Meeting Agenda
1. Convene Meeting with opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call
2. Recognize Guests
3. Open floor to members of the public, or of the Governing Body, for inquiries about a subject not listed on the Agenda. Speakers shall limit their remarks to three (3) minutes or less. Specific factual information, or existing policy, may be stated in response to an inquiry. Any Deliberation or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the Agenda for a subsequent Meeting
4. Minutes of prior meeting(s) not previously approved
5. Expense Account(s) for Reimbursement
6. Bills for Payment (Includes item(s) above, if any, and supplements at the table)
6.A. Payment(s) that exceed $15,000
6.B. Accounts Payable - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board meeting
6.C. Payroll - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board Meeting
7. Monthly Investment Report for December 2021
8. Investment Policy
8.A. Appointment of Investment Committee
8.B. Set Date & Time for next Investment Committee meeting
9. Possible Approval of Texas Department of Transportation Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) for Rider 37 Grant Awards on S. Childers Road and Dravo Industrial Terminal and Alabama Street
10. Request permission to advertise for Environmental Consulting/Permitting Services
11. May 7, 2022 Commissioner Election for Pct 1, Pct 4, At-Large
11.A. Order of Election
11.B. Earliest Date to file an application for a place on the ballot for election - Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 8:00 am
11.C. Last Date to file an application for a place on the ballot for election - Friday, February 18, 2022 at 5:00 pm
11.D. Special Power of Attorney
11.E. Resolution Approving Appointment of Agend by Secretary of the Board of Port Commissioners for Performance of Duties Under Texas Election Code
11.F. Notice of Appointment for Posting
11.G. Resolution Approving Setting Date for Notice of Ballot Position Drawing
11.G.1) 6:00 pm Tuesday, February 22, 2022
11.H. Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot
11.I. Orange County Joint Election Agreement Services Contract
12. Marketing Report
13. Port Travel
13.A. For Port Director and any Commissioner to travel to Orlando, Florida six (6) days in October to attend the AAPA Annual Convention. Travel will be by private vehicle or commercial airline.
13.B. For Port Director and any Commissioner to travel to Corpus Christi, Texas four (4) days in December to attend the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) Commissioner Seminar. Travel will be by private vehicle.
14. CLOSED MEETING for Private consultation with an attorney for the Governmental Body, under §551.071 of the Act. The consultation may either be in person or, as authorized by §551.129(a) of the Act, by telephone conference call, video conference call, or communications over the internet. If any part of the consultation is in an open meeting of the Governmental Body and is therefore a public consultation, each part of the public consultation must be audible to the public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting as the location of the meeting. The consultation is regarding, but not limited to, the following matter(s):
14.A. TMY Barge Dock Facility Issues
14.B. Pier 10
14.C. Army Corps of Engineers Hickory Cove Real Estate
14.D. Marathon Oil
15. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate the purchase, exchange, leases, or value of real property, under § 551.072 of the Act, regarding the following matter(s):
15.A. Discuss Status of Potential Acquisition of Real Property in Navigation District
15.B. Economic Development Pursuant to Gov't Code Sec. 551.087
15.B.1) Sabine to Galveston Coastal Spine Levee
15.C. Border Street Complex
15.C.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
15.D. Georgia Street
15.D.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
15.E. Childers Road
15.E.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
15.F. Alabama Street
15.F.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
15.F.2) Freepoint Eco-Systems LLC - Letter of Intent - Warehouse 6 and Expansion Property
15.G. Dravo
15.G.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
15.H. Pier Rd
15.H.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
16. Return to Open Meeting
17. Set date, time and place of any presently anticipated Special Meeting to be held prior to the next Regular Meeting
18. Specify changes to the date, time and/or place of one or more particular Regular Meeting(s) if any of such factors are presently anticipated to be changed from standard Board Policy
18.A. Monday, February 14, 2022
19. Adjourn Meeting
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 6, 2022 at 12:00 PM - Board of Commissioners Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Convene Meeting with opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call
Subject: |
2. Recognize Guests
Subject: |
3. Open floor to members of the public, or of the Governing Body, for inquiries about a subject not listed on the Agenda. Speakers shall limit their remarks to three (3) minutes or less. Specific factual information, or existing policy, may be stated in response to an inquiry. Any Deliberation or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the Agenda for a subsequent Meeting
Subject: |
4. Minutes of prior meeting(s) not previously approved
Subject: |
5. Expense Account(s) for Reimbursement
Subject: |
6. Bills for Payment (Includes item(s) above, if any, and supplements at the table)
Subject: |
6.A. Payment(s) that exceed $15,000
Subject: |
6.B. Accounts Payable - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board meeting
Subject: |
6.C. Payroll - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board Meeting
Subject: |
7. Monthly Investment Report for December 2021
Subject: |
8. Investment Policy
Subject: |
8.A. Appointment of Investment Committee
Subject: |
8.B. Set Date & Time for next Investment Committee meeting
Subject: |
9. Possible Approval of Texas Department of Transportation Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) for Rider 37 Grant Awards on S. Childers Road and Dravo Industrial Terminal and Alabama Street
Subject: |
10. Request permission to advertise for Environmental Consulting/Permitting Services
Subject: |
11. May 7, 2022 Commissioner Election for Pct 1, Pct 4, At-Large
Subject: |
11.A. Order of Election
Subject: |
11.B. Earliest Date to file an application for a place on the ballot for election - Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 8:00 am
Subject: |
11.C. Last Date to file an application for a place on the ballot for election - Friday, February 18, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Subject: |
11.D. Special Power of Attorney
Subject: |
11.E. Resolution Approving Appointment of Agend by Secretary of the Board of Port Commissioners for Performance of Duties Under Texas Election Code
Subject: |
11.F. Notice of Appointment for Posting
Subject: |
11.G. Resolution Approving Setting Date for Notice of Ballot Position Drawing
Subject: |
11.G.1) 6:00 pm Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Subject: |
11.H. Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot
Subject: |
11.I. Orange County Joint Election Agreement Services Contract
Subject: |
12. Marketing Report
Subject: |
13. Port Travel
Subject: |
13.A. For Port Director and any Commissioner to travel to Orlando, Florida six (6) days in October to attend the AAPA Annual Convention. Travel will be by private vehicle or commercial airline.
Subject: |
13.B. For Port Director and any Commissioner to travel to Corpus Christi, Texas four (4) days in December to attend the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) Commissioner Seminar. Travel will be by private vehicle.
Subject: |
14. CLOSED MEETING for Private consultation with an attorney for the Governmental Body, under §551.071 of the Act. The consultation may either be in person or, as authorized by §551.129(a) of the Act, by telephone conference call, video conference call, or communications over the internet. If any part of the consultation is in an open meeting of the Governmental Body and is therefore a public consultation, each part of the public consultation must be audible to the public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting as the location of the meeting. The consultation is regarding, but not limited to, the following matter(s):
Subject: |
14.A. TMY Barge Dock Facility Issues
Subject: |
14.B. Pier 10
Subject: |
14.C. Army Corps of Engineers Hickory Cove Real Estate
Subject: |
14.D. Marathon Oil
Subject: |
15. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate the purchase, exchange, leases, or value of real property, under § 551.072 of the Act, regarding the following matter(s):
Subject: |
15.A. Discuss Status of Potential Acquisition of Real Property in Navigation District
Subject: |
15.B. Economic Development Pursuant to Gov't Code Sec. 551.087
Subject: |
15.B.1) Sabine to Galveston Coastal Spine Levee
Subject: |
15.C. Border Street Complex
Subject: |
15.C.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
15.D. Georgia Street
Subject: |
15.D.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
15.E. Childers Road
Subject: |
15.E.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
15.F. Alabama Street
Subject: |
15.F.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
15.F.2) Freepoint Eco-Systems LLC - Letter of Intent - Warehouse 6 and Expansion Property
Subject: |
15.G. Dravo
Subject: |
15.G.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
15.H. Pier Rd
Subject: |
15.H.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
Subject: |
16. Return to Open Meeting
Subject: |
17. Set date, time and place of any presently anticipated Special Meeting to be held prior to the next Regular Meeting
Subject: |
18. Specify changes to the date, time and/or place of one or more particular Regular Meeting(s) if any of such factors are presently anticipated to be changed from standard Board Policy
Subject: |
18.A. Monday, February 14, 2022
Subject: |
19. Adjourn Meeting