Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order: Board President Carrie Buss
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Comments
V. Reports
V.A. Student Reports
V.B. Board Committee Reports
V.B.1. Finance Committee (4/20/2015) - Brian Fox
V.B.2. Policy & Personnel Comittee (4/20/2015) - Betty Kryka
V.B.3. Negotiations Committee (4/14/2015) - Carrie Buss
V.B.4. Property & Transportation Committee (3/24/2015) - Pam Holmes
V.C. Staff Report: "Vertical Teams" - Lynda Oleinik and Staff
V.D. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Christine M. Weymouth
V.D.1. Schedule May Special Board Meeting
V.D.2. "Thank You" to Mauston Citizens
V.D.3. Discussion on Referendum Financing Options
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Board Minutes:
VI.A.1. Monday, March 16, 2015 - Regular School Board Meeting
VI.B. Approve Student Activity Accounts
VI.C. Approve Payment of Monthly Vouchers
VII. Pending Action:
VII.A. Administer Oath of Office to Board Members Elected on April 7, 2015
VII.B. Approval of Resignations/Retirements - Policy & Personnel Committee
VII.C. Approval of Employment Contract(s) - Policy & Personnel Committee
VII.D. Review and Approval of Gifts and Donations - Finance Committee
VII.E. First Reading of Proposed Board Policy 462 - Wisconsin Technical Excellence Scholarship - Policy & Personnel Committee
VII.F. First Reading of Proposed Revisions to Board Policy 681.1 - Capitalization and Depreciation - Policy & Personnel Committee
VII.G. Review and Possible Action Regarding Base Wage Salary Increase for Mauston Support Staff - Negotiations Committee
VII.H. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding an Application for QZAB (Qualified Zone Academy Bonds) - Finance Committee
VII.I. Review and Possible Approval of Proposed Agreement with Bray Architects for Replacement of the Olson Middle School HVAC System - Property & Transportation Committee
VII.J. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Approving CESA 5 Purchase of Property per WI Stat. 116.055
VII.K. Discussion Regarding Appointment of Board Delegate to the 2015 CESA 5 Convention
VII.L. Discussion Regarding Montessori Classroom for 2015-2016
VII.M. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Board Resolution for Presentation to the Governor and Wisconsin State Legislature
VII.N. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding 2015-2016 Budget Reductions
VII.O. Discussion Regarding Referendum Results and Prioritizing Projects
VIII. Adjourn to Executive (Closed) Session in compliance with WI Statute (19.85)(1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility;" [Consideration of Possible Non-Renewal of Individual Teacher Contracts; Review and Consideration of Administrative Contracts].
IX. Reconvene in open session, if necessary, to consider or take action on matters that were the subject of closed session.
X. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | April 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order: Board President Carrie Buss
Subject: |
II. Roll Call of Members
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
IV. Public Comments
Subject: |
V. Reports
Subject: |
V.A. Student Reports
Subject: |
V.B. Board Committee Reports
Subject: |
V.B.1. Finance Committee (4/20/2015) - Brian Fox
Subject: |
V.B.2. Policy & Personnel Comittee (4/20/2015) - Betty Kryka
Subject: |
V.B.3. Negotiations Committee (4/14/2015) - Carrie Buss
Subject: |
V.B.4. Property & Transportation Committee (3/24/2015) - Pam Holmes
Subject: |
V.C. Staff Report: "Vertical Teams" - Lynda Oleinik and Staff
Subject: |
V.D. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Christine M. Weymouth
Subject: |
V.D.1. Schedule May Special Board Meeting
Subject: |
V.D.2. "Thank You" to Mauston Citizens
Subject: |
V.D.3. Discussion on Referendum Financing Options
Subject: |
VI. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
VI.A. Approval of Board Minutes:
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Monday, March 16, 2015 - Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
VI.B. Approve Student Activity Accounts
Subject: |
VI.C. Approve Payment of Monthly Vouchers
Subject: |
VII. Pending Action:
Subject: |
VII.A. Administer Oath of Office to Board Members Elected on April 7, 2015
Subject: |
VII.B. Approval of Resignations/Retirements - Policy & Personnel Committee
Subject: |
VII.C. Approval of Employment Contract(s) - Policy & Personnel Committee
Subject: |
VII.D. Review and Approval of Gifts and Donations - Finance Committee
Subject: |
VII.E. First Reading of Proposed Board Policy 462 - Wisconsin Technical Excellence Scholarship - Policy & Personnel Committee
Subject: |
VII.F. First Reading of Proposed Revisions to Board Policy 681.1 - Capitalization and Depreciation - Policy & Personnel Committee
Subject: |
VII.G. Review and Possible Action Regarding Base Wage Salary Increase for Mauston Support Staff - Negotiations Committee
Subject: |
VII.H. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding an Application for QZAB (Qualified Zone Academy Bonds) - Finance Committee
Subject: |
VII.I. Review and Possible Approval of Proposed Agreement with Bray Architects for Replacement of the Olson Middle School HVAC System - Property & Transportation Committee
Subject: |
VII.J. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Approving CESA 5 Purchase of Property per WI Stat. 116.055
Subject: |
VII.K. Discussion Regarding Appointment of Board Delegate to the 2015 CESA 5 Convention
Subject: |
VII.L. Discussion Regarding Montessori Classroom for 2015-2016
Subject: |
VII.M. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Board Resolution for Presentation to the Governor and Wisconsin State Legislature
Subject: |
VII.N. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding 2015-2016 Budget Reductions
Subject: |
VII.O. Discussion Regarding Referendum Results and Prioritizing Projects
Subject: |
VIII. Adjourn to Executive (Closed) Session in compliance with WI Statute (19.85)(1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility;" [Consideration of Possible Non-Renewal of Individual Teacher Contracts; Review and Consideration of Administrative Contracts].
Subject: |
IX. Reconvene in open session, if necessary, to consider or take action on matters that were the subject of closed session.
Subject: |
X. Adjourn