Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order - Tom Little, Chairperson
I.A. Attendance
I.B. Additional Agenda Items
II. Approval
II.A. Approve Agenda & Additional Items
II.B. Approve Meeting Minutes
II.B.1. Organizational Meeting, January 29, 2018
II.B.2. Regular Meeting, January 29, 2018
II.C. Approve Financial Transactions
III. Recognition
III.A. Approve Monetary & Non-Monetary Donations
IV. Reports
IV.A. Anna Braam, Elementary - Junior High Principal
IV.B. Bobbie Jo Bastian, Elementary Principal
IV.C. John Kaplan, Senior High Principal
IV.D. Jeff Boran, Community Education & Activities Director
IV.E. Board Member Reports
IV.F. Board Committee Reports
IV.G. Joel Whitehurst, Superintendent
V. Visitor Comments
VI. Information & Discussion
VI.A. Gary Benson From Kraus-Anderson And Sue Peterson From School Perceptions Would Like To Meet With The Board To Share A First Draft Of A Public Opinion Survey. They Are Available Monday, March 5, Tuesday, March 6 or Wednesday, March 7
VI.B. Establish Dates And Times For School Board/Student Lunches
VI.B.1. Grades 7/8
Grades 9/10 Grades 11/12 |
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Approve 2017-18 Special Education Staff Sharing Agreements With Waseca
VII.A.1. Special Education Administration - $57,970
VII.A.2. Autism And Third Party Billing Consultation - $21,294
VII.A.3. Mental Health Professional - $21,024
VII.A.4. School Psychologist - $26,907
VII.A.5. Occupational Therapist - $21,031
VII.A.6. Occupational Therapy Assistant - $19,311
VIII. Personnel
VIII.A. Approve Andrew Velishek, Junior High Play Director - $1,125
VIII.B. Approve March 19, 2018 - March 18, 2019 Payroll & Benefits Administrator Contract For Debra Jacobs - $41,000
VIII.C. Approve 2018 Spring Coaches
VIII.C.1. Junior High Baseball, Michael Sturdivant - $1,711
1st Assistant Boys Track, Al Baker - $2,905 1st Assistant Girls Track, Natasha Dehn - $2,905 2nd Assistant Boys & Girls Track, Carrie Richards - $2,377 Track Volunteer, Reed Anderson Track Volunteer, Lisa Becker Track Volunteer, John Kaplan |
IX. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 26, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order - Tom Little, Chairperson
Subject: |
I.A. Attendance
Subject: |
I.B. Additional Agenda Items
Subject: |
II. Approval
Subject: |
II.A. Approve Agenda & Additional Items
Subject: |
II.B. Approve Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
II.B.1. Organizational Meeting, January 29, 2018
Subject: |
II.B.2. Regular Meeting, January 29, 2018
Subject: |
II.C. Approve Financial Transactions
Subject: |
III. Recognition
Subject: |
III.A. Approve Monetary & Non-Monetary Donations
Subject: |
IV. Reports
Subject: |
IV.A. Anna Braam, Elementary - Junior High Principal
Subject: |
IV.B. Bobbie Jo Bastian, Elementary Principal
Subject: |
IV.C. John Kaplan, Senior High Principal
Subject: |
IV.D. Jeff Boran, Community Education & Activities Director
Subject: |
IV.E. Board Member Reports
Subject: |
IV.F. Board Committee Reports
Subject: |
IV.G. Joel Whitehurst, Superintendent
Subject: |
V. Visitor Comments
Comments from visitors should be informational in nature and not exceed 3 minutes per issue. The Board will not engage in a discussion or debate in those 3 minutes but will take the information and find answers if it is appropriate. As part of the protocol, visitors must keep their ideas and opinions related to policy issues. It is unacceptable for any speaker to slander, engage in character assassination or discuss student or personnel issues (i.e. teacher, coaches, bus drivers, principals, Board Members, etc.) at a public board meeting. The person wishing to address the Board must stand at the provided lectern.
Subject: |
VI. Information & Discussion
Subject: |
VI.A. Gary Benson From Kraus-Anderson And Sue Peterson From School Perceptions Would Like To Meet With The Board To Share A First Draft Of A Public Opinion Survey. They Are Available Monday, March 5, Tuesday, March 6 or Wednesday, March 7
Subject: |
VI.B. Establish Dates And Times For School Board/Student Lunches
Subject: |
VI.B.1. Grades 7/8
Grades 9/10 Grades 11/12 |
Subject: |
VII. Action Items
Subject: |
VII.A. Approve 2017-18 Special Education Staff Sharing Agreements With Waseca
Subject: |
VII.A.1. Special Education Administration - $57,970
Subject: |
VII.A.2. Autism And Third Party Billing Consultation - $21,294
Subject: |
VII.A.3. Mental Health Professional - $21,024
Subject: |
VII.A.4. School Psychologist - $26,907
Subject: |
VII.A.5. Occupational Therapist - $21,031
Subject: |
VII.A.6. Occupational Therapy Assistant - $19,311
Subject: |
VIII. Personnel
Subject: |
VIII.A. Approve Andrew Velishek, Junior High Play Director - $1,125
Subject: |
VIII.B. Approve March 19, 2018 - March 18, 2019 Payroll & Benefits Administrator Contract For Debra Jacobs - $41,000
Subject: |
VIII.C. Approve 2018 Spring Coaches
Subject: |
VIII.C.1. Junior High Baseball, Michael Sturdivant - $1,711
1st Assistant Boys Track, Al Baker - $2,905 1st Assistant Girls Track, Natasha Dehn - $2,905 2nd Assistant Boys & Girls Track, Carrie Richards - $2,377 Track Volunteer, Reed Anderson Track Volunteer, Lisa Becker Track Volunteer, John Kaplan |
Subject: |
IX. Adjournment
March 26, 2018, 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting |