Meeting Agenda
1. Call public meeting to order
2. Hear public comments from those signing in to address the board concerning an agenda item. Complaints against employees must be handled through the college complaint policy and cannot be heard in public.
3. Approval of minutes
4. Review and action on 2018-2019 Audit completed and presented by McClanahan Holmes, LLP, Certified Public Accountants
5. Financial Report for December 31, 2019
6. Consideration and Action on Investment Policy - CAK (Local) from Update 37.
7. Consider and take action on Authorized Brokers/Dealers for Investments
8. Consideration and action on Local Policy Update 37 prepared by TASB Policy Service including:
8.A. BBF(LOCAL) Board Member Ethics
8.B. BBI(LOCAL) Board Members: Technology Resources and Electronic Communications
8.C. BD(LOCAL) Board Meetings
8.D. BDB(LOCAL) Board Meetings: Public Participation
8.E. CAK(LOCAL) Appropriations and Revenue Sources: Investments
8.F. CF(LOCAL) Purchasing and Acquisition
8.G. CGC(LOCAL) Safety Program: Emergency Plans and Alerts
8.H. CHA(LOCAL) Site Management: Security
8.I. CHF(LOCAL) Site Management: Weapons
8.J. CIA(LOCAL) Equipment and Supplies Management: Records Management
8.K. CS(LOCAL) Information Security
8.L. DGC(LOCAL) Employee Rights and Privileges: Employee Expressin and Use of College Facilities
8.M. DH(LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct
8.N. DHC(LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct: child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
8.O. DIAA(LOCAL) Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retailiation: Sex and Sexual Violence
8.P. EFCD(LOCAL) Special Programs: High School Equivalency Testing Centers
8.Q. FFDA(LOCAL) Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation: Sex and Sexual Violence
8.R. FKC(LOCAL) Student Activities: Registered Student Organizations
8.S. FLA(LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student Expression and Use of College Facilities
8.T. FLB(LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student conduct
8.U. GCB(LOCAL) Public Information Program: Requests for Information
8.V. GD(LOCAL) Community Expression and Use of College Facilities
8.W. GDA(LOCAL) Community Expression and Use of College Facilities: Conduct on College District Premises
9. Select two participants for BOTI March 23 -25th, Lost Pines Resort
10. President's Report
10.A. Update on community college tuition rates
10.B. Spring enrollment report
10.C. Legislative Interim Hearings
11. Announce date of next regular meeting, February 24, 2020
12. The Board of Regents, in accordance with Section 551.07 et.seq. of the Texas Government Code, will move into Executive Session under the following provision(s) of the Act:
12.A. Section 551.072 Deliberation of Real Property
12.B. Personnel Matters - New hires, resignations and retirements
13. Action on new hires, resignations and retirements
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 27, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Call public meeting to order
Presenter: |
Dr. Wilkerson
Subject: |
2. Hear public comments from those signing in to address the board concerning an agenda item. Complaints against employees must be handled through the college complaint policy and cannot be heard in public.
Presenter: |
Dr. Wilkerson
Subject: |
3. Approval of minutes
Presenter: |
Dr. Wilkerson
Subject: |
4. Review and action on 2018-2019 Audit completed and presented by McClanahan Holmes, LLP, Certified Public Accountants
Presenter: |
Mr. Andy Reich
Subject: |
5. Financial Report for December 31, 2019
Presenter: |
Mrs. Carlton
Subject: |
6. Consideration and Action on Investment Policy - CAK (Local) from Update 37.
Presenter: |
Dr. Anglin
Subject: |
7. Consider and take action on Authorized Brokers/Dealers for Investments
Presenter: |
Dr. Anglin
Subject: |
8. Consideration and action on Local Policy Update 37 prepared by TASB Policy Service including:
Presenter: |
Dr. Anglin
Subject: |
8.A. BBF(LOCAL) Board Member Ethics
Subject: |
8.B. BBI(LOCAL) Board Members: Technology Resources and Electronic Communications
Subject: |
8.C. BD(LOCAL) Board Meetings
Subject: |
8.D. BDB(LOCAL) Board Meetings: Public Participation
Subject: |
8.E. CAK(LOCAL) Appropriations and Revenue Sources: Investments
Subject: |
8.F. CF(LOCAL) Purchasing and Acquisition
Subject: |
8.G. CGC(LOCAL) Safety Program: Emergency Plans and Alerts
Subject: |
8.H. CHA(LOCAL) Site Management: Security
Subject: |
8.I. CHF(LOCAL) Site Management: Weapons
Subject: |
8.J. CIA(LOCAL) Equipment and Supplies Management: Records Management
Subject: |
8.K. CS(LOCAL) Information Security
Subject: |
8.L. DGC(LOCAL) Employee Rights and Privileges: Employee Expressin and Use of College Facilities
Subject: |
8.M. DH(LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct
Subject: |
8.N. DHC(LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct: child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
Subject: |
8.O. DIAA(LOCAL) Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retailiation: Sex and Sexual Violence
Subject: |
8.P. EFCD(LOCAL) Special Programs: High School Equivalency Testing Centers
Subject: |
8.Q. FFDA(LOCAL) Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation: Sex and Sexual Violence
Subject: |
8.R. FKC(LOCAL) Student Activities: Registered Student Organizations
Subject: |
8.S. FLA(LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student Expression and Use of College Facilities
Subject: |
8.T. FLB(LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student conduct
Subject: |
8.U. GCB(LOCAL) Public Information Program: Requests for Information
Subject: |
8.V. GD(LOCAL) Community Expression and Use of College Facilities
Subject: |
8.W. GDA(LOCAL) Community Expression and Use of College Facilities: Conduct on College District Premises
Subject: |
9. Select two participants for BOTI March 23 -25th, Lost Pines Resort
Presenter: |
Dr. Wilkerson
Subject: |
10. President's Report
Presenter: |
Dr. Anglin
Subject: |
10.A. Update on community college tuition rates
Subject: |
10.B. Spring enrollment report
Subject: |
10.C. Legislative Interim Hearings
Subject: |
11. Announce date of next regular meeting, February 24, 2020
Presenter: |
Dr. Wilkerson
Subject: |
12. The Board of Regents, in accordance with Section 551.07 et.seq. of the Texas Government Code, will move into Executive Session under the following provision(s) of the Act:
Presenter: |
Dr. Wilkerson
Subject: |
12.A. Section 551.072 Deliberation of Real Property
Subject: |
12.B. Personnel Matters - New hires, resignations and retirements
Subject: |
13. Action on new hires, resignations and retirements