Meeting Agenda
1. Recognize Visitors
2. Review Fund Balances
3. Motion to place the following items on the Consent agenda:
3.1. Approve the Minutes of the February 14, 2011 Regular Board Meeting
3.2. Approve the Minutes of the February 14, 2011 Executive Session Minutes
3.2.1. There was no Executive Session on this date
3.3. Approve the Minutes of the February 14, 2010 Policy & Finance Committee
3.4. Approve the Minutes of the February 28, 2011 Building Committee Meeting
3.5. Approve the April Bills
3.6. Approve the April Bill List Addendum
3.7. Approve Building Use Request
4. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda
5. Approve a Request for Family Medical Leave from R.N. Kira Carper for Maternity Leave
6. Approve Resignation from Mrs. Beverly Griffen from Latchkey Position
7. Approve Terri Jenkins (RtI Aide at JAMS) and her husband Steve Jenkins as Track Coach
8. Request for Donation from OTHS for Annual Blizzard for 8th New Graders
9. Set Registration Fees for the 2011 - 2012 School Year
10. Approve a Resolution to repay the Loans to the Working Cash Fund from the Transportation Fund in the amount of $20,000 and from the Tort Fund in the amount of $83,000
11. Approve BASSC Policy Changes
12. Approve the destruction of executive session recordings that are more than 18 months old.
13. Approve Advertisement of Bids for Phase III Reconstruction of Central School
14. R.O.E. Compliance Visit Update:
15. Approve the notice of non-renewal of employment for Certified Employees
16. Approve the notice of non-renewal of employment for Non-Certified Employees.
17. Approve the reemployment of Teacher Aides
18. IASA/IASB Joint Resolution on Consolidation
19. BEST Committee Update:
19.1. Questions to be submitted to BEST Committee regarding School Finance and Budgeting by Central School Board.
20. Approve School Board Policy changes, additions and Deletions
20.1. 2:160 - Board Attorney
20.2. 4:140 - Waiver of Student Fees
20.3. 5:190 - Professional Personnel - Teacher Qualifications
20.4. 5:250 - Professional Personnel - Leaves of Absence
20.5. 5:270 - Educational Support Personnel - Employment at Will, Compensation and Assignment
20.6. 5:280 - Educational Support Personnel - Duties and Qualifications
20.7. 6:130 - Program for the Gifted
20.8. 6:140 - Education of Homeless Children
20.9. 6:280 - Grading and Promotion
20.10. 7:90 - Release During School Hours
20.11. 7:150 Agency and Police Interviews
20.12. 7:325 - Student Fund Raising Activities
20.13. 8:80 - Gifts to the District
21. First Reading; School Board Policy, Changes, Additions and Deletions:
21.1. 2:220 - School Board Meeting Procedure
21.2. 2:230 - Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
21.3. 2:260 - Uniform Grievance Procedure
21.4. 2:150 - Committees
21.5. 4:10 - Fiscal and Business Management
21.6. 4:150 - Facility Management and Building Programs
21.7. 5:10 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Hiring
21.8. 5:30 - Hiring Process and Criteria
21.9. 5:90 - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
21.10. 5:120 - Ethics and Conduct
21.11. 5:185 - Family and Medical Leave
21.12. 5:220 - Substitute Teachers
21.13. 5:260 - Student Teachers
21.14. 6:110 - Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Programs
21.15. 6:210 - Instructional Materials
21.16. 6:300 - Graduation Requirements
21.17. 7:60 - Residence
21.18. 7:100 - Health, Eye and Dental Examinations: Immunizations and Exclusion of Students
21.19. 7:270 - Administering Medicine to Students
21.20. 7:290 - Adolescent Suicide Awareness and Prevention Programs
21.21. 7:310 - Restrictions on Publications
21.22. Policy 2.140 - Communications to and from the Board
21.23. Policy 2.250 - Access to District Public Records
21.24. Policy 3.60 - Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal
21.25. Policy 5.150 - Personnel Records
21.26. Policy 5.200 - Professional Personnel - Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
21.27. Policy 5.300 - Schedules and Employment Year
21.28. 4:110 - Transportation
21.29. 7:50 - School Admissions and Student Transfers to and from Non-District Schools
21.30. 8:30 - Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
22. Reports by Strategic Action Planning Committees (SPAC); Mr. Anderson, Ms. Elser and Mrs. Shelton:
22.1. SPAC Report - Curriculum and Technology:
22.2. SPAC Report - Environment:
22.3. SPAC Report - Community and Communication:
22.4. BEST Finance Questions from School Board
23. Set Meeting Dates and Times:
23.1. Canvas April Election at the Regular Board Meeting or Following Special Meeting for Building Committee
23.2. Building Committee Meeting: March 28, 2011 @ 6:30 in the District Board Room
23.3. Policy and Finance Committee Meeting: April 11, 2011 @ 6:00pm in the Central School Dining Commons
23.4. Environment Committee: April 11, 2011 @ 5:30 in the Central School Dinning Commons
23.5. Communication and Community Meeting: April 04, 2011 @ 6:00 in the Central Library
23.6. Curriculum and Technology: April 2011 - TBD
24. Reports: Enrollment, Nurses Report, SWIS, Library, Maintenance.
25. Newsletters: Board and Administrator, Hodges and Loizzi, Alliance Legislative Report, Safe Routes to School, School Newsletters.
26. FOI Requests:
27. Miscellaneous:
27.1. Tax Appeals:
28. Executive Session to discuss property acquisition, Personnel, Collective Bargaining, employment, evaluation or dismissal of employees.
28.1. Central school District #104 vs. City of O'Fallon Update
28.2. Review of Principal Evaluations
29. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Recognize Visitors
Subject: |
2. Review Fund Balances
Subject: |
3. Motion to place the following items on the Consent agenda:
Subject: |
3.1. Approve the Minutes of the February 14, 2011 Regular Board Meeting
Subject: |
3.2. Approve the Minutes of the February 14, 2011 Executive Session Minutes
Subject: |
3.2.1. There was no Executive Session on this date
Subject: |
3.3. Approve the Minutes of the February 14, 2010 Policy & Finance Committee
Subject: |
3.4. Approve the Minutes of the February 28, 2011 Building Committee Meeting
Subject: |
3.5. Approve the April Bills
Subject: |
3.6. Approve the April Bill List Addendum
Subject: |
3.7. Approve Building Use Request
Subject: |
4. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda
Subject: |
5. Approve a Request for Family Medical Leave from R.N. Kira Carper for Maternity Leave
Subject: |
6. Approve Resignation from Mrs. Beverly Griffen from Latchkey Position
Subject: |
7. Approve Terri Jenkins (RtI Aide at JAMS) and her husband Steve Jenkins as Track Coach
Subject: |
8. Request for Donation from OTHS for Annual Blizzard for 8th New Graders
Subject: |
9. Set Registration Fees for the 2011 - 2012 School Year
Subject: |
10. Approve a Resolution to repay the Loans to the Working Cash Fund from the Transportation Fund in the amount of $20,000 and from the Tort Fund in the amount of $83,000
Subject: |
11. Approve BASSC Policy Changes
Subject: |
12. Approve the destruction of executive session recordings that are more than 18 months old.
Subject: |
13. Approve Advertisement of Bids for Phase III Reconstruction of Central School
Subject: |
14. R.O.E. Compliance Visit Update:
Subject: |
15. Approve the notice of non-renewal of employment for Certified Employees
Subject: |
16. Approve the notice of non-renewal of employment for Non-Certified Employees.
Subject: |
17. Approve the reemployment of Teacher Aides
Subject: |
18. IASA/IASB Joint Resolution on Consolidation
Subject: |
19. BEST Committee Update:
Subject: |
19.1. Questions to be submitted to BEST Committee regarding School Finance and Budgeting by Central School Board.
Subject: |
20. Approve School Board Policy changes, additions and Deletions
Subject: |
20.1. 2:160 - Board Attorney
Subject: |
20.2. 4:140 - Waiver of Student Fees
Subject: |
20.3. 5:190 - Professional Personnel - Teacher Qualifications
Subject: |
20.4. 5:250 - Professional Personnel - Leaves of Absence
Subject: |
20.5. 5:270 - Educational Support Personnel - Employment at Will, Compensation and Assignment
Subject: |
20.6. 5:280 - Educational Support Personnel - Duties and Qualifications
Subject: |
20.7. 6:130 - Program for the Gifted
Subject: |
20.8. 6:140 - Education of Homeless Children
Subject: |
20.9. 6:280 - Grading and Promotion
Subject: |
20.10. 7:90 - Release During School Hours
Subject: |
20.11. 7:150 Agency and Police Interviews
Subject: |
20.12. 7:325 - Student Fund Raising Activities
Subject: |
20.13. 8:80 - Gifts to the District
Subject: |
21. First Reading; School Board Policy, Changes, Additions and Deletions:
Subject: |
21.1. 2:220 - School Board Meeting Procedure
Subject: |
21.2. 2:230 - Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
Subject: |
21.3. 2:260 - Uniform Grievance Procedure
Subject: |
21.4. 2:150 - Committees
Subject: |
21.5. 4:10 - Fiscal and Business Management
Subject: |
21.6. 4:150 - Facility Management and Building Programs
Subject: |
21.7. 5:10 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Hiring
Subject: |
21.8. 5:30 - Hiring Process and Criteria
Subject: |
21.9. 5:90 - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
Subject: |
21.10. 5:120 - Ethics and Conduct
Subject: |
21.11. 5:185 - Family and Medical Leave
Subject: |
21.12. 5:220 - Substitute Teachers
Subject: |
21.13. 5:260 - Student Teachers
Subject: |
21.14. 6:110 - Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Programs
Subject: |
21.15. 6:210 - Instructional Materials
Subject: |
21.16. 6:300 - Graduation Requirements
Subject: |
21.17. 7:60 - Residence
Subject: |
21.18. 7:100 - Health, Eye and Dental Examinations: Immunizations and Exclusion of Students
Subject: |
21.19. 7:270 - Administering Medicine to Students
Subject: |
21.20. 7:290 - Adolescent Suicide Awareness and Prevention Programs
Subject: |
21.21. 7:310 - Restrictions on Publications
Subject: |
21.22. Policy 2.140 - Communications to and from the Board
Subject: |
21.23. Policy 2.250 - Access to District Public Records
Subject: |
21.24. Policy 3.60 - Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal
Subject: |
21.25. Policy 5.150 - Personnel Records
Subject: |
21.26. Policy 5.200 - Professional Personnel - Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
Subject: |
21.27. Policy 5.300 - Schedules and Employment Year
Subject: |
21.28. 4:110 - Transportation
Subject: |
21.29. 7:50 - School Admissions and Student Transfers to and from Non-District Schools
Subject: |
21.30. 8:30 - Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
Subject: |
22. Reports by Strategic Action Planning Committees (SPAC); Mr. Anderson, Ms. Elser and Mrs. Shelton:
Subject: |
22.1. SPAC Report - Curriculum and Technology:
Subject: |
22.2. SPAC Report - Environment:
Subject: |
22.3. SPAC Report - Community and Communication:
Subject: |
22.4. BEST Finance Questions from School Board
Subject: |
23. Set Meeting Dates and Times:
Subject: |
23.1. Canvas April Election at the Regular Board Meeting or Following Special Meeting for Building Committee
Subject: |
23.2. Building Committee Meeting: March 28, 2011 @ 6:30 in the District Board Room
Subject: |
23.3. Policy and Finance Committee Meeting: April 11, 2011 @ 6:00pm in the Central School Dining Commons
Subject: |
23.4. Environment Committee: April 11, 2011 @ 5:30 in the Central School Dinning Commons
Subject: |
23.5. Communication and Community Meeting: April 04, 2011 @ 6:00 in the Central Library
Subject: |
23.6. Curriculum and Technology: April 2011 - TBD
Subject: |
24. Reports: Enrollment, Nurses Report, SWIS, Library, Maintenance.
Subject: |
25. Newsletters: Board and Administrator, Hodges and Loizzi, Alliance Legislative Report, Safe Routes to School, School Newsletters.
Subject: |
26. FOI Requests:
Subject: |
27. Miscellaneous:
Subject: |
27.1. Tax Appeals:
Subject: |
28. Executive Session to discuss property acquisition, Personnel, Collective Bargaining, employment, evaluation or dismissal of employees.
Subject: |
28.1. Central school District #104 vs. City of O'Fallon Update
Subject: |
28.2. Review of Principal Evaluations
Subject: |
29. Adjournment