Meeting Agenda
1. Convene Meeting with opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call
2. Recognize Guests
3. Open floor to members of the public, or of the Governing Body, for inquiries about a subject not listed on the Agenda. Speakers shall limit their remarks to three (3) minutes or less. Specific factual information, or existing policy, may be stated in response to an inquiry. Any Deliberation or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the Agenda for a subsequent Meeting
4. Minutes of prior meeting(s) not previously approved
5. Budget Workshop
5.A. Discuss Revised Annual Operating and Capital Budget for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year
5.B. Discuss Proposed Annual Operating adn Captial Budget of the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year
6. Expense Account(s) for Reimbursement
7. Bills for Payment (Includes item(s) above, if any, and supplements at the table)
7.A. Payment(s) that exceed $15,000
7.B. Accounts Payable - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board meeting
7.C. Payroll - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board Meeting
8. Monthly Investment Report for July 2024
9. Annual Physical Inventory of the Port District's Fixed Assets for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2024
10. Write Off Fixed Assets as of July 31, 2024
11. Unaudited General Fund Operating Statement for the First Nine Months of the Fiscal Year 2023/2024
12. 2024 Certified Tax Values
13. Port Access Program Rider 37 Grant
13.A. Dravo Road Widening and Truck Queuing Areas Update
13.B. Alabama Street Update
14. FY2022 PSGP - Command Center Generator and Generator Platform
14.A. Update
14.B. Approve Contract Modification #001 - HB Neild & Sons in the amount of $1,895.52 and zero (0) additional days
15. FY2023 PSGP - Administration Generator and Generator Platform Update
16. SCP88 Dravo Additional Truck Queuing and Utility Enhancements Update
17. MIP88 Trans Modal Yard Containerized Project
17.A. Update
17.B. Approve Award of Phase 1 - Selective Demolition and Utility Staging Base Bid not to exceed $705,431
17.C. Approve Award of Phase 2 - Test Pile Program Base Bid not to exceed $203,336
17.D. Approve Proposal for Collins Engineers Construction Phase Engineering Services for Phase 1 - Selective Demolition and Utility Staging
17.E. Approve Proposal for Collins Engineers Construction Phase Engineering Services - Phase 2 - Test Pile Program
17.F. Approve Proposal for Tolunay-Wong Engineers Geotechnical Services - Phase 1 & 2 up to $20,000
18. Community Funded Project Update
19. AST Electrical and Shore Power Services Upgrades Update
20. Revenue Reports
21. Port Travel
23. CLOSED MEETING for Private consultation with an attorney for the Governmental Body, under §551.071 of the Act. The consultation may either be in person or, as authorized by §551.129(a) of the Act, by telephone conference call, video conference call, or communications over the internet. If any part of the consultation is in an open meeting of the Governmental Body and is therefore a public consultation, each part of the public consultation must be audible to the public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting as the location of the meeting. The consultation is regarding, but not limited to, the following matter(s):
23.A. Army Corps of Engineers Hickory Cove Real Estate
23.B. Coastal Erosion Planning & Response Act (CEPRA) Grant
23.C. Marathon Oil
23.D. Grounded Barge 237
24. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate commercial or financial information that the Orange County EDC has received from a business prospect(s) that the Orange County Navigation and Port District seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of Orange County and with which the OCEDC is conducting economic development negotiations, or to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to such a business prospect, under Section 551.087 of the Act, regarding any current, confidential OCEDC Projects.
24.A. Sabine to Galveston Coastal Spine Levee
24.A.1) Approve Right of Entry for GCPD
24.A.2) Approve Antiquities Permit for Terracon
24.A.3) Approve Right of Entry for United States Army Corp of Engineers
25. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate the purchase, exchange, leases, or value of real property, under § 551.072 of the Act, regarding the following matter(s):
25.A. Discuss Status of Potential Acquisition of Real Property in Navigation District
25.A.1) 108 Alabama Street
25.A.2) 510 Dupont Drive
25.A.3) 709 Dupont Drive
25.A.4) 1601 S. Childers Rd
25.B. Border Street Complex
25.B.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
25.C. Jackson/Market Street Complex
25.C.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
25.D. Georgia Street
25.D.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
25.E. Childers Road
25.E.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
25.F. Alabama Street
25.F.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
25.F.2) Weeks Marine, Inc. - Moorage Agreement - Ratify
25.G. Dravo
25.G.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
25.G.2) Port Arthur Pipeline, LLC - 1950 S. Childers Rd - Lease Agreement - Ratify
25.H. Pier Rd
25.H.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
25.H.2) Triple P Marine Services - 1207 Pier Road - Lease Agreement - Approve/Ratify
25.H.3) Independence Valve & Supply - 1211 Pier Road - Lease Addendum - Approve/Ratify
25.H.4) Independence Valve & Supply - 1099 Pier Road - Lease Agreement - Approve/Ratify
26. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a District officer or employee, under §551.074(a)(1) of the Act, regarding the following matter(s):
26.A. Compensation of Each Employee
28. Set date, time and place of any presently anticipated Special Meeting to be held prior to the next Regular Meeting
29. Specify changes to the date, time and/or place of one or more particular Regular Meeting(s) if any of such factors are presently anticipated to be changed from standard Board Policy
29.A. September 9, 2024
30. Adjourn Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 12, 2024 at 12:00 PM - Board of Commissioners Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Convene Meeting with opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call
Subject: |
2. Recognize Guests
Subject: |
3. Open floor to members of the public, or of the Governing Body, for inquiries about a subject not listed on the Agenda. Speakers shall limit their remarks to three (3) minutes or less. Specific factual information, or existing policy, may be stated in response to an inquiry. Any Deliberation or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the Agenda for a subsequent Meeting
Subject: |
4. Minutes of prior meeting(s) not previously approved
Subject: |
5. Budget Workshop
Subject: |
5.A. Discuss Revised Annual Operating and Capital Budget for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year
Subject: |
5.B. Discuss Proposed Annual Operating adn Captial Budget of the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year
Subject: |
6. Expense Account(s) for Reimbursement
Subject: |
7. Bills for Payment (Includes item(s) above, if any, and supplements at the table)
Subject: |
7.A. Payment(s) that exceed $15,000
Subject: |
7.B. Accounts Payable - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board meeting
Subject: |
7.C. Payroll - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board Meeting
Subject: |
8. Monthly Investment Report for July 2024
Subject: |
9. Annual Physical Inventory of the Port District's Fixed Assets for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2024
Subject: |
10. Write Off Fixed Assets as of July 31, 2024
Subject: |
11. Unaudited General Fund Operating Statement for the First Nine Months of the Fiscal Year 2023/2024
Subject: |
12. 2024 Certified Tax Values
Subject: |
13. Port Access Program Rider 37 Grant
Subject: |
13.A. Dravo Road Widening and Truck Queuing Areas Update
Subject: |
13.B. Alabama Street Update
Subject: |
14. FY2022 PSGP - Command Center Generator and Generator Platform
Subject: |
14.A. Update
Subject: |
14.B. Approve Contract Modification #001 - HB Neild & Sons in the amount of $1,895.52 and zero (0) additional days
Subject: |
15. FY2023 PSGP - Administration Generator and Generator Platform Update
Subject: |
16. SCP88 Dravo Additional Truck Queuing and Utility Enhancements Update
Subject: |
17. MIP88 Trans Modal Yard Containerized Project
Subject: |
17.A. Update
Subject: |
17.B. Approve Award of Phase 1 - Selective Demolition and Utility Staging Base Bid not to exceed $705,431
Subject: |
17.C. Approve Award of Phase 2 - Test Pile Program Base Bid not to exceed $203,336
Subject: |
17.D. Approve Proposal for Collins Engineers Construction Phase Engineering Services for Phase 1 - Selective Demolition and Utility Staging
Subject: |
17.E. Approve Proposal for Collins Engineers Construction Phase Engineering Services - Phase 2 - Test Pile Program
Subject: |
17.F. Approve Proposal for Tolunay-Wong Engineers Geotechnical Services - Phase 1 & 2 up to $20,000
Subject: |
18. Community Funded Project Update
Subject: |
19. AST Electrical and Shore Power Services Upgrades Update
Subject: |
20. Revenue Reports
Subject: |
21. Port Travel
Subject: |
Subject: |
23. CLOSED MEETING for Private consultation with an attorney for the Governmental Body, under §551.071 of the Act. The consultation may either be in person or, as authorized by §551.129(a) of the Act, by telephone conference call, video conference call, or communications over the internet. If any part of the consultation is in an open meeting of the Governmental Body and is therefore a public consultation, each part of the public consultation must be audible to the public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting as the location of the meeting. The consultation is regarding, but not limited to, the following matter(s):
Subject: |
23.A. Army Corps of Engineers Hickory Cove Real Estate
Subject: |
23.B. Coastal Erosion Planning & Response Act (CEPRA) Grant
Subject: |
23.C. Marathon Oil
Subject: |
23.D. Grounded Barge 237
Subject: |
24. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate commercial or financial information that the Orange County EDC has received from a business prospect(s) that the Orange County Navigation and Port District seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of Orange County and with which the OCEDC is conducting economic development negotiations, or to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to such a business prospect, under Section 551.087 of the Act, regarding any current, confidential OCEDC Projects.
Subject: |
24.A. Sabine to Galveston Coastal Spine Levee
Subject: |
24.A.1) Approve Right of Entry for GCPD
Subject: |
24.A.2) Approve Antiquities Permit for Terracon
Subject: |
24.A.3) Approve Right of Entry for United States Army Corp of Engineers
Subject: |
25. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate the purchase, exchange, leases, or value of real property, under § 551.072 of the Act, regarding the following matter(s):
Subject: |
25.A. Discuss Status of Potential Acquisition of Real Property in Navigation District
Subject: |
25.A.1) 108 Alabama Street
Subject: |
25.A.2) 510 Dupont Drive
Subject: |
25.A.3) 709 Dupont Drive
Subject: |
25.A.4) 1601 S. Childers Rd
Subject: |
25.B. Border Street Complex
Subject: |
25.B.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
25.C. Jackson/Market Street Complex
Subject: |
25.C.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
25.D. Georgia Street
Subject: |
25.D.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
25.E. Childers Road
Subject: |
25.E.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
25.F. Alabama Street
Subject: |
25.F.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
25.F.2) Weeks Marine, Inc. - Moorage Agreement - Ratify
Subject: |
25.G. Dravo
Subject: |
25.G.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
25.G.2) Port Arthur Pipeline, LLC - 1950 S. Childers Rd - Lease Agreement - Ratify
Subject: |
25.H. Pier Rd
Subject: |
25.H.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
25.H.2) Triple P Marine Services - 1207 Pier Road - Lease Agreement - Approve/Ratify
Subject: |
25.H.3) Independence Valve & Supply - 1211 Pier Road - Lease Addendum - Approve/Ratify
Subject: |
25.H.4) Independence Valve & Supply - 1099 Pier Road - Lease Agreement - Approve/Ratify
Subject: |
26. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a District officer or employee, under §551.074(a)(1) of the Act, regarding the following matter(s):
Subject: |
26.A. Compensation of Each Employee
Subject: |
Subject: |
28. Set date, time and place of any presently anticipated Special Meeting to be held prior to the next Regular Meeting
Subject: |
29. Specify changes to the date, time and/or place of one or more particular Regular Meeting(s) if any of such factors are presently anticipated to be changed from standard Board Policy
Subject: |
29.A. September 9, 2024
Subject: |
30. Adjourn Meeting