Meeting Agenda
1. Held Remotely on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. To participate remotely in pre-executive session agenda items, download the Zoom App or Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 724 5130 7507 Pawword: 7LG9rg |
2. Call to order regular meeting (Roll Call)
3. Approval of May 11, 2020 Regular Session Minutes
4. Approval of May 11, 2020 Executive Session Minutes
5. Public Comment (Public Comment shall be by email only. Persons interested in making a public comment must email their public comment to by June 8, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Emailed public comments received will be read during the Public Comment portion of the meeting by the Superintendent).
6. Public Comments
7. Reports
7.1. Board President's Report
7.2. A.E.R.O. Report
7.3. Superintendent's Report
7.4. FOIA Report
8. Consent Agenda
8.1. Requisitions over $5,000
8.2. Establish Per Classroom Minimum Enrollment for 2020-21 School Year
8.3. Resolution $200,000 Permanent Transfer of Funds from the Transprotation Fund to the Education Fund.
8.4. Designation of District 104 Representative and Alternate for South Suburban Benefit Cooperative (SSBC) 2020-21
8.5. AERO 2020-21 Budget
8.6. Resolution to Designate Interest Earnings in the Debt Service Fund
8.7. Title 1 Consolidated District Plan
8.8. Resolution Prevailing Wages for 2020-21
8.9. Resolution Transfer of Debt Service Interest Earnings
8.10. Imprest Fund
8.11. Activity Fund
9. Action Items
9.1. Wharton Renovation Change Order #1
9.2. Resolution to Support AERO Building Project
9.3. Establish Board Meeting Calendar for 2020-21
9.4. Acceptance of Certified and Classified Payrolls
9.5. Approval of Monthly Bills
10. Non-Action Items
10.1. Board Comments
11. Executive Session
11.1. Motion to go into executive session to discuss exempt matters pursuant to 5 ILCS 120
11.1.1. Consideration of information on the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, or legal counsel for the public body.
12. Resume Open Meeting (Approximately 30 minutes after going into closed session)
To participate remotely in post-closed session agenda items, download the Zoom App or go to Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 731 1716 5424 Password: 7BaQMF |
13. Action Items
13.1. Personnel
13.1.1. Employment: HMS Assistant Principal, TBD; Claribel Guzman, Graves 3rd Grade Dual Language Teacher; Dirk Aardsma, 7th Grade LBS-Science; Ramanda Bond, 6th Grade LBS-Math; Kassandra Vazquez, 7th Grade LBS-ELA
Retirement: Elaine Johnstone, Secretary HMS, effective June 2022 Reasonable Assurance Letters |
14. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 8, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Held Remotely on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. To participate remotely in pre-executive session agenda items, download the Zoom App or Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 724 5130 7507 Pawword: 7LG9rg |
Subject: |
2. Call to order regular meeting (Roll Call)
Subject: |
3. Approval of May 11, 2020 Regular Session Minutes
May 11, 2020
Subject: |
4. Approval of May 11, 2020 Executive Session Minutes
May 11, 2020
Subject: |
5. Public Comment (Public Comment shall be by email only. Persons interested in making a public comment must email their public comment to by June 8, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Emailed public comments received will be read during the Public Comment portion of the meeting by the Superintendent).
Subject: |
6. Public Comments
Members of the public and District employees may comment or ask questions of the Board. Please note your topic of comment on the sign in sheet. Comments will typically be limited to 5 minutes (Policy 2.230).
Subject: |
7. Reports
Subject: |
7.1. Board President's Report
Presenter: |
Member Green
Board President Green will provide a report.
Subject: |
7.2. A.E.R.O. Report
Presenter: |
Member Garcia
Member Garcia and Dr. Whalen will provide the latest news from AERO, the District's special education cooperative.
Subject: |
7.3. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dr. Troy J. Whalen
Monthly Financial Report, Fall Transition Report, Educational Technology Report
Subject: |
7.4. FOIA Report
Jonahtan Fagg, NBC Cnews re: Student attendance during remote learning
Subject: |
8. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
8.1. Requisitions over $5,000
1. Staff Rehab Services: Annual Speech Therapy Contract $10,800
2. Nevco: Indoor Scoreboard $3,117.63 and Nevco Outdoor Scoreboard $6,301.02 (Total $9,418.65) |
Subject: |
8.2. Establish Per Classroom Minimum Enrollment for 2020-21 School Year
Pursuant to School Board Policy 7:30 Student Assignment, the Board will annually establish a K-4 "class cap" for enrollment purposes. It is being recommended that for the 2020-21 school year the minimum "class cap" for enrollment purposes for non-dual language classrooms be set at 15 students for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and 20 for grades 3-4. All Dual language classrooms K-1 will be capped at 20. 2-5th will be capped at 25.
Subject: |
8.3. Resolution $200,000 Permanent Transfer of Funds from the Transprotation Fund to the Education Fund.
The Board will be asked to vote on the permanent transfer of funds in the amount of $200,000 from the Transportation Fund to the Education Fund as planned in the fiscal year 2020 budget.
Subject: |
8.4. Designation of District 104 Representative and Alternate for South Suburban Benefit Cooperative (SSBC) 2020-21
The Board must annually designate a representative and an alternate to serve on the insurance cooperative. I will serve as the 2020-21 representative, and Dennita Sierra will serve as the alternate.
Subject: |
8.5. AERO 2020-21 Budget
Annually each member district is required to vote on the special education cooperative's budget prior to a vote by the AERO Governing Board.
Subject: |
8.6. Resolution to Designate Interest Earnings in the Debt Service Fund
Annually the Board designates that interest has been earned in the Debt Service Fund so that it can be transferred to another operating fund at a later date. Interest value will be determined after the close of the 2020 fiscal year.
Subject: |
8.7. Title 1 Consolidated District Plan
As part of the annual Title 1 (ESSA) grant application process, the Board is required to vote on the Title 1 Consolidated District Plan. The plan summarizes how the district expects to spend the federal funds allocated for the upcoming fiscal year.
Subject: |
8.8. Resolution Prevailing Wages for 2020-21
Annually the Board must designate the prevailing wage for laborers for the upcoming year. Contractors working in the district must pay the designated prevailing wage to all laborers working on district projects.
Subject: |
8.9. Resolution Transfer of Debt Service Interest Earnings
The Illinois school code permits the transfer of interest earned in the Debt Service Fund in the prior fiscal year to one of the district's operating funds. In FY 19 the district received $29,277 in interest earnings for the Debt Service Fund. This resolution will allow the transfer of those interest earnings to the Education Fund.
Subject: |
8.10. Imprest Fund
Recommend Approval
Subject: |
8.11. Activity Fund
Recommend Approval
Subject: |
9. Action Items
Subject: |
9.1. Wharton Renovation Change Order #1
Contractors discovered fire damaged timbers beneath the ground floor vestibule during demolition that has caused the concrete slab to sink as it is not being properly supported. $TBD
Subject: |
9.2. Resolution to Support AERO Building Project
The Board will be asked to vote to financially support 50% of the cost to construct a new $50 million dollar school for students with special needs. The resolution will obligate the District to estimated annual payments of $113,295/year for 20 years.
Subject: |
9.3. Establish Board Meeting Calendar for 2020-21
Each school year per Board Policy the Board must establish a meeting calendar for each school year.
Subject: |
9.4. Acceptance of Certified and Classified Payrolls
Subject: |
9.5. Approval of Monthly Bills
Subject: |
10. Non-Action Items
Subject: |
10.1. Board Comments
Subject: |
11. Executive Session
Subject: |
11.1. Motion to go into executive session to discuss exempt matters pursuant to 5 ILCS 120
Subject: |
11.1.1. Consideration of information on the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, or legal counsel for the public body.
(Board Members will call into executive session, so will need a call in number that would be provided to the Board Members only)
Subject: |
12. Resume Open Meeting (Approximately 30 minutes after going into closed session)
To participate remotely in post-closed session agenda items, download the Zoom App or go to Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 731 1716 5424 Password: 7BaQMF |
Subject: |
13. Action Items
Subject: |
13.1. Personnel
Subject: |
13.1.1. Employment: HMS Assistant Principal, TBD; Claribel Guzman, Graves 3rd Grade Dual Language Teacher; Dirk Aardsma, 7th Grade LBS-Science; Ramanda Bond, 6th Grade LBS-Math; Kassandra Vazquez, 7th Grade LBS-ELA
Retirement: Elaine Johnstone, Secretary HMS, effective June 2022 Reasonable Assurance Letters |
Subject: |
14. Adjourn