Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Recognition of Girls Golf Team, 2018 State Champion
V. Board President's Report
VI. Superintendent's Report
VII. Admin Reports
VIII. Athletic Improvement Project Update
IX. Committee Reports
IX.A. Finance
IX.B. Communications
IX.C. Facilities
X. General Announcements
XI. Public Input
XII. Consent Agenda Items
XII.A. Approval of Invoices
XII.A.1. General Fund - $551,740.43
XII.A.2. Community Schools - $9,120.71
XII.A.3. Food Service Fund - $316.29
XII.A.4. Building & Site Fund - $2,860.00
XII.A.5. Technology Fund - $44,290.40
XII.A.6. Fiber Build Fund - $360.00
XII.A.7. Athletic Improvement Project Fund - $520,713.41
XII.B. Approval of Minutes
XII.B.1. Regular Meeting - October 8, 2018
XIII. Recommended for Action - Old Business
XIV. Recommended for Action - New Business
XIV.A. Approval to Award Bid for Music Whisper Room
XIV.B. Approval of Middle School Ram and HS Boys Freshman Basketball Teams
XIV.C. Letter of Understanding HSESP - Crossing Guard
XV. Information & Proposals
XV.A. Floodplain - FEMA Flood Diversion Project
XV.B. Facility Assessment Proposals
XVI. Public Input
XVII. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 12, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
III. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Recognition of Girls Golf Team, 2018 State Champion
Subject: |
V. Board President's Report
Subject: |
VI. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
VII. Admin Reports
Subject: |
VIII. Athletic Improvement Project Update
Subject: |
IX. Committee Reports
Subject: |
IX.A. Finance
Subject: |
IX.B. Communications
Subject: |
IX.C. Facilities
Subject: |
X. General Announcements
Subject: |
XI. Public Input
Subject: |
XII. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
XII.A. Approval of Invoices
Subject: |
XII.A.1. General Fund - $551,740.43
Subject: |
XII.A.2. Community Schools - $9,120.71
Subject: |
XII.A.3. Food Service Fund - $316.29
Subject: |
XII.A.4. Building & Site Fund - $2,860.00
Subject: |
XII.A.5. Technology Fund - $44,290.40
Subject: |
XII.A.6. Fiber Build Fund - $360.00
Subject: |
XII.A.7. Athletic Improvement Project Fund - $520,713.41
Subject: |
XII.B. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
XII.B.1. Regular Meeting - October 8, 2018
Subject: |
XIII. Recommended for Action - Old Business
Subject: |
XIV. Recommended for Action - New Business
Subject: |
XIV.A. Approval to Award Bid for Music Whisper Room
Subject: |
XIV.B. Approval of Middle School Ram and HS Boys Freshman Basketball Teams
Subject: |
XIV.C. Letter of Understanding HSESP - Crossing Guard
Subject: |
XV. Information & Proposals
Subject: |
XV.A. Floodplain - FEMA Flood Diversion Project
Subject: |
XV.B. Facility Assessment Proposals
Subject: |
XVI. Public Input
Subject: |
XVII. Adjournment