Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order/Establish Quorum
2. Open Session-7 p.m.
2.A. Invocation
2.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
2.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
3. Recognitions
3.A. School Board Recognition
3.B. Presentation of Superintendent's Leadership Award for Excellence
4. Information Reports and Public Hearing (No Action Required)
4.A. Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Public Hearing
4.B. CISD Climate Survey
4.C. Study Abroad Trip
4.D. Technology Update
5. Public Comments
6. Action Items
6.A. Consent Agenda
6.A.1. Minutes
6.A.2. Financial Reports
6.B. New and Unfinished Action Items
6.B.1. Consideration and possible approval of 2013-2014 School Calendar
6.B.2. Consideration and possible approval of CYAA Lease Agreement
6.B.3. Consideration and possible approval of TASB Resolution
6.B.4. Rescheduling of Special called Board Training for Budget Overview
6.B.5. Order of election for Trustee Election to be held May 11, 2013
7. Closed/Executive Session
7.A. Personnel-Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
7.A.1. Superintendent's evaluation, contract, and compensation
7.A.2. Resignation of professional personnel
8. Reconvene Open Session
8.A. Action Items
8.A.1. Superintendent's evaluation, contract, and compensation
9. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 21, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order/Establish Quorum
Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
Subject: |
2. Open Session-7 p.m.
Subject: |
2.A. Invocation
Subject: |
2.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
Subject: |
2.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
Subject: |
3. Recognitions
Subject: |
3.A. School Board Recognition
Subject: |
3.B. Presentation of Superintendent's Leadership Award for Excellence
Subject: |
4. Information Reports and Public Hearing (No Action Required)
Subject: |
4.A. Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Public Hearing
Subject: |
4.B. CISD Climate Survey
Subject: |
4.C. Study Abroad Trip
Subject: |
4.D. Technology Update
Subject: |
5. Public Comments
Subject: |
6. Action Items
Subject: |
6.A. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6.A.1. Minutes
Subject: |
6.A.2. Financial Reports
Subject: |
6.B. New and Unfinished Action Items
Subject: |
6.B.1. Consideration and possible approval of 2013-2014 School Calendar
Subject: |
6.B.2. Consideration and possible approval of CYAA Lease Agreement
Subject: |
6.B.3. Consideration and possible approval of TASB Resolution
Subject: |
6.B.4. Rescheduling of Special called Board Training for Budget Overview
Subject: |
6.B.5. Order of election for Trustee Election to be held May 11, 2013
Subject: |
7. Closed/Executive Session
Section 551, Texas Government Code
Subject: |
7.A. Personnel-Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
Subject: |
7.A.1. Superintendent's evaluation, contract, and compensation
Subject: |
7.A.2. Resignation of professional personnel
Subject: |
8. Reconvene Open Session
Subject: |
8.A. Action Items
Subject: |
8.A.1. Superintendent's evaluation, contract, and compensation
Subject: |
9. Adjournment