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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation by Pastor Bill Haken, Capital Bible Church
4. Public Hearing 6 p.m.
4.A. Ordinance 2025-03, amending Zoning Ordinance 2023-07.
4.B. Ordinance 2025-02 Adoption of the West Hanover Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO).
5. Approval of Minutes
5.A. Approval of January 6th Reorganization Meeting Minutes
5.B. Approval of January 16th Meeting Minutes
6. WHT Fire Company In-Person Report
7. Correspondence: None
8. First Public Comment 
9. Presentations, Staff & Board Reports
9.A. January Zoning Report
9.B. January Engineer's Report
9.C. January WHT Fire Chief's Report
9.D. January Parks & Recreation Meeting Minutes
9.E. January Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) Mtg. Minutes
9.F. December South Central Emergency Services Chief's Report
9.G. January South Central Emergency Services Chief's Report
9.H. Property Maintenance Log for January 16 through February 11
10. Treasurer's Report
10.A. January Monthly Deposits were in the amount of $14,417.55
10.B. Expenditures
10.B.(1) Payroll for January 24 Net: $48,629.12 - Gross: $68,734.03
10.B.(2) Payroll for February 7 Net: $41,557.78 - Gross: $57,824.09
10.B.(3) January vouchers pre-paid via paper check, ACH transfers & Vendor Sites were in the amount of $966,588.25.
11. Old Business
11.A. Administration recommends approval of Ordinance 2025-01, Establishing an All-Way Stop Intersection at Sarhelm Road and Jonestown Road, as reviewed by HRG.
12. Zoning & Planning
12.A. Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 2025-03, amending Zoning Ordinance 2023-07.
12.B. Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 2025-02, Adoption of the West Hanover Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO).
12.C. Consideration of and possible action for Conditional Use Application for 80 Hershey Road, Lattuca.
12.D. Staff recommends approval of the Final Subdivision Plan, 24.006 Mayberry Phase 3 & 4 with no waivers.
12.E. Staff recommends approval of Financial Security Adjustment #1 for Avid Hotels, in the amount of $465,164.00, leaving a balance of $156,636.00 as reviewed by HRG.
12.F. Staff recommends approval of the final Financial Security Adjustment (#6), Winslett Phase #6 in the amount of $1,100.00 leaving a zero balance as reviewed by HRG.
13. New Business
13.A. Administration recommends approval for HRG to advertise West Hanover Township's 2025 paving projects on PennBid.
13.B. Administration recommends approval of either a new transfer case installed ($19,419.00) or the old one rebuilt ($19,712.00) for Engine 36-1 and to be paid from the Fire Tax Capital Reserve. 
13.C. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #002, eci Construction, returned Wire Mesh Partition for a credit of $8,498.00.
13.D. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #002, Shannon A. Smith, to furnish materials and labor to change the electrical service from 2x 6" to 5x 4" per PPL's design to change to overhead transformers at the new Public Works Building in the amount of $12,161.37.
13.E. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #004, Shannon A. Smith, to furnish materials and labor to change the electrical service from 2x6" to 4x4" per PPL's design to change to overhead transformers at the new Administration Building in the amount of $8,622.84.
13.F. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #006, eci Construction, to provide labor and materials to extend the concrete pad and roof in the amount of $58,318.00.
13.G. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #007, eci Construction, to provide and install wood posts and install revised jamb detail to accommodate and conceal wood post in the amount of $2,595.00.
13.H. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #008, eci Construction, for a credit for mold inhibitive primer in the amount of $16,993.00.
13.I. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #009, eci Construction, for a credit to not install purloins/sleepers between SIP panels and metal roof system in the amount of $30,224.00.
13.J. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #010, eci Construction to provide labor, materials and equipment to revise fencing as detailed in response to RFI 16 in the amount of $6,721.00.
13.K. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #011, eci Construction, to provide changes to wash bay 129 and 130 in the amount of $14,130.00.
13.L. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #001, Rodney B. Smith, to add water piping and conduit piping including all plumbing labor and materials in the amount of $27,111.00.
13.M. Administration recommends approval of Pamela & Jeffry Deibler's request for septic pumping extension at 7857 Moyer Road, 1.09 acres. The new pumping deadline would be August 9, 2027.
14. Second Public Comment    
15. Parks & Recreation Upcoming Events
2/20 – Senior Luncheon – Lasagna, side salad, garlic bread   Dessert: Jell-O w/ whipped    topping
3/06 – Pot Pie Drive Thru 12 – 5 pm
3/12 – Blood Drive 12:30 – 5:30

16. Supervisor Comments
17. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting

West Hanover Township Board of Supervisors

7171 Allentown Blvd. Harrisburg, PA 17112


Meeting: February 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board of Supervisors Meeting
1. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Roll Call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation by Pastor Bill Haken, Capital Bible Church
4. Public Hearing 6 p.m.
4.A. Ordinance 2025-03, amending Zoning Ordinance 2023-07.
4.B. Ordinance 2025-02 Adoption of the West Hanover Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO).
5. Approval of Minutes
5.A. Approval of January 6th Reorganization Meeting Minutes
5.B. Approval of January 16th Meeting Minutes
6. WHT Fire Company In-Person Report
7. Correspondence: None
8. First Public Comment 
9. Presentations, Staff & Board Reports
9.A. January Zoning Report
9.B. January Engineer's Report
9.C. January WHT Fire Chief's Report
9.D. January Parks & Recreation Meeting Minutes
9.E. January Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) Mtg. Minutes
9.F. December South Central Emergency Services Chief's Report
9.G. January South Central Emergency Services Chief's Report
9.H. Property Maintenance Log for January 16 through February 11
10. Treasurer's Report
10.A. January Monthly Deposits were in the amount of $14,417.55
10.B. Expenditures
10.B.(1) Payroll for January 24 Net: $48,629.12 - Gross: $68,734.03
Net $
Gross $
10.B.(2) Payroll for February 7 Net: $41,557.78 - Gross: $57,824.09
10.B.(3) January vouchers pre-paid via paper check, ACH transfers & Vendor Sites were in the amount of $966,588.25.
Admin, Parks, PW: $
Fire Tax: $
11. Old Business
11.A. Administration recommends approval of Ordinance 2025-01, Establishing an All-Way Stop Intersection at Sarhelm Road and Jonestown Road, as reviewed by HRG.
12. Zoning & Planning
12.A. Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 2025-03, amending Zoning Ordinance 2023-07.
12.B. Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 2025-02, Adoption of the West Hanover Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO).
12.C. Consideration of and possible action for Conditional Use Application for 80 Hershey Road, Lattuca.
12.D. Staff recommends approval of the Final Subdivision Plan, 24.006 Mayberry Phase 3 & 4 with no waivers.
12.E. Staff recommends approval of Financial Security Adjustment #1 for Avid Hotels, in the amount of $465,164.00, leaving a balance of $156,636.00 as reviewed by HRG.
12.F. Staff recommends approval of the final Financial Security Adjustment (#6), Winslett Phase #6 in the amount of $1,100.00 leaving a zero balance as reviewed by HRG.
13. New Business
13.A. Administration recommends approval for HRG to advertise West Hanover Township's 2025 paving projects on PennBid.
13.B. Administration recommends approval of either a new transfer case installed ($19,419.00) or the old one rebuilt ($19,712.00) for Engine 36-1 and to be paid from the Fire Tax Capital Reserve. 
13.C. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #002, eci Construction, returned Wire Mesh Partition for a credit of $8,498.00.
13.D. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #002, Shannon A. Smith, to furnish materials and labor to change the electrical service from 2x 6" to 5x 4" per PPL's design to change to overhead transformers at the new Public Works Building in the amount of $12,161.37.
13.E. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #004, Shannon A. Smith, to furnish materials and labor to change the electrical service from 2x6" to 4x4" per PPL's design to change to overhead transformers at the new Administration Building in the amount of $8,622.84.
13.F. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #006, eci Construction, to provide labor and materials to extend the concrete pad and roof in the amount of $58,318.00.
13.G. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #007, eci Construction, to provide and install wood posts and install revised jamb detail to accommodate and conceal wood post in the amount of $2,595.00.
13.H. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #008, eci Construction, for a credit for mold inhibitive primer in the amount of $16,993.00.
13.I. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #009, eci Construction, for a credit to not install purloins/sleepers between SIP panels and metal roof system in the amount of $30,224.00.
13.J. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #010, eci Construction to provide labor, materials and equipment to revise fencing as detailed in response to RFI 16 in the amount of $6,721.00.
13.K. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #011, eci Construction, to provide changes to wash bay 129 and 130 in the amount of $14,130.00.
13.L. Administration recommends approval of Change Order #001, Rodney B. Smith, to add water piping and conduit piping including all plumbing labor and materials in the amount of $27,111.00.
13.M. Administration recommends approval of Pamela & Jeffry Deibler's request for septic pumping extension at 7857 Moyer Road, 1.09 acres. The new pumping deadline would be August 9, 2027.
14. Second Public Comment    
Please limit comments to 3-5 minutes.
15. Parks & Recreation Upcoming Events
2/20 – Senior Luncheon – Lasagna, side salad, garlic bread   Dessert: Jell-O w/ whipped    topping
3/06 – Pot Pie Drive Thru 12 – 5 pm
3/12 – Blood Drive 12:30 – 5:30

16. Supervisor Comments
17. Adjournment
Board of Supervisors Meeting   3/31/2021

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