Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Opportunity for Public Input
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Approve Agenda
4.B. Approve Minutes from the July 26, 2021 Regular Scheduled Board of Education Meeting (Attachment)
4.C. Approve Bills & Financial Reports (Attachment)
4.D. Approve the following resignations:
4.D.1. Shelby Batterton - HR / Payroll Administrative Assistant, effective July 28, 2021 (Attachment)
4.D.2. Mark Finchum - OHS Boys' Head Baseball Coach, effective August 2, 2021 (Attachment)
4.D.3. Amanda Van Etten - Bus Aide, effective August 4, 2021 (Attachment)
4.D.4. Ashley Alexander - Special Education Aide at Olympia West Elementary, effective August 4, 2021 (Attachment)
4.D.5. Kris Ketelsen - Play Technical Theater Director, effective August 8, 2021 (Attachment)
4.E. Approve Tim Thomas as OHS Driver's Education Teacher (.25 FTE), effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
4.F. Approve the employment of the following Education Support Personnel, effective for the 2021-2022 school year:
4.F.1. Jessica Steel - Paraprofessional Aide at Olympia Middle School (Attachment)
4.F.2. Linda Shook - Bus Driver (Attachment)
4.F.3. Tiffany Tackett - START Supervisor at Olympia High/Middle School (Attachment)
4.F.4. Jessica Wibben - Special Education Aide at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
4.F.5. Erica Martin - PreK Aide at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
4.F.6. Amanda Van Etten - Bus Driver (Attachment)
4.G. Approve the employment of the following Extra-Curricular Coaches/Sponsors, effective for the 2021-2022 seasons:
4.G.1. Hunter Lang - OHS Basketball Cheer Coach (Attachment)
4.H. Approve a one-year leave of absence for Cortney Schmidgall - 3rd grade Teacher at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
4.I. Approve the Student Transfer for Anessa Masters (4th Grade) to attend Olympia North Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
4.J. Approve the Student Transfer for Nathaniel Walker (Kindergarten) to attend Olympia West Elementary instead of Olympia South Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
4.K. Approve the Student Transfer for Jagger Palmgren (PreK) to attend Olympia South Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
4.L. Approve the Student Transfer for Holley Roate (Kindergarten) to attend Olympia South Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
4.M. Approve the Student Transfer for McKane Royal-Hodges (2nd grade) to attend Olympia North Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
4.N. Approve the Student Transfer for Claire Scott (1st grade) to attend Olympia West Elementary instead of Olympia North Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
4.O. Approve the use of the Olympia North Elementary baseball field for a fireworks display on August 21, 2021, sponsored by the Danvers Days Committee (Attachment)
5. Communications
5.A. There is no Communication Folder.
5.B. SOPPA Contract Report (Attachment)
5.C. FOIA Requests:
6. Administrative Committee Reports
6.A. Building & Grounds
6.B. Finance
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report
7.A.1. FY22 Budget (Attachment) (Motion)
7.A.2. Insurance Plan Update
7.A.3. Potential Food Supply Chain Problems
7.A.4. Summer Work Updates
7.A.5. Waiver of Limitation on Administrative Costs (Motion)
7.A.6. Olympia to Peoria St. Jude Run Team
7.B. Superintendent's Report
7.B.1. Learning Plan / Update due to Mandate (Attachment)
7.B.2. Staffing Update
7.B.3. Institute Preview
7.B.4. Tentative Enrollment (Attachment)
7.B.5. Board Policy Revisions - Final Reading (Attachment) (Motion)
7.B.6. Board of Education Meetings - Time
8. Other Business
9. Action Items
10. Executive Session
11. Action as a Result of Executive Session
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 10, 2021 at 7:00 PM - REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
The Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Kevin Frazier with the following Board Members and Administrators present: Kevin Frazier _____; Carolyn Hansen _____; Steve Matter _____; Doug Maris _____; Shawn Hohulin _____; Mary Springer _____; Justin Dietrich _____; Superintendent Dr. Laura O'Donnell _____; Assistant Superintendent Andy Walsh _____; OHS Principal Dr. Ed Jodlowski _____; OMS Principal Mike Jones _____; ONE Principal Matt Hurley _____; OSE Principal Stacey Rogers _____; OWE Principal Lisa Castleman _____.
Absent: _______________________________________________________ Others Present: ________________________________________________ The Pledge of Allegiance was led by ________________________________ |
Subject: |
2. Recognition of Visitors
Subject: |
3. Opportunity for Public Input
Anyone who wishes to address the Board of Education must contact the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent at 309-379-6011, ext. 1128, two (2) business days prior to the meeting. At that time, please state if any special accommodations would be needed should your request be granted.
Subject: |
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the Consent Agenda that includes:
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____. |
Subject: |
4.A. Approve Agenda
Subject: |
4.B. Approve Minutes from the July 26, 2021 Regular Scheduled Board of Education Meeting (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.C. Approve Bills & Financial Reports (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.D. Approve the following resignations:
Subject: |
4.D.1. Shelby Batterton - HR / Payroll Administrative Assistant, effective July 28, 2021 (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.D.2. Mark Finchum - OHS Boys' Head Baseball Coach, effective August 2, 2021 (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.D.3. Amanda Van Etten - Bus Aide, effective August 4, 2021 (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.D.4. Ashley Alexander - Special Education Aide at Olympia West Elementary, effective August 4, 2021 (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.D.5. Kris Ketelsen - Play Technical Theater Director, effective August 8, 2021 (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.E. Approve Tim Thomas as OHS Driver's Education Teacher (.25 FTE), effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.F. Approve the employment of the following Education Support Personnel, effective for the 2021-2022 school year:
Subject: |
4.F.1. Jessica Steel - Paraprofessional Aide at Olympia Middle School (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.F.2. Linda Shook - Bus Driver (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.F.3. Tiffany Tackett - START Supervisor at Olympia High/Middle School (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.F.4. Jessica Wibben - Special Education Aide at Olympia South Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.F.5. Erica Martin - PreK Aide at Olympia West Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.F.6. Amanda Van Etten - Bus Driver (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.G. Approve the employment of the following Extra-Curricular Coaches/Sponsors, effective for the 2021-2022 seasons:
Subject: |
4.G.1. Hunter Lang - OHS Basketball Cheer Coach (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.H. Approve a one-year leave of absence for Cortney Schmidgall - 3rd grade Teacher at Olympia North Elementary (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.I. Approve the Student Transfer for Anessa Masters (4th Grade) to attend Olympia North Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.J. Approve the Student Transfer for Nathaniel Walker (Kindergarten) to attend Olympia West Elementary instead of Olympia South Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.K. Approve the Student Transfer for Jagger Palmgren (PreK) to attend Olympia South Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.L. Approve the Student Transfer for Holley Roate (Kindergarten) to attend Olympia South Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.M. Approve the Student Transfer for McKane Royal-Hodges (2nd grade) to attend Olympia North Elementary instead of Olympia West Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.N. Approve the Student Transfer for Claire Scott (1st grade) to attend Olympia West Elementary instead of Olympia North Elementary, effective for the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
Subject: |
4.O. Approve the use of the Olympia North Elementary baseball field for a fireworks display on August 21, 2021, sponsored by the Danvers Days Committee (Attachment)
Subject: |
5. Communications
Subject: |
5.A. There is no Communication Folder.
Subject: |
5.B. SOPPA Contract Report (Attachment)
Subject: |
5.C. FOIA Requests:
Subject: |
Subject: |
6. Administrative Committee Reports
Subject: |
6.A. Building & Grounds
Subject: |
6.B. Finance
Subject: |
7. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
7.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
7.A.1. FY22 Budget (Attachment) (Motion)
Subject: |
7.A.2. Insurance Plan Update
Subject: |
7.A.3. Potential Food Supply Chain Problems
Subject: |
7.A.4. Summer Work Updates
Subject: |
7.A.5. Waiver of Limitation on Administrative Costs (Motion)
Subject: |
7.A.6. Olympia to Peoria St. Jude Run Team
Subject: |
7.B. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
7.B.1. Learning Plan / Update due to Mandate (Attachment)
Subject: |
7.B.2. Staffing Update
Subject: |
7.B.3. Institute Preview
Subject: |
7.B.4. Tentative Enrollment (Attachment)
Subject: |
7.B.5. Board Policy Revisions - Final Reading (Attachment) (Motion)
Subject: |
7.B.6. Board of Education Meetings - Time
Subject: |
8. Other Business
Subject: |
9. Action Items
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve placing the FY22 Budget on Public Display from August 10, 2021 through September 10, 2021, and to hold a Public Budget Hearing on September 13, 2021 at 6:50 p.m., prior to the regular scheduled Board of Education Meeting.
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to set Monday, September 13, 2021 at 6:55 p.m. as the date/time for a Public Waiver Hearing to review a waiver requirement for the Limitation on Administrative Costs. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve to following Board Policy revisions as presented by Superintendent Dr. Laura O'Donnell: 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30, 2:130, 3:30, 5:10, 5:30, 6:100, 6:145, 6:160, 6:170, 6:235, 6:255, 6:260, 7:220, 7:230, 7:280, and 8:90. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____. |
Subject: |
10. Executive Session
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to meet in Executive Session at __________ p.m. to discuss one or all of the following: (1) student discipline; (2) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity and/or litigation from this action; (3) purchase of property; (4) litigation due to action against the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.
Ayes __________ Nays __________ A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to reconvene open session at __________ p.m. Ayes __________ Nays __________ |
Subject: |
11. Action as a Result of Executive Session
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____. |
Subject: |
12. Adjournment
At __________ p.m., a motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried by unanimous vote. |