Meeting Agenda
1. Recognize Visitors
2. Review Fund Balances
3. Motion to place the following items on the Consent agenda:
3.1. Approve the Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Regular Board Meeting
3.2. Approve the Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Executive Session Minutes
3.3. Approve the Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Finance Committee Meeting
3.4. Approve the Minutes of the August 22, 2011 Policy & Building Committee
3.5. Approve the August 22, 2011, Policy & Building Committee Executive Session Meeting Minutes
3.6. Approve the September Bills
3.7. Approve the September Bill List Addendum
3.8. Approve Building Use Request
3.9. Approve a Transfer from Building Fund to Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $300,000.
4. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
5. Approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement
6. Approve the Hiring of Ashley Henderson as 1st Grade Teacher
7. Approve the the Employment of the following Classroom Aides:
7.1. 5th Grade - Danielle Lanxon
7.2. 6th Grade - Hillary Norman
7.3. 8th - Heather Stanley
7.4. Early Childhood - Nicole Perkins
8. Approve the Hiring of Zack Zupec as full-time Custodian
9. Board of Review: Assessed Property Tax Values
10. BEST Committee Update:
11. Renovation/Construction Update:
12. ISAT Report - Ms. Elser
13. Approve the Application for the Recognition of Schools
14. Review/Update Risk Management Plan
15. Fall Festival
16. Indoor Playground Mural Presentation
17. Reports by Strategic Action Planning Committees (SPAC); Ms. Elser, Mrs. Shelton and Mr. Weh:
17.1. SPAC Report - Curriculum and Technology:
17.2. SPAC Report - Environment:
17.3. SPAC Report - Community and Communication:
17.4. BEST Finance Questions from School Board
18. Set Meeting Dates and Times:
18.1. Policy & Building Committee September 26, 2011 @ 6:30 in the District Board Room
18.2. Finance Committee Meeting: October 10, 2011 @ 6:30pm in the Central School District Board Room
18.3. Environment Committee: October 10, 2011 @ 5:30 in the Central School Dinning Commons
18.4. Communication and Community Meeting: October 3, 2011 @ 6:30 in the Central Library
18.5. Curriculum and Technology: September 26, 2011 @ 5:30 in the District Board Room
19. Reports: Enrollment, Nurses Report, SWIS, Library, Maintenance.
20. Newsletters: Board and Administrator, Hodges and Loizzi, Alliance Legislative Report, Safe Routes to School, School Newsletters.
21. FOIA Requests:
22. Miscellaneous:
22.1. Tax Appeals:
22.2. Article:
23. Executive Session to discuss property acquisition, Personnel, Collective Bargaining, employment, evaluation or dismissal of employees.
24. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 12, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Recognize Visitors
Subject: |
2. Review Fund Balances
Subject: |
3. Motion to place the following items on the Consent agenda:
Subject: |
3.1. Approve the Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
3.2. Approve the Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Executive Session Minutes
Subject: |
3.3. Approve the Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Finance Committee Meeting
Subject: |
3.4. Approve the Minutes of the August 22, 2011 Policy & Building Committee
Subject: |
3.5. Approve the August 22, 2011, Policy & Building Committee Executive Session Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
3.6. Approve the September Bills
Subject: |
3.7. Approve the September Bill List Addendum
Subject: |
3.8. Approve Building Use Request
Subject: |
3.9. Approve a Transfer from Building Fund to Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $300,000.
Subject: |
4. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
Subject: |
5. Approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement
Subject: |
6. Approve the Hiring of Ashley Henderson as 1st Grade Teacher
Subject: |
7. Approve the the Employment of the following Classroom Aides:
Subject: |
7.1. 5th Grade - Danielle Lanxon
Subject: |
7.2. 6th Grade - Hillary Norman
Subject: |
7.3. 8th - Heather Stanley
Subject: |
7.4. Early Childhood - Nicole Perkins
Subject: |
8. Approve the Hiring of Zack Zupec as full-time Custodian
Subject: |
9. Board of Review: Assessed Property Tax Values
Subject: |
10. BEST Committee Update:
Subject: |
11. Renovation/Construction Update:
Subject: |
12. ISAT Report - Ms. Elser
Subject: |
13. Approve the Application for the Recognition of Schools
Subject: |
14. Review/Update Risk Management Plan
Subject: |
15. Fall Festival
Subject: |
16. Indoor Playground Mural Presentation
Subject: |
17. Reports by Strategic Action Planning Committees (SPAC); Ms. Elser, Mrs. Shelton and Mr. Weh:
Subject: |
17.1. SPAC Report - Curriculum and Technology:
Subject: |
17.2. SPAC Report - Environment:
Subject: |
17.3. SPAC Report - Community and Communication:
Subject: |
17.4. BEST Finance Questions from School Board
Subject: |
18. Set Meeting Dates and Times:
Subject: |
18.1. Policy & Building Committee September 26, 2011 @ 6:30 in the District Board Room
Subject: |
18.2. Finance Committee Meeting: October 10, 2011 @ 6:30pm in the Central School District Board Room
Subject: |
18.3. Environment Committee: October 10, 2011 @ 5:30 in the Central School Dinning Commons
Subject: |
18.4. Communication and Community Meeting: October 3, 2011 @ 6:30 in the Central Library
Subject: |
18.5. Curriculum and Technology: September 26, 2011 @ 5:30 in the District Board Room
Subject: |
19. Reports: Enrollment, Nurses Report, SWIS, Library, Maintenance.
Subject: |
20. Newsletters: Board and Administrator, Hodges and Loizzi, Alliance Legislative Report, Safe Routes to School, School Newsletters.
Subject: |
21. FOIA Requests:
Subject: |
22. Miscellaneous:
Subject: |
22.1. Tax Appeals:
Subject: |
22.2. Article:
Subject: |
23. Executive Session to discuss property acquisition, Personnel, Collective Bargaining, employment, evaluation or dismissal of employees.
Subject: |
24. Adjournment