - for Olympia North Elementary ECE / Pre-K Teacher Ashley Sholl (Attachment)
5.H.2. Jessica Williamson - for Olympia West Elementary Physical Education Teacher Todd Kielion (Attachment)
5.H.3. Rebekka Schwartz - for Olympia South Elementary 4th Grade Teacher Kendra Peifer (Attachment)
5.H.4. Cade Fulling - for OMS 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher Caitlin Smith (Attachment)
5.I. Approve the employment of the following Certified Personnel, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
5.I.1. Lisa Althoff - Elementary Interventionist at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
5.I.2. Allison Brutlag - PBIS Tier I Coach at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
5.I.3. Bri Tresemer - PBIS Tier 2 Coach at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
5.I.4. Courtney Canzolino - Pre-K Grade Level Chair (Attachment)
5.J. Approve the employment of the following Education Support Personnel, effective for the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
5.J.1. Jessica Wibben - ECE Paraprofessional at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
5.J.2. Kayla Craig - Special Education Aide at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
5.J.3. Cynthia Scott - RISE Program Aide at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
5.J.4. Meagan Lindsey - Special Education Aide at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
5.J.5. Katie Gordon - Lunch Supervisor at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
5.J.6. Rainna White - Cafeteria Personnel at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
5.J.7. Supitcha Siltman - Cafeteria Personnel at OHMS (Attachment)
5.J.8. Maurice Stribling - Bus Driver for the Olympia South AM / PM Route (Attachment)
5.K. Approve the following Cafeteria changes, effective for the 2023-2024 school year: (Attachment)
5.K.1. Diana Leindl - Decrease in hours from 5.75 to 5.5 hours per day at Olympia South Elementary
5.K.2. Vickie Withey - Site change from Olympia South Elementary to Olympia High School
5.K.3. Natasha Goggin - Site change from Olympia High School to Olympia South Elementary, as well as a decrease in hours from 6.5 to 4.0 hours per day
5.L. Approve an increase in hours for Nicole Fiscus, Bus Aide, from 5.5 to 7.0 hours per day in order to cover the Olympia South midday route (Attachment)
5.M. Approve the employment of the following Extra-Curricular staff, effective for the 2023-2024 seasons:
5.M.1. Todd Kielion - OHS Head Volleyball Coach (Attachment)
5.M.2. Jody Rycyzyn - OHS Freshman Volleyball Coach (Attachment)
5.M.3. Drew Bedwell - OHS Assistant Football Coach (split stipend) (Attachment)
5.M.4. Jeris Eilts - OHS Dance Coach (split stipend) (Attachment)
5.M.5. Emma Munson - OHS Flags Sponsor (Attachment)
5.M.6. Trevor Oldham - OMS 7th Grade Boys' Basketball Coach (Attachment)
5.N. Approve the split stipend request from Emily Weyl - OHS Dance Coach, effective for the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
5.O. Approve Dana Schuerman as a Volunteer for the OHS Dance Team, effective for the 2023-2024 season (Attachment)
5.P. Approve posting all District contracts over $25,000 on the District's website (Attachment)
5.Q. Approve the renewal of contract with IASB for Boardbook, PRESS, & School Board Policies Online services, effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 (Attachment)
5.R. Approve the request for OHS FFA members to attend the annual Illinois State FFA Convention in Springfield, IL, June 13-15, 2023 (Attachment)
5.S. Approve the following Attendance Exceptions, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
5.S.1. Harlow Wall (Pre-K) - to attend Olympia South Elementary, instead of Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
5.T. Approve the IL Empower / School Improvement Plan for Olympia South Elementary
5.U. Approve keeping Executive Session Minutes closed from July 2022 - December 2022, and to destroy any audio recording of Executive Session Minutes older than 18 months
6. Communications
6.A. A Communications Folder will circulate around the Board Table.
6.B. FOIA Requests
7. Administrative Committee Reports
8. Administrative Reports
8.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report (Attachment)
8.A.1. FY 23 Final Amended Budget Report (Attachment) (Motion)
8.A.2. FY24 Working Budget (Attachment) (Motion)
8.A.3. FY24 Nickel Lease (Motion)
8.A.4. Fee Schedule (Attachment)
8.A.5. Summer Construction Update
8.A.6. Designation of Accrued Interest Resolution (Attachment) (Motion)
8.A.7. Resolution to Pay Bills for July, 2023 (Attachment) (Motion)
8.A.8. Wrestling Co-op with Delavan (Attachment)
8.A.9. Bus Bids (Motion)
8.B. Superintendent's Report
8.B.1. IL Empower / School Improvement for South
8.B.2. School Safety
8.B.3. County School Facility Sales Tax Legislative Update
8.B.4. Pool Updates
8.B.5. Final Board Policy Revisions (Attachment) (Motion)
8.B.6. 2023-2024 Calendar (Motion)
9. Other Business
10. Action Items
11. Executive Session
12. Action as a Result of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
The Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kevin Frazier with the following Board Members and Administrators present: Kevin Frazier _____; Carolyn Hansen _____; Doug Maris _____; Shawn Hohulin _____; Mary Springer _____; Justin Dietrich _____; Allie Parks _____; Superintendent Dr. Laura O'Donnell _____; Assistant Superintendent Andy Walsh _____; OHS Principal Dr. Ed Jodlowski _____; OMS Principal Mike Jones _____; ONE Principal Kristina Peifer _____; OSE Principal Stacey Rogers _____; OWE Principal Lisa Castleman _____.
Absent: _______________________________________________________ Others Present: ________________________________________________ The Pledge of Allegiance was led by ________________________________ |
Subject: |
2. Recognition of Visitors
Subject: |
3. Special Recognition
Subject: |
3.A. Jorgi Dupureur - Honor Delegate & Presenter at the Illinois Association of Student Councils State Convention
Subject: |
3.B. OMS Track State Participants
Subject: |
3.C. OHS Track State Participants
Subject: |
3.D. OHS Bass Fishing Team
Subject: |
3.E. OHS FFA Envirothon Team
Subject: |
4. Opportunity for Public Input
Anyone who wishes to address the Board of Education must contact the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent at 309-379-6011, ext. 1128, two (2) business days prior to the meeting. At that time, please state if any special accommodations would be needed should your request be granted.
Subject: |
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the Consent Agenda that includes:
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. |
Subject: |
5.A. Approve Agenda
Subject: |
5.B. Approve Minutes from the May 8, 2023 Regular Scheduled Board of Education Meeting (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.C. Approve Minutes from the May 8, 2023 scheduled Re-Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.D. Approve Bills & Financial Reports (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E. Approve the following resignations:
Subject: |
5.E.1. Ashley Sholl - 2023-2024 Kindergarten Teacher at Olympia North Elementary, effective May 17, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.2. Shyann Etnier - 5th Grade Teacher at Olympia West Elementary, effective June 6, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.3. Jessica Castillo - Pre-K / ECE Special Education Teacher at Olympia South Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.4. Natalie Springer - OMS 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.5. Melissa Brander - OMS Special Education Teacher, PBIS Tier 1 Coach, & OMS Girls' Head Track Coach (split stipend), effective June 6, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.6. Kris Ketelsen - OHS Special Education Life Skills Teacher, effective June 1, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.7. Sara Stickling - PBIS Tier 1 Coach at Olympia North Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.8. Alex Castillo - OHS Problem Solving Team Case Manager, effective May 26, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.9. Anisa Vishkurti - Paraprofessional at Olympia High School, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.10. Cynthia Scott - Special Education Aide at Olympia North Elementary, effective May 30, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.11. Megan Lowman - Student Supervisor at Olympia South Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.12. Meagan Lindsey - Student Supervisor at Olympia West Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.13. Katie Gordon - Bus Aide for Olympia West Elementary Midday Route, effective June 5, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.14. Trevor Oldham - OHS Chess Team Coach, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.15. Erin Young - OHS Blue Crew Sponsor, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.16. Beatrice Harbaugh - OHS Musical Tech Director, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.17. Laura Johnson - OHS Contest Play Assistant Director, effective May 26, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.18. Aubrey Zega - OHS Contest Play Director, effective May 26, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.19. Brendan Hoskins - OMS Cross Country Head Coach, effective May 23, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.20. Cade Fulling - OHS JV Baseball Coach, effective May 24, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.21. Kyle Ruppert - OMS Assistant Track Coach, effective May 24, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.E.22. Chelsea Williams - OHS Girls' Head Track Coach, effective June 12, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.F. Approve the following Intents to Retire:
Subject: |
5.F.1. Jane Slifer - Speech Teacher at Olympia North Elementary, effective at the end of the 2026-2027 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.F.2. Loretta Bachman - Paraprofessional at Olympia West Elementary, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.F.3. Connie Keim - OHMS Cafeteria Personnel, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G. Approve the employment of the following certified Teachers, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
Subject: |
5.G.1. Ashley Sholl - ECE / Pre-K Teacher at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G.2. Stevie Thede - Kindergarten (1-year leave position) Teacher at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G.3. Todd Kielion - Physical Education Teacher at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G.4. Natalie Springer - OMS 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G.5. Melissa Swanson - OMS 6th Grade Language Arts Teacher (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G.6. Cory Burnett - OMS 6th Grade Science Teacher (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G.7. Caitlin Smith - OMS 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.G.8. Haley Boswell - OHS Life Skills LBS1 Teacher (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.H. Approve the following New Teacher Mentors, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
Subject: |
5.H.1. Courtney Canzolino - for Olympia North Elementary ECE / Pre-K Teacher Ashley Sholl (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.H.2. Jessica Williamson - for Olympia West Elementary Physical Education Teacher Todd Kielion (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.H.3. Rebekka Schwartz - for Olympia South Elementary 4th Grade Teacher Kendra Peifer (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.H.4. Cade Fulling - for OMS 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher Caitlin Smith (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.I. Approve the employment of the following Certified Personnel, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
Subject: |
5.I.1. Lisa Althoff - Elementary Interventionist at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.I.2. Allison Brutlag - PBIS Tier I Coach at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.I.3. Bri Tresemer - PBIS Tier 2 Coach at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.I.4. Courtney Canzolino - Pre-K Grade Level Chair (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J. Approve the employment of the following Education Support Personnel, effective for the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.1. Jessica Wibben - ECE Paraprofessional at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.2. Kayla Craig - Special Education Aide at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.3. Cynthia Scott - RISE Program Aide at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.4. Meagan Lindsey - Special Education Aide at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.5. Katie Gordon - Lunch Supervisor at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.6. Rainna White - Cafeteria Personnel at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.7. Supitcha Siltman - Cafeteria Personnel at OHMS (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.J.8. Maurice Stribling - Bus Driver for the Olympia South AM / PM Route (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.K. Approve the following Cafeteria changes, effective for the 2023-2024 school year: (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.K.1. Diana Leindl - Decrease in hours from 5.75 to 5.5 hours per day at Olympia South Elementary
Subject: |
5.K.2. Vickie Withey - Site change from Olympia South Elementary to Olympia High School
Subject: |
5.K.3. Natasha Goggin - Site change from Olympia High School to Olympia South Elementary, as well as a decrease in hours from 6.5 to 4.0 hours per day
Subject: |
5.L. Approve an increase in hours for Nicole Fiscus, Bus Aide, from 5.5 to 7.0 hours per day in order to cover the Olympia South midday route (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.M. Approve the employment of the following Extra-Curricular staff, effective for the 2023-2024 seasons:
Subject: |
5.M.1. Todd Kielion - OHS Head Volleyball Coach (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.M.2. Jody Rycyzyn - OHS Freshman Volleyball Coach (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.M.3. Drew Bedwell - OHS Assistant Football Coach (split stipend) (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.M.4. Jeris Eilts - OHS Dance Coach (split stipend) (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.M.5. Emma Munson - OHS Flags Sponsor (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.M.6. Trevor Oldham - OMS 7th Grade Boys' Basketball Coach (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.N. Approve the split stipend request from Emily Weyl - OHS Dance Coach, effective for the 2023-2024 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.O. Approve Dana Schuerman as a Volunteer for the OHS Dance Team, effective for the 2023-2024 season (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.P. Approve posting all District contracts over $25,000 on the District's website (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.Q. Approve the renewal of contract with IASB for Boardbook, PRESS, & School Board Policies Online services, effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.R. Approve the request for OHS FFA members to attend the annual Illinois State FFA Convention in Springfield, IL, June 13-15, 2023 (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.S. Approve the following Attendance Exceptions, effective for the 2023-2024 school year:
Subject: |
5.S.1. Harlow Wall (Pre-K) - to attend Olympia South Elementary, instead of Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.T. Approve the IL Empower / School Improvement Plan for Olympia South Elementary
Subject: |
5.U. Approve keeping Executive Session Minutes closed from July 2022 - December 2022, and to destroy any audio recording of Executive Session Minutes older than 18 months
Subject: |
6. Communications
Subject: |
6.A. A Communications Folder will circulate around the Board Table.
Subject: |
6.B. FOIA Requests
Subject: |
7. Administrative Committee Reports
Subject: |
8. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
8.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report (Attachment)
Subject: |
8.A.1. FY 23 Final Amended Budget Report (Attachment) (Motion)
Subject: |
8.A.2. FY24 Working Budget (Attachment) (Motion)
Subject: |
8.A.3. FY24 Nickel Lease (Motion)
Subject: |
8.A.4. Fee Schedule (Attachment)
Subject: |
8.A.5. Summer Construction Update
Subject: |
8.A.6. Designation of Accrued Interest Resolution (Attachment) (Motion)
Subject: |
8.A.7. Resolution to Pay Bills for July, 2023 (Attachment) (Motion)
Subject: |
8.A.8. Wrestling Co-op with Delavan (Attachment)
Subject: |
8.A.9. Bus Bids (Motion)
Subject: |
8.B. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
8.B.1. IL Empower / School Improvement for South
Subject: |
8.B.2. School Safety
Subject: |
8.B.3. County School Facility Sales Tax Legislative Update
Subject: |
8.B.4. Pool Updates
Subject: |
8.B.5. Final Board Policy Revisions (Attachment) (Motion)
Subject: |
8.B.6. 2023-2024 Calendar (Motion)
Subject: |
9. Other Business
Subject: |
10. Action Items
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the final FY23 Amended Budget as presented by Assistant Superintendent Andy Walsh.
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the FY24 Working Budget as presented by Assistant Superintendent Andy Walsh. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the FY24 Nickel Lease expenses in the amount of $170,000.00. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the Designation of Accrued Interest earned to be spent on District operations. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the Resolution authorizing payment of the July 2023 expenses. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the following Joint Intergovernmental Agreements, effective for the 2023-2024 thru 2024-2025 school years: 1. Cooperative Athletic Boys' Wrestling Team between OHS & Delavan High School 2. Cooperative Athletic Girls' Wrestling Team between OHS & Delavan High School 3. Cooperative Athletic Wrestling Team between OMS & Delavan Jr. High School Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the Resolution to abate the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $1,550,000 to the Education Fund. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve requesting bids for 2 propane buses for the Transportation department. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the final Board Policy Revisions as presented by Superintendent Laura O'Donnell. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve changing the 2023-2024 "early out SIP" day on April 3, 2024 to May 20, 2024. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. |
Subject: |
11. Executive Session
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to meet in Executive Session at __________ p.m. to discuss one or all of the following: (1) student discipline; (2) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity and/or litigation from this action; (3) purchase of property; (4) litigation due to action against the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.
Ayes __________ Nays __________ A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to reconvene open session at __________ p.m. Ayes __________ Nays __________ |
Subject: |
12. Action as a Result of Executive Session
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. |
Subject: |
13. Adjournment
At __________ p.m., a motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried by unanimous vote. |