Meeting Agenda
1. Open Forum
2. Call to Order
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
6.B. Bank Reconciliation Statements
6.C. Approval of School Board Minutes
6.D. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
6.E. 2017-18 Membership in SEE (Schools for Equity in Education)
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
8. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
9. Personnel Items
9.A. Candidates for Employment
9.B. Approval of Leaves of Absence
9.C. Additional Educational Support Staff (ESS) for 2017-18
10. Unfinished Business
10.A. Dan Patch Scoreboard Land Lease Agreement
10.B. District Facilities Planning Presentation
11. New Business
11.A. Award Bakery Products and Milk & Dairy Contracts for 2017-18
11.B. 2017-18 Preliminary Budget Presentation Including Enrollment Update
11.C. 2017-18 Property, Liability and Worker’s Comp Insurance Renewal
11.D. 2017 LTFM Bid Approval
11.E. Approval of Resolution (SW Metro Intermediate School District #288 LTFM Program Budget)
12. Policy
13. Administrative Reports
13.A. Superintendent Report
13.B. Administrator Reports
13.C. Board Reports
14. Future Events
15. Closed Session to Discuss Negotiation Strategy
16. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 12, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Open Forum
In accordance to board policy 203, a fifteen minute time period is set aside to receive citizen input through this open forum segment on the board agenda. Sign up sheets available 10 minutes prior to meeting time at the door.
Subject: |
2. Call to Order
Subject: |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
4. Roll Call
Subject: |
5. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
6. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed.
Subject: |
6.A. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
Available for review in the superintendent's office - treasurer has received the report.
Subject: |
6.B. Bank Reconciliation Statements
March 2017
April 2017 |
Subject: |
6.C. Approval of School Board Minutes
* Regular Board Meeting - May 8, 2017
* Board Study Session - May 22, 2017 |
Subject: |
6.D. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
1. Elizabeth Baer - 3rd Grade Teacher - GW (effective June 9, 2017)
2. Ellen Bittner - Custodian - ALC (effective June 8, 2017) 3. Leah Bulver - Kindergarten Teacher - WW (effective June 9, 2017) 4. Jenece Diedrich - District Nurse - GW (effective end of SY) 5. Rose Dill - Child Nutrition Services - RR (effective June 8, 2017) 6. Neil Engler - Middle School Cross Country Coach - HO/TO (effective immediately) 7. Angela Fischer - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - FH (effective May 9, 2017) 8. Tracy Ford - Student Support Para (Kindergarten) - RR (effective April 6, 2017) 9. Rebecca Friendshuh - District Nurse - GD/RR (effective June 9, 2017) 10. Erin Gleason-Nordstrom - Elementary Music Specialist - WW/EW (effective June 9, 2017) 11. Rachel Hammarberg - Kids' Company Assistant - KC (effective immediately) 12. Britney Hegg - Child Nutrition - HO (effective May 15, 2017) 13. Mindee Hemann - Head Secretary - GW (effective June 30, 2017) 14. Maurice Hodges - B Squad Boys Basketball Coach - HS (effective immediately) 15. Kirby Meiners - 9th Grade Baseball Coach - HS (effective June 5, 2017) 16. Mohamed Mohamed - Kids' Company Assistant - KC (effective August 17, 2017) 17. Sam Richardson - Elementary Principal - GD (effective June 30, 2017) 18. Colleen Schmidt - Student Services Secretary - HS (effective June 15, 2017) 19. Edward Souza - Student Support Para (Special Ed) - GD (effective May 19, 2017) 20. Jillian Sullivan - Spanish Immersion Teacher - EW (effective immediately) 21. John Tolbert - MS Wrestling Coach - TO/HO (effective immediately) 22. Sara Tribby - Kids' Company - RR (effective immediately) 22. Alex Van Krevelen - 10th Grade Football Coach - HS (effective immediately) 23. Richard Wittman - Custodian - JP (effective August 30, 2017) 24. Victoria Wright - Senior Class/Prom Advisor (50%) - HS (effective immediately) |
Subject: |
6.E. 2017-18 Membership in SEE (Schools for Equity in Education)
Subject: |
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
Each item of the resolution does not need to be read aloud, however, board approval of the resolution as a whole by roll call vote is requested.
Subject: |
8. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
* "What Bridges has done for me" video showcasing several students/classes. Coordinator David Brown
* Honoring Henry Drewes, School Board Student Representative |
Subject: |
9. Personnel Items
Subject: |
9.A. Candidates for Employment
The board is requested to take action on the candidates for employment as presented.
Subject: |
9.B. Approval of Leaves of Absence
Board approval of the following leaves of absence is requested:
1. Michelle Neumann - Q-Comp Secretary - DSC (family leave - May 25-June 16, 2017) 2. Julie Smith - Speech Language Pathologist - EW (family leave - SY 2017-18) |
Subject: |
9.C. Additional Educational Support Staff (ESS) for 2017-18
Board approval is requested.
Subject: |
10. Unfinished Business
Subject: |
10.A. Dan Patch Scoreboard Land Lease Agreement
The board and the Facilities Committee has reviewed the extension of the land lease to match the loan agreement. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
10.B. District Facilities Planning Presentation
Subject: |
11. New Business
Subject: |
11.A. Award Bakery Products and Milk & Dairy Contracts for 2017-18
Board action is requested to award the bakery and milk/dairy contracts to the apparent lowest bidders, as presented. (Milk & Dairy and Bakery Products on same bid analysis document)
Subject: |
11.B. 2017-18 Preliminary Budget Presentation Including Enrollment Update
The board is requested to approve the 2017-18 preliminary budget, as presented.
Subject: |
11.C. 2017-18 Property, Liability and Worker’s Comp Insurance Renewal
District insurances costs are increasing 5.07% for current coverage. The largest increase is in Cyber Liability Insurance due to increasing coverage to $1M (maximum liability available through EMC). The recommendation is to stay with EMC insurance for 2017-18.
Subject: |
11.D. 2017 LTFM Bid Approval
The recommendation is to award the 2017 Long Term Facilities Maintenance Projects to the apparent low bidders as presented and the approval to remove the bid from Ebert Construction. Board action is requested.
Subject: |
11.E. Approval of Resolution (SW Metro Intermediate School District #288 LTFM Program Budget)
Approval of the following resolution is requested:
Resolution approving SW Metro Intermediate School District No. 288's Long-Term Facility Maintenance Program Budget and authorizing the inclusion of a proportionate share of those projects in the district's application for long-term facility maintenance revenue. Roll call vote is requested. |
Subject: |
12. Policy
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13. Administrative Reports
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13.A. Superintendent Report
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13.B. Administrator Reports
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13.C. Board Reports
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14. Future Events
* New...School Board Study Session - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - DSC - 5:00 pm (light dinner served)
* Dan Patch Days - Savage - June 22-June 25, 2017 * Board Study Session - June 26, 2017 - DSC - 6:00 pm |
Subject: |
15. Closed Session to Discuss Negotiation Strategy
The meeting will be closed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law (Minn. Stat. 13D.03) for the purpose of discussing negotiation strategy.
Subject: |
16. Adjourn