Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from the August 11, 2020 Meeting
III. General Personnel Updates - Joel Heesch
IV. Review Employee Resignations/Retirements (if any)
V. Review Employment Recommendations
VI. Discussion of Proposed Changes to Policies - First Reading
VI.A. Policy 0162 - Quorum
VI.B. Policy 0164.2 - Special Meetings
VI.C. Policy 0167.3 - Public Comment at Board Meetings (Currently Titled Public Partcipation at Board Meetings)
VI.D. Policy 0172 - Legal Counsel
VI.E. Policy 1130 - Conflict of Interest
VI.F. Policy 1260 - Incapacity of the Superintendent
VI.G. Policy 2260.02 - English Language Proficiency
VI.H. Policy 2412 - Homebound Instruction Program
VI.I. Policy 2460 - Programs for Students with Disabilities (Currently Titled Exceptional Education Needs)
VI.J. Policy 2700.01 - School Performance and Accountability Reports
VI.K. Policy 3120.04 - Employment of Substitutes
VI.L. Policy 3122.04 - Drug-Free Workplace
VI.M. Policy 3215 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Staff
VI.N. Policy 3230 - Conflict of Interest
VI.O. Policy 3231 - Outside Activities of Professonial Staff
VI.P. Policy 3362.01 - Threatening Behavior Toward Staff Members
VI.Q. Policy 4122.01 - Drug-Free Workplace
VI.R. Policy 4131 - Reduction of Staff
VI.S. Policy 4215 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Staff
VI.T. Policy 4230 - Conflict of Interest
VI.U. Policy 4231 - Outside Activities of Support Staff
VI.V. Policy 4362.01 - Threatening Behavior Toward Staff Members
VI.W. Policy 5111 - Eligibility of Resident/Non-Resident Students
VI.X. Policy 5200 - Attendance
VI.Y. Policy 5460 - Graduation Requirements
VI.Z. Policy 5512 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Students
VI.AA. Policy 5630.01 - Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint with Students
VI.AB. Policy 6145 - Borrowing (Retire)
VI.AC. Policy 7230 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests
VI.AD. Policy 7434 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine on School Premises
VI.AE. Policy 8390 - Animals on District Property
VI.AF. Policy 8710 - Insurance
VI.AG. Policy 8900 - Fraud
VII. Discussion of New Policy 6147 - Debt Management - First Reading
VIII. Discussion of New Policy 7440.03 - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems - First Reading
IX. Discussion of New Policy - 2266 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities - Second Reading
X. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 16, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
II. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from the August 11, 2020 Meeting
Subject: |
III. General Personnel Updates - Joel Heesch
Subject: |
IV. Review Employee Resignations/Retirements (if any)
Subject: |
V. Review Employment Recommendations
Subject: |
VI. Discussion of Proposed Changes to Policies - First Reading
Subject: |
VI.A. Policy 0162 - Quorum
Subject: |
VI.B. Policy 0164.2 - Special Meetings
Subject: |
VI.C. Policy 0167.3 - Public Comment at Board Meetings (Currently Titled Public Partcipation at Board Meetings)
Subject: |
VI.D. Policy 0172 - Legal Counsel
Subject: |
VI.E. Policy 1130 - Conflict of Interest
Subject: |
VI.F. Policy 1260 - Incapacity of the Superintendent
Subject: |
VI.G. Policy 2260.02 - English Language Proficiency
Subject: |
VI.H. Policy 2412 - Homebound Instruction Program
Subject: |
VI.I. Policy 2460 - Programs for Students with Disabilities (Currently Titled Exceptional Education Needs)
Subject: |
VI.J. Policy 2700.01 - School Performance and Accountability Reports
Subject: |
VI.K. Policy 3120.04 - Employment of Substitutes
Subject: |
VI.L. Policy 3122.04 - Drug-Free Workplace
Subject: |
VI.M. Policy 3215 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Staff
Subject: |
VI.N. Policy 3230 - Conflict of Interest
Subject: |
VI.O. Policy 3231 - Outside Activities of Professonial Staff
Subject: |
VI.P. Policy 3362.01 - Threatening Behavior Toward Staff Members
Subject: |
VI.Q. Policy 4122.01 - Drug-Free Workplace
Subject: |
VI.R. Policy 4131 - Reduction of Staff
Subject: |
VI.S. Policy 4215 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Staff
Subject: |
VI.T. Policy 4230 - Conflict of Interest
Subject: |
VI.U. Policy 4231 - Outside Activities of Support Staff
Subject: |
VI.V. Policy 4362.01 - Threatening Behavior Toward Staff Members
Subject: |
VI.W. Policy 5111 - Eligibility of Resident/Non-Resident Students
Subject: |
VI.X. Policy 5200 - Attendance
Subject: |
VI.Y. Policy 5460 - Graduation Requirements
Subject: |
VI.Z. Policy 5512 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Students
Subject: |
VI.AA. Policy 5630.01 - Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint with Students
Subject: |
VI.AB. Policy 6145 - Borrowing (Retire)
Subject: |
VI.AC. Policy 7230 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests
Subject: |
VI.AD. Policy 7434 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine on School Premises
Subject: |
VI.AE. Policy 8390 - Animals on District Property
Subject: |
VI.AF. Policy 8710 - Insurance
Subject: |
VI.AG. Policy 8900 - Fraud
Subject: |
VII. Discussion of New Policy 6147 - Debt Management - First Reading
Subject: |
VIII. Discussion of New Policy 7440.03 - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems - First Reading
Subject: |
IX. Discussion of New Policy - 2266 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities - Second Reading
Subject: |
X. Adjourn