Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order - President RJ Rogers
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Comments
V. Reports
V.A. Student Reports & Student Recognition (Jerry Award Winners)
V.B. Board Committee Reports
V.B.1. Policy and Personnel Committee (June 7, 2018)
V.B.2. Finance Committee (June 18, 2018)
V.B.3. WASB or CESA Conferences Attended
V.C. Leadership Team Reports
V.D. Superintendent's Report
V.D.1. Set August Board Meeting Dates
V.D.2. Recognition of Retirees
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of the May 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
VI.B. Approval of Monthly Vouchers
VI.C. Approval of Parent Transportation Contract
VI.D. Approval of Student Activity Fund
VI.E. Approval of Employee Retirement/Resignation
VI.F. Approval to Renew WIAA Annual Membership for 2018-2019
VII. Pending Action
VII.A. Approval of Gifts and Donations
VII.B. Discussion and Approval of Employment Recommendations
VII.C. Discussion of Mauston NEOLA Policies - First Reading on Full Board Agenda
VII.C.1. 7000 Series - Property
VII.C.1.a. Policy 7100 - Facilities Planning
VII.C.1.b. Policy 7217 - Weapons
VII.C.1.c. Policy 7230 - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
VII.C.1.d. Policy 7240 - Site Acquistion
VII.C.1.e. Policy 7250 - Commemoration of School Facilities
VII.C.1.f. Policy 7300 - Disposition of Real Property
VII.C.1.g. Policy 7310 - Disposition of Surplus Property
VII.C.1.h. Policy 7410 - Maintenance
VII.C.1.i. Policy 7420 - Hygenic Management
VII.C.1.j. Policy 7430 - Safety Standards
VII.C.1.k. Policy 7434 - Use of Tobacco on School Premises
VII.C.1.l. Policy 7440 - Facility Security
VII.C.1.m. Policy 7440.01 - Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring
VII.C.1.n. Policy 7450 - Property Inventory
VII.C.1.o. Policy 7455 - Accounting System for Fixed Assets
VII.C.1.p. Policy 7460 - Conservation of Natural and Material Resources
VII.C.1.q. Policy 7510 - Use of District Facilities
VII.C.1.r. Policy 7530 - Lending of District-Owned Equipment
VII.C.1.s. Policy 7530.02 - Staff Use of Personal Communication Devices
VII.C.1.t. Policy 7540 - Technology
VII.C.1.u. Policy 7540.01 - Technology Privacy
VII.C.1.v. Policy 7540.02 - Web Content, Services, and Apps
VII.C.1.w. Policy 7540.03 - Student Responsible Use of Technology and Internet Safety
VII.C.1.x. Policy 7540.04 - Staff Responsible Use of Technology and Internet Safety
VII.C.1.y. Policy 7540.05 - Assistive Technology and Services
VII.C.1.z. Policy 7540.06 - District-Issued Staff E-mail Account
VII.C.1.aa. Policy 7540.07 - District-Issued Student E-mail Account
VII.C.1.ab. Policy 7542 - Access to District Technology Resources From Personally-Owned Communication Devices
| Policy 7550 - Inter-Library Loans
VII.C.2. 8000 Series - Operations
VII.C.2.a. Policy 8120 - Volunteers
VII.C.2.b. Policy 8141 - Required Reporting of Staff Conduct
VII.C.2.c. Policy 8145 - Annual Reports
VII.C.2.d. Policy 8146 - Notification of Educational Options
VII.C.2.e. Policy 8210 - School Calendar
VII.C.2.f. Policy 8220 - School Day
VII.C.2.g. Policy 8309 - Open Meetings for Non-Board Committees
VII.C.2.h. Policy 8310 - Public Records
VII.C.2.i. Policy 8315 - Information Management
VII.C.2.j. Policy 8320 - Personnel Records
VII.C.2.k. Policy 8320.01 - Unauthorized Acquisition of Staff Personal Information
VII.C.2.l. Policy 8325 - Receipt of Legal Documents By District Employees
VII.C.2.m. Policy 8330 - Student Records
VII.C.2.n. Policy 8330.01 - Unauthorized Acquisition of Student Personal Information
VII.C.2.o. Policy 8340 - Providing a Reference
VII.C.2.p. Policy 8350 - Confidentiality
VII.C.2.q. Policy 8390 - Animals on District Property
VII.C.2.r. Policy 8405 - Environmental Health and Safety Program
VII.C.2.s. Policy 8410 - School Safety and Crisis Intervention
VII.C.2.t. Policy 8420 - Emergency Preparedness
VII.C.2.u. Policy 8431 - Preparedness for Toxic Hazards
VII.C.2.v. Policy 8431.01 - Asbestos Management
VII.C.2.w. Policy 8442 - Reporting Accidents
VII.C.2.x. Policy 8450 - Control of Casual-Contact Commicable Diseases
VII.C.2.y. Policy 8451 - Pediculosis (Head Lice)
VII.C.2.z. Policy 8452 - Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
VII.C.2.aa. Policy 8453 - Direct Contact Communicable Diseases
VII.C.2.ab. Policy 8453.01 - Control of Blood-Borne Pathogens
| Policy 8462 - Student Abuse and Neglect
| Policy 8463 - Students Without Parents
| Policy 8500 - Food Services
| Policy 8510 - Wellness
| Policy 8531 - Free and Reduced-Priced Meals
VII.C.2.ah. Policy 8540 - Vending Machines
| Policy 8550 - Competitive Food Sales
VII.C.2.aj. Policy 8600 - Transportation
VII.C.2.ak. Policy 8605 - Use of Electronic Wireless Communication Devices By District Employees Who Operate Board-Owned or Operated Vehicles
| Policy 8640 - Transportation for Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips
| Policy 8660 - Transportation by Private Vehicle
| Policy 8680 - Bus Services Contracts
| Policy 8710 - Insurance
VII.C.2.ap. Policy 8800 - Religious and Patriotic Ceremonies and Observances
| Policy 8900 - Fraud
VII.C.3. 9000 Series - Relations
VII.C.3.a. Policy 9120 - Public Information Program
VII.C.3.b. Policy 9130 - Public Requests, Suggestions, Or Complaints
VII.C.3.c. Policy 9140 - Citizens' Advisory Committees
VII.C.3.d. Policy 9150 - School Visitors
VII.C.3.e. Policy 9151 - Use Of Cameras and Other Recording Devices In Locker Rooms
VII.C.3.f. Policy 9160 - Public Attendance at School Events
VII.C.3.g. Policy 9190 - Charges For Career and Technical Education Projects
VII.C.3.h. Policy 9210 - Parent Organizations
VII.C.3.i. Policy 9211 - District-Support Organizations
VII.C.3.j. Policy 9211.01 - Operations of District-Support Organizations
VII.C.3.k. Policy 9250 - Relations with Parents
VII.C.3.l. Policy 9270 - Home-Based, Private, Or Tribal Schooling
VII.C.3.m. Policy 9500 - Relations with Educational Institutions and Organizations
VII.C.3.n. Policy 9555 - Partnerships with Businesses
VII.C.3.o. Policy 9600 - Staff/Student Participation in Community Events
VII.C.3.p. Policy 9700 - Relations With Non-School Affiliated Groups
VII.C.3.q. Policy 9700.01 - Advertising and Commercial Activities
VII.C.3.r. Policy 9800 - High School Diplomas To Veterans
VII.C.3.s. Policy 9800.01 - Veterans As Classroom Volunteers
VII.D. Approve New Mauston Policies - Second Reading to Become Effective August 1, 2018
VII.D.1. 1000 Series - Administration
VII.D.1.a. Policy 1100 - District Organization
VII.D.1.b. Policy 1110 - Assessment of District Goals
VII.D.1.c. Policy 1130 - Conflict of Interest
VII.D.1.d. Policy 1210 - Board-Superintendent Relationship
VII.D.1.e. Policy 1213 - Student Supervision and Welfare
VII.D.1.f. Policy 1220 - Employment of the Superintendent
VII.D.1.g. Policy 1230.01 - Development of Administrative Guidelines
VII.D.1.h. Policy 1240 - Evaluation of the Superintendent
VII.D.1.i. Policy 1241 - Non-Reemployment of the Superintendent
VII.D.1.j. Policy 1260 - Incapacity of the Superintendent
VII.D.1.k. Policy 1260.01 - Temporary Administrative Arrangements in Absence of Superintendent
VII.D.1.l. Policy 1400- Superintendent Job Description
VII.D.1.m. Policy 1422 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
VII.D.1.n. Policy 1422.02 - Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee
VII.D.1.o. Policy 1460 - Physical Examination
VII.D.1.p. Policy 1461 - Unrequested Leaves of Absence/Fitness for Duty
VII.D.1.q. Policy 1619 - Group Health Plans
VII.D.1.r. Policy 1619.01 - Privacy Protections of Self-Funded Group Health Plans
VII.D.1.s. Policy 1619.02 - Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans
VII.D.1.t. Policy 1619.03 - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
VII.D.1.u. Policy 1623 - Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment
VII.D.1.v. Policy 1630.01 - Family & Medical Leave of Absence (FMLA)
VII.D.1.w. Policy 1662 - Employee Anti-Harassment
VII.D.2. 6000 Series - Finance
VII.D.2.a. Policy 6100 - Depository of Funds
VII.D.2.b. Policy 6100.01 - Authorized Signatures
VII.D.2.c. Policy 6100.02 - Check Signing
VII.D.2.d. Policy 6108 - Authorization to Make Electronic Fund Transfers
VII.D.2.e. Policy 6110 - Federal Funds
VII.D.2.f. Policy 6111 - Internal Controls
VII.D.2.g. Policy 6112 - Cash Management of Grants
VII.D.2.h. Policy 6114 - Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds
VII.D.2.i. Policy 6116 - Time and Effort Reporting
VII.D.2.j. Policy 6144 - Investment Income
VII.D.2.k. Policy 6145 - Borrowing
VII.D.2.l. Policy 6146 - Post Issuance Tax Exempt Bond Compliance
VII.D.2.m. Policy 6150 - Tuition Income
VII.D.2.n. Policy 6151 - Bad Checks
VII.D.2.o. Policy 6152 - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
VII.D.2.p. Policy 6210 - Fiscal Planning
VII.D.2.q. Policy 6220 - Budget Preparation
VII.D.2.r. Policy 6230 - Budget Hearing
VII.D.2.s. Policy 6231 - Budget Implementation
VII.D.2.t. Policy 6235 - General Fund Balance
VII.D.2.u. Policy 6320 - Purchasing
VII.D.2.v. Policy 6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
VII.D.2.w. Policy 6330 - Leasing School Property
VII.D.2.x. Policy 6423 - Use of Credit Cards
VII.D.2.y. Policy 6424 - Purchasing Cards
VII.D.2.z. Policy 6440 - Cooperative Purchasing
VII.D.2.aa. Policy 6450 - Local Purchasing
VII.D.2.ab. Policy 6451 - Bidding Requirements
| Policy 6452 - Capitalization and Depreciation
| Policy 6460 - Vendor Relations
| Policy 6470 - Payment of Claims
| Policy 6510 - Payroll Authorization
| Policy 6520 - Payroll Deductions
VII.D.2.ah. Policy 6605 - Crowdfunding
| Policy 6610 - Student Activity Fund
VII.D.2.aj. Policy 6611 - Gate Receipts and Admissions
VII.D.2.ak. Policy 6612 - Revenues from School Shops
| Policy 6613 - Revenues from School-Owned Real Estate
| Policy 6620 - Petty Cash
| Policy 6622 - Cash In School Buildings
| Policy 6670 - Trust and Agency Funds
VII.D.2.ap. Policy 6680 - Recognition
| Policy 6700 - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
| Policy 6800 - System of Accounting
| Policy 6830 - Audit
VII.D.3. 3000 Series - Professional Staff
VII.D.3.a. Policy 3440.01 - Reimbursement Schedule
VII.D.4. 4000 Series - Support Staff
VII.D.4.a. Policy 4440.01 - Reimbursement Schedule
VII.E. Review and Approval of the JEVCO Transportation Contract for the 2018-2019 School Year
VII.F. Discussion and Approval of 10-Year Capital Improvements Plan
VII.G. Discussion and Approval of Resolution for Long Term Capital Improvement Trust Fund (Fund 46)
VII.H. Discussion on Department of Justice Safety Grant
VIII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 18, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order - President RJ Rogers
Subject: |
II. Roll Call of Members
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
IV. Public Comments
Subject: |
V. Reports
Subject: |
V.A. Student Reports & Student Recognition (Jerry Award Winners)
Subject: |
V.B. Board Committee Reports
Subject: |
V.B.1. Policy and Personnel Committee (June 7, 2018)
Subject: |
V.B.2. Finance Committee (June 18, 2018)
Subject: |
V.B.3. WASB or CESA Conferences Attended
Subject: |
V.C. Leadership Team Reports
Subject: |
V.D. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
V.D.1. Set August Board Meeting Dates
Subject: |
V.D.2. Recognition of Retirees
Subject: |
VI. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
VI.A. Approval of the May 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
VI.B. Approval of Monthly Vouchers
Subject: |
VI.C. Approval of Parent Transportation Contract
Subject: |
VI.D. Approval of Student Activity Fund
Subject: |
VI.E. Approval of Employee Retirement/Resignation
Subject: |
VI.F. Approval to Renew WIAA Annual Membership for 2018-2019
Subject: |
VII. Pending Action
Subject: |
VII.A. Approval of Gifts and Donations
Subject: |
VII.B. Discussion and Approval of Employment Recommendations
Subject: |
VII.C. Discussion of Mauston NEOLA Policies - First Reading on Full Board Agenda
Subject: |
VII.C.1. 7000 Series - Property
Subject: |
VII.C.1.a. Policy 7100 - Facilities Planning
Subject: |
VII.C.1.b. Policy 7217 - Weapons
Subject: |
VII.C.1.c. Policy 7230 - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
Subject: |
VII.C.1.d. Policy 7240 - Site Acquistion
Subject: |
VII.C.1.e. Policy 7250 - Commemoration of School Facilities
Subject: |
VII.C.1.f. Policy 7300 - Disposition of Real Property
Subject: |
VII.C.1.g. Policy 7310 - Disposition of Surplus Property
Subject: |
VII.C.1.h. Policy 7410 - Maintenance
Subject: |
VII.C.1.i. Policy 7420 - Hygenic Management
Subject: |
VII.C.1.j. Policy 7430 - Safety Standards
Subject: |
VII.C.1.k. Policy 7434 - Use of Tobacco on School Premises
Subject: |
VII.C.1.l. Policy 7440 - Facility Security
Subject: |
VII.C.1.m. Policy 7440.01 - Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring
Subject: |
VII.C.1.n. Policy 7450 - Property Inventory
Subject: |
VII.C.1.o. Policy 7455 - Accounting System for Fixed Assets
Subject: |
VII.C.1.p. Policy 7460 - Conservation of Natural and Material Resources
Subject: |
VII.C.1.q. Policy 7510 - Use of District Facilities
Subject: |
VII.C.1.r. Policy 7530 - Lending of District-Owned Equipment
Subject: |
VII.C.1.s. Policy 7530.02 - Staff Use of Personal Communication Devices
Subject: |
VII.C.1.t. Policy 7540 - Technology
Subject: |
VII.C.1.u. Policy 7540.01 - Technology Privacy
Subject: |
VII.C.1.v. Policy 7540.02 - Web Content, Services, and Apps
Subject: |
VII.C.1.w. Policy 7540.03 - Student Responsible Use of Technology and Internet Safety
Subject: |
VII.C.1.x. Policy 7540.04 - Staff Responsible Use of Technology and Internet Safety
Subject: |
VII.C.1.y. Policy 7540.05 - Assistive Technology and Services
Subject: |
VII.C.1.z. Policy 7540.06 - District-Issued Staff E-mail Account
Subject: |
VII.C.1.aa. Policy 7540.07 - District-Issued Student E-mail Account
Subject: |
VII.C.1.ab. Policy 7542 - Access to District Technology Resources From Personally-Owned Communication Devices
Subject: | Policy 7550 - Inter-Library Loans
Subject: |
VII.C.2. 8000 Series - Operations
Subject: |
VII.C.2.a. Policy 8120 - Volunteers
Subject: |
VII.C.2.b. Policy 8141 - Required Reporting of Staff Conduct
Subject: |
VII.C.2.c. Policy 8145 - Annual Reports
Subject: |
VII.C.2.d. Policy 8146 - Notification of Educational Options
Subject: |
VII.C.2.e. Policy 8210 - School Calendar
Subject: |
VII.C.2.f. Policy 8220 - School Day
Subject: |
VII.C.2.g. Policy 8309 - Open Meetings for Non-Board Committees
Subject: |
VII.C.2.h. Policy 8310 - Public Records
Subject: |
VII.C.2.i. Policy 8315 - Information Management
Subject: |
VII.C.2.j. Policy 8320 - Personnel Records
Subject: |
VII.C.2.k. Policy 8320.01 - Unauthorized Acquisition of Staff Personal Information
Subject: |
VII.C.2.l. Policy 8325 - Receipt of Legal Documents By District Employees
Subject: |
VII.C.2.m. Policy 8330 - Student Records
Subject: |
VII.C.2.n. Policy 8330.01 - Unauthorized Acquisition of Student Personal Information
Subject: |
VII.C.2.o. Policy 8340 - Providing a Reference
Subject: |
VII.C.2.p. Policy 8350 - Confidentiality
Subject: |
VII.C.2.q. Policy 8390 - Animals on District Property
Subject: |
VII.C.2.r. Policy 8405 - Environmental Health and Safety Program
Subject: |
VII.C.2.s. Policy 8410 - School Safety and Crisis Intervention
Subject: |
VII.C.2.t. Policy 8420 - Emergency Preparedness
Subject: |
VII.C.2.u. Policy 8431 - Preparedness for Toxic Hazards
Subject: |
VII.C.2.v. Policy 8431.01 - Asbestos Management
Subject: |
VII.C.2.w. Policy 8442 - Reporting Accidents
Subject: |
VII.C.2.x. Policy 8450 - Control of Casual-Contact Commicable Diseases
Subject: |
VII.C.2.y. Policy 8451 - Pediculosis (Head Lice)
Subject: |
VII.C.2.z. Policy 8452 - Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Subject: |
VII.C.2.aa. Policy 8453 - Direct Contact Communicable Diseases
Subject: |
VII.C.2.ab. Policy 8453.01 - Control of Blood-Borne Pathogens
Subject: | Policy 8462 - Student Abuse and Neglect
Subject: | Policy 8463 - Students Without Parents
Subject: | Policy 8500 - Food Services
Subject: | Policy 8510 - Wellness
Subject: | Policy 8531 - Free and Reduced-Priced Meals
Subject: |
VII.C.2.ah. Policy 8540 - Vending Machines
Subject: | Policy 8550 - Competitive Food Sales
Subject: |
VII.C.2.aj. Policy 8600 - Transportation
Subject: |
VII.C.2.ak. Policy 8605 - Use of Electronic Wireless Communication Devices By District Employees Who Operate Board-Owned or Operated Vehicles
Subject: | Policy 8640 - Transportation for Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips
Subject: | Policy 8660 - Transportation by Private Vehicle
Subject: | Policy 8680 - Bus Services Contracts
Subject: | Policy 8710 - Insurance
Subject: |
VII.C.2.ap. Policy 8800 - Religious and Patriotic Ceremonies and Observances
Subject: | Policy 8900 - Fraud
Subject: |
VII.C.3. 9000 Series - Relations
Subject: |
VII.C.3.a. Policy 9120 - Public Information Program
Subject: |
VII.C.3.b. Policy 9130 - Public Requests, Suggestions, Or Complaints
Subject: |
VII.C.3.c. Policy 9140 - Citizens' Advisory Committees
Subject: |
VII.C.3.d. Policy 9150 - School Visitors
Subject: |
VII.C.3.e. Policy 9151 - Use Of Cameras and Other Recording Devices In Locker Rooms
Subject: |
VII.C.3.f. Policy 9160 - Public Attendance at School Events
Subject: |
VII.C.3.g. Policy 9190 - Charges For Career and Technical Education Projects
Subject: |
VII.C.3.h. Policy 9210 - Parent Organizations
Subject: |
VII.C.3.i. Policy 9211 - District-Support Organizations
Subject: |
VII.C.3.j. Policy 9211.01 - Operations of District-Support Organizations
Subject: |
VII.C.3.k. Policy 9250 - Relations with Parents
Subject: |
VII.C.3.l. Policy 9270 - Home-Based, Private, Or Tribal Schooling
Subject: |
VII.C.3.m. Policy 9500 - Relations with Educational Institutions and Organizations
Subject: |
VII.C.3.n. Policy 9555 - Partnerships with Businesses
Subject: |
VII.C.3.o. Policy 9600 - Staff/Student Participation in Community Events
Subject: |
VII.C.3.p. Policy 9700 - Relations With Non-School Affiliated Groups
Subject: |
VII.C.3.q. Policy 9700.01 - Advertising and Commercial Activities
Subject: |
VII.C.3.r. Policy 9800 - High School Diplomas To Veterans
Subject: |
VII.C.3.s. Policy 9800.01 - Veterans As Classroom Volunteers
Subject: |
VII.D. Approve New Mauston Policies - Second Reading to Become Effective August 1, 2018
Subject: |
VII.D.1. 1000 Series - Administration
Subject: |
VII.D.1.a. Policy 1100 - District Organization
Subject: |
VII.D.1.b. Policy 1110 - Assessment of District Goals
Subject: |
VII.D.1.c. Policy 1130 - Conflict of Interest
Subject: |
VII.D.1.d. Policy 1210 - Board-Superintendent Relationship
Subject: |
VII.D.1.e. Policy 1213 - Student Supervision and Welfare
Subject: |
VII.D.1.f. Policy 1220 - Employment of the Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.D.1.g. Policy 1230.01 - Development of Administrative Guidelines
Subject: |
VII.D.1.h. Policy 1240 - Evaluation of the Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.D.1.i. Policy 1241 - Non-Reemployment of the Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.D.1.j. Policy 1260 - Incapacity of the Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.D.1.k. Policy 1260.01 - Temporary Administrative Arrangements in Absence of Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.D.1.l. Policy 1400- Superintendent Job Description
Subject: |
VII.D.1.m. Policy 1422 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
Subject: |
VII.D.1.n. Policy 1422.02 - Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee
Subject: |
VII.D.1.o. Policy 1460 - Physical Examination
Subject: |
VII.D.1.p. Policy 1461 - Unrequested Leaves of Absence/Fitness for Duty
Subject: |
VII.D.1.q. Policy 1619 - Group Health Plans
Subject: |
VII.D.1.r. Policy 1619.01 - Privacy Protections of Self-Funded Group Health Plans
Subject: |
VII.D.1.s. Policy 1619.02 - Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plans
Subject: |
VII.D.1.t. Policy 1619.03 - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Subject: |
VII.D.1.u. Policy 1623 - Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment
Subject: |
VII.D.1.v. Policy 1630.01 - Family & Medical Leave of Absence (FMLA)
Subject: |
VII.D.1.w. Policy 1662 - Employee Anti-Harassment
Subject: |
VII.D.2. 6000 Series - Finance
Subject: |
VII.D.2.a. Policy 6100 - Depository of Funds
Subject: |
VII.D.2.b. Policy 6100.01 - Authorized Signatures
Subject: |
VII.D.2.c. Policy 6100.02 - Check Signing
Subject: |
VII.D.2.d. Policy 6108 - Authorization to Make Electronic Fund Transfers
Subject: |
VII.D.2.e. Policy 6110 - Federal Funds
Subject: |
VII.D.2.f. Policy 6111 - Internal Controls
Subject: |
VII.D.2.g. Policy 6112 - Cash Management of Grants
Subject: |
VII.D.2.h. Policy 6114 - Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds
Subject: |
VII.D.2.i. Policy 6116 - Time and Effort Reporting
Subject: |
VII.D.2.j. Policy 6144 - Investment Income
Subject: |
VII.D.2.k. Policy 6145 - Borrowing
Subject: |
VII.D.2.l. Policy 6146 - Post Issuance Tax Exempt Bond Compliance
Subject: |
VII.D.2.m. Policy 6150 - Tuition Income
Subject: |
VII.D.2.n. Policy 6151 - Bad Checks
Subject: |
VII.D.2.o. Policy 6152 - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
Subject: |
VII.D.2.p. Policy 6210 - Fiscal Planning
Subject: |
VII.D.2.q. Policy 6220 - Budget Preparation
Subject: |
VII.D.2.r. Policy 6230 - Budget Hearing
Subject: |
VII.D.2.s. Policy 6231 - Budget Implementation
Subject: |
VII.D.2.t. Policy 6235 - General Fund Balance
Subject: |
VII.D.2.u. Policy 6320 - Purchasing
Subject: |
VII.D.2.v. Policy 6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
Subject: |
VII.D.2.w. Policy 6330 - Leasing School Property
Subject: |
VII.D.2.x. Policy 6423 - Use of Credit Cards
Subject: |
VII.D.2.y. Policy 6424 - Purchasing Cards
Subject: |
VII.D.2.z. Policy 6440 - Cooperative Purchasing
Subject: |
VII.D.2.aa. Policy 6450 - Local Purchasing
Subject: |
VII.D.2.ab. Policy 6451 - Bidding Requirements
Subject: | Policy 6452 - Capitalization and Depreciation
Subject: | Policy 6460 - Vendor Relations
Subject: | Policy 6470 - Payment of Claims
Subject: | Policy 6510 - Payroll Authorization
Subject: | Policy 6520 - Payroll Deductions
Subject: |
VII.D.2.ah. Policy 6605 - Crowdfunding
Subject: | Policy 6610 - Student Activity Fund
Subject: |
VII.D.2.aj. Policy 6611 - Gate Receipts and Admissions
Subject: |
VII.D.2.ak. Policy 6612 - Revenues from School Shops
Subject: | Policy 6613 - Revenues from School-Owned Real Estate
Subject: | Policy 6620 - Petty Cash
Subject: | Policy 6622 - Cash In School Buildings
Subject: | Policy 6670 - Trust and Agency Funds
Subject: |
VII.D.2.ap. Policy 6680 - Recognition
Subject: | Policy 6700 - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Subject: | Policy 6800 - System of Accounting
Subject: | Policy 6830 - Audit
Subject: |
VII.D.3. 3000 Series - Professional Staff
Subject: |
VII.D.3.a. Policy 3440.01 - Reimbursement Schedule
Subject: |
VII.D.4. 4000 Series - Support Staff
Subject: |
VII.D.4.a. Policy 4440.01 - Reimbursement Schedule
Subject: |
VII.E. Review and Approval of the JEVCO Transportation Contract for the 2018-2019 School Year
Subject: |
VII.F. Discussion and Approval of 10-Year Capital Improvements Plan
Subject: |
VII.G. Discussion and Approval of Resolution for Long Term Capital Improvement Trust Fund (Fund 46)
Subject: |
VII.H. Discussion on Department of Justice Safety Grant
Subject: |
VIII. Adjourn