Meeting Agenda
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Members Absent
I.D. Others Present
I.E. Pledge of Allegiance
III.A. Board of Education Members
III.B. Administration
V.A. Lakeview Middle School Roofing Bid Recommendation
Presenter: Bruce Zache |
V.B. Cyber Security Tools and Training Recommendation
Presenter: Fred Harris |
V.C. 2023-24 Superintendent Goals/Amended Superintendent Contract
Presenter: William Patterson, Ph.D. |
V.D. Public Input Report
Presenter: William Patterson, Ph.D. |
V.E. Retirements/Resignations/Leaves of Absence
Presenter: William Patterson, Ph.D. |
VI.A. Legislative Committee Member Replacement Appointment
VI.B. Annual Appointments
VI.B.1. Lakeview Schools Educational Foundation (LSEF) - Representative
VI.B.2. Calhoun Area School Board Members Association (CASBMA) - Representative & Alternate
VI.B.3. Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) - Representative & Alternate
VI.C. First Read - Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations Update
VII.A. Approves June 2023 Expenditures by Fund
VII.B. Approves June 2023 Financials
VII.C. Approves June 2023 Food Service Report
VII.D. Approves June 2023 Bills and Accounts
VII.E. Approves Minutes of the June 2023 Regular Meeting
VII.F. Approves Hiring the following Professional Staff:
VII.G. Approves Payment of $400 to those Teachers who Receive a Rating of Effective or Highly Effective on their 2023-24 Performance Evaluation Consistent with Section 380.1250 of the Revised School Code and Lakeview School District Administrative Guideline 3300A
VII.H. Approves Applied Innovation Lease
VII.I. Approves Letter of Agreement for Permitted Teachers between the Lakeview School District and the Lakeview Education Association (LEA)
VII.J. Approves Letter of Agreement for Enrollment in the Tri-Share Program for the Sharing of Childcare Costs between the Lakeview School District and the Lakeview Education Association (LEA)
VII.K. Approves Letter of Agreement for Enrollment in the Tri-Share Program for the Sharing of Childcare Costs between the Lakeview School District and the Lakeview Secretarial Association (LSA)
VII.L. Approves the Lakeview Education Association (LEA) Maintenance Contract
VII.M. Approves the Lakeview Secretarial Association (LSA) Maintenance Contract
VII.N. Approves Cooperative Food Service Agreement between the Pennfield Schools and the Lakeview School District
VII.O. Approves 2023-24 School-Based Community Nursing Agreement
VII.P. Approves Police Officer Liaison Agreement between the City of Battle Creek and the Lakeview School District
VII.Q. Approves Calhoun Intermediate School District (CISD) Student Data Consortium Agreement
VII.R. Approves Participation in the MASB Legal Trust Fund for the 2023-24 School Year
VII.S. Approves Resolution Appointing the Superintendent of Schools as the District Hearing Officer
VII.T. Approves Electronic Transactions of Funds and Automated Clearinghouse Arrangements with Vendors for Transactions Deemed to be in the District's Best Interest.
VII.U. Approves Calendar of the Lakeview School District's Board of Education Meetings for the 2023-24 school year
VII.V. Accepts the following Donation:
VII.W. Authorizes Use of Funds for Board Member Attendance at CASBMA Meetings, CBA Level Courses, Legislative Conferences, and Other Miscellaneous Conferences During the 2023-24 School Year
VII.X. Authorizes Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, or Business Manager to act on behalf of the Board Treasurer to Invest Available District Funds, not those Investment Instruments Permitted by the Public Acts of Michigan
VII.Y. Authorizes Assistant Superintendent of Finance and/or Designee to be the Signatory for the Direct Transfer of Funds from One Account to Another for the Purpose of Investing, Payroll, and Accounts Payable
VII.Z. Authorizes Use of a Facsimile Signature by the Board Treasurer or Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, or Board Secretary for Disbursements.
VII.AA. Authorizes Participation in the Following Investment Alternatives (Cash Management Funds):
VII.AB. Designates the 2023-24 Financial Institutions as Depositories:
VII.AC. Designates the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent as the Recording Secretary for the Board of Education
VII.AD. Designates the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent as the Person Responsible for Posting Public Notices of all Board Meetings
VII.AE. Designates the Director of Communications or designee as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Responder
VII.AF. Designates the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or Designee as the District Title IX Coordinator
VII.AG. Designates as Attorneys the Following Legal Firms for the 2023-2024 School Year:
VIII.A. Approves the Lakeview Middle School Roofing Bid Recommendation with Hoekstra Roofing Company for an Amount not Exceeding $1,426,251 to be Paid with Bond Funds.
VIII.B. Approves the Cyber Security Software Purchase with KnowBe4 for an Amount not Exceeding $58,752 to be Paid for with Technology Funds
VIII.C. Approves the School Bond Qualification and Loan Program Annual Loan Repayment Activity Application/Resolution
VIII.D. Approves the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Invoice
VIII.E. Approves the 2023-24 Superintendent Goals and Amended Superintendent Contract
IX. ITEMS FOR NEXT SPECIAL BOARD MEETING - August 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
IX.A. Board Self-Assessment Data Result Workshop
IX.B. Handbook/Code of Conduct Approval
X. ITEMS FOR NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING - August 28, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
X.A. Second Read and Approval of Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations Update
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
I.A. Call to Order
Subject: |
I.B. Roll Call
Eric Greene, President
Aisha Coulson-Walters, Vice President Melissa Metzger, Treasurer Leah Ortiz, Secretary Dr. Michael Glass, Trustee Sara Johnson, Trustee Kathleen Moore, Trustee |
Subject: |
I.C. Members Absent
Subject: |
I.D. Others Present
Subject: |
I.E. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
Any revisions to the agenda must be approved before proceeding.
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education approves the agenda as printed. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
III.A. Board of Education Members
Subject: |
III.B. Administration
Subject: |
A member of the public may address the Board briefly (up to three minutes) or may request to be scheduled on the agenda of a future meeting.
Subject: |
Subject: |
V.A. Lakeview Middle School Roofing Bid Recommendation
Presenter: Bruce Zache |
Subject: |
V.B. Cyber Security Tools and Training Recommendation
Presenter: Fred Harris |
Subject: |
V.C. 2023-24 Superintendent Goals/Amended Superintendent Contract
Presenter: William Patterson, Ph.D. |
Subject: |
V.D. Public Input Report
Presenter: William Patterson, Ph.D. |
Subject: |
V.E. Retirements/Resignations/Leaves of Absence
Presenter: William Patterson, Ph.D. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI.A. Legislative Committee Member Replacement Appointment
Subject: |
VI.B. Annual Appointments
Subject: |
VI.B.1. Lakeview Schools Educational Foundation (LSEF) - Representative
Subject: |
VI.B.2. Calhoun Area School Board Members Association (CASBMA) - Representative & Alternate
Subject: |
VI.B.3. Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) - Representative & Alternate
Subject: |
VI.C. First Read - Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations Update
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.A. Approves June 2023 Expenditures by Fund
Subject: |
VII.B. Approves June 2023 Financials
Subject: |
VII.C. Approves June 2023 Food Service Report
Subject: |
VII.D. Approves June 2023 Bills and Accounts
Subject: |
VII.E. Approves Minutes of the June 2023 Regular Meeting
Subject: |
VII.F. Approves Hiring the following Professional Staff:
Subject: |
VII.G. Approves Payment of $400 to those Teachers who Receive a Rating of Effective or Highly Effective on their 2023-24 Performance Evaluation Consistent with Section 380.1250 of the Revised School Code and Lakeview School District Administrative Guideline 3300A
Subject: |
VII.H. Approves Applied Innovation Lease
Subject: |
VII.I. Approves Letter of Agreement for Permitted Teachers between the Lakeview School District and the Lakeview Education Association (LEA)
Subject: |
VII.J. Approves Letter of Agreement for Enrollment in the Tri-Share Program for the Sharing of Childcare Costs between the Lakeview School District and the Lakeview Education Association (LEA)
Subject: |
VII.K. Approves Letter of Agreement for Enrollment in the Tri-Share Program for the Sharing of Childcare Costs between the Lakeview School District and the Lakeview Secretarial Association (LSA)
Subject: |
VII.L. Approves the Lakeview Education Association (LEA) Maintenance Contract
Subject: |
VII.M. Approves the Lakeview Secretarial Association (LSA) Maintenance Contract
Subject: |
VII.N. Approves Cooperative Food Service Agreement between the Pennfield Schools and the Lakeview School District
Subject: |
VII.O. Approves 2023-24 School-Based Community Nursing Agreement
Subject: |
VII.P. Approves Police Officer Liaison Agreement between the City of Battle Creek and the Lakeview School District
Subject: |
VII.Q. Approves Calhoun Intermediate School District (CISD) Student Data Consortium Agreement
Subject: |
VII.R. Approves Participation in the MASB Legal Trust Fund for the 2023-24 School Year
Subject: |
VII.S. Approves Resolution Appointing the Superintendent of Schools as the District Hearing Officer
Subject: |
VII.T. Approves Electronic Transactions of Funds and Automated Clearinghouse Arrangements with Vendors for Transactions Deemed to be in the District's Best Interest.
Subject: |
VII.U. Approves Calendar of the Lakeview School District's Board of Education Meetings for the 2023-24 school year
Subject: |
VII.V. Accepts the following Donation:
Subject: |
VII.W. Authorizes Use of Funds for Board Member Attendance at CASBMA Meetings, CBA Level Courses, Legislative Conferences, and Other Miscellaneous Conferences During the 2023-24 School Year
Subject: |
VII.X. Authorizes Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, or Business Manager to act on behalf of the Board Treasurer to Invest Available District Funds, not those Investment Instruments Permitted by the Public Acts of Michigan
Subject: |
VII.Y. Authorizes Assistant Superintendent of Finance and/or Designee to be the Signatory for the Direct Transfer of Funds from One Account to Another for the Purpose of Investing, Payroll, and Accounts Payable
Subject: |
VII.Z. Authorizes Use of a Facsimile Signature by the Board Treasurer or Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, or Board Secretary for Disbursements.
Subject: |
VII.AA. Authorizes Participation in the Following Investment Alternatives (Cash Management Funds):
Subject: |
VII.AB. Designates the 2023-24 Financial Institutions as Depositories:
Subject: |
VII.AC. Designates the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent as the Recording Secretary for the Board of Education
Subject: |
VII.AD. Designates the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent as the Person Responsible for Posting Public Notices of all Board Meetings
Subject: |
VII.AE. Designates the Director of Communications or designee as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Responder
Subject: |
VII.AF. Designates the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or Designee as the District Title IX Coordinator
Subject: |
VII.AG. Designates as Attorneys the Following Legal Firms for the 2023-2024 School Year:
Subject: |
Subject: |
VIII.A. Approves the Lakeview Middle School Roofing Bid Recommendation with Hoekstra Roofing Company for an Amount not Exceeding $1,426,251 to be Paid with Bond Funds.
Subject: |
VIII.B. Approves the Cyber Security Software Purchase with KnowBe4 for an Amount not Exceeding $58,752 to be Paid for with Technology Funds
Subject: |
VIII.C. Approves the School Bond Qualification and Loan Program Annual Loan Repayment Activity Application/Resolution
Subject: |
VIII.D. Approves the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Invoice
Subject: |
VIII.E. Approves the 2023-24 Superintendent Goals and Amended Superintendent Contract
Subject: |
IX. ITEMS FOR NEXT SPECIAL BOARD MEETING - August 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
IX.A. Board Self-Assessment Data Result Workshop
Subject: |
IX.B. Handbook/Code of Conduct Approval
Subject: |
X. ITEMS FOR NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING - August 28, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
Subject: |
X.A. Second Read and Approval of Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations Update
Subject: |