Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Open Forum
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Financials
6.A.1. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
6.A.2. Wire Transfer, EFT and ACH Banking Activity
6.A.3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
6.A.4. Monthly Wire Detail
6.A.5. Monthly Health/Dental Wire Detail
6.A.6. Monthly Check Detail
6.A.7. Monthly ACH Detail
6.B. Approval of School Board Minutes
6.C. Personnel Items
6.C.1. Candidates for Employment
6.C.2. Resignations | Terminations | Non-Renewals
6.C.3. District Retirement
6.C.4. Leaves of Absence
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
8. Laker Pride | Special Recognition | Laker Showcase
9. Personnel Items
9.A. Additional Staffing for 2021-22 (Licensed Staff)
9.B. Additional Staffing for 2021-22 (Licensed Staff)
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
11.A. Single Federal Audit Approval
11.B. PLSAS Legislative Platform
11.C. Public Engagement/Legislative Committee Discussion
11.D. Safe Learning Plan Update
12. Policy
12.A. Policy Review
12.A.1. Policy 722 - Public Data Requests
12.B. First Reading of Policies
12.B.1. Policy 404: Employment of All Staff
12.B.2. Policy 406: Public and Private Personnel Data
12.B.3. Policy 426: Substitute Teachers
12.B.4. Policy 427: Compensation Following Part-Year Employment
12.B.5. Policy 428: Employee Use of Social Media
12.B.6. Policy 707: Transportation of Students
12.B.7. Policy 708: Transportation of NonPublic School Students
12.B.8. Policy 709: Student Transportation Safety Policy
12.B.9. Policy 803: Security of Buildings and Grounds
12.B.10. Policy 804: Energy Efficiency
12.B.11. Policy 810: Health and Safety
12.C. Second Reading of Policies
12.D. Board Policy Approval
12.D.1. Policy 491: Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination or Testing and Face Coverings
13. Administrative Reports
13.A. Superintendent Report
13.B. Administrative Reports
13.C. Board Reports
14. Future Events
15. Closed Session
16. Adjourn Regular Meeting and Transition to Closed Meeting
17. Open Meeting and Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Roll Call
Subject: |
4. Open Forum
In accordance to board policy 203, a fifteen-minute time period is set aside to receive citizen input through this open forum segment on the board agenda. Sign up sheets available at least 10 minutes prior to meeting time at the door.
Subject: |
5. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
6. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed.
Subject: |
6.A. Financials
Subject: |
6.A.1. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
Subject: |
6.A.2. Wire Transfer, EFT and ACH Banking Activity
Subject: |
6.A.3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
Month: November 2021
Subject: |
6.A.4. Monthly Wire Detail
Subject: |
6.A.5. Monthly Health/Dental Wire Detail
Subject: |
6.A.6. Monthly Check Detail
Subject: |
6.A.7. Monthly ACH Detail
Subject: |
6.B. Approval of School Board Minutes
Minutes as follows:
* Study Session - December 13, 2021 * Regular Board Meeting - December 13, 2021 |
Subject: |
6.C. Personnel Items
Subject: |
6.C.1. Candidates for Employment
Subject: |
6.C.2. Resignations | Terminations | Non-Renewals
Resignations as follows:
* Cristina Abbott - Special Ed Para - HRE (effective December 21, 2022) * Lisa Bradley - Noon Supervisor - WW (effective December 17, 2021) * Madison Bradley - Noon Supervisor - WW (effective December 17, 2021) * Marianne Buck - Child Nutrition Asst. Manager - HOMS (effective December 17, 2021) * Kim Graupmann - EC Screener - EW (effective December 10, 2021) * Rachel Kruenegel - PLSEA Substitute Teacher - FH (effective December 22, 2021) * Jade Lawrence - Assistant Girls Track Coach - HS (effective immediately) * Whitney Lindberg - Child Nutrition Cashier - GD (effective January 7, 2022) * Jacob McCauley - Special Ed Para - HRE (effective December 22, 2021) * Janelle Yakymi - Lunchroom Supervisor - HOMS (effective December 15, 2021) |
Subject: |
6.C.3. District Retirement
District Retirement effective June 10, 2022 with gratitude for years of service:
* Lisa Kalina Wolff - 2nd Grade Teacher - RR (29 years of service) |
Subject: |
6.C.4. Leaves of Absence
Leaves of absence as follows:
* Sandy Bair - Child Nutrition Helper - TOMS (medical leave - December 9, 2021 - March 7, 2022) * Michael Borchardt - Lead Custodian - RR (FMLA leave - May 23 to July 5, 2022) * Jenna O'Brien - Health/PE Teacher - HS ( maternity leave - May 24 - September 6, 2022) |
Subject: |
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
Acceptance by roll call vote is requested.
Subject: |
8. Laker Pride | Special Recognition | Laker Showcase
Subject: |
9. Personnel Items
Subject: |
9.A. Additional Staffing for 2021-22 (Licensed Staff)
Board approval is requested.
Subject: |
9.B. Additional Staffing for 2021-22 (Licensed Staff)
Board approval is requested.
Subject: |
10. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
11. New Business
Subject: |
11.A. Single Federal Audit Approval
Board action is requested.
Subject: |
11.B. PLSAS Legislative Platform
The legislative platform will be presented by members of the Board Public Engagement and Legislative Committee. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
11.C. Public Engagement/Legislative Committee Discussion
This is a discussion item only. No board action is requested.
Subject: |
11.D. Safe Learning Plan Update
This is a report only. No board action is requested.
(Presentation available at meeting time) |
Subject: |
12. Policy
Subject: |
12.A. Policy Review
Subject: |
12.A.1. Policy 722 - Public Data Requests
This policy is an MSBA policy and the board will be requested to approve the policy.
Subject: |
12.B. First Reading of Policies
Subject: |
12.B.1. Policy 404: Employment of All Staff
Subject: |
12.B.2. Policy 406: Public and Private Personnel Data
Subject: |
12.B.3. Policy 426: Substitute Teachers
Subject: |
12.B.4. Policy 427: Compensation Following Part-Year Employment
Subject: |
12.B.5. Policy 428: Employee Use of Social Media
Subject: |
12.B.6. Policy 707: Transportation of Students
Subject: |
12.B.7. Policy 708: Transportation of NonPublic School Students
Subject: |
12.B.8. Policy 709: Student Transportation Safety Policy
Subject: |
12.B.9. Policy 803: Security of Buildings and Grounds
Subject: |
12.B.10. Policy 804: Energy Efficiency
Subject: |
12.B.11. Policy 810: Health and Safety
Subject: |
12.C. Second Reading of Policies
There are no policies for a second read.
Subject: |
12.D. Board Policy Approval
This policy falls within school board policy 208 parameters:
In the case of an emergency, a new or modified policy may be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the school board. A statement regarding the emergency and the need for immediate adoption of the policy shall be included in the minutes. The emergency policy shall expire within one year following the emergency action unless the policy adoption procedure stated above is followed and the policy is reaffirmed. The school board shall have discretion to determine what constitutes an emergency situation. |
Subject: |
12.D.1. Policy 491: Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination or Testing and Face Coverings
Subject: |
13. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
13.A. Superintendent Report
Subject: |
13.B. Administrative Reports
Subject: |
13.C. Board Reports
Subject: |
14. Future Events
Future events:
* MSBA Leadership Conference - January 13-14, 2022 * No School Gr. E-12 - January 17, 2022 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day * Joint School Board & Legislative Dinner - January 24, 2022 - DSC - 5:00 pm * School Board Meeting - January 24, 2022 - DSC - 6:00 pm |
Subject: |
15. Closed Session
The meeting will be closed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law (Minn. Stat. 13D.03) for the purpose of discussing negotiation strategy.
Subject: |
16. Adjourn Regular Meeting and Transition to Closed Meeting
Subject: |
17. Open Meeting and Adjourn