Meeting Agenda
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Reading of the minutes of the February 16, 2012 board meeting.
3. Recognize guests.
4. Audience to Patrons.
5. Consider and act on financial statement as of February 29, 2012.
6. Consider and act on the Amended Order and Notice of Election of College Trustees to be held Saturday, May 12, 2012.
6.A. 1) Preclearance of the changing of polling places in Campwood, Texas from the Nutrition Center to the Nueces Canyon Chamber of Commerce Building - Early Voting and Election Day.
2) Preclearance of the changing of polling places in Uvalde, Texas from the Willie DeLeon Civic Center Reading Room and Anthon School to the Uvalde County Courthouse - Early Voting and Election Day. |
7. Presentation on certification of unopposed candidates for the SWTJC Board of Trustees Election scheduled for May 12, 2012.
8. Consider and act on cancellation of SWTJC Trustee election and declaring Victor Lopez - Place 1, Maria Elena Lara - Place 2, and Antia Shackelford - Place 3 as elected.
9. Consider and act on appointment of a board member to confer degrees at the college commencement Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 9:30 a.m.
10. Consider and act on change to College Policy DC (Regulation).
11. Consider and act on designating the Title IX and ADA/SEC 504 Coordinator.
12. Consider Personnel Matters: The Board will convene in closed session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074 to consider:
12.A. Appointing a President Elect for SWTJC.
12.B. Employment of Associate Deans, Division Chairs, Directors, and Professional Personnel.
12.C. Employment of Teaching and Non-teaching Faculty.
13. Consider and Act on appointing a President Elect for SWTJC.
14. Consider and act on employment of Associate Deans, Division Chairs, Directors, and Professional Personnel.
15. Consider and act on employment of teaching and non-teaching faculty.
16. Reports:
16.A. SACS Fifth-Year Interim Report
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 22, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call meeting to order.
Subject: |
2. Reading of the minutes of the February 16, 2012 board meeting.
Subject: |
3. Recognize guests.
Subject: |
4. Audience to Patrons.
Subject: |
5. Consider and act on financial statement as of February 29, 2012.
Subject: |
6. Consider and act on the Amended Order and Notice of Election of College Trustees to be held Saturday, May 12, 2012.
Subject: |
6.A. 1) Preclearance of the changing of polling places in Campwood, Texas from the Nutrition Center to the Nueces Canyon Chamber of Commerce Building - Early Voting and Election Day.
2) Preclearance of the changing of polling places in Uvalde, Texas from the Willie DeLeon Civic Center Reading Room and Anthon School to the Uvalde County Courthouse - Early Voting and Election Day. |
Subject: |
7. Presentation on certification of unopposed candidates for the SWTJC Board of Trustees Election scheduled for May 12, 2012.
Subject: |
8. Consider and act on cancellation of SWTJC Trustee election and declaring Victor Lopez - Place 1, Maria Elena Lara - Place 2, and Antia Shackelford - Place 3 as elected.
Subject: |
9. Consider and act on appointment of a board member to confer degrees at the college commencement Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 9:30 a.m.
Subject: |
10. Consider and act on change to College Policy DC (Regulation).
Subject: |
11. Consider and act on designating the Title IX and ADA/SEC 504 Coordinator.
Subject: |
12. Consider Personnel Matters: The Board will convene in closed session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074 to consider:
Subject: |
12.A. Appointing a President Elect for SWTJC.
Subject: |
12.B. Employment of Associate Deans, Division Chairs, Directors, and Professional Personnel.
Subject: |
12.C. Employment of Teaching and Non-teaching Faculty.
Reconvene in Open Session to: |
Subject: |
13. Consider and Act on appointing a President Elect for SWTJC.
Subject: |
14. Consider and act on employment of Associate Deans, Division Chairs, Directors, and Professional Personnel.
Subject: |
15. Consider and act on employment of teaching and non-teaching faculty.
Subject: |
16. Reports:
Subject: |
16.A. SACS Fifth-Year Interim Report