Meeting Agenda
I. Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes from September 9, 2015
II. Discussion Regarding Replacement of Bleachers (with Steve Barritt of Miller & Associates)
III. Update on Planning for Campus Fields Advisory Team
IV. Update on Purchase of Campus No Smoking/Tobacco Signs
V. Updates on Referendum Projects and OMS HVAC Project (Specifications and Bids):
V.A. Grayside Elementary Roof
V.B. West Side Elementary Roof
V.C. OMS HVAC Replacement
VI. Update on Timeline for Installation of Security Cameras at Lyndon Station and West Side Elementary
VII. Discuss Construction Manager Position and Develop Recommendation to the Board of Education
VIII. Discuss Advertisement and Sale of Unused School District Property:
VIII.A. Floor Tiles from MHS Strength Center
VIII.B. Cooler from Grayside Food Service
IX. Update on Grayside Playground Painting
X. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 23, 2015 at 8:00 AM - Property & Transportation Committee | |
Subject: |
I. Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes from September 9, 2015
Subject: |
II. Discussion Regarding Replacement of Bleachers (with Steve Barritt of Miller & Associates)
Subject: |
III. Update on Planning for Campus Fields Advisory Team
Subject: |
IV. Update on Purchase of Campus No Smoking/Tobacco Signs
Subject: |
V. Updates on Referendum Projects and OMS HVAC Project (Specifications and Bids):
Subject: |
V.A. Grayside Elementary Roof
Subject: |
V.B. West Side Elementary Roof
Subject: |
V.C. OMS HVAC Replacement
Subject: |
VI. Update on Timeline for Installation of Security Cameras at Lyndon Station and West Side Elementary
Subject: |
VII. Discuss Construction Manager Position and Develop Recommendation to the Board of Education
Subject: |
VIII. Discuss Advertisement and Sale of Unused School District Property:
Subject: |
VIII.A. Floor Tiles from MHS Strength Center
Subject: |
VIII.B. Cooler from Grayside Food Service
Subject: |
IX. Update on Grayside Playground Painting
Subject: |
X. Adjourn